Пример #1
class Timed(object):
    # This is a self timing game. It takes the start time and takes the end time from it
    def __init__(self, more):
        self.names = more
        self.gold = Gold(self.names)
        self.death = Death("You forever burn in hell.")

    def test1(self):
        print "\033[34m%r\033[0m You enter a room with a button on a pillar right in the middle of the room" % self.names
        print "There are a set of instructions. You will need to press the button"
        print "Then count in your head to ten then press the button again."
        self.begin = raw_input("Press enter ")
        self.start = time.time()
        enter = raw_input("Press enter again after 10 seconds ")
        self.finish = time.time()
        end = int(self.finish) - int(self.start)
        if end <= 9:
            print end
            return self.death.dead()
# This gives you a bit of wigal room so you can go over by a few seconds
        elif end >= 10 and end <= 12:
            print "Wow you done it. You can count lol."
            print "Here is your reward."
            return self.gold.gold()
            return self.death.dead()
Пример #2
class Timed(object):
# This is a self timing game. It takes the start time and takes the end time from it    
    def __init__(self, more):
        self.names = more
        self.gold = Gold(self.names)
        self.death = Death("You forever burn in hell.")
    def test1(self):
        print "\033[34m%r\033[0m You enter a room with a button on a pillar right in the middle of the room" % self.names
        print "There are a set of instructions. You will need to press the button"
        print "Then count in your head to ten then press the button again."
        self.begin = raw_input("Press enter ")
        self.start = time.time()
        enter = raw_input("Press enter again after 10 seconds ")
        self.finish = time.time()
        end = int(self.finish) - int(self.start)
        if end <= 9:
            print end
            return self.death.dead()
# This gives you a bit of wigal room so you can go over by a few seconds
        elif end >= 10 and end <= 12:
            print "Wow you done it. You can count lol."
            print "Here is your reward."
            return self.gold.gold()
            return self.death.dead()
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, more):
     self.names = more
     self.death = Death(
         "Looks like the lock died, You curl up in a ball and await death.")
     self.first_two = "[%r:%r: ]" % (random.randint(
         1, 10), random.randint(1, 10))
     self.sums = Sums(self.names)
Пример #4
    def postInit(self):
        # initialize game content
        # camera
        base.camLens.setNearFar(1.0, 10000)

        a = 33
        base.camera.setPos(0, -a, a + 3)  #80)
        # collision
        base.cTrav = CollisionTraverser("base collision traverser")
        base.cHandler = CollisionHandlerEvent()
        base.cPusher = CollisionHandlerPusher()
        base.cQueue = CollisionHandlerQueue()
        base.globalClock = ClockObject.getGlobalClock()
        # ai init
        base.AIworld = AIWorld(render)
        # 3d manager
        base.audio3d = Audio3DManager(base.sfxManagerList[0], camera)
        # manager
        self.archiveManager = ArchiveManager()
        self.mapManager = MapManager()
        self.initHeroInfo = None
        # Lock
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.gameThread = None

        self.filters = CommonFilters(base.win, base.cam)
        # UI
        self.menu = Menu()
        self.option = Option()
        self.archive = Archive()
        self.death = Death()
        # self.oobe()
        #self.Archive_status = 0
        # self.menuMusic = loader.loadMusic("assets/audio/menuMusic.ogg")
        # self.menuMusic.setLoop(True)
        # self.fightMusic = loader.loadMusic("assets/audio/fightMusic.ogg")
        # self.fightMusic.setLoop(True)
        # base.audio3d = Audio3DManager(base.sfxManagerList[0], camera)

        self.titleVideo, self.titleCard = loadVideo('title.mp4')

        self.isInited = False
        self.isSkip = False
        self.isRenew = False
        # Event handling
        self.accept("escape", self.__escape)

