Пример #1
class _Amount:
    def __init__(self, fraction_digits: int, precision: int):
        self._ctx = Context(prec=precision, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN)

        self._fraction_digits = fraction_digits
        self._precision = precision
        self._quantizer = self._ctx.create_decimal(1).scaleb(-fraction_digits)

        self._value = self._ctx.create_decimal(0)

    def deserialize(self, serialized_value):
        self._value = (
        return self

    def serialize(self) -> int:
        return int(self._value.scaleb(self._fraction_digits))

    def set(self, value: Decimal):
        self._value = self._ctx.create_decimal(value).quantize(self._quantizer)
        return self

    def clone(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._value)

    def __imul__(self, other):
        operand = other._value if isinstance(other, Amount) else other
        value = self._ctx.multiply(self._value, operand)
        return self.set(value)

    def __itruediv__(self, other):
        operand = other._value if isinstance(other, Amount) else other
        value = self._ctx.divide(self._value, operand)
        return self.set(value)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self.clone().__imul__(other)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self.clone().__itruediv__(other)

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        operand = other._value if isinstance(other, Amount) else other
        value = self._ctx.add(self._value, operand)
        return self.set(value)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.clone().__iadd__(other)
Пример #2
def confine(w, h, req_w, req_h):
    # reduce longest edge to size
    if w <= req_w and h <= req_h:
        return w, h

    context = Context(prec=17, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
    d_w = context.create_decimal(w)
    d_req_w = context.create_decimal(req_w)
    d_h = context.create_decimal(h)
    d_req_h = context.create_decimal(req_h)
    scale = context.create_decimal(round(min(d_req_w / d_w, d_req_h / d_h), 17))
    return tuple(map(lambda d: (d * scale).to_integral_exact(context=context), [d_w, d_h]))
Пример #3
    def gen_doc_freq(self):
        For each term, count how many movies contains this term
        DF(movie, term) = Total movies / (# of movies with term + 1)\
        IDF(movie, term) = log(Df(movie,term))
        doc_freq_dict = {   term_1: DF(),
                            term_2: ...
        :return None

        # Loading term freq since it contains a corpus with k-phrases
        term_freq = self.search_index.get_term_freq()
        df_dict = dict()
        dec_con = Context(prec=6, rounding=ROUND_05UP)
        for movie in term_freq:
            # Collapse the dict so that for each movie, we have a set of unique k-phrases
            movie_alpha = set(y for x in term_freq[movie].values()
                              for y in x.keys())
            # For each k-phrase, add it into df_dict as a key
            # and as a value keep count how many times it appears
            for term in movie_alpha:
                df_dict[term] = df_dict[term] + 1 if df_dict.get(term) else 1

        # df_dict should be populated with every unique k-phrase and the number movies that contain it
        # Calculate the IDF() = log(total movies / documents with term + 1)
        for term in df_dict:
            dec_df_score = dec_con.create_decimal(
                log(_d(self.total_movies) / _d(df_dict[term])))
            df_dict[term] = str(dec_df_score)

Пример #4
    def floatToString(cls, f: float):
        ''' Converts the given float to a string,
        without resorting to the scientific notation '''

        ctx = Context()
        ctx.prec = 32
        d1 = ctx.create_decimal(repr(f))
        return format(d1, 'f')
Пример #5
def float_to_str(f):
    ctx = Context()
    ctx.prec = 50
    d1 = ctx.create_decimal(repr(f))
    f1 = format(d1, 'f')
    if f1[::-1][:2][::-1] == '.0':
        f1 = f1[::-1][2:][::-1]
    return f1
 def test_timepoint(self):
     """Assert timepoints are saved from the schedule correctly
     as Decimals and ordered by appt_datetime.
     context = Context(prec=2)
         [obj.timepoint for obj in Appointment.objects.all().order_by('appt_datetime')],
         [context.create_decimal(n) for n in range(0, 4)])
Пример #7
def round4_float(f):
    Implements the IEEE floating point rounding rules with the "round half even"
    option when rounding. This means that 1000.5 rounds to 1000 while 1001.5 
    rounds to 1002.
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN, Context
    prec4_rounder = Context(prec=4, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
    return float(str(prec4_rounder.create_decimal(f)))
Пример #8
        def inner_decorator(*a, **kwa):
            ctx = Context(*args, **kwargs)

            # Convert any Decimal object in args
            temp_args = list(a)
            for i in range(len(temp_args)):
                arg = temp_args[i]
                if isinstance(arg, Decimal):
                    temp_args[i] = ctx.create_decimal(arg)

            a = tuple(temp_args)

            # Convert any Decimal objects in kwargs
            for i in kwa:
                arg = kwa[i]
                if isinstance(arg, Decimal):
                    kwa[i] = ctx.create_decimal(arg)

            # Inject the newly created Decimal Context
            f.__globals__["decimal_ctx"] = ctx
            return f(*a, **kwa)
Пример #9
 def test_timepoint(self):
     """Assert timepoints are saved from the schedule correctly
     as Decimals and ordered by appt_datetime.
     context = Context(prec=2)
             for obj in Appointment.objects.all().order_by("appt_datetime")
         [context.create_decimal(n) for n in range(0, 4)],
Пример #10
class NumberDecimal(ParticularScalar):
    """Validates value is compatible with :class:`bson.Decimal128`.

    Useful for financial data that need arbitrary precision.

