def SearchAmazon(self, op): """Find Amazon listings based on given search terms. Add the results to a list. Parameters: terms= A string containing search terms. addtolist= A list name to add results to. """ params = op.params r = self.mwsapi.ListMatchingProducts( priority=op.priority, MarketplaceId=self.mwsapi.api.market_id(), Query=params['terms']) if self.is_error_response(r, op): return parser = ListMatchingProductsParser(r.readAll().data().decode()) for product in parser.products: # Update the product's info amz_listing = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, AmazonListing, sku=product.asin) product.update(amz_listing) # Update the product's category category = dbhelpers.get_or_create_category( self.dbsession, product.product_category_id, product.product_group) amz_listing.category = category # Schedule an update to fill in the rest of the product info self.dbsession.add( Operation.UpdateAmazonListing(listing=amz_listing, priority=op.priority)) # Add to list if 'addtolist' in params: add_list = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, List, name=params['addtolist'], is_amazon=True) dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, ListMembership, list=add_list, listing=amz_listing) op.complete = True
def UpdateAmazonListing(self, op): """Update pricing, salesrank, offers, and merchant info for listing, then add to product history. Parameters: log= Add the new product data to the log repeat= Repeat this operation after the given number of minutes. testmargins: Create a TestMargins operation if the criteria are met. salesrank= Sales Rank must be below the given value. threshold= The minimum require profit margin to add to the list. list= The name of the list to add matches to. """ amz_listing = op.listing params = op.params r = self.paapi.ItemLookup( priority=op.priority, ItemId=amz_listing.sku, ResponseGroup='OfferFull,SalesRank,ItemAttributes') if self.is_error_response(r, op): return parser = ItemLookupParser(r.readAll().data().decode()) product = parser.product if product: product.update(amz_listing) else: code = parser.xpath_get('.//Error/Code') message = parser.xpath_get('.//Error/Message') op.error = True op.message = 'ItemLookup failed for ASIN %s: %s. %s' % ( amz_listing.sku, code, message) return parser.product.update(amz_listing) # Update the merchant merchant = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, AmazonMerchant, name=parser.product.merchant or 'N/A') amz_listing.merchant = merchant # ItemLookup tells us the current buy box price, but not including shipping. Call GetLowestOffListings # to get the lowest offer INCLUDING shipping. This is *probably* the buy box price r = self.mwsapi.GetLowestOfferListingsForASIN( priority=op.priority, MarketplaceId=self.mwsapi.api.market_id(), ASINList=[amz_listing.sku], ItemCondition='New') if self.is_error_response(r, op): return parser = GetLowestOfferListingsForASINParser( r.readAll().data().decode()) result = next(parser.get_product_info()) if result['error']: op.error = True op.message = result['message'] return else: amz_listing.price = max(amz_listing.price or 0, result['price'] or 0) or None # amz_listing.hasprime = result['prime'] # Test margins? if 'testmargins' in params: if 'salesrank' not in params['testmargins'] \ or (amz_listing.salesrank and amz_listing.salesrank <= params['testmargins']['salesrank']): test_op = Operation.TestMargins(listing=amz_listing, params=params['testmargins'], priority=op.priority) self.dbsession.add(test_op) if 'log' in params and params['log'] == True: self.dbsession.add( AmzProductHistory(, salesrank=amz_listing.salesrank, hasprime=amz_listing.hasprime, price=amz_listing.price, merchant_id=amz_listing.merchant_id, offers=amz_listing.offers, op.message = None if 'repeat' in params and params['repeat'] > 0: op.scheduled = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( minutes=params['repeat']) else: op.complete = True
def FindAmazonMatches(self, op): """Query Amazon for products matching a given listing. Parameters: linkif: create a link only if the conditions are met conf= match confidence greater than or equal to the given value. testmargins: Create a TestMargins operation if the conditions are met. salesrank= Maximum sales rank list= The name of the list given to TestMargins threshold= The minimum margin threshold given to TestMargins """ vnd_listing = op.listing params = op.params title = str(vnd_listing.title).replace(vnd_listing.brand, '').replace( vnd_listing.model, '').strip() query = ' '.join([vnd_listing.brand, vnd_listing.model, title]) r = self.mwsapi.ListMatchingProducts( priority=op.priority, MarketplaceId=self.mwsapi.api.market_id(), Query=query) if