        # Start with the menu
Пример #5
	def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
		"moves the game into the next scene"
		if next_room == 'consciousness_link':
			cl = ConsciousnessLink()
			cl.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
			dt = Death()
			dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #6
 def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
     "moves the game into the next scene"
     if next_room == 'consciousness_link':
         cl = ConsciousnessLink()
         cl.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
         dt = Death()
         dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #7
	def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
		"moves the game to the next scene, the waste center"
		if next_room == 'waste_center':
			wc = WasteCenter()
			wc.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
			dt = Death()
			dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #8
	def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
		"moves the game into the next scene"
		if next_room == 'power_center':
			pc = PowerCenter()
			pc.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
			dt = Death()
			dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)	
Пример #9
	def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
		"moves the game into the next scene"
		if next_room == 'cortex_vault':
			cv = CortexVault()
			cv.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
			dt = Death()
			dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #10
 def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
     "moves the game into the next scene"
     if next_room == 'power_center':
         pc = PowerCenter()
         pc.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
         dt = Death()
         dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #11
 def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
     "moves the game into the next scene"
     if next_room == 'cortex_vault':
         cv = CortexVault()
         cv.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
         dt = Death()
         dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #12
 def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
     "moves the game to the next scene, the waste center"
     if next_room == 'waste_center':
         wc = WasteCenter()
         wc.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
         dt = Death()
         dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #13
	def move_on(self, next_room, story_tag, action_tag):
		"moves the game into the next scene"
		if next_room == 'victory':
			vt = Victory()
			vt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
			dt = Death()
			dt.enter(story_tag, action_tag)
Пример #14
def create_deaths(wof_settings,screen,deaths,levelMap):
    Create a set of deaths
    death_width = wof_settings.element_width
    death_height = wof_settings.element_height        
    # Create deaths
    for death_position in levelMap['death']:
        death = Death(wof_settings,screen)
        death.x = death_position[1] * death_width
        death.y = death_position[0] * death_height
        death.rect.x = death.x
        death.rect.y = death.y
Пример #15
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'the_beginning': S.TheBeginning(),
        'fire_room': S.FireRoom(),
        'lit_hole': S.LitHole(),
        'locked_door': S.LockedDoor(),
        'two_paths': S.TwoPaths(),
        'two_choices': S.TwoChoices(),
        'doors_room': S.DoorsRoom(),
        'tunnel': S.Tunnel(),
        'dark_hole': S.DarkHole(),
        'hallway_end': S.HallwayEnd(),
        'death': Death(),
        # raise ValueError ('todo')
        #Add more scenes

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return self.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #16
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'Room': S.Room(),
        'Elevator': S.Elevator(),  #this connects names to scenes
        'Extra_lock': S.Extra_lock(),
        'text': S.text(),
        'Friend_solo': S.Friend_solo(),
        'Reentry_solo': S.Reentry_solo(),
        'Reentry_friend_good_txt': S.Reentry_friend_good_txt(),
        'Reentry_friend_bad_txt': S.Reentry_friend_bad_txt(),
        'death': Death()
        # raise ValueError ('todo')

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene  #self is the variabel

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #17
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'wake_up': S.WakeUp(),
        'door_one': S.DoorOne(),
        'door_two': S.DoorTwo(),
        'bridge_door_one': S.BridgeDoorOne(),
        'cyclops_room': S.CyclopsRoom(),
        'collapsing_tunnel': S.CollapsingTunnel(),
        'cliff': S.Cliff(),
        'bridge_door_two': S.BridgeDoorTwo(),
        'death': Death(),
        # raise ValueError ('todo')

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #18
class Map():

    #translates the strings we receive as returns to which function to call next
    scenes = {
        'birth': Birth(),
        'grove': Grove(),
        'metropolis': Metropolis(),
        'death': Death(),
        'doorway': Doorway(),
        'forest': Forest(),
        'plains': Plains(),
        'elfkingdom': ElfKingdom()

    #we provide a place to start
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
        return val

    #plays the first scene in the game
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, more):
     # This sets the HP and attacks for you and who you are fighting in this class also takes the name from the start.py file and adds it in  here
     self.HP = 100
     self.names = more
     self.death = Death("So he kicked you're ass then.")
     self.pikachuhp = 20
     self.mewhp = 30
     self.mewtwohp = 40
     self.hitback = random.randint(5, 20)
Пример #20
class Map(object):
    #key is strings, value is function
    scenes = {
        'central_corridor': S.CentralCorridor(
        ),  # class names bc they're capitalized. calling class name __init__. String keys are assigned to the scene object. They're scene objects because () calling the constructorn function inside class
        'laser_weapon_armory': S.LaserWeaponArmory(),
        'guards': S.Guards(),
        'foot_steps': S.Foot_Steps(),
        # Hallway Path
        'hallway': S.Hallway(),
        'infirmary': S.Infirmary(),
        'storage': S.Storage(),
        'box': S.Box(),
        'escape': S.Escape(),
        'ask': S.Ask(),
        'boarding': S.Boarding(),
        'incoming': S.Incoming(),

        # Others Path
        'others': S.Others(),
        'pub_Entrance': S.Pub(),
        'poker': S.Poker(),
        'winnah': S.Winnah(),

        # Exit
        'exit': S.Exit(),
        # Death
        'death': Death()
        # raise ValueError ('todo')

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):  # this is the constructor
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        # sending in scene_name, self.start_scene is assigned as scene_name SAME VALUE THO
        return self.scenes.get(scene_name)
        # self.scenes in this line gets

