Пример #1
def test_compression_correctness():
    session = Session()
    ops = compressed_operations(session.query(models.Operation).all())
    groups = group_by(lambda op: (op.content_type_id, op.row_id), ops)
    for g in groups.itervalues():
        assert len(g) == 1
    # assert correctness when compressing operations from a pull
    # message
    pull_ops = [
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=1),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=2),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=3),
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=4),
        # result of above should be a single 'i'
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=5),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=6),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=7),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=8),
        # result of above should be a single 'd'
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=3, row_id=1, order=9),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=3, row_id=1, order=10),
        # result of above should be an 'u'
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=4, row_id=1, order=11),
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=4, row_id=1, order=12),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=4, row_id=1, order=13),
        # result of above should be no operations
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=5, row_id=1, order=14),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=5, row_id=1, order=15),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=5, row_id=1, order=16),
        # result of above should be a single 'd'
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=6, row_id=1, order=17),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=6, row_id=1, order=18),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=6, row_id=1, order=19),
        # result of above should be an 'u'
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=7, row_id=1, order=20),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=7, row_id=1, order=21),
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=7, row_id=1, order=22)
        # result of above should be an 'u'
    compressed = compressed_operations(pull_ops)
    logging.info("len(compressed) == {0}".format(len(compressed)))
    logging.info("\n".join(repr(op) for op in compressed))
    assert len(compressed) == 6
    assert compressed[0].command == 'i'
    assert compressed[1].command == 'd'
    assert compressed[2].command == 'u'
    assert compressed[3].command == 'd'
    assert compressed[4].command == 'u'
    assert compressed[5].command == 'u'
Пример #2
def test_compression_correctness():
    session = Session()
    ops = compressed_operations(session.query(models.Operation).all())
    groups = group_by(lambda op: (op.content_type_id, op.row_id), ops)
    for g in groups.values():
        assert len(g) == 1
    # assert correctness when compressing operations from a pull
    # message
    pull_ops = [
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=1),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=2),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=3),
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=1, row_id=1, order=4),
        # result of above should be a single 'i'
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=5),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=6),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=7),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=2, row_id=1, order=8),
        # result of above should be a single 'd'
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=3, row_id=1, order=9),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=3, row_id=1, order=10),
        # result of above should be an 'u'
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=4, row_id=1, order=11),
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=4, row_id=1, order=12),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=4, row_id=1, order=13),
        # result of above should be no operations
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=5, row_id=1, order=14),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=5, row_id=1, order=15),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=5, row_id=1, order=16),
        # result of above should be a single 'd'
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=6, row_id=1, order=17),
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=6, row_id=1, order=18),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=6, row_id=1, order=19),
        # result of above should be an 'u'
        models.Operation(command='d', content_type_id=7, row_id=1, order=20),
        models.Operation(command='i', content_type_id=7, row_id=1, order=21),
        models.Operation(command='u', content_type_id=7, row_id=1, order=22)
        # result of above should be an 'u'
    compressed = compressed_operations(pull_ops)
    logging.info("len(compressed) == {0}".format(len(compressed)))
    logging.info("\n".join(repr(op) for op in compressed))
    assert len(compressed) == 6
    assert compressed[0].command == 'i'
    assert compressed[1].command == 'd'
    assert compressed[2].command == 'u'
    assert compressed[3].command == 'd'
    assert compressed[4].command == 'u'
    assert compressed[5].command == 'u'
Пример #3
def test_compression_consistency():
    session = Session()
    ops = session.query(models.Operation).all()
    news = session.query(models.Operation).order_by(models.Operation.order).all()
    assert news == compressed_operations(ops)
Пример #4
def test_compression_consistency():
    session = Session()
    ops = session.query(models.Operation).all()
    news = session.query(models.Operation).order_by(
    assert news == compressed_operations(ops)
Пример #5
def merge(pull_message, session=None):
    Merges a message from the server with the local database.

