Пример #1
def processSnippet():

    obj = om.getOrCreateContainer('continuous')
    om.getOrCreateContainer('cont debug', obj)

    if (continuouswalkingDemo.processContinuousStereo):
        polyData = ioUtils.readPolyData(os.path.join(dataDir, 'terrain/block_snippet_stereo.vtp'))
        polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.01)
        polyData = ioUtils.readPolyData(os.path.join(dataDir, 'terrain/block_snippet.vtp'))

    vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'walking snapshot trimmed', parent='continuous')
    standingFootName = 'l_foot'

    standingFootFrame = robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(standingFootName)
    vis.updateFrame(standingFootFrame, standingFootName, parent='continuous', visible=False)

    # Step 2: find all the surfaces in front of the robot (about 0.75sec)
    clusters = segmentation.findHorizontalSurfaces(polyData)
    if (clusters is None):
        print "No cluster found, stop walking now!"

    # Step 3: find the corners of the minimum bounding rectangles
    blocks,groundPlane = cwdemo.extractBlocksFromSurfaces(clusters, standingFootFrame)

    footsteps = cwdemo.placeStepsOnBlocks(blocks, groundPlane, standingFootName, standingFootFrame)

    def replanFootsteps(self, polyData, standingFootName, removeFirstLeftStep=True, doStereoFiltering=True, nextDoubleSupportPose=None):

        obj = om.getOrCreateContainer('continuous')
        om.getOrCreateContainer('cont debug', obj)

        vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'walking snapshot', parent='cont debug', visible=False)

        standingFootFrame = self.robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(standingFootName)
        vis.updateFrame(standingFootFrame, standingFootName, parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        # TODO: remove the pitch and roll of this frame to support it being on uneven ground

        # Step 1: filter the data down to a box in front of the robot:
        polyData = self.getRecedingTerrainRegion(polyData, footstepsdriver.FootstepsDriver.getFeetMidPoint(self.robotStateModel))
        if (doStereoFiltering is True):
            # used for stereo data:
            polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.01)
            polyData = segmentation.labelOutliers(polyData, searchRadius=0.06, neighborsInSearchRadius=15) # 0.06 and 10 originally
            vis.updatePolyData(polyData, 'voxel plane points', parent='cont debug', colorByName='is_outlier', visible=False)
            polyData = segmentation.thresholdPoints(polyData, 'is_outlier', [0, 0])
            vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'walking snapshot trimmed', parent='cont debug', visible=True)

        # Step 2: find all the surfaces in front of the robot (about 0.75sec)
        clusters = segmentation.findHorizontalSurfaces(polyData, removeGroundFirst=False, normalEstimationSearchRadius=0.05,
                                                       clusterTolerance=0.025, distanceToPlaneThreshold=0.0025, normalsDotUpRange=[0.95, 1.0])
        if (clusters is None):
            print "No cluster found, stop walking now!"

        # Step 3: find the corners of the minimum bounding rectangles
        blocks,groundPlane = self.extractBlocksFromSurfaces(clusters, standingFootFrame)

        # Step 5: Find the two foot positions we should plan with: the next committed tool and the current standing foot
        if (self.committedStep is not None):
          #print "i got a committedStep. is_right_foot?" , self.committedStep.is_right_foot
          if (self.committedStep.is_right_foot):
              standingFootTransform = self.robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(self.ikPlanner.leftFootLink)
              nextDoubleSupportPose = self.getNextDoubleSupportPose(standingFootTransform, self.committedStep.transform)
              standingFootTransform = self.robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(self.ikPlanner.rightFootLink)
              nextDoubleSupportPose = self.getNextDoubleSupportPose(self.committedStep.transform, standingFootTransform)

