Пример #1
    def apply(self, solution):

        corr = solution.corr
        err = solution.err
        m = solution.model
        cond = solution.conditions
        undec = solution.undec
        evolution = solution.evolution

        pmixturecoef = getattr(self, 'pmixturecoef{}'.format(cond['reward']))
        rate = getattr(self, 'rate{}'.format(cond['reward']))
        assert pmixturecoef >= 0 and pmixturecoef <= 1
        assert isinstance(solution, Solution)

        # To make this work with undecided probability, we need to
        # normalize by the sum of the decided density.  That way, this
        # function will never touch the undecided pieces.

        norm = np.sum(corr)  #+ np.sum(err)
        lapses = lambda t: 2 * rate * np.exp(-1 * rate * t)
        X = m.dt * np.arange(0, len(corr))
        Y = lapses(X)
        Y /= np.sum(Y)
        corr = corr * (
            1 - pmixturecoef
        ) + pmixturecoef * Y * norm  # Assume numpy ndarrays, not lists
        # err = err*(1-pmixturecoef) + .5*pmixturecoef*Y*norm

        return Solution(corr, err, m, cond, undec, evolution)
Пример #2
        def apply(self, solution):
            # Unpack solution object
            corr = solution.corr
            err = solution.err
            m = solution.model
            cond = solution.conditions
            undec = solution.undec

            # t param:
            if t_depends_on is None:
                t_param = self.t
            elif len(t_unique_conditions) == 1:
                t_param = getattr(self, 't{}'.format(cond[t_depends_on[0]]))
            elif len(t_unique_conditions) == 2:
                t_param = getattr(
                    self, 't{}.{}'.format(cond[t_depends_on[0]],

            shifts = int(t_param / m.dt)  # truncate
            # Shift the distribution
            newcorr = np.zeros(corr.shape, dtype=corr.dtype)
            newerr = np.zeros(err.shape, dtype=err.dtype)
            if shifts > 0:
                newcorr[shifts:] = corr[:-shifts]
                newerr[shifts:] = err[:-shifts]
            elif shifts < 0:
                newcorr[:shifts] = corr[-shifts:]
                newerr[:shifts] = err[-shifts:]
                newcorr = corr
                newerr = err
            return Solution(newcorr, newerr, m, cond, undec)
Пример #3
    def apply(self, solution, mu=0.25, sigma=0.05, rate=5):

        corr = solution.corr
        err = solution.err
        m = solution.model
        cond = solution.conditions
        undec = solution.undec
        evolution = solution.evolution

        mixturecoef = getattr(self, 'mixture{}'.format(cond['reward']))
        assert mixturecoef >= 0 and mixturecoef <= 1
        assert isinstance(solution, Solution)

        # To make this work with undecided probability, we need to
        # normalize by the sum of the decided density.  That way, this
        # function will never touch the undecided pieces.

        norm = np.sum(corr)  #+ np.sum(err)
        K = 1 / (sigma * rate)
        X = m.dt * np.arange(0, len(corr))
        # X = np.linspace(0,5,1000)
        Y = exponnorm.pdf(X, K, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
        Y /= np.sum(Y)
        # plt.plot(X,Y)
        corr = corr * (
            1 - mixturecoef
        ) + mixturecoef * Y * norm  # Assume numpy ndarrays, not lists

        return Solution(corr, err, m, cond, undec, evolution)
Пример #4
 def apply(self, solution):
     # Check parameters and conditions
     assert solution.conditions['side'] in [0, 1], "Invalid side"
     # Unpack solution object
     corr = solution.corr
     err = solution.err
     m = solution.model
     cond = solution.conditions
     undec = solution.undec
     # Compute non-decision time
     ndtime = self.nondectimeL if cond['side'] == 0 else self.nondectimeR
     shifts = int(ndtime/m.dt) # truncate
     # Shift the distribution
     newcorr = np.zeros(corr.shape, dtype=corr.dtype)
     newerr = np.zeros(err.shape, dtype=err.dtype)
     if shifts > 0:
         newcorr[shifts:] = corr[:-shifts]
         newerr[shifts:] = err[:-shifts]
     elif shifts < 0:
         newcorr[:shifts] = corr[-shifts:]
         newerr[:shifts] = err[-shifts:]
         newcorr = corr
         newerr = err
     return Solution(newcorr, newerr, m, cond, undec)
Пример #5
 def apply(self, solution):
     # Make sure params are within range
     assert self.ndsigma > 0, "Invalid st parameter"
     # Extract components of the solution object for convenience
     corr = solution.corr
     err = solution.err
     dt = solution.model.dt
     # Create the weights for different timepoints
     times = np.asarray(list(range(-len(corr), len(corr))))*dt
     weights = scipy.stats.norm(scale=self.ndsigma, loc=self.nondectime).pdf(times)
     if np.sum(weights) > 0:
         weights /= np.sum(weights) # Ensure it integrates to 1
     newcorr = np.convolve(weights, corr, mode="full")[len(corr):(2*len(corr))]
     newerr = np.convolve(weights, err, mode="full")[len(corr):(2*len(corr))]
     return Solution(newcorr, newerr, solution.model,
                     solution.conditions, solution.undec)
Пример #6
    def apply(self, solution):

        corr = solution.corr
        err = solution.err
        m = solution.model
        cond = solution.conditions
        undec = solution.undec
        evolution = solution.evolution

        lapse = getattr(self, 'lapse{}'.format(cond['reward']))
        assert isinstance(solution, Solution)

        # check what corr would look like with drift rate == 0
        # ----------------------------------------------------

        m2 = copy.copy(m)

        # set depenencies
        dependencies = m.dependencies
        for i in range(len(dependencies)):
            if dependencies[i].depname == 'Overlay':
                overlays = dependencies[i].overlays
                for j in range(len(overlays)):
                    if overlays[j].name == 'evidence lapse':
                dependencies[i] = OverlayChain(overlays=overlays)
        m2.dependencies = dependencies

        # set parameters:
        param_names = m.get_model_parameter_names()
        param_values = m.get_model_parameters()
        for i in range(len(param_values)):
            if param_names[i][0] == 'v':
                param_values[i] = Fitted(0)

        # solve:
        solution2 = m2.solve(cond)
        corr2 = solution2.corr

        # ----------------------------------------------------

        # update corr:
        corr = (corr * (1 - lapse)) + (lapse * corr2
                                       )  # Assume numpy ndarrays, not lists

        return Solution(corr, err, m, cond, undec, evolution)
Пример #7
 def apply(self, solution):
     # Unpack solution object
     corr = solution.corr
     err = solution.err
     m = solution.model
     cond = solution.conditions
     undec = solution.undec
     shifts = int(self.t / m.dt)  # truncate
     # Shift the distribution
     newcorr = np.zeros(corr.shape, dtype=corr.dtype)
     newerr = np.zeros(err.shape, dtype=err.dtype)
     if shifts > 0:
         newcorr[shifts:] = corr[:-shifts]
         newerr[shifts:] = err[:-shifts]
     elif shifts < 0:
         newcorr[:shifts] = corr[-shifts:]
         newerr[:shifts] = err[-shifts:]
         newcorr = corr
         newerr = err
     return Solution(newcorr, newerr, m, cond, undec)