def reset(self, userId, currentAuth): """ 重置用户密码 111111 """ count = 0 try: besql = """ SELECT 1 FROM man_auth_user WHERE USER_ID='{}' AND USER_PWD='96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112'; """.format(userId) res = PySQL.execute(besql) if res > 0: Utils.log('愿密码已为默认值') return True sql = """ UPDATE man_auth_user SET USER_PWD=Default WHERE USER_ID='{}' AND USER_AUTH >= '{}'; """.format(userId, currentAuth) Utils.log(sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) print(count) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def status(self, bugId, status, currentUser): """ 查询调试记录列表 """ try: bugSQL = """ UPDATE man_pro_bug SET BUG_STATUS='{status}', HANDLE_BY='{handleBy}', HANDLE_TIME='{handleTime}' WHERE BUG_ID='{bugId}'; """.format(status='created' if status == 'reset' else status, handleBy=currentUser, handleTime=Utils.getLocalTime(), bugId=bugId) recordSQL = """ INSERT INTO man_bug_record( ID, BUG_ID, BUG_STATUS, HANDLE_BY, HANDLE_TIME )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(Utils.makeId(), bugId, status, currentUser, Utils.getLocalTime()) Utils.log('更新问题状态SQL', bugSQL) Utils.log('插入调试记录SQL', recordSQL) return PySQL.execute(bugSQL) > 0 and PySQL.execute(recordSQL) > 0 except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return False
def list(self, page, size, proName, userName, modName, limitTime, currentUser): """ 查询分配任务记录 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT task.*, member.PRO_NAME, member.USER_NAME FROM man_pro_task AS task LEFT JOIN man_pro_member AS member ON task.PRO_ID = member.PRO_ID AND task.USER_ID = member.USER_ID WHERE 1=1 {}{}{}{}{} ORDER BY MODULE_END ASC, CREATE_TIME DESC LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( ' AND PRO_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(proName) if proName else '', ' AND USER_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', ' AND MODULE_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(modName) if modName else '', ' AND MODULE_END <= "{}"'.format(limitTime) if limitTime else '', ' AND USER_CREATOR = "{}"'.format(currentUser) if currentUser else '', start=start, size=size) Utils.log('查询数据库任务列表SQL', sql) list = PySQL.get(sql) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_pro_task AS task LEFT JOIN man_pro_member AS member ON task.PRO_ID = member.PRO_ID AND task.USER_ID = member.USER_ID WHERE 1=1 {}{}{}{}{} """.format( ' AND PRO_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(proName) if proName else '', ' AND USER_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', ' AND MODULE_NAME = "{}"'.format(modName) if modName else '', ' AND MODULE_END <= "{}"'.format(limitTime) if limitTime else '', ' AND USER_CREATOR = "{}"'.format(currentUser) if currentUser else '', ) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def getList(self, page, size, proId, userCreator, userId, userName): """ 查询数据库 user 列表 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT user.* FROM man_auth_user AS user WHERE (user.USER_CREATOR='{userCreator}' OR user.USER_ID='{userCreator}') {id}{name} AND user.USER_ID NOT IN ( SELECT member.USER_ID FROM man_pro_member AS member WHERE member.USER_CREATOR='{userCreator}' AND member.PRO_ID='{proId}' ) ORDER BY USER_ID LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( userCreator=userCreator, proId=proId, id=' AND USER_ID like "%{}%"'.format(userId) if userId else '', name=' AND USER_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', start=start, size=size) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_auth_user AS user WHERE (user.USER_CREATOR='{userCreator}' OR user.USER_ID='{userCreator}') {id}{name} AND user.USER_ID NOT IN ( SELECT member.USER_ID FROM man_pro_member AS member WHERE member.USER_CREATOR='{userCreator}' AND member.PRO_ID='{proId}' ) ORDER BY USER_ID; """.format( userCreator=userCreator, proId=proId, id=' AND USER_ID like "%{}%"'.format(userId) if userId else '', name=' AND USER_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '') Utils.log('查询项目成员列表 {}'.format(sql)) list = PySQL.get(sql) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def getList(self, page, size, userId, userName, userAuth, userLogin, userCreator): """ 查询数据库用户列表 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT USER_ID,USER_NAME,USER_AUTH,USER_LOGIN,USER_CREATOR,USER_CRE_TIME FROM man_auth_user WHERE 1=1 {}{}{}{}{}{} ORDER BY USER_AUTH, USER_ID LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( ' AND