          comm_mesh,comm_color = self.getMeshAndColor(self.committedStep.is_right_foot)
          comm_color[1] = 0.75 ; comm_color[2] = 0.25
          stand_mesh, stand_color = self.getMeshAndColor( not self.committedStep.is_right_foot )
          stand_color[1] = 0.75 ; stand_color[2] = 0.25
          vis.updateFrame(self.committedStep.transform, 'committed foot', parent='foot placements', scale=0.2, visible=False)
          obj = vis.showPolyData(comm_mesh, 'committed step', color=comm_color, alpha=1.0, parent='steps')
          vis.updateFrame(standingFootTransform, 'standing foot', parent='foot placements', scale=0.2, visible=False)
          obj = vis.showPolyData(stand_mesh, 'standing step', color=stand_color, alpha=1.0, parent='steps')

            # don't have a committed footstep, assume we are standing still
            nextDoubleSupportPose = self.robotStateJointController.getPose('EST_ROBOT_STATE')


        if not self.useManualFootstepPlacement and self.queryPlanner:
            footsteps = self.computeFootstepPlanSafeRegions(blocks, nextDoubleSupportPose, standingFootName)


            footsteps = self.placeStepsOnBlocks(blocks, groundPlane, standingFootName, standingFootFrame, removeFirstLeftStep)

            if not len(footsteps):

            if self.queryPlanner:
                self.sendPlanningRequest(footsteps, nextDoubleSupportPose)
    def findMinimumBoundingRectangle(self, polyData, linkFrame):
        Find minimum bounding rectangle.
        The input is assumed to be a rectangular point cloud of cinder blocks
        Returns transform of far right corner (pointing away from robot)
        # TODO: for non-z up surfaces, this needs work
        # TODO: return other parameters

        # Originally From: https://github.com/dbworth/minimum-area-bounding-rectangle
        polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.02)
        #vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'block top', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        polyDataCentroid = segmentation.computeCentroid(polyData)
        pts =vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk( polyData , 'Points' )

        xy_points =  pts[:,[0,1]]
        vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(xy_points) , 'xy_points', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        hull_points = qhull_2d.qhull2D(xy_points)
        vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(hull_points) , 'hull_points', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        # Reverse order of points, to match output from other qhull implementations
        hull_points = hull_points[::-1]
        # print 'Convex hull points: \n', hull_points, "\n"

        # Find minimum area bounding rectangle
        (rot_angle, rectArea, rectDepth, rectWidth, center_point, corner_points_ground) = min_bounding_rect.minBoundingRect(hull_points)
        vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(corner_points_ground) , 'corner_points_ground', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        cornerPoints = np.vstack((corner_points_ground.T, polyDataCentroid[2]*np.ones( corner_points_ground.shape[0]) )).T
        cornerPolyData = vtkNumpy.getVtkPolyDataFromNumpyPoints(cornerPoints)

        # Create a frame at the far right point - which points away from the robot
        farRightCorner = self.findFarRightCorner(cornerPolyData , linkFrame)
        viewDirection = segmentation.SegmentationContext.getGlobalInstance().getViewDirection()
        robotYaw = math.atan2( viewDirection[1], viewDirection[0] )*180.0/np.pi
        blockAngle =  rot_angle*(180/math.pi)
        #print "robotYaw   ", robotYaw
        #print "blockAngle ", blockAngle
        blockAngleAll = np.array([blockAngle , blockAngle+90 , blockAngle+180, blockAngle+270])
        #print blockAngleAll
        for i in range(0,4):
        #print blockAngleAll
        values = abs(blockAngleAll - robotYaw)
        #print values
        min_idx = np.argmin(values)
        if ( (min_idx==1) or (min_idx==3) ):
            #print "flip rectDepth and rectWidth as angle is not away from robot"
            temp = rectWidth ; rectWidth = rectDepth ; rectDepth = temp

        #print "best angle", blockAngleAll[min_idx]
        rot_angle = blockAngleAll[min_idx]*math.pi/180.0

