def isBookmarked(conn, sid, uid): '''checks if a work is bookmarked''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''select * from bookmarks where sid=%s and uid=%s''', [sid, uid]) return curs.fetchone()
def uploadBook(dept, course_num, prof, price, condition, title, description): curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) # finds the course the book is for curs.execute( '''select id from courses where department = %s and number = %s and professor = %s''', [dept, course_num, prof]) course_id = curs.fetchone() # finds the A_book the book is for if course_id: curs.execute( '''select book_id from A_book_course where course_id = %s''', [course_id[0]]) book_id = curs.fetchone() else: book_id = 1 # insert the S_book into the database curs.execute( '''insert into S_books(price, sold_status, `condition`, title, description, seller, buyer, book ) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''', [price, 0, condition, title, description, 'jzhao2', None, book_id])
def updateReport(conn, infoDict, reportID, changed): '''Updates the report of the given reportID. infoDict contains the new values for the report, and changed is a boolean that determines whether or not any of the identifying information of the report has been changed (such as the name, dining hall, or date served).''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) # we don't want anyone else changing anything about this report while we're # changing it, and concurrent changes to other reports could affect whether # this update results in a duplicate entry or not curs.execute('''LOCK TABLES report WRITE,label WRITE''') if changed: # duplication is only possible if identifying information has changed print('checking duplicate') if isDuplicate(curs, infoDict): curs.execute('''UNLOCK TABLES''') # don't forget to unlock return False curs.execute( '''UPDATE report SET name=%s,meal=%s,served=%s,hall=%s,imagefile=%s, notes=%s,owner=%s WHERE id=%s''', [ infoDict['name'], infoDict['meal'], infoDict['served'], infoDict['hall'], infoDict['imagefile'], infoDict['notes'], infoDict['owner'], reportID ]) # delete and re-insert labels curs.execute('''DELETE FROM label WHERE id=%s''', [reportID]) insertLabels(conn, infoDict['allergens'], reportID, 'allergen') insertLabels(conn, infoDict['diets'], reportID, 'diet') curs.execute('''UNLOCK TABLES''') # don't forget to unlock return True
def getAuthorId(conn, sid): '''given an sid, gets the uid''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''select uid from works inner join users using (uid) where sid=%s''', [sid]) return curs.fetchone()
def uploadBook(dept, course_num, price, condition, title, author, description, seller, filename, professor, year): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) success = 1 # finds the course the book is for curs.execute( '''select id from courses where department = %s and number = %s''', [dept, course_num]) course_id = curs.fetchone() if course_id is None: # if the user is trying to submit for an non-existing course return course_id else: # insert the book into the database curs.execute( '''insert into books(price, sold_status,`condition`, title, author, `description`,seller,course,pic, professor, `year`) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''', [ price, 0, condition, title, author, description, seller, course_id[0], filename, professor, year ]) return 1
def insertReport(conn, infoDict): '''Inserts a report into the report table given a database connection and a dictionary of values. Returns the unique ID of the just-inserted report.''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('''LOCK TABLES report WRITE,label WRITE''') if isDuplicate(curs, infoDict): curs.execute('''UNLOCK TABLES''') return -1 else: curs.execute( ''' INSERT INTO report(name,meal,served,hall,imagefile,notes,owner) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ''', [ infoDict['name'], infoDict['meal'], infoDict['served'], infoDict['hall'], infoDict['imagefile'], infoDict['notes'], infoDict['owner'] ]) curs.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()') reportID = curs.fetchone()[0] insertLabels(conn, infoDict['allergens'], reportID, 'allergen') insertLabels(conn, infoDict['diets'], reportID, 'diet') curs.execute('''UNLOCK TABLES''') return reportID
def getUserPic(username): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) numrows = curs.execute('''select pic from users where username = %s''', [username]) filename = curs.fetchone() return filename
def insertRequest(conn, bnumber, city, country, guestnum, start, end): '''Inserts a request into the database''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''insert into request(bnumber, guestnum, city, country, start,end) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', [bnumber, guestnum, city, country, start, end])
def getAllNums(): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) curs.execute('''select distinct number from courses order by number asc''') return curs.fetchall()
def getBookPic(bid): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) numrows = curs.execute('''select pic from books where id = %s''', [bid]) filename = curs.fetchone() return filename
def lastUpdated(conn, sid): '''changes updated to current date whenever a work is updated ''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('lock tables works write') curs.execute('''update works set updated = %s where sid = %s''', [, sid]) curs.execute('unlock tables')
def getUIDFirst(conn): '''gets last inserted uid''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('select LAST_INSERT_ID()') row = curs.fetchone() print(row) uid = row[0] return uid
def getCourseNumbers(dept): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) curs.execute( '''select distinct number from courses where department = %s''', [dept]) return curs.fetchall()
def addStory(conn, uid, title, summary): '''given a uid, title, summary, adds the story''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''insert into works(uid, title, summary) values (%s, %s, %s)''', [uid, title, summary]) curs.execute('select last_insert_id()') return curs.fetchone()
def updateMovie(conn, tt, newtt, title, release, addedby, director): '''Updates movie with the given tt from the database with given values''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''update movie set tt=%s, title=%s, `release`=%s, addedby=%s, director=%s where tt=%s''', [newtt, title, release, addedby, director, tt])
