def updateNonStaticFields(self): reqmes='Поле не должно быть пустым' maxmes='Значение выше допустимого' minmes='Значение ниже допустимого' nummes='Это поле заполнено неверно' datmes='ММ/ЧЧ/ГГГГ или ММ/ЧЧ/ГГ' # adding Form with customers query = "SELECT customer_id,name FROM customers ORDER BY name asc;" info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) info_ok= [(0,'Выберите клиента'),] for el in info: info_ok.append((el[0],el[1]),) self.fields['customer_id'] = forms.ChoiceField(label='Клиент',choices=info_ok) # adding Form with delpoint_id-es query = "SELECT delpoint_id,del_address FROM delpoints ORDER BY del_address asc;" info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) info_ok= [(0,'Выберите пункт доставки'),] for el in info: info_ok.append((el[0],el[1]),) self.fields['delpoint_id'] = forms.ChoiceField(label='Пункт доставки',choices=info_ok) # adding Output 1 query = "SELECT output_id,output_name FROM outputs ORDER BY output_name asc;" outputs=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) outputs_ok = [(0,'Выберите товар'),] for el in outputs: outputs_ok.append((el[0],el[1]),) #ch=[('M','Male'),('F','Female')] self.fields['output_id1'] = forms.ChoiceField(label='Товар',choices=outputs_ok)
def notdelivered (request): infoheader=['Номер','План. дата','Заказ','Ответственный','Транспортное средство','Агент'] query = "select a.order_id, b.plan_date,(select string_agg(y.output_name||' - '||x.quantity||'шт.',', ') as output " query+=" from orders_outputs x inner join outputs y on x.output_id=y.output_id where x.order_id=a.order_id " query+=" group by x.order_id), a.responsible, b.vehicle, b.agent from orders a " query+=" inner join delivery_diagrams b on a.diagram_id=b.diagram_id and b.status=false " query+=" order by b.plan_date asc;" info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) return render_to_response('notdelivered.html',locals())
def updateNonStaticForm(self): # adding orders to delivering_order Form query = "select a.order_id,b.plan_date " query+= "from orders a inner join delivery_diagrams b " query+= "on (a.diagram_id=b.diagram_id and b.status=false);" outputs=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) ord_ok = [(0,'Выберите заказ'),] for el in outputs: ord_ok.append((el[0],"№"+str(el[0])+", план - "+str(el[1])),) self.fields['delivering_order'] = forms.ChoiceField(label='Заказ',choices=ord_ok)
def customers(request): data=False if request.method == 'GET': data=True form = CustomersForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): cd = form.cleaned_data type = str(cd['type']) address = cd['address'] phone = cd['phone'] fax = cd['fax'] email = cd['email'] bank = cd['bank'] account = cd['account'] bik = cd['bik'] inn = cd['inn'] okonh = cd['okonh'] okpo = cd['okpo'] if type=='0' or type=='2': # if 'all' have chosen query = "SELECT customer_id, name, " infoheader=['Номер','Имя'] if address: query+="address, ";infoheader.append('Адрес') if phone: query+="phone, ";infoheader.append('Телефон') if fax: query+="fax, ";infoheader.append('Факс') if email: query+="email, ";infoheader.append('Email') query = query[:-2] if type=='0': query+= " FROM customers;" elif type=='2': query+= " FROM customers WHERE type=TRUE;" elif type=='1': query = "SELECT customers.customer_id,, " infoheader=['Номер','Имя'] if address: query+="customers.address, ";infoheader.append('Адрес') if phone: query+=", ";infoheader.append('Телефон') if fax: query+="customers.fax, ";infoheader.append('Факс') if email: query+=", ";infoheader.append('Email') if bank: query+=", ";infoheader.append('Банк') if account: query+="customers_lp.account, ";infoheader.append('Счёт') if bik: query+="customers_lp.bik, ";infoheader.append('БИК') if inn: query+="customers_lp.inn, ";infoheader.append('ИНН') if okonh: query+="customers_lp.okonh, ";infoheader.append('ОКОНХ') if okpo: query+="customers_lp.okpo, ";infoheader.append('ОКПО') query = query[:-2] query+= " FROM customers RIGHT JOIN customers_lp " query+= " on(customers.customer_id=customers_lp.customer_id);" if type in ('0','1','2'): info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) return render_to_response('customers.html',locals()) return render_to_response('customers.html',locals()) else: form = CustomersForm() return render_to_response('customers.html',locals())
def outputs(request): data = False if 'ctype' in request.GET: data = True infoheader=['id','Name','Price'] query = "SELECT output_id, output_name, output_price FROM outputs" ct=request.GET['ctype'] if ct=='0': query += " ORDER BY output_id" elif ct=='1': query += " ORDER BY output_name" elif ct=='2': query += " ORDER BY output_price" ot=request.GET['ordertype'] if ot=='0': query += " desc;" elif ot == '1': query += " asc;" info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) return render_to_response('outputs.html',locals())
def customers_old(request): data = False if 'ctype' in request.GET: # equals if request was data = True ct=request.GET['ctype'] # what is chosen? if ct=='0' or ct=='2': # if 'all' have chosen query = "SELECT customer_id, name, " infoheader=['id','Name'] if 'showopt' in request.GET: #if any checkbox is selected so=request.GET.getlist('showopt') for h in so: # for each selected checkbox str_h=str(h) if str_h not in('bank','account','bik','inn','okonh','okpo'): query+=str_h+", " infoheader.append(str(h).capitalize()) query = query[:-2] if ct=='0': query+= " FROM customers;" elif ct=='2': query+= " FROM customers WHERE type=TRUE;" elif ct=='1': query = "SELECT customers.customer_id,, " infoheader=['id','Name'] if 'showopt' in request.GET: #if any checkbox is selected so=request.GET.getlist('showopt') for h in so: # for each selected checkbox str_h=str(h) infoheader.append(str(h).capitalize()) if str_h not in('bank','account','bik','inn','okonh','okpo'): query+="customers."+str_h+", " else: query+="customers_lp."+str_h+", " query = query[:-2] query+= " FROM customers RIGHT JOIN customers_lp " query+= " on(customers.customer_id=customers_lp.customer_id);" info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) return render_to_response('customers.html',locals())
def orders(request): infoheader=['Заказ','Клиент','Ответственный','Дата заказа','Сумма','Итого (со скидкой)'] query = "select order_id,customer_id,responsible,order_date,order_amount,order_total " query+= "from orders;" info=util.fetchall_from_sql(query) return render_to_response('orders.html',locals())