Пример #1
class APAFunc(Task):
    def __init__(self):
        self._mq = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq')
        self._xtss = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')

    def execute(self, params):
        self._params = params
        #Check parameters!
        self._check(params, [
            'progID', 'ousUID', 'location', 'pipelineRunDir', 'replicatedCache'
        self._progID = params['progID']
        self._ousUID = params['ousUID']
        self._pipelineRunDirectory = params['pipelineRunDir']
        self._replicatedCache = params['replicatedCache']
        self._location = params['location']

        # Copy the products directory to the replicating cache directory
        # and signal that to the JAO cache
        productsDir = self._findProductsDir(self._progID)
        productsBasedir = os.path.basename(productsDir)
        repCacheDir = os.path.join(self._replicatedCache, productsBasedir)
        print(">>> PipelineDriver: Products dir name:", productsDir)
        print(">>> PipelineDriver: Replicating dir name:", repCacheDir)
        self._copyAndReplaceDir(productsDir, repCacheDir)

        # message = '{"fileType":"productsdir", "cachedAt":"%s", "name": "%s"}' % (self._location,productsBasedir)
        message = {}
        message["fileType"] = "productsdir"
        message["cachedAt"] = self._location
        message["name"] = productsBasedir
        selector = "cached.JAO"
        self._mq.send(message, selector)

        # Copy the weblog to the replicating cache directory
        # and signal that to the JAO *and* the local cache  (if
        # they are not one and the same)
        weblog = self._findWeblog(productsDir, self._ousUID)
        print(">>> PipelineDriver: weblog: copying", weblog, "to",
        shutil.copy(weblog, self._replicatedCache)

        # message = '{"fileType":"weblog", "cachedAt":"%s", "name": "%s"}' % (self._location, os.path.basename(weblog))
        message = {}
        message["fileType"] = "weblog"
        message["cachedAt"] = self._location
        message["name"] = os.path.basename(weblog)

        selector = "cached.JAO"
        self._mq.send(message, selector)
        if self._replicatedCache != "JAO":
            selector = "cached.%s" % self._location
            self._mq.send(message, selector)

        # Send the XML text of the pipeline report to AQUA at JAO
        # We need to BASE64-encode it because it will be wrapped in a JSON field
        timestamp = self._getTimestamp(productsBasedir)
        plReportFile = self._findPipelineReport(productsDir, self._ousUID)
        plReport = dbdrwutils.readTextFileIntoString(plReportFile)
        plReport = dbdrwutils.b64encode(plReport)
        message = '''
                "ousUID" : "%s",
                "timestamp" : "%s",
                "source" : "%s",
                "report" : "%s",
                "productsDir": "%s"
            ''' % (self._ousUID, timestamp, self._replicatedCache, plReport,
        message = json.loads(message)  # convert to a Python dict
        selector = "pipeline.report.JAO"
        self._mq.send(message, selector)

        # We are done, set the OUS state to ReadyForReview
        dbdrwutils.setState(self._xtss, self._ousUID, "ReadyForReview")

    def _isProductsDirectory(self, f, progID):
        return (not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._pipelineRunDirectory, f))
                and f.startswith(progID))

    def _findProductsDir(self, progID):
        "Get the most recent product directory"
        allFiles = os.listdir(self._pipelineRunDirectory)
        prodDirs = [
            f for f in allFiles if self._isProductsDirectory(f, progID)
        prodDir = sorted(prodDirs)[-1:]
        prodDir = prodDir[0]
        print(">>> PipelineDriver: prodDir:", prodDir)
        return os.path.join(self._pipelineRunDirectory, prodDir)

    def _findWeblog(self, productsDir, ousUID):
        # DEMO ONLY: the "products" subdirectory should be looked for
        #            here we just take the hardcoded path
        ousUID = dbdrwutils.encode(ousUID)
        productsDir = os.path.join(productsDir, "SOUS", "GOUS", ousUID,
        for file in os.listdir(productsDir):
            print(">>> PipelineDriver: file:", file)
            if (file.startswith("weblog-") and file.endswith(".zip")):
                return (os.path.join(productsDir, file))
        raise RuntimeError("No weblog found in %s" % productsDir)