    *pull_message* is an instance of dbsync.messages.pull.PullMessage.
    if not isinstance(pull_message, PullMessage):
        raise TypeError("need an instance of dbsync.messages.pull.PullMessage "
                        "to perform the local merge operation")
    valid_cts = set(ct for ct in core.synched_models.ids)

    unversioned_ops = compress(session=session)
    pull_ops = filter(
        attr('content_type_id').in_(valid_cts), pull_message.operations)
    pull_ops = compressed_operations(pull_ops)

    # I) first phase: resolve unique constraint conflicts if
    # possible. Abort early if a human error is detected
    unique_conflicts, unique_errors = find_unique_conflicts(
        pull_ops, unversioned_ops, pull_message, session)

    if unique_errors:
        raise UniqueConstraintError(unique_errors)

    conflicting_objects = set()
    for uc in unique_conflicts:
        obj = uc['object']
        for key, value in izip(uc['columns'], uc['new_values']):
            setattr(obj, key, value)
    # Resolve potential cyclical conflicts by deleting and reinserting
    for obj in conflicting_objects:
        make_transient(obj)  # remove from session
    for model in set(type(obj) for obj in conflicting_objects):
        pk_name = get_pk(model)
        pks = [
            getattr(obj, pk_name) for obj in conflicting_objects
            if type(obj) is model
        session.query(model).filter(getattr(model, pk_name).in_(pks)).\
            delete(synchronize_session=False) # remove from the database
    session.add_all(conflicting_objects)  # reinsert them

    # II) second phase: detect conflicts between pulled operations and
    # unversioned ones
    direct_conflicts = find_direct_conflicts(pull_ops, unversioned_ops)

    # in which the delete operation is registered on the pull message
    dependency_conflicts = find_dependency_conflicts(pull_ops, unversioned_ops,

    # in which the delete operation was performed locally
    reversed_dependency_conflicts = find_reversed_dependency_conflicts(
        pull_ops, unversioned_ops, pull_message)

    insert_conflicts = find_insert_conflicts(pull_ops, unversioned_ops)

    # III) third phase: perform pull operations, when allowed and
    # while resolving conflicts
    def extract(op, conflicts):
        return [local for remote, local in conflicts if remote is op]

    def purgelocal(local):
        exclude = lambda tup: tup[1] is not local
        mfilter(exclude, direct_conflicts)
        mfilter(exclude, dependency_conflicts)
        mfilter(exclude, reversed_dependency_conflicts)
        mfilter(exclude, insert_conflicts)

    for pull_op in pull_ops:
        # flag to control whether the remote operation is free of obstacles
        can_perform = True
        # flag to detect the early exclusion of a remote operation
        reverted = False
        # the class of the operation
        class_ = pull_op.tracked_model

        direct = extract(pull_op, direct_conflicts)
        if direct:
            if pull_op.command == 'd':
                can_perform = False
            for local in direct:
                pair = (pull_op.command, local.command)
                if pair == ('u', 'u'):
                    can_perform = False  # favor local changes over remote ones
                elif pair == ('u', 'd'):
                    pull_op.command = 'i'  # negate the local delete
                elif pair == ('d', 'u'):
                    local.command = 'i'  # negate the remote delete
                    reverted = True
                else:  # ('d', 'd')

        dependency = extract(pull_op, dependency_conflicts)
        if dependency and not reverted:
            can_perform = False
            order = min(op.order for op in unversioned_ops)
            # first move all operations further in order, to make way
            # for the new one
            for op in unversioned_ops:
                op.order = op.order + 1
            # then create operation to reflect the reinsertion and
            # maintain a correct operation history

        reversed_dependency = extract(pull_op, reversed_dependency_conflicts)
        for local in reversed_dependency:
            # reinsert record
            local.command = 'i'
            local.perform(pull_message, session)
            # delete trace of deletion

        insert = extract(pull_op, insert_conflicts)
        for local in insert:
            next_id = max(max_remote(class_, pull_message),
                          max_local(class_, session)) + 1
            update_local_id(local.row_id, next_id, class_, session)
            local.row_id = next_id
        if can_perform:
            pull_op.perform(pull_message, session)


    # IV) fourth phase: insert versions from the pull_message
    for pull_version in pull_message.versions:
Пример #6
def merge(pull_message, session=None):
    Merges a message from the server with the local database.