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        # Dominos calling Papa Johns, start_scene is order
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #21
class Map(object):

    scenes = {
        'last_day_on_earth': LastDayOnEarth(),
        'death': Death(),
        'exploring': Exploring(),
        'escape': Escape(),
        'deactivation': Deactivation()

    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #22
class Map(object):
	scenes = {'center_alley' : S.CenterAlley(),
				'center_street' : S.CenterStreet(),
				'the_center' : S.TheCenter(),
				'death' : Death()
	# initializes to a starting scene
	def __init__(self, start_scene):
		self.start_scene = start_scene
	# gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
	def next_scene(self, scene_name):
		return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
	# gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
	def opening_scene(self):
		return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #23
class Engine(object):

    Rooms = {
        'start': Start(),
        'death': Death(),
        'finished': Finished()

    def __init__(self, current_room_name):
        self.current_room = self.Rooms.get(current_room_name)

    def play_game(self):

        next_room_name = 'None'

        while next_room_name == 'None':
            next_room_name = self.current_room.exit_room()
            self.current_room = self.Rooms.get(next_room_name)
            next_room_name = self.current_room.info.get('next_room')
Пример #24
class Map(object):

    scenes = {
        'cementery': Cementery(),
        'corridor': Corridor(),
        'death': Death(),
        'maze': Maze(),
        'tomb': Tomb(),
        'finished': Finished(),

    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
        return val

    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #25
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'RiddleTown': S.RiddleTown(),
        'highschool': S.Highschool(),
        'fakefriends': S.Fakefriends(),
        'rockpaperscissors': S.Rockpaperscissors(),
        'death': Death()

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return self.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #26
class Map(object):

    scenes = {
        'central_corridor': CentralCorridor(),
        'death': Death(),
        'finished': Planet(),
        'armory': Armory(),
        'bridge': Bridge(),
        'pod': EscapePod()

    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
        return val

    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #27
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'round_1': S.FatalFistFred(),
        'round_2': S.SwordSwingingSteve(),
        'round_3': S.PennyPuncherPerry(),
        'round_4': S.MathIsHard(),
        'death': Death()

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #28
class Map(object):

    scenes = {
        'central_corridor': CentralCorridor(),
        'laser_weapon_armory': LaserWeaponArmory(),
        'the_bridge': TheBridge(),
        'escape_pod': EscapePod(),
        'death': Death(),
        'finished': Finished(),

    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
        return val

    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #29
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'central_corridor': S.CentralCorridor(),
        'laser_weapon_armory': S.LaserWeaponArmory(),
        'the_bridge': S.TheBridge(),
        'escape_pod': S.EscapePod(),
        'death': Death()
        # raise ValueError ('todo')

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #30
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'treehouse_jungle': S.TreehouseJungle(),
        'crazy_beach': S.CrazyBeach(),
        'park_bench': S.ParkBench(),
        'bluff_lake': S.BluffLake(),
        'death': Death()
        # raise ValueError ('todo')

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, treehouse_jungle):
        self.start_scene = treehouse_jungle

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, crazy_beach):
        return Map.scenes.get(crazy_beach)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #31
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'oweek-scene': S.oweek(),
        'study space': S.studyingspace(),
        'compsci-scene': S.compsci(),
        'food-scene': S.food(),
        'final-scene': S.finals(),
        'death': Death.death()

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #32
class PlotMaps(object):  # contains all plots of adventure game

    Plots = {
        'cave_mouth': CaveMouth(),
        'the_woods': TheWoods(),
        'river_crossing': RiverCrossing(),
        'kings_hideout': KingsHideout(),
        'princess_blood': PrincessBlood(),
        'secret_weapon': SecretWeapon(),
        'final_chapter': FinalChapter(),
        'death': Death()

    def __init__(self, start_plot):
        self.start_plot = start_plot

    def next_plot(self, plot_name):  # get next plot
        val = PlotMaps.Plots.get(plot_name)
        return val

    def beginning(self):  # display current plot
        return self.next_plot(self.start_plot)
Пример #33
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        "round_one": S.RoundOne(),
        'round_five': S.RoundFive(),
        'double_octos': S.DoubleOctos(),
        'semis': S.Semis(),
        'finals': S.Finals(),
        'death': Death()
        # raise ValueError ('todo')

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #34
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'central_corridor': S.CentralCorridor(),
        'laser_weapon_armory': S.LaserWeaponArmory(),
        'the_temple': S.Temple(),
        'the_spaceship': S.SpaceShip(),
        'the_lab': S.Lab(),
        'the_exit': S.Exit(),
        'death': Death()

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #35
class Map(object):
    scenes = {
        'difficulty': S.Difficulty(),
        'downtown_chicago': S.DowntownChicago(),
        'red_line': S.RedLine(),
        'train_car': S.TrainCar(),
        'cross_walk': S.CrossWalk(),
        'broke_bus': S.BrokeBus(),
        'death': Death()