    def _findPipelineReport(self, productsDir, ousUID):
        # DEMO ONLY: the "products" subdirectory should be looked for
        #            here we just take the hardcoded path
        ousUID = dbdrwutils.encode(ousUID)
        productsDir = os.path.join(productsDir, "SOUS", "GOUS", ousUID,
        for file in os.listdir(productsDir):
            print(">>> PipelineDriver: file:", file)
            if (file.startswith("pl-report-") and file.endswith(".xml")):
                return (os.path.join(productsDir, file))
        raise RuntimeError("No pipeline report found in %s" % productsDir)

    def _copyAndReplaceDir(self, from_path, to_path):
        if os.path.exists(to_path):
        shutil.copytree(from_path, to_path)

    def _getTimestamp(self, productsDirName):
        If productsDirName is something like '2015.1.00657.S_2018_07_19T08_50_10.228'
        will return 2018-07-19T08:50:10.228
        n = productsDirName.index('_')
        timestamp = productsDirName[n + 1:]
        timestamp = timestamp.replace('_', '-', 2)
        timestamp = timestamp.replace('_', ':')
        return timestamp
Пример #2
        reply = input("Enter [F]ail, [P]ass, [S]emipass, [C]ancel: ")
        reply = reply[0:1].upper()
        if ((reply == 'F') or (reply == 'P') or (reply == 'S')
                or (reply == 'C')):
    if reply == 'C':

    # Set the OUS state according to the QA2 flag
    processQA2flag(ousUID, reply)

    if reply == 'F':

    # Tell the Product Ingestor that it should ingest those Pipeline products
    selector = "ingest.JAO"
    message = '{"ousUID" : "%s", "timestamp" : "%s", "productsDir" : "%s"}' % \
     (ousUID, timestamp, productsDir)
    message = {}
    message["ousUID"] = ousUID
    message["timestamp"] = timestamp
    message["productsDir"] = productsDir
    mq.send(message, selector)

    # Wait some, mainly for effect
    waitTime = random.randint(3, 8)

    # Now we can set the state of the OUS to DeliveryInProgress
    dbdrwutils.setState(xtss, ousUID, "DeliveryInProgress")
Пример #3
class QA2():
    def __init__(self):
        self.weblogsBaseUrl = "http://localhost:8000"
        self.baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984" # CouchDB
        self.dbconn  = DbConnection(self.baseUrl)
        self.dbName  = "pipeline-reports"
        self.xtss   = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
        self.select = "pipeline.report.JAO"
        self.mq     = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq',  select)
    def start(self):
        # Launch the listener in the background
        print(' [*] Waiting for messages matching %s' % (self.select))
        dbdrwutils.bgRun(self.mq.listen, (self.callback,))
        # This is the program's text-based UI
        # Loop forever:
        #   Show Pipeline runs awaiting review
        #    Ask for an OUS UID
        #   Lookup the most recent PL execution for that
        #    Print it out
        #   Ask for Fail, Pass, or SemiPass
        #    Set the OUS state accordingly
        while True:
            print("OUSs ready to be reviewed")
            ouss = self.findReadyForReview()
            if (ouss == None or len(ouss) == 0):
                for ous in ouss:
            ousUID = input('Please enter an OUS UID: ')
            plReport = self.findMostRecentPlReport(ousUID)
            if plReport == None:
                print("No Pipeline executions for OUS", ousUID)
            # We are reviewing this OUS, set its state accordingly
            dbdrwutils.setState(self.xtss, ousUID, "Reviewing")
            timestamp = plReport['timestamp']
            report = dbdrwutils.b64decode(plReport['encodedReport'])
            productsDir = plReport['productsDir']
            source = plReport['source']
            print("Pipeline report for UID %s, processed %s" % (ousUID,timestamp))
            print("Weblog available at: %s/weblogs/%s" % (self.weblogsBaseUrl, dbdrwutils.makeWeblogName(ousUID, timestamp)))
            while True:
                reply = input("Enter [F]ail, [P]ass, [S]emipass, [C]ancel: ")
                reply = reply[0:1].upper()
                if ((reply=='F') or (reply=='P') or (reply=='S') or (reply=='C')):
            if reply == 'C':
            # Set the OUS state according to the QA2 flag
            self.processQA2flag(ousUID, reply)

