Пример #1
def get_owner_pi(context):
    """Get the user who has been previously set as the owner of this item 
    (must support IOwned i.e. Doc or Attachment).
    assert interfaces.IOwned.providedBy(context), \
        "Not an Owned (parliamentary) Item: %s" % (context)
    return dbutils.get_user(context.owner_id)
Пример #2
def get_owner_login_pi(context):
    """Get the login of the user who has been previously set as the owner of 
    this ParliamentaryItem.
    assert interfaces.IBungeniContent.providedBy(context), \
        "Not a Parliamentary Item: %s" % (context)
    return dbutils.get_user(context.owner_id).login
Пример #3
def get_owner_pi(context):
    """Get the user who has been previously set as the owner of this item 
    (must support IOwned i.e. ParliamentaryItem or AttachedFile).
    assert interfaces.IOwned.providedBy(context), \
        "Not an Owned (parliamentary) Item: %s" % (context)
    return dbutils.get_user(context.owner_id)
Пример #4
    async def balance(self, ctx, id=None):
      Returns the Users Exact Balance in the Vault
        await ctx.message.delete()

        sender = None
        message = None
        if ctx.message.author.nick is None:
            sender = ctx.message.author.name

            sender = ctx.message.author.nick

        senderid = get_torn_id(sender)
        sender = remove_torn_id(sender)

        if dbutils.get_user(ctx.message.author.id, "tornid") == "":
            verification = await tornget(
            if verification["discord"]["discordID"] != str(ctx.message.author.id) and \
                 verification["discord"]["discordID"] != "":
                embed = discord.Embed()
                embed.title = "Permission Denied"
                embed.description = f'The nickname of {ctx.message.author.name} in {ctx.guild.name} does not reflect ' \
                                    f'the Torn ID and username. Please update the nickname (i.e. through YATA) or add' \
                                    f' your ID to the database via the `?addid` or `addkey` commands (NOTE: the ' \
                                    f'`?addkey` command requires your Torn API key). This interaction has been logged.'
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                    f'{ctx.message.author.id} does not have an accurate nickname, and attempted to withdraw'
                    f' some money from the faction vault.', self.access_file)
                return None

        log(f'{sender} is checking their balance in their faction vault.')

        response = await tornget(
            ctx, "https://api.torn.com/faction/?selections=donataions&key=")
        response = response["donations"]

        primary_balance = 0
        secondary_balance = 0
        member = False

        for user in response:
            if response[user]["name"] == sender:
                log(f'{sender} has {num_to_text(response[user]["money_balance"])} in the faction vault.'

                primary_balance = response[user]["money_balance"]
                member = True

        if dbutils.get_guild(ctx.guild.id, "tornapikey2") == "":
            embed = discord.Embed()
            embed.title = f'Vault Balance for {sender}'
            embed.description = f'Faction Vault Balance: {commas(primary_balance)}'

            message = await ctx.send(embed=embed)

            await asyncio.sleep(30)
            await message.delete()
            return None

        response = await tornget(
        response = response['donations']

        for user in response:
            if response[user]["name"] == sender:
                log(f'{sender} has {num_to_text(response[user]["money_balance"])} in the faction vault.'
                secondary_balance = response[user]["money_balance"]
                member = True

        if member is not True:
            log(f'{sender} who is not a member of any of the stored factions, has requested their balance.'

            embed = discord.Embed()
            embed.title = "Vault Balance for " + sender
            embed.description = f'{sender} is not a member of any of the stored factions.'
            message = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await asyncio.sleep(30)
            await message.delete()
            embed = discord.Embed()
            embed.title = f'Vault Balance for {sender}'
            embed.description = f'Primary Faction Vault Balance: {commas(primary_balance)}\nSecondary '\
                                f'faction vault balance: {commas(secondary_balance)}'
            message = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            await asyncio.sleep(30)
            await message.delete()
Пример #5
    async def withdraw(self, ctx, arg):
        Sends a message to faction leadership (assuming you have enough funds in the vault and you are a member of the
        specific faction)