    # initializes to a starting scene
    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    # gets the specified scene from the scenes dictionary list.
    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        return Map.scenes.get(scene_name)

    # gets the first scene of the map from the dictionary list
    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
Пример #36
class Sums(object):
# This is just a simple maths question game nothing special        
    def __init__(self, more):
        self.death = Death("You can't do simple math???")
        self.names = more
        self.list = {'1':"15 + 10 * 6 = ", '2':"22 + 50 = "}
        self.timed = Timed(self.names)

    def second(self):
        print "\033[34m%r\033[0m So you got past that last door" % self.names
        print "This seams to be a math challange are you ready"
        print "there are two envelope in front of you numbered \033[1;31m'1'\033[0m and \033[1;31m'2'\033[0m"
        print "Pick one of these envelope."
        self.picker = raw_input("'1' or '2' ")
        print "%r" % self.list[self.picker]
        answer = raw_input("??? ")
# For some reason i can't get it to just acept the right answer, it will give a positive if i enter 150 or 72
        while answer != "150" and answer != "72":
            print "Try again"
            answer = raw_input("??? ")              
        if answer == "150":
            print "right on, you run thought the open door to the next room."
            return self.timed.test1()
        elif answer == "72":
            print "right on, you run thought the open door to the next room."
            return self.timed.test1()
            return self.death.dead()
Пример #37
 def __init__(self, more):
     self.names = more
     self.gold = Gold(self.names)
     self.death = Death("You forever burn in hell.")
Пример #38
class Lock(object):
# Setting your name, death and the first 2 numbers for the first puzzle    
    def __init__(self, more):
        self.names = more
        self.death = Death("Looks like the lock died, You curl up in a ball and await death.")
        self.first_two = "[%r:%r: ]" % (random.randint(1,10), random.randint(1,10))
        self.sums = Sums(self.names)
    def guess(self):
ooooo          .oooooo.     .oooooo.    ooooo   .oooooo.   
`888'         d8P'  `Y8b   d8P'  `Y8b   `888'  d8P'  `Y8b  
 888         888      888 888            888  888          
 888         888      888 888            888  888          
 888         888      888 888     ooooo  888  888          
 888       o `88b    d88' `88.    .88'   888  `88b    ooo  
o888ooooood8  `Y8bood8P'   `Y8bood8P'   o888o  `Y8bood8P'  
ooooooooo.     .oooooo.     .oooooo.   ooo        ooooo  .oooooo..o 
`888   `Y88.  d8P'  `Y8b   d8P'  `Y8b  `88.       .888' d8P'    `Y8 
 888   .d88' 888      888 888      888  888b     d'888  Y88bo.      
 888ooo88P'  888      888 888      888  8 Y88. .P  888   `"Y8888o.  
 888`88b.    888      888 888      888  8  `888'   888       `"Y88b 
 888  `88b.  `88b    d88' `88b    d88'  8    Y     888  oo     .d8P 
o888o  o888o  `Y8bood8P'   `Y8bood8P'  o8o        o888o 8""88888P' 
        print "\033[034m%r\033[0m You enter a room with nothing in it bar a locked door with a keypad" % self.names
        print "There are 3 numbers you must guess to progress"
        print "Wait a minuite there are two numbers already keyed in so you only need to guess the final number"
        print "Here are the first two numbers \033[1;31m%r\033[0m" % self.first_two
        print "You know need to guess the final number."
        print "remember it has to be between \033[1;31m0\033[0m and \033[1;31m9\033[0m."
        print "You only got 6 tryes."
        last_one = "%r" % random.randint(0,9)
        print last_one
        guesses = 0
        guess = raw_input("> ")
# Uses a if statment but then goes into a while statment so that the first guess is recorded but you can still get it right first go
        if guess != last_one:
            guesses += 1
            print"Guess again you have had %r guess" % guesses
            while guess != last_one and guesses < 6:
                guesses += 1
                guess = raw_input("> ")
                print "Guess again you have guessed %r times." % guesses
            if last_one == guess:
                print "You done it, quickly run on to the next room."
                return self.sums.second()
                return self.death.dead()
            print "You done it."
Пример #39
 def __init__(self, more):
     self.death = Death("You can't do simple math???")
     self.names = more
     self.list = {'1':"15 + 10 * 6 = ", '2':"22 + 50 = "}
     self.timed = Timed(self.names)
Пример #40
 def __init__(self, more):
     self.names = more
     self.death = Death("Looks like the lock died, You curl up in a ball and await death.")
     self.first_two = "[%r:%r: ]" % (random.randint(1,10), random.randint(1,10))
     self.sums = Sums(self.names)