            if reply == 'F':
            # Tell the Product Ingestor that it should ingest those Pipeline products
            selector = "ingest.JAO"
            message = '{"ousUID" : "%s", "timestamp" : "%s", "productsDir" : "%s"}' % \
                (ousUID, timestamp, productsDir)
            message = {}
            message["ousUID"]      = ousUID
            message["timestamp"]   = timestamp
            message["productsDir"] = productsDir
            self.mq.send(message, selector)
            # Wait some, mainly for effect
            waitTime = random.randint(3,8)
            # Now we can set the state of the OUS to DeliveryInProgress
            dbdrwutils.setState(self.xtss, ousUID, "DeliveryInProgress")

    def savePlReport(self, ousUID, timestamp, encodedReport, productsDir, source):
            Saves a pipeline run report to 'Oracle'
        plReport = {}
        plReport['ousUID'] = ousUID
        plReport['timestamp'] = timestamp
        plReport['encodedReport'] = encodedReport
        plReport['productsDir'] = productsDir
        plReport['source'] = source
        plReportID = timestamp + "." + ousUID

        retcode,msg = self.dbconn.save(self.dbName, plReportID, plReport)
        if retcode != 201:
            raise RuntimeError("Error saving Pipeline report: %d, %s" % (retcode,msg))

    def findMostRecentPlReport(self, ousUID):
        selector = { "selector": { "ousUID": ousUID }}
        retcode,reports = self.dbconn.find(self.dbName, selector)
        if len(reports) == 0:
            return None
        if retcode != 200:
            return None
        # Find the most recent report and return it
        reports.sort(key=lambda x: x['timestamp'], reverse=True)
        return reports[0]

    def findReadyForReview(self):
        selector = {
           "selector": {
              "state": "ReadyForReview"
        retcode,ouss = self.dbconn.find("status-entities", selector)
        if len(ouss) == 0:
            return None
        if retcode != 200:
            return None
        ouss.sort(key=lambda x: x['entityId'])
        return ouss

    def processQA2flag(self, ousUID, flag):
        "Flag should be one of 'F' (fail), 'P' (pass) or 'S' (semi-pass)"
        newState = "ReadyForProcessing" if (flag == "F") else "Verified"
        print(">>> Setting the state of", ousUID, "to", newState)
        # Set the OUS state according to the input flag
        dbdrwutils.setState(self.xtss, ousUID, newState)
        if flag == "F":
            dbdrwutils.setSubstate(self.xtss, ousUID, "")    # Clear Pipeline recipe

    def callback(self, message):
        Message is a JSON object:
            ousUID is the UID of the OUS
             source is the executive where the Pipeline was running 
             report is the report's XML text, BASE64-encoded
             timestamp is the Pipeline run's timestamp
            productsDir is the name of the products directory for that Pipeline run
        For instance
                "ousUID" : "uid://X1/X1/Xaf", 
                "source" : "EU", 
                  "report" : "Cjw/eG1sIHZlcnNpb2..."
                 "timestamp" : "2018-07-19T08:50:10.228", 
                "productsDir": "2015.1.00657.S_2018_07_19T08_50_10.228"
        # print(">>> message:", message)
        ousUID        = message["ousUID"]
        source        = message["source"]
        encodedReport = message["report"]
        timestamp     = message["timestamp"]
        productsDir   = message["productsDir"]
        # report = dbdrwutils.b64decode(encodedReport)
        # print(">>> report:", report)
        # Save the report to Oracle
        self.savePlReport(ousUID, timestamp, encodedReport, productsDir, source)
        print(">>> AQUA/QA2: saved PL report: ousUID=%s, timestamp=%s" % (ousUID,timestamp))
Пример #4
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import argparse
sys.path.insert(0, "../shared")
from dbmsgq import MqConnection

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
args = parser.parse_args()

queue = MqConnection("localhost", "msgq")

queue.joinGroup(args.groupName, listener="listener.NA")
queue.joinGroup(args.groupName, listener="listener.EA")
queue.joinGroup(args.groupName, listener="listener.EU")

msg = {}
msg['text'] = "all is fine"
queue.send(msg, "selector.*")
queue.send(msg, "selector.NA")