def updateUser(conn, new_bnum, email, name, phonenum, bnumber): '''update the user with the given bnumbers information in the database''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''update user set bnumber=%s, email=%s, name=%s, phonenum=%s where bnumber = %s''', [new_bnum, email, name, phonenum, bnumber])
def insertMovie(conn, tt, title, year): '''Given the movie's tt, title, and release year, it inserts the movie to the database''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) addedby = 1380 curs.execute( '''insert into movies(tt, title, `release`, addedby) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)''', [tt, title, year, addedby])
def addTags(conn, sid, genre, warnings, audience, isFin): '''adds tags to a story''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) tagslist = [*genre, *warnings, *audience, *isFin] for i in tagslist: curs.execute( '''insert into taglink(tid, sid) values (%s, %s)''', [i, sid])
def insertPass(conn, username, hashed_str): '''inserts user into database when they make an account''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('lock tables users') curs.execute( '''INSERT INTO users(uid,username,passhash) VALUES(null,%s,%s)''', [username, hashed_str]) curs.execute('unlock tables')
def addComment(conn, commentText, uid, cid): '''adds a comment to a chapter''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''insert into reviews(commenter, reviewText) values(%s, %s)''', [uid, commentText]) curs.execute('select LAST_INSERT_ID()') row = curs.fetchone() rid = row[0] curs.execute('''insert into reviewCredits values(%s, %s)''', [rid, cid])
def getSellingNums(): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) curs.execute('''select distinct number from courses inner join books where ( = books.course) and books.sold_status = 0''') return curs.fetchall()
def checkMovie(conn, tt): '''Given the tt of a movie, it checks if it's in the database and returns null or the title''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select title from movie where tt=%s''', [tt]) s = curs.fetchone() if s is None: return s else: return s[0]
def editListing(conn, pid, newListing): '''Updates a listing with the new information provided in dictionary form''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''update place set city=%s, country=%s, street1=%s, street2=%s, state=%s, maxguest=%s, postalcode=%s where pid=%s''', [ newListing['city'], newListing['country'], newListing['street1'], newListing['street2'], newListing['state'], newListing['maxguest'], newListing['zip'], pid ])
def searchMovie(conn, ask): '''Returns the tt of the first movie that matches the search query''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('''select tt from movie where title like %s''', ['%' + ask + '%']) s = curs.fetchone() if s is None: return s else: return s[0]
def addStory(conn, uid, title, summary, isFin): '''given a uid, title, summary, adds the story''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('lock tables works write') curs.execute( '''insert into works(uid, title, updated, summary, wip, avgRating) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0)''', [uid, title,, summary, isFin]) curs.execute('select last_insert_id()') curs.execute('unlock tables') return curs.fetchone()
def insertListing(conn, bnumber, street1, street2, city, state, zipcode, country, maxguest, start, end): '''Inserts a listing and the corresponding availability''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute( '''insert into place(bnumber, city, country, street1, street2, state, maxguest, postalcode) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', [bnumber, city, country, street1, street2, state, maxguest, zipcode]) pid = curs.lastrowid insertAvailability(conn, pid, start, end) return pid
def insertLabels(conn, infoDict, reportID, kind): '''Inserts the listed and present/followed allergens or diets (depending on kind) given by the provided dictionary and associates them with the given ID. Kind can be one of "allergen" or "diet".''' curs = dbi.cursor(conn) for key in iter(infoDict): for entry in infoDict[key]: curs.execute(''' INSERT INTO label(id,code,labeled,kind) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s) ''', \ [reportID, entry, key, kind])
def setSoldStatus(book_id, status): CONN = getConn('textbooks_db') curs = dbi.cursor(CONN) if status == '1': curs.execute('''UPDATE books SET sold_status = 1 WHERE id=%s''', [book_id]) return 1 else: curs.execute('''UPDATE books SET sold_status = 0 WHERE id=%s''', [book_id]) return 0
def signUp(): ''' gets the info from the sign up form and inserts info into the Users table, otherwise if a field is not filled in, will reupload the page for them to try again ''' if request.method == 'GET': return redirect(url_for('index')) else: try: fullname = request.form['fName'] email = request.form['email'] username = request.form['username'] passwd1 = request.form['password1'] passwd2 = request.form['password2'] profpicPath = 'img/default_profilepic.jpeg' if passwd1 != passwd2: flash('passwords do not match') return redirect(url_for('index')) hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd1.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()) hashed_str = hashed.decode('utf-8') conn = db.getConn(DB) curs = dbi.cursor(conn) try: curs.execute( '''INSERT INTO Users(uid,fullname,email,username,hashed, biotxt, profpicPath) VALUES(null,%s,%s,%s,%s, null, %s)''', [fullname, email, username, hashed_str, profpicPath]) except Exception as err: flash('That username is taken: {}'.format(repr(err))) return redirect(url_for('index')) curs.execute('select last_insert_id()') row = curs.fetchone() uid = row[0] session['username'] = username session['uid'] = uid session['logged_in'] = True session['fullname'] = fullname os.mkdir('static/img/{}'.format(uid)) return redirect(url_for('user', username=username)) except Exception as err: flash('form submission error: field(s) not filled in ' + str(err)) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def updateReport(conn, infoDict, reportID, changed): curs = dbi.cursor(conn) curs.execute('''LOCK TABLES report WRITE,label WRITE''') if changed: print('checking duplicate') if isDuplicate(curs, infoDict): curs.execute('''UNLOCK TABLES''') return False curs.execute( '''UPDATE report SET name=%s,meal=%s,served=%s,hall=%s,imagefile=%s, notes=%s,owner=%s WHERE id=%s''', [ infoDict['name'], infoDict['meal'], infoDict['served'], infoDict['hall'], infoDict['imagefile'], infoDict['notes'], infoDict['owner'], reportID ]) curs.execute('''DELETE FROM label WHERE id=%s''', [reportID]) insertLabels(conn, infoDict['allergens'], reportID, 'allergen') insertLabels(conn, infoDict['diets'], reportID, 'diet') curs.execute('''UNLOCK TABLES''') return True