Пример #1
 def apply(self, solution):
     # If large reward is correct, take some of the error
     # distribution and add it to the correct distribution.
     if solution.conditions['highreward'] == 1:
         mismapped = self.mappingcoef * solution.err
         err = solution.err - mismapped
         corr = solution.corr + mismapped
         return ddm.Solution(corr, err, solution.model, solution.conditions)
     # If small reward is correct, do the opposite
         mismapped = self.mappingcoef * solution.corr
         corr = solution.corr - mismapped
         err = solution.err + mismapped
         return ddm.Solution(corr, err, solution.model, solution.conditions)
Пример #2
 def apply(self, solution):
     assert self.pmixturecoef >= 0 and self.pmixturecoef <= 1
     corr, err, m, cond = solution.corr, solution.err, solution.model, solution.conditions
     # These aren't real pdfs since they don't sum to 1, they sum
     # to 1/self.model.dt.  We can't just sum the correct and error
     # distributions to find this number because that would exclude
     # the undecided trials.
     pdfsum = 1 / m.dt
     # This can be derived by hand pretty easily.
     lapses_hr = lambda t: self.ratehr * np.exp(-(self.ratehr + self.ratelr)
                                                * t) if t != 0 else 0
     lapses_lr = lambda t: self.ratelr * np.exp(-(self.ratehr + self.ratelr)
                                                * t) if t != 0 else 0
     X = [i * m.dt for i in range(0, len(corr))]
     # Bias should be based on reward, not correct vs error
     if cond['highreward'] == 1:
         Y_corr = np.asarray(list(map(lapses_hr, X))) * m.dt
         Y_err = np.asarray(list(map(lapses_lr, X))) * m.dt
         Y_corr = np.asarray(list(map(lapses_lr, X))) * m.dt
         Y_err = np.asarray(list(map(lapses_hr, X))) * m.dt
     corr = corr * (
         1 - self.pmixturecoef
     ) + self.pmixturecoef * Y_corr  # Assume ndarrays, not lists
     err = err * (1 - self.pmixturecoef) + self.pmixturecoef * Y_err
     return ddm.Solution(corr, err, m, cond)
Пример #3
    def apply(self, solution):
        if self.diptype not in [1, 2, 3]:
            return solution
        corr = solution.corr
        err = solution.err
        m = solution.model
        cond = solution.conditions
        undec = solution.undec
        evolution = solution.evolution
        diptype = m.get_dependence("drift").diptype

        def set_dip_type(m, diptype):
            m.get_dependence("drift").diptype = diptype
            m.get_dependence("noise").diptype = diptype
            m.get_dependence("bound").diptype = diptype
            m.get_dependence("overlay").diptype = diptype

        set_dip_type(m, -1)
        ratio = get_detect_prob(cond['coherence'], self.detect)
        s = m.solve_numerical_implicit(conditions=cond, return_evolution=True)
        newcorr = corr * ratio + s.corr * (1 - ratio)
        newerr = err * ratio + s.err * (1 - ratio)
        newevo = evolution
        #newevo = evolution * ratio + s.evolution * (1-ratio)
        set_dip_type(m, diptype)
        return ddm.Solution(newcorr, newerr, m, cond, undec, newevo)
 def apply(self, solution):
     # Make sure params are within range
     assert self.ndsigma > 0, 'Invalid st parameter'
     # Extract components of the solution object for convenience
     corr = solution.corr
     err = solution.err
     dt = solution.model.dt
     # Create the weights for different timepoints
     times = np.asarray(list(range(-len(corr), len(corr))))*dt
     weights = stats.norm(scale=self.ndsigma, loc=self.nondectime).pdf(times)
     if np.sum(weights) > 0:
         weights /= np.sum(weights) # Ensure it integrates to 1
     newcorr = np.convolve(weights, corr, mode='full')[len(corr):(2*len(corr))]
     newerr = np.convolve(weights, err, mode='full')[len(corr):(2*len(corr))]
     return ddm.Solution(newcorr, newerr, solution.model,
                     solution.conditions, solution.undec)
Пример #5
 def solve(self, conditions={}, *args, **kwargs):
     corr = self.t_domain() * 0
     err = self.t_domain() * 0
     undec = self.x_domain(conditions=conditions) * 0 + 1 / len(
     return ddm.Solution(corr, err, self, conditions, undec)
Пример #6
 def solve(self, conditions={}, *args, **kwargs):
     corr = self.t_domain() * 0
     corr[1] = .8
     err = self.t_domain() * 0
     err[1] = .2
     return ddm.Solution(corr, err, self, conditions)