        # Optional: overwrite all of the above with the yaw of the robt when it was standing in front of the blocks:
        if (self.fixBlockYawWithInitial):
            rot_angle = self.initialRobotYaw

        cornerTransform = transformUtils.frameFromPositionAndRPY( farRightCorner , [0,0, np.rad2deg(rot_angle) ] )

        #print "Minimum area bounding box:"
        #print "Rotation angle:", rot_angle, "rad  (", rot_angle*(180/math.pi), "deg )"
        #print "rectDepth:", rectDepth, " rectWidth:", rectWidth, "  Area:", rectArea
        #print "Center point: \n", center_point # numpy array
        #print "Corner points: \n", cornerPoints, "\n"  # numpy array
        return cornerTransform, rectDepth, rectWidth, rectArea
    def fitRunningBoardAtFeet(self):

        # get stance frame
        startPose = self.getPlanningStartPose()
        stanceFrame = self.robotSystem.footstepsDriver.getFeetMidPoint(self.robotSystem.robotStateModel, useWorldZ=False)
        stanceFrameAxes = transformUtils.getAxesFromTransform(stanceFrame)

        # get pointcloud and extract search region covering the running board
        polyData = segmentation.getCurrentRevolutionData()
        polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.01)
        _, polyData = segmentation.removeGround(polyData)
        polyData = segmentation.cropToBox(polyData, stanceFrame, [1.0, 1.0, 0.1])

        if not polyData.GetNumberOfPoints():
            print 'empty search region point cloud'

        vis.updatePolyData(polyData, 'running board search points', parent=segmentation.getDebugFolder(), color=[0,1,0], visible=False)

        # extract maximal points along the stance x axis
        perpAxis = stanceFrameAxes[0]
        edgeAxis = stanceFrameAxes[1]
        edgePoints = segmentation.computeEdge(polyData, edgeAxis, perpAxis)
        edgePoints = vnp.getVtkPolyDataFromNumpyPoints(edgePoints)
        vis.updatePolyData(edgePoints, 'edge points', parent=segmentation.getDebugFolder(), visible=True)

        # ransac fit a line to the edge points
        linePoint, lineDirection, fitPoints = segmentation.applyLineFit(edgePoints)
        if np.dot(lineDirection, stanceFrameAxes[1]) < 0:
            lineDirection = -lineDirection

        linePoints = segmentation.thresholdPoints(fitPoints, 'ransac_labels', [1.0, 1.0])
        dists = np.dot(vnp.getNumpyFromVtk(linePoints, 'Points')-linePoint, lineDirection)
        p1 = linePoint + lineDirection*np.min(dists)
        p2 = linePoint + lineDirection*np.max(dists)
        vis.updatePolyData(fitPoints, 'line fit points', parent=segmentation.getDebugFolder(), colorByName='ransac_labels', visible=False)

        # compute a new frame that is in plane with the stance frame
        # and matches the orientation and position of the detected edge
        origin = np.array(stanceFrame.GetPosition())
        normal = np.array(stanceFrameAxes[2])

        # project stance origin to edge, then back to foot frame
        originProjectedToEdge = linePoint + lineDirection*np.dot(origin - linePoint, lineDirection)
        originProjectedToPlane = segmentation.projectPointToPlane(originProjectedToEdge, origin, normal)
        zaxis = np.array(stanceFrameAxes[2])
        yaxis = np.array(lineDirection)
        xaxis = np.cross(yaxis, zaxis)
        xaxis /= np.linalg.norm(xaxis)
        yaxis = np.cross(zaxis, xaxis)
        yaxis /= np.linalg.norm(yaxis)

        d = DebugData()
        d.addSphere(p1, radius=0.005)
        d.addSphere(p2, radius=0.005)
        d.addLine(p1, p2)
        d.addSphere(originProjectedToEdge, radius=0.001, color=[1,0,0])
        d.addSphere(originProjectedToPlane, radius=0.001, color=[0,1,0])
        d.addLine(originProjectedToPlane, origin, color=[0,1,0])
        d.addLine(originProjectedToEdge, origin, color=[1,0,0])
        vis.updatePolyData(d.getPolyData(), 'running board edge', parent=segmentation.getDebugFolder(), colorByName='RGB255', visible=False)