self.is_error_response(r, op): return parser = ListMatchingProductsParser(r.readAll().data().decode()) for product in parser.products: # Update the product info amz_listing = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, AmazonListing, sku=product.asin) product.update(amz_listing) # Update the product category category = dbhelpers.get_or_create_category( self.dbsession, product.product_category_id, product.product_group) amz_listing.category = category # Create a link between the two listings. If it doesn't meet the criteria, expunge() it below. link = dbhelpers.link_products(self.dbsession, amz=amz_listing, vnd=vnd_listing) # Link criteria - it meets the threshold, or no threshold was provided add_cond_1 = 'linkif' in params \ and 'conf' in params['linkif'] \ and link.confidence >= float(params['linkif']['conf']) add_cond_2 = 'linkif' not in params if add_cond_1 or add_cond_2: # Test margins? if 'testmargins' in params: if 'salesrank' not in params['testmargins'] \ or (product.salesrank and product.salesrank <= params['testmargins']['salesrank']): update_op = Operation.UpdateAmazonListing( listing=amz_listing, params={'testmargins': params['testmargins']}, priority=op.priority) self.dbsession.add(update_op) else: self.dbsession.expunge(link) op.message = '%s links found.' % len(vnd_listing.amz_links) op.complete = True
def TestMargins(self, op): """Look at the potential profit margin for a listing, based on available sources. Add the listing to a list if the margin meets a minimum threshold. Parameters: confidence= The minimum confidence level for sources to be considered. threshold= The minimum profit margin to be added to the list. list= The name of the list to add matches to. """ amz_listing = op.listing params = op.params if not amz_listing.price or not amz_listing.quantity: op.complete = True return min_confidence = params.get('confidence', 0) # Get the lowest vendor cost available vnd_unit_cost = self.dbsession.query(func.min(VendorListing.unit_price * (1 + Vendor.tax_rate + Vendor.ship_rate))).\ join(LinkedProducts, LinkedProducts.vnd_listing_id ==\ filter(LinkedProducts.amz_listing_id ==, LinkedProducts.confidence >= min_confidence, == Listing.vendor_id).\ scalar() if vnd_unit_cost is None: op.complete = True return # Test the margin based solely on cost cost = vnd_unit_cost * amz_listing.quantity profit = amz_listing.price - cost if profit / cost < params['threshold']: op.complete = True return # Now get fees price_point = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, AmzPriceAndFees,, price=amz_listing.price) if price_point.fba is None: self.GetMyFeesEstimate(op) fba = price_point.fba or amz_listing.price * .25 prep = price_point.prep or 0 ship = price_point.ship or 0 # Calculate the margin cost = vnd_unit_cost * amz_listing.quantity + prep + ship profit = amz_listing.price - cost - fba if profit / cost < params['threshold']: op.complete = True return # Add to the list dbhelpers.add_ids_to_list(self.dbsession, listing_ids=[], list_name=params['list']) op.complete = True
def on_import_csv(self): """Opens the 'Import CSV' dialog, imports the contents into the database.""" # Show the dialog dialog = ImportCSVDialog(self) ok = dialog.exec() if not ok: return file_name = dialog.filename vendor_name = dialog.vendorname start_row = dialog.startrow end_row = dialog.endrow vendor = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, Vendor, name=vendor_name) self.dbsession.flush() add_list = dbhelpers.get_or_create( self.dbsession, List, name=dialog.list_name) if dialog.list_name else None with open(file_name) as file: dialog = ProgressDialog(minimum=start_row, maximum=end_row, parent=self) dialog.setModal(True) reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in reader: if reader.line_num < start_row: continue elif reader.line_num > end_row: break if dialog.result() == QDialog.Rejected: dialog.close() self.dbsession.rollback() return dialog.progress_value = reader.line_num dialog.status_text = 'Importing row {} of {}...'.format( reader.line_num - start_row, end_row - start_row) QCoreApplication.processEvents() sku = row.get('sku') product = dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, VendorListing,, sku=sku) product.title = row.get('title') product.brand = row.get('brand') product.model = row.get('model') product.upc = row.get('upc') product.quantity = row.get('quantity') product.price = row.get('price') product.url = row.get('url') product.updated = if add_list: dbhelpers.get_or_create(self.dbsession, ListMembership, list=add_list, listing=product) self.dbsession.commit() dialog.close() self.populate_source_box() self.sourceBox.setCurrentText(vendor_name) self.sourceBox.activated.emit(0)