Пример #1
def buildHDF(inputFile, inputData, inputLabels, debug=False):
    """Creates a HDF file based on the data given, two possible datasets
    can be built, 25band set and 32 band set"""
    #Generate HDF5 file for input data stored as a list of datacube
    HDFile = dcb_HDF5.openTable(inputFile)
    data_gp = dcb_HDF5.build25BandGroup(HDFile, "data")
    #determine the number of bands in the data, as well as band wavelenghts
    bands = inputData.shape()
    data_gp.attrs["RPArrowPrism"] = str(bands[2]) + ' Bands'
    label_gp = dcb_HDF5.build25BandGroup(HDFile, 'label')
    for p, data in enumerate(
    ):  #with fix in create_bsq_dataset, now masks and data should be in same data struct
        if debug:
            if p == len(inputData) - 1:
                print(p, inputData[p].Name, "LAST ITEM")
            if (inputData[p].Name == data.Name): print(inputData[p].Name)

        labelSet = dcb_HDF5.addDataset(label_gp, inputData[p].Name,
                                       inputData[p].MaskData, debug)
        dataSet = dcb_HDF5.addDataset(data_gp, inputData[p].Name,
                                      inputData[p].HSdata, debug)
        dataSet.attrs["units"] = "AU"
        labelSet.attrs["Parent_DCB"] = inputData[p].Name
    dcb_HDF5.saveClose(HDFile)  #add label to file under correct filename
Пример #2
def buildHDF(inputFile, inputData, inputLabels, debug=False):
    """Creates a HDF file based on the data given, two possible datasets
    can be built, 25band set and 32 band set"""
    # Generate HDF5 file for input data stored as a list of datacube
    HDFile = dcb_HDF5.openTable(inputFile)
    data_gp = dcb_HDF5.build25BandGroup(HDFile, "data")
    # determine the number of bands in the data, as well as band wavelenghts
    bands = inputData.shape()
    data_gp.attrs["RPArrowPrism"] = str(bands[2]) + " Bands"
    label_gp = dcb_HDF5.build25BandGroup(HDFile, "label")
    for p, data in enumerate(
    ):  # with fix in create_bsq_dataset, now masks and data should be in same data struct
        if debug:
            if p == len(inputData) - 1:
                print(p, inputData[p].Name, "LAST ITEM")
            if inputData[p].Name == data.Name:

        labelSet = dcb_HDF5.addDataset(label_gp, inputData[p].Name, inputData[p].MaskData, debug)
        dataSet = dcb_HDF5.addDataset(data_gp, inputData[p].Name, inputData[p].HSdata, debug)
        dataSet.attrs["units"] = "AU"
        labelSet.attrs["Parent_DCB"] = inputData[p].Name
    dcb_HDF5.saveClose(HDFile)  # add label to file under correct filename
Пример #3
def readHDF(inputFile, debug=False):
    a = []
    with HDF.File(inputFile, "r+") as f:
        if debug:
        l = list(f.keys())  # extract keys in root dir of HDF file
        data = f["Data"]
        masks = f["Masks"]
        j = getKeys(f, "Masks")
        k = getKeys(f, "Data")
        wbc, oth, count = [], [], 0  # settings some initial values
        mT = f["data/" + k[count]][..., 0]
        for p in k:
            if debug:
                print(count)  # remove later
            m1 = f["Masks/" + j[count]][...]  # Likewise for the mask data
            if debug:
            d1 = f["Data/" + [count]][...]  # numpy style referencing to return nnumpy array of data
            if debug:
            if count == 0:
                if debug:
                    print("wat")  # to be removed
                wbc = d1[m1.astype(bool)]  # compile a dataset of wbc vectors
                oth = d1[np.invert(m1.astype(bool))]  # compile a dataset of non-wbc vectors
                tot = d1[mT.astype(bool)]  # compile a dataset of all vectors
                cls = m1.ravel()
                wbc = np.vstack((wbc, d1[m1.astype(bool)]))
                oth = np.vstack((oth, d1[np.invert(m1.astype(bool))]))
                tot = np.vstack((tot, d1[mT.astype(bool)]))  # appending vectors into band*(x*y) array
                cls = np.hstack((cls, m1.ravel()))
        count += 1
        if debug:

    e = dcb_HDF5.saveClose(f)
    if e:
        print("File " + inputFile + " saved Successfully!")
Пример #4
def readHDF(inputFile, debug=False):
    a = []
    with HDF.File(inputFile, 'r+') as f:
        if debug: print(f.name)
        l = list(f.keys())  #extract keys in root dir of HDF file
        data = f["Data"]
        masks = f["Masks"]
        j = getKeys(f, "Masks")
        k = getKeys(f, "Data")
        wbc, oth, count = [], [], 0  # settings some initial values
        mT = f["data/" + k[count]][..., 0]
        for p in k:
            if debug: print(count)  # remove later
            m1 = f["Masks/" + j[count]][...]  #Likewise for the mask data
            if debug: print(np.shape(m1))
            d1 = f["Data/" + [count]][
                ...]  #numpy style referencing to return nnumpy array of data
            if debug: print(np.shape(d1))
            if count == 0:
                if debug: print('wat')  #to be removed
                wbc = d1[m1.astype(bool)]  #compile a dataset of wbc vectors
                oth = d1[np.invert(
                    m1.astype(bool))]  #compile a dataset of non-wbc vectors
                tot = d1[mT.astype(bool)]  #compile a dataset of all vectors
                cls = m1.ravel()
                wbc = np.vstack((wbc, d1[m1.astype(bool)]))
                oth = np.vstack((oth, d1[np.invert(m1.astype(bool))]))
                tot = np.vstack((tot, d1[mT.astype(bool)]
                                 ))  # appending vectors into band*(x*y) array
                cls = np.hstack((cls, m1.ravel()))
        count += 1
        if debug:

    e = dcb_HDF5.saveClose(f)
    if (e): print("File " + inputFile + " saved Successfully!")
Пример #5
        maskSet = dcb_HDF5.addDataset(m_group,maskList[p].Name,maskList[p].MaskData)
        maskSet.attrs["Parent_DCB"] = dataList[p].Name
    if p == len(dataList)-1:
        print(p, data.Name, "LAST ITEM")  #only happens when last iteration of for loop runs
    print(data.Name + str(p))
    tTable = dcb_HDF5.addDataset(d_group,data.Name,dataList[p].HSdata)
    tTable.attrs["units"] = "AU"

    #tTable = thesis_TABLE.addTable2Group(d_group,HDFile,data)

ddd = dataList[1].HSdata

im2 = dataList[1].MaskData

rd = ddd[im2.astype(bool)]  #returns masked by im2
id = ddd[np.invert(im2.astype(bool))]
#print([np.shape(rd), np.count_nonzero(im2)])
#print([np.shape(ddd), np.shape(im2)])
samp = ddd[:,:,0]
#out = Image.fromarray(im2[:,:,0])
maskplot = plt.imshow(np.float32(im2))
dataplot = plt.imshow(np.float32(samp)) #imshow only works with 32bit grayscale

scipy.misc.imsave(pathName+'Mask.png', im2)