        # update the running board box affordance position and orientation to
        # fit the detected edge
        box = self.spawnRunningBoardAffordance()
        boxDimensions = box.getProperty('Dimensions')
        t = transformUtils.getTransformFromAxesAndOrigin(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, originProjectedToPlane)
        t.Translate(-boxDimensions[0]/2.0, 0.0, -boxDimensions[2]/2.0)

Пример #5
    def fitRunningBoardAtFeet(self):

        # get stance frame
        startPose = self.getPlanningStartPose()
        stanceFrame = self.robotSystem.footstepsDriver.getFeetMidPoint(
            self.robotSystem.robotStateModel, useWorldZ=False)
        stanceFrameAxes = transformUtils.getAxesFromTransform(stanceFrame)

        # get pointcloud and extract search region covering the running board
        polyData = segmentation.getCurrentRevolutionData()
        polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.01)
        _, polyData = segmentation.removeGround(polyData)
        polyData = segmentation.cropToBox(polyData, stanceFrame,
                                          [1.0, 1.0, 0.1])

        if not polyData.GetNumberOfPoints():
            print 'empty search region point cloud'

                           'running board search points',
                           color=[0, 1, 0],

        # extract maximal points along the stance x axis
        perpAxis = stanceFrameAxes[0]
        edgeAxis = stanceFrameAxes[1]
        edgePoints = segmentation.computeEdge(polyData, edgeAxis, perpAxis)
        edgePoints = vnp.getVtkPolyDataFromNumpyPoints(edgePoints)
                           'edge points',

        # ransac fit a line to the edge points
        linePoint, lineDirection, fitPoints = segmentation.applyLineFit(
        if np.dot(lineDirection, stanceFrameAxes[1]) < 0:
            lineDirection = -lineDirection

        linePoints = segmentation.thresholdPoints(fitPoints, 'ransac_labels',
                                                  [1.0, 1.0])
        dists = np.dot(
            vnp.getNumpyFromVtk(linePoints, 'Points') - linePoint,
        p1 = linePoint + lineDirection * np.min(dists)
        p2 = linePoint + lineDirection * np.max(dists)
                           'line fit points',

        # compute a new frame that is in plane with the stance frame
        # and matches the orientation and position of the detected edge
        origin = np.array(stanceFrame.GetPosition())
        normal = np.array(stanceFrameAxes[2])

        # project stance origin to edge, then back to foot frame
        originProjectedToEdge = linePoint + lineDirection * np.dot(
            origin - linePoint, lineDirection)
        originProjectedToPlane = segmentation.projectPointToPlane(
            originProjectedToEdge, origin, normal)
        zaxis = np.array(stanceFrameAxes[2])
        yaxis = np.array(lineDirection)
        xaxis = np.cross(yaxis, zaxis)
        xaxis /= np.linalg.norm(xaxis)
        yaxis = np.cross(zaxis, xaxis)
        yaxis /= np.linalg.norm(yaxis)

        d = DebugData()
        d.addSphere(p1, radius=0.005)
        d.addSphere(p2, radius=0.005)
        d.addLine(p1, p2)
        d.addSphere(originProjectedToEdge, radius=0.001, color=[1, 0, 0])
        d.addSphere(originProjectedToPlane, radius=0.001, color=[0, 1, 0])
        d.addLine(originProjectedToPlane, origin, color=[0, 1, 0])
        d.addLine(originProjectedToEdge, origin, color=[1, 0, 0])
                           'running board edge',

        # update the running board box affordance position and orientation to
        # fit the detected edge
        box = self.spawnRunningBoardAffordance()
        boxDimensions = box.getProperty('Dimensions')
        t = transformUtils.getTransformFromAxesAndOrigin(
            xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, originProjectedToPlane)
        t.Translate(-boxDimensions[0] / 2.0, 0.0, -boxDimensions[2] / 2.0)

Пример #6
    def replanFootsteps(self, polyData, standingFootName, removeFirstLeftStep=True, doStereoFiltering=True, nextDoubleSupportPose=None):

        obj = om.getOrCreateContainer('continuous')
        om.getOrCreateContainer('cont debug', obj)

        vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'walking snapshot', parent='cont debug', visible=False)

        standingFootFrame = self.robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(standingFootName)
        vis.updateFrame(standingFootFrame, standingFootName, parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        # TODO: remove the pitch and roll of this frame to support it being on uneven ground

        # Step 1: filter the data down to a box in front of the robot:
        polyData = self.getRecedingTerrainRegion(polyData, footstepsdriver.FootstepsDriver.getFeetMidPoint(self.robotStateModel))
        if (doStereoFiltering is True):
            # used for stereo data:
            polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.01)
            polyData = segmentation.labelOutliers(polyData, searchRadius=0.06, neighborsInSearchRadius=15) # 0.06 and 10 originally
            vis.updatePolyData(polyData, 'voxel plane points', parent='cont debug', colorByName='is_outlier', visible=False)
            polyData = segmentation.thresholdPoints(polyData, 'is_outlier', [0, 0])
            vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'walking snapshot trimmed', parent='cont debug', visible=True)

        # Step 2: find all the surfaces in front of the robot (about 0.75sec)
        clusters = segmentation.findHorizontalSurfaces(polyData, removeGroundFirst=False, normalEstimationSearchRadius=0.05,
                                                       clusterTolerance=0.025, distanceToPlaneThreshold=0.0025, normalsDotUpRange=[0.95, 1.0])
        if (clusters is None):
            print "No cluster found, stop walking now!"

        # Step 3: find the corners of the minimum bounding rectangles
        blocks,groundPlane = self.extractBlocksFromSurfaces(clusters, standingFootFrame)

        # Step 5: Find the two foot positions we should plan with: the next committed tool and the current standing foot
        if (self.committedStep is not None):
          #print "i got a committedStep. is_right_foot?" , self.committedStep.is_right_foot
          if (self.committedStep.is_right_foot):
              standingFootTransform = self.robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(self.ikPlanner.leftFootLink)
              nextDoubleSupportPose = self.getNextDoubleSupportPose(standingFootTransform, self.committedStep.transform)
              standingFootTransform = self.robotStateModel.getLinkFrame(self.ikPlanner.rightFootLink)
              nextDoubleSupportPose = self.getNextDoubleSupportPose(self.committedStep.transform, standingFootTransform)

          comm_mesh,comm_color = self.getMeshAndColor(self.committedStep.is_right_foot)
          comm_color[1] = 0.75 ; comm_color[2] = 0.25
          stand_mesh, stand_color = self.getMeshAndColor( not self.committedStep.is_right_foot )
          stand_color[1] = 0.75 ; stand_color[2] = 0.25
          vis.updateFrame(self.committedStep.transform, 'committed foot', parent='foot placements', scale=0.2, visible=False)
          obj = vis.showPolyData(comm_mesh, 'committed step', color=comm_color, alpha=1.0, parent='steps')
          vis.updateFrame(standingFootTransform, 'standing foot', parent='foot placements', scale=0.2, visible=False)
          obj = vis.showPolyData(stand_mesh, 'standing step', color=stand_color, alpha=1.0, parent='steps')