    *pull_message* is an instance of dbsync.messages.pull.PullMessage.
    if not isinstance(pull_message, PullMessage):
        raise TypeError("need an instance of dbsync.messages.pull.PullMessage "
                        "to perform the local merge operation")
    valid_cts = set(ct for ct in core.synched_models.ids)

    unversioned_ops = compress(session=session)
    pull_ops = filter(attr('content_type_id').in_(valid_cts),
    pull_ops = compressed_operations(pull_ops)

    # I) first phase: resolve unique constraint conflicts if
    # possible. Abort early if a human error is detected
    unique_conflicts, unique_errors = find_unique_conflicts(
        pull_ops, unversioned_ops, pull_message, session)

    if unique_errors:
        raise UniqueConstraintError(unique_errors)

    conflicting_objects = set()
    for uc in unique_conflicts:
        obj = uc['object']
        for key, value in izip(uc['columns'], uc['new_values']):
            setattr(obj, key, value)
    # Resolve potential cyclical conflicts by deleting and reinserting
    for obj in conflicting_objects:
        make_transient(obj) # remove from session
    for model in set(type(obj) for obj in conflicting_objects):
        pk_name = get_pk(model)
        pks = [getattr(obj, pk_name)
               for obj in conflicting_objects
               if type(obj) is model]
        session.query(model).filter(getattr(model, pk_name).in_(pks)).\
            delete(synchronize_session=False) # remove from the database
    session.add_all(conflicting_objects) # reinsert them

    # II) second phase: detect conflicts between pulled operations and
    # unversioned ones
    direct_conflicts = find_direct_conflicts(pull_ops, unversioned_ops)

    # in which the delete operation is registered on the pull message
    dependency_conflicts = find_dependency_conflicts(
        pull_ops, unversioned_ops, session)

    # in which the delete operation was performed locally
    reversed_dependency_conflicts = find_reversed_dependency_conflicts(
        pull_ops, unversioned_ops, pull_message)

    insert_conflicts = find_insert_conflicts(pull_ops, unversioned_ops)

    # III) third phase: perform pull operations, when allowed and
    # while resolving conflicts
    def extract(op, conflicts):
        return [local for remote, local in conflicts if remote is op]

    def purgelocal(local):
        exclude = lambda tup: tup[1] is not local
        mfilter(exclude, direct_conflicts)
        mfilter(exclude, dependency_conflicts)
        mfilter(exclude, reversed_dependency_conflicts)
        mfilter(exclude, insert_conflicts)

    for pull_op in pull_ops:
        # flag to control whether the remote operation is free of obstacles
        can_perform = True
        # flag to detect the early exclusion of a remote operation
        reverted = False
        # the class of the operation
        class_ = pull_op.tracked_model

        direct = extract(pull_op, direct_conflicts)
        if direct:
            if pull_op.command == 'd':
                can_perform = False
            for local in direct:
                pair = (pull_op.command, local.command)
                if pair == ('u', 'u'):
                    can_perform = False # favor local changes over remote ones
                elif pair == ('u', 'd'):
                    pull_op.command = 'i' # negate the local delete
                elif pair == ('d', 'u'):
                    local.command = 'i' # negate the remote delete
                    reverted = True
                else: # ('d', 'd')

        dependency = extract(pull_op, dependency_conflicts)
        if dependency and not reverted:
            can_perform = False
            order = min(op.order for op in unversioned_ops)
            # first move all operations further in order, to make way
            # for the new one
            for op in unversioned_ops:
                op.order = op.order + 1
            # then create operation to reflect the reinsertion and
            # maintain a correct operation history

        reversed_dependency = extract(pull_op, reversed_dependency_conflicts)
        for local in reversed_dependency:
            # reinsert record
            local.command = 'i'
            local.perform(pull_message, session)
            # delete trace of deletion

        insert = extract(pull_op, insert_conflicts)
        for local in insert:
            next_id = max(max_remote(class_, pull_message),
                          max_local(class_, session)) + 1
            update_local_id(local.row_id, next_id, class_, session)
            local.row_id = next_id
        if can_perform:
            pull_op.perform(pull_message, session)


    # IV) fourth phase: insert versions from the pull_message
    for pull_version in pull_message.versions: