Пример #1
    def test_knn_density(self):
        Test correctness of the knn density estimator in the DeBaCl utilities.
        Tests the estimated value at a single arbitrary point.

        # Input parameters
        r_k = np.array([1.])
        n = 100
        p = 2
        k = 5.

        # Correct density estimate
        unit_ball_volume = np.pi**(p / 2.) / spspec.gamma(1 + p / 2.0)
        normalizer = k / (n * unit_ball_volume)
        answer = normalizer / (r_k**p)

        # DeBaCl knn density utility
        fhat = utl.knn_density(r_k, n, p, k)
        self.assertEqual(fhat, answer)

        ## Check that undefined density estimates raise an error.
        with self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError):
            r_k = np.array([10., 10.])
            fhat = utl.knn_density(r_k, n=1000, p=350, k=10)
Пример #2
    def test_knn_density(self):
        Test correctness of the knn density estimator in the DeBaCl utilities.
        Tests the estimated value at a single arbitrary point.

        # Input parameters
        r_k = np.array([1.])
        n = 100
        p = 2
        k = 5.

        # Correct density estimate
        unit_ball_volume = np.pi**(p / 2.) / spspec.gamma(1 + p / 2.0)
        normalizer = k / (n * unit_ball_volume)
        answer = normalizer / (r_k**p)

        # DeBaCl knn density utility
        fhat = utl.knn_density(r_k, n, p, k)
        self.assertEqual(fhat, answer)

        ## Check that undefined density estimates raise an error.
        with self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError):
            r_k = np.array([10., 10.])
            fhat = utl.knn_density(r_k, n=1000, p=350, k=10)
Пример #3
def construct_tree(X, k, prune_threshold=None, num_levels=None, verbose=False):
    Construct a level set tree from tabular data.

    X : 2-dimensional numpy array
        Numeric dataset, where each row represents one observation.

    k : int
        Number of observations to consider as neighbors to a given point.

    prune_threshold : int, optional
        Leaf nodes with fewer than this number of members are recursively
        merged into larger nodes. If 'None' (the default), then no pruning
        is performed.

    num_levels : int, optional
        Number of density levels in the constructed tree. If None (default),
        `num_levels` is internally set to be the number of rows in `X`.

    verbose : bool, optional
        If True, a progress indicator is printed at every 100th level of tree

    T : LevelSetTree
        A pruned level set tree.

    See Also
    construct_tree_from_graph, LevelSetTree

    >>> X = numpy.random.rand(100, 2)
    >>> tree = debacl.construct_tree(X, k=8, prune_threshold=5)
    >>> print tree
    | id | start_level | end_level | start_mass | end_mass | size | parent | children |
    | 0  |    0.000    |   0.870   |   0.000    |  0.450   | 100  |  None  |  [3, 4]  |
    | 3  |    0.870    |   3.364   |   0.450    |  0.990   |  17  |   0    |    []    |
    | 4  |    0.870    |   1.027   |   0.450    |  0.520   |  35  |   0    |  [7, 8]  |
    | 7  |    1.027    |   1.755   |   0.520    |  0.870   |  8   |   4    |    []    |
    | 8  |    1.027    |   3.392   |   0.520    |  1.000   |  23  |   4    |    []    |

    sim_graph, radii = _utl.knn_graph(X, k, method='brute_force')

    n, p = X.shape
    density = _utl.knn_density(radii, n, p, k)

    tree = construct_tree_from_graph(adjacency_list=sim_graph, density=density,
                                     num_levels=num_levels, verbose=verbose)

    return tree
Пример #4
    def test_knn_density(self):
        Test correctness of the knn density estimator in the DeBaCl utilities.
        Tests the estimated value at a single arbitrary point.

        # Input parameters
        r_k = 1.
        n = 100
        p = 2
        k = 5.

        # Correct density estimate
        unit_ball_volume = np.pi**(p / 2.) / spspec.gamma(1 + p / 2.0)
        normalizer = k / (n * unit_ball_volume)
        answer = normalizer / (r_k**p)

        # DeBaCl knn density utility
        fhat = utl.knn_density(r_k, n, p, k)

        self.assertEqual(fhat, answer)
Пример #5
    def test_knn_density(self):
        Test correctness of the knn density estimator in the DeBaCl utilities.
        Tests the estimated value at a single arbitrary point.

        # Input parameters
        r_k = 1.
        n = 100
        p = 2
        k = 5.

        # Correct density estimate
        unit_ball_volume = np.pi**(p / 2.) / spspec.gamma(1 + p / 2.0)
        normalizer = k / (n * unit_ball_volume)
        answer = normalizer / (r_k**p)

        # DeBaCl knn density utility
        fhat = utl.knn_density(r_k, n, p, k)

        self.assertEqual(fhat, answer)