USER_ID like "%{}%"'.format(userId) if userId else '', ' AND USER_Name like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', ' AND USER_AUTH = "{}"'.format(userAuth) if userAuth else '', ' AND USER_LOGIN = "******"'.format(userLogin) if userLogin else '', ' AND USER_CREATOR = "{}"'.format(userCreator) if userCreator and userCreator != 'admin' else '', ' OR USER_ID = "{}"'.format(userCreator) if userCreator and userCreator != 'admin' else '', start=start, size=size) Utils.log('查询数据库用户列表SQL', sql) list = PySQL.get(sql) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_auth_user WHERE 1=1 {}{}{}{}{}{}; """.format( ' AND USER_ID like "%{}%"'.format(userId) if userId else '', ' AND USER_Name like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', ' AND USER_AUTH = "{}"'.format(userAuth) if userAuth else '', ' AND USER_LOGIN = "******"'.format(userLogin) if userLogin else '', ' AND USER_CREATOR = "{}"'.format(userCreator) if userCreator and userCreator != 'admin' else '', ' OR USER_ID = "{}"'.format(userCreator) if userCreator and userCreator != 'admin' else '', ) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def getInfo(self, page, size, proId, userId, userName): """ 查询数据库 project-user 列表 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT mem.*, task.MODULE_ID, task.MODULE_NAME FROM man_pro_member AS mem LEFT JOIN man_pro_task AS task ON mem.PRO_ID = task.PRO_ID AND mem.USER_ID = task.USER_ID WHERE mem.PRO_ID='{proId}' {id}{name} ORDER BY mem.USER_ID LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( proId=proId, id=' AND mem.USER_ID like "%{}%"'.format(userId) if userId else '', name=' AND mem.USER_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', start=start, size=size) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_pro_member AS mem LEFT JOIN man_pro_task AS task ON mem.PRO_ID = task.PRO_ID AND mem.USER_ID = task.USER_ID WHERE mem.PRO_ID='{proId}' {id}{name} ORDER BY mem.USER_ID LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( proId=proId, id=' AND mem.USER_ID like "%{}%"'.format(userId) if userId else '', name=' AND mem.USER_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(userName) if userName else '', start=start, size=size) list = PySQL.get(sql) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) Utils.log('查询项目成员负责模块 {}'.format(sql)) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def insert(self, proId, proName, modId, modName, bugTitle, bugLevel, bugDes, userId, currentUser): """ 添加新建问题记录 """ count = 0 try: bugId = Utils.makeId() sql = """ INSERT INTO man_pro_bug( BUG_ID, PRO_ID, PRO_NAME, MODULE_ID, MODULE_NAME, BUG_TITLE, BUG_LEVEL, BUG_DES, CREATE_BY, CREATE_TIME, HANDLE_BY, HANDLE_TIME )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(bugId, proId, proName, modId, modName, bugTitle, bugLevel, bugDes, currentUser, Utils.getLocalTime(), userId if userId else currentUser, Utils.getLocalTime()) recordSQL = """ INSERT INTO man_bug_record( ID, BUG_ID, BUG_STATUS, HANDLE_BY, HANDLE_TIME )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(Utils.makeId(), bugId, 'created', currentUser, Utils.getLocalTime()) Utils.log('打印新建问题SQL', sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) PySQL.execute(recordSQL) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def append(self, proId, proName, userCreator, allUsers): """ 添加 project 记录 """ count = 0 try: tmp = [] for u in allUsers: tmp.append("('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}')".format( proId, proName, u['userId'], u['userName'], userCreator)) t = ",".join(tmp) Utils.log(t) sql = """ INSERT INTO man_pro_member( PRO_ID, PRO_NAME, USER_ID, USER_NAME, USER_CREATOR )VALUES {}; """.format(t) Utils.log('打印创建项目SQL', sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def insert(self, proId, userId, modId, modName, modDes, modStart, modEnd): """ 添加分配任务记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ INSERT INTO man_pro_task( PRO_ID, USER_ID, MODULE_ID, MODULE_NAME, MODULE_DES, MODULE_START, MODULE_END, CREATE_TIME )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(proId, userId, modId, modName, modDes, modStart, modEnd, Utils.getLocalTime()) Utils.log('打印创建项目SQL', sql) count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def insert(self, proName, proType, proUse, proDes, userCreator): """ 添加 project 记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ INSERT INTO man_pro_info( PRO_ID, PRO_NAME, PRO_TYPE, PRO_LEADER, PRO_USE, PRO_CRE_TIME, PRO_DES )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(self.makeProId(), proName, proType, userCreator, proUse, Utils.getLocalTime(), proDes) Utils.log('打印创建项目SQL', sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def insert(self, userId, userName, userAuth, userLogin, userCreator): """ 添加用户记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ INSERT INTO man_auth_user( USER_ID, USER_NAME, USER_AUTH, USER_LOGIN, USER_CREATOR, USER_CRE_TIME )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(userId, userName, userAuth, userLogin, userCreator, Utils.getLocalTime()) Utils.log('添加用户记录SQL', sql) count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def inset(self, fileName, projectId, projectName, uploadBy): """ 上传文件信息入库 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ INSERT INTO man_pro_file( ID, FILE_NAME, PRO_ID, PRO_NAME, UPLOAD_BY, UPLOAD_TIME )VALUES( '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}' ); """.format(Utils.makeId(), fileName, projectId, projectName, uploadBy, Utils.getLocalTime()) Utils.log('打印上传文件信息入库SQL', sql) count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def checkLogin(self, id, pwd): """ 检查登录信息,验证账户密码是否正确 """ try: sql = "SELECT * FROM man_auth_user WHERE USER_LOGIN='******' AND USER_ID='{0}' AND USER_PWD='{1}';".format( id, pwd) sqlTotal = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_auth_user WHERE USER_LOGIN='******' AND USER_ID='{0}' AND USER_PWD='{1}';".format( id, pwd) list = PySQL.get(sql) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def list(self, page, size, proName, fileName, uploadStart, uploadEnd, userCreator): """ 查询上传服务器的文件列表 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT file.*, CONCAT( '{downPath}', file.FILE_NAME ) AS FILE_URL FROM man_pro_file AS file WHERE 1=1 {}{}{} ORDER BY UPLOAD_TIME DESC LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( ' AND PRO_Name like "%{}%"'.format(proName) if proName else '', ' AND FILE_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(fileName) if fileName else '', ' AND UPLOAD_TIME BETWEEN "{}" AND "{}"'.format( uploadStart, uploadEnd) if uploadStart and uploadEnd else '', downPath=DOWNLOAD_HOST, start=start, size=size) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_pro_file AS file WHERE 1=1 {}{}{} ORDER BY UPLOAD_TIME DESC; """.format( ' AND PRO_Name like "%{}%"'.format(proName) if proName else '', ' AND FILE_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(fileName) if fileName else '', ' AND UPLOAD_TIME BETWEEN "{}" AND "{}"'.format( uploadStart, uploadEnd) if uploadStart and uploadEnd else '', ) Utils.log('查询数据库上传服务器的文件列表SQL', sql) list = PySQL.get(sql) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def getList(self, page, size, proId, proName, proType, proUse, userCreator): """ 查询数据库 project 列表 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT info.*,type.TYPE_TEXT FROM man_pro_info AS info, man_pro_type AS type WHERE info.PRO_TYPE=type.TYPE_ID {}{}{}{}{} ORDER BY PRO_ID LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format( ' AND PRO_ID like "%{}%"'.format(proId) if proId else '', ' AND PRO_Name like "%{}%"'.format(proName) if proName else '', ' AND PRO_TYPE = "{}"'.format(proType) if proType else '', ' AND PRO_USE = "{}"'.format(proUse) if proUse else '', ' AND PRO_LEADER = "{}"'.format(userCreator) if userCreator else '', start=start, size=size) Utils.log('查询数据库 project 列表SQL', sql) list = PySQL.get(sql) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_pro_info AS info, man_pro_type AS type WHERE info.PRO_TYPE=type.TYPE_ID {}{}{}{}{} ORDER BY PRO_ID; """.format( ' AND PRO_ID like "%{}%"'.format(proId) if proId else '', ' AND PRO_NAME like "%{}%"'.format(proName) if proName else '', ' AND PRO_TYPE = "{}"'.format(proType) if proType else '', ' AND PRO_USE = "{}"'.format(proUse) if proUse else '', ' AND PRO_LEADER = "{}"'.format(userCreator) if userCreator else '') total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def valid(self, proId): """ 校验项目是否已分配成员和模块 """ count = 0 try: userSQl = """ SELECT 1 from man_pro_member WHERE PRO_ID='{proId}'; """.format(proId=proId) moduleSQL = """ SELECT 1 from man_pro_module WHERE PRO_ID='{proId}'; """.format(proId=proId) count = 1 if PySQL.execute(userSQl) > 0 or PySQL.execute( moduleSQL) > 0 else 0 except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def getList(self): """ 查询 projec type 列表 """ try: sql = "SELECT CONVERT(TYPE_ID, char) AS TYPE_ID, TYPE_TEXT FROM man_pro_type;" list = PySQL.get(sql) return list except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return []