            # don't have a committed footstep, assume we are standing still
            nextDoubleSupportPose = self.robotStateJointController.getPose('EST_ROBOT_STATE')


        if not self.useManualFootstepPlacement and self.queryPlanner:
            footsteps = self.computeFootstepPlanSafeRegions(blocks, nextDoubleSupportPose, standingFootName)


            footsteps = self.placeStepsOnBlocks(blocks, groundPlane, standingFootName, standingFootFrame, removeFirstLeftStep)

            if not len(footsteps):

            if self.queryPlanner:
                self.sendPlanningRequest(footsteps, nextDoubleSupportPose)
Пример #7
    def findMinimumBoundingRectangle(self, polyData, linkFrame):
        Find minimum bounding rectangle.
        The input is assumed to be a rectangular point cloud of cinder blocks
        Returns transform of far right corner (pointing away from robot)
        # TODO: for non-z up surfaces, this needs work
        # TODO: return other parameters

        # Originally From: https://github.com/dbworth/minimum-area-bounding-rectangle
        polyData = segmentation.applyVoxelGrid(polyData, leafSize=0.02)
        #vis.updatePolyData( polyData, 'block top', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        polyDataCentroid = segmentation.computeCentroid(polyData)
        pts =vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk( polyData , 'Points' )

        xy_points =  pts[:,[0,1]]
        vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(xy_points) , 'xy_points', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        hull_points = qhull_2d.qhull2D(xy_points)
        vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(hull_points) , 'hull_points', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        # Reverse order of points, to match output from other qhull implementations
        hull_points = hull_points[::-1]
        # print 'Convex hull points: \n', hull_points, "\n"

        # Find minimum area bounding rectangle
        (rot_angle, rectArea, rectDepth, rectWidth, center_point, corner_points_ground) = min_bounding_rect.minBoundingRect(hull_points)
        vis.updatePolyData( get2DAsPolyData(corner_points_ground) , 'corner_points_ground', parent='cont debug', visible=False)
        cornerPoints = np.vstack((corner_points_ground.T, polyDataCentroid[2]*np.ones( corner_points_ground.shape[0]) )).T
        cornerPolyData = vtkNumpy.getVtkPolyDataFromNumpyPoints(cornerPoints)

        # Create a frame at the far right point - which points away from the robot
        farRightCorner = self.findFarRightCorner(cornerPolyData , linkFrame)
        viewDirection = segmentation.SegmentationContext.getGlobalInstance().getViewDirection()
        robotYaw = math.atan2( viewDirection[1], viewDirection[0] )*180.0/np.pi
        blockAngle =  rot_angle*(180/math.pi)
        #print "robotYaw   ", robotYaw
        #print "blockAngle ", blockAngle
        blockAngleAll = np.array([blockAngle , blockAngle+90 , blockAngle+180, blockAngle+270])
        #print blockAngleAll
        for i in range(0,4):
        #print blockAngleAll
        values = abs(blockAngleAll - robotYaw)
        #print values
        min_idx = np.argmin(values)
        if ( (min_idx==1) or (min_idx==3) ):
            #print "flip rectDepth and rectWidth as angle is not away from robot"
            temp = rectWidth ; rectWidth = rectDepth ; rectDepth = temp

        #print "best angle", blockAngleAll[min_idx]
        rot_angle = blockAngleAll[min_idx]*math.pi/180.0

        # Optional: overwrite all of the above with the yaw of the robt when it was standing in front of the blocks:
        if (self.fixBlockYawWithInitial):
            rot_angle = self.initialRobotYaw

        cornerTransform = transformUtils.frameFromPositionAndRPY( farRightCorner , [0,0, np.rad2deg(rot_angle) ] )

        #print "Minimum area bounding box:"
        #print "Rotation angle:", rot_angle, "rad  (", rot_angle*(180/math.pi), "deg )"
        #print "rectDepth:", rectDepth, " rectWidth:", rectWidth, "  Area:", rectArea
        #print "Center point: \n", center_point # numpy array
        #print "Corner points: \n", cornerPoints, "\n"  # numpy array
        return cornerTransform, rectDepth, rectWidth, rectArea