        # sender = None
        if ctx.message.author.nick is None:
            sender = ctx.message.author.name
            sender = ctx.message.author.nick

        senderid = get_torn_id(sender)
        sender = remove_torn_id(sender)

        if dbutils.get_user(ctx.message.author.id, "tornid") == "":
            verification = await tornget(

            if verification["discord"]["discordID"] != str(ctx.message.author.id) and \
                    verification["discord"]["discordID"] != "":
                embed = discord.Embed()
                embed.title = "Permission Denied"
                embed.description = f'The nickname of {ctx.message.author.nick} in {ctx.guild.name} does not reflect ' \
                                    f'the Torn ID and username. Please update the nickname (i.e. through YATA) or add' \
                                    f' your ID to the database via the `?addid` or `addkey` commands (NOTE: the ' \
                                    f'`?addkey` command requires your Torn API key). This interaction has been logged.'
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                    f'{ctx.message.author.id} (known as {ctx.message.author.name} does not have an accurate nickname, '
                    f'and attempted to withdraw some money from the faction vault.',
                return None

        value = text_to_num(arg)
        log(sender + " has submitted a request for " + arg + ".",

        primary_faction = await tornget(
            ctx, "https://api.torn.com/faction/?selections=&key=")

        secondary_faction = None
        if dbutils.get_guild(ctx.guild.id, "tornapikey2") != "":
            secondary_faction = await tornget(

        await ctx.message.delete()

        if senderid in primary_faction["members"]:
            request = await tornget(
                ctx, "https://api.torn.com/faction/?selections=donations&key=")
            request = request["donations"]

            if int(value) > request[senderid]["money_balance"]:
                    f'{sender} has requested {arg}, but only has {request[senderid]["money_balance"]} in '
                    f'the vault.', self.log_file)
                await ctx.send(f'You do not have {arg} in the faction vault.')
                return None
                channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels,
                                                ctx.guild.id, "channel"))

                    f'{sender} has successfully requested {arg} from the faction vault.',

                requestid = dbutils.read("requests")["nextrequest"]

                embed = discord.Embed()
                embed.title = f'Money Request #{dbutils.read("requests")["nextrequest"]}'
                embed.description = "Your request has been forwarded to the faction leadership."
                original = await ctx.send(embed=embed)

                embed = discord.Embed()
                embed.title = f'Money Request #{dbutils.read("requests")["nextrequest"]}'
                embed.description = f'{sender} is requesting {arg} from the faction vault. To fulfill this request, ' \
                                    f'enter `?f {requestid}` in this channel.'
                message = await channel.send(dbutils.get_vault(
                    ctx.guild.id, "role"),

                data = dbutils.read("requests")
                data["nextrequest"] += 1
                data[requestid] = {
                    "requester": ctx.message.author.id,
                    "timerequested": time.ctime(),
                    "fulfiller": None,
                    "timefulfilled": "",
                    "requestmessage": original.id,
                    "withdrawmessage": message.id,
                    "fulfilled": False,
                    "faction": 1
                dbutils.write("requests", data)

        elif senderid in secondary_faction["members"]:
            request = await tornget(
            request = request["donations"]

            if int(value) > request[senderid]["money_balance"]:
                    f'{sender} has requested {arg}, but only has {request[senderid]["money_balance"]} in '
                    f'the vault.', self.log_file)
                await ctx.send(f'You do not have {arg} in the faction vault.')
                return None
                channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.channels,
                                                ctx.guild.id, "channel2"))

                    f'{sender} has successfully requested {arg} from the faction vault.',

                requestid = dbutils.read("requests")["nextrequest"]

                embed = discord.Embed()
                embed.title = f'Money Request #{dbutils.read("requests")["nextrequest"]}'
                embed.description = "Your request has been forwarded to the faction leadership."
                original = await ctx.send(embed=embed)

                embed = discord.Embed()
                embed.title = f'Money Request #{dbutils.read("requests")["nextrequest"]}'
                embed.description = f'{sender} is requesting {arg} from the faction vault. To fulfill this request, ' \
                                    f'enter `?f {requestid}` in this channel.'
                message = await channel.send(dbutils.get_vault(
                    ctx.guild.id, "role"),

                data = dbutils.read("requests")
                data["nextrequest"] += 1
                data[requestid] = {
                    "requester": ctx.message.author.id,
                    "timerequested": time.ctime(),
                    "fulfiller": None,
                    "timefulfilled": "",
                    "requestmessage": original.id,
                    "withdrawmessage": message.id,
                    "fulfilled": False,
                    "faction": 2
                dbutils.write("requests", data)
                f'{sender} who is not a member of stored factions has requested {arg}.',

            embed = discord.Embed()
            embed.title = "Money Request"
            embed.description = f'{sender} is not a member of stored factions has requested {arg}.'
            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
            return None