def updatePwd(self, id, pwd, new): """ 检查登录信息,修改账户密码 """ try: sql = "UPDATE man_auth_user SET USER_PWD='{2}' WHERE USER_ID='{0}' AND USER_PWD='{1}';".format( id, pwd, new) return PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return 0
def record(self, page, size, currentUserr): """ 查询调试记录列表 """ start = (int(page) - 1) * int(size) try: sql = """ SELECT record.*, bug.PRO_NAME, bug.MODULE_NAME, bug.BUG_TITLE, bug.BUG_LEVEL, bug.BUG_DES FROM man_bug_record AS record LEFT JOIN man_pro_bug AS bug ON record.BUG_ID = bug.BUG_ID WHERE bug.PRO_ID IN ( SELECT DISTINCT member.PRO_ID FROM man_pro_member AS member WHERE member.USER_ID = '{userId}' ) ORDER BY HANDLE_TIME DESC LIMIT {start}, {size}; """.format(userId=currentUserr, start=start, size=size) sqlTotal = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_bug_record AS record LEFT JOIN man_pro_bug AS bug ON record.BUG_ID = bug.BUG_ID WHERE bug.PRO_ID IN ( SELECT DISTINCT member.PRO_ID FROM man_pro_member AS member WHERE member.USER_ID = '{userId}' ); """.format(userId=currentUserr) Utils.log('查询问题列表SQL', sql) list = PySQL.get(sql) total = PySQL.count(sqlTotal) return list, total except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return [], 0
def validInsert(self, userId): """ 检查用户名是否存在 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM man_auth_user WHERE USER_ID="{}"; """.format(userId) count = PySQL.count(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def delete(self, modId): """ 删除任务进度 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ DELETE FROM man_pro_rate WHERE MODULE_ID='{}'; """.format(modId) Utils.log(sql) count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def delete(self, fileId, userCreator): """ 删除文件 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ DELETE FROM man_pro_file WHERE ID='{}'; """.format(fileId) Utils.log("删除项目文件", sql) count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def delete(self, proId): """ 删除 project 记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ DELETE FROM man_pro_info WHERE PRO_ID='{}'; """.format(proId) Utils.log(sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def valid(self, proId, userId): """ 校验成员是否已分配任务 """ count = 0 try: SQL = """ SELECT 1 FROM man_pro_task WHERE PRO_ID='{proId}' AND USER_ID='{userId}'; """.format(proId=proId, userId=userId) Utils.log('打印校验成员SQL', SQL) # print log count = PySQL.execute(SQL) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def delete(self, userId, currentAuth): """ 删除用户记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ DELETE FROM man_auth_user WHERE USER_ID='{}' AND USER_AUTH > '{}'; """.format(userId, currentAuth) Utils.log(sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def remove(self, proId, userId): """ 移除成员信息, 如果已分配任务则不能移除 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ DELETE FROM man_pro_member WHERE PRO_ID='{proId}' AND USER_ID='{userId}'; """.format(proId=proId, userId=userId) Utils.log('打印移除成员SQL', sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def getListAll(self, proId): """ 查询数据库所属项目成员列表 """ try: sql = """ SELECT USER_ID, USER_NAME FROM man_pro_member WHERE PRO_ID='{proId}' ORDER BY USER_NAME ASC; """.format(proId=proId) list = PySQL.get(sql) return list except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return []
def query(self, proId, userId): """ 查询数据库项目模块列表 """ try: sql = """ SELECT task.MODULE_ID, task.MODULE_NAME FROM man_pro_task AS task WHERE task.PRO_ID='{}' ORDER BY CREATE_TIME; """.format(proId) Utils.log('查询数据库项目模块列表SQL', sql) list = PySQL.get(sql) return list except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return []
def update(self, proId, proType, proUse, proDes): """ 修改 project 记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ UPDATE man_pro_info SET PRO_TYPE='{}', PRO_USE='{}', PRO_DES='{}' WHERE PRO_ID='{}'; """.format(proType, proUse, proDes, proId) Utils.log(sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0
def update(self, userId, userName, userAuth, userLogin, currentAuth): """ 修改用户记录 """ count = 0 try: sql = """ UPDATE man_auth_user SET USER_NAME='{}', USER_AUTH='{}', USER_LOGIN='******' WHERE USER_ID='{}' AND USER_AUTH > '{}'; """.format(userName, userAuth, userLogin, userId, currentAuth) Utils.log(sql) # print log count = PySQL.execute(sql) except Exception as e: print('ERROR {}'.format(e)) Utils.log('ERROR {}'.format(e)) return count > 0