    The argument `precision` specifies the number of decimal digits to evaluate.
    Defaults to 6.

    The argument `rounding` specifies the kind of rounding to be performed.
    Valid values are `decimal.ROUND_DOWN`, `decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP`, `decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN`,
    `decimal.ROUND_CEILING`, `decimal.ROUND_FLOOR`, `decimal.ROUND_UP`,
    `decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN`, `decimal.ROUND_05UP`.
    Defaults to `decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN`.

    type = (int, float, Decimal, Decimal128)

    def __init__(
        super(NumberDecimal, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.precision = precision
        self.rounding = rounding
        self._context = Context(prec=34, rounding=rounding)  # Max Decimal128 precision
        if self.precision:
            self._quantizing = self._context.create_decimal(Decimal(str(10 ** -precision)))

    def _validate(self, value, **kw):
        value = super(NumberDecimal, self)._validate(value, **kw)
        if isinstance(value, Decimal128):
            value = value.to_decimal()
        value = self._context.create_decimal(value)
        if self.precision:
            value = value.quantize(self._quantizing, rounding=self.rounding)
        return Decimal128(value)
Пример #11
    def _tf(self, term_list):
        turn the list into a dict where key = term and value = tf score
        :param term_list: list of str
        :return: dict(key=term:value=tf score)
        # Can use collection.counter, but I want to implement counter
        tf_scores = dict()
        dec_con = Context(prec=6, rounding=ROUND_05UP)
        for x in term_list:
            if len(x) == 0 or len(x) == 1:
            term = x.lower()
            tf_scores[term] = tf_scores[term] + 1 if tf_scores.get(term) else 1

        for x, y in tf_scores.items():
            term = x.lower()
            tf_scores[term] = "{}".format(
                dec_con.create_decimal(_d(y) / _d(len(term_list))))

        return tf_scores
Пример #12
    def gen_tfidf(self):
        For every term, create a dict of movies and their tf-idf score
        TFIDF(movie, term) = TF(movie, term) * log(DF(movie,term))
        tfidf_dict = {  term_1:
                            {   movie_1: TFIDF(),
                                movie_2: ...
                        term_2: ...
        :return None
        doc_freq = self.search_index.get_doc_freq()
        term_freq = self.search_index.get_term_freq()
        alpha_dict = self.search_index.get_alpha()
        dec_con = Context(prec=6, rounding=ROUND_05UP)

        # Create a tfidf_dict to hold each term's tf-idf index of movies it appears in
        tfidf_dict = dict()
        for term in doc_freq:
            tfidf_dict[term] = dict()

        # Generate the tf-idf score for each movie and place them in the tfidf_dict
        for movie in term_freq:
            for alpha in term_freq[movie]:
                for term in term_freq[movie][alpha]:
                    # we are getting every term's individual score that corresponds to a movie
                    term_tf = _d(term_freq[movie][alpha][term])
                    term_idf = _d(doc_freq[term])
                    term_alpha = _d(alpha_dict[alpha])
                    # generate the term's score for the movie it appears in
                    term_tf_idf = term_tf * term_idf * term_alpha
                    # add this score to a tfidf dict that we can use to rank
                    sum_term_tfidf = _d(tfidf_dict[term][movie]) + term_tf_idf if \
                        tfidf_dict[term].get(movie) else \
                    tfidf_dict[term][movie] = str(

Пример #13
    def _num_to_tuple(self, n, shift=0, max_num_digits=None):
        """Function to convert any number in it's normalized tuple.
            n (float or str): Number to be converted.
            shift (int): Number of digits to be shifted.
            max_num_digits (int): Max number of digits to keep.
            DecimalTuple(sign, digits, exponent): A tuple representing the number.

            >>> c = OrderBook()
            >>> c._num_to_tuple('001')
            DecimalTuple(sign=0, digits=(1,), exponent=0)
            >>> c._num_to_tuple('00300.00')
            DecimalTuple(sign=0, digits=(3,), exponent=2)
            >>> c._num_to_tuple(008.003)
            DecimalTuple(sign=0, digits=(8, 0, 0, 3), exponent=-3)
            >>> c._num_to_tuple('500.43210000', max_num_digits=3)
            DecimalTuple(sign=0, digits=(5,), exponent=2)
            >>> c._num_to_tuple(500.43210000, max_num_digits=4, shift=1)
            DecimalTuple(sign=0, digits=(5, 0, 0, 4), exponent=0)
            >>> c._num_to_tuple('-00000000.0056000000', max_num_digits=2, shift=4)
            DecimalTuple(sign=1, digits=(5, 6), exponent=0)
            >>> c._num_to_tuple('-0000.0058064171659814651465', max_num_digits=1, shift=4)
            DecimalTuple(sign=1, digits=(6,), exponent=1)
        number = Decimal(str(n)).normalize().as_tuple()
        l = len(number.digits)
        max_num_digits = max_num_digits if max_num_digits else l
        context = Context(prec=max_num_digits, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
        digits_round = context.create_decimal((0, number.digits, -l)).normalize().as_tuple()
        return Decimal(
Пример #14
# Decimal precision
getcontext().prec = 64
getcontext().Emax = 33
getcontext().Emin = -33
dec_con = getcontext()

# Decimal constants
dec_zero = dec_con.create_decimal('0E-16')
dec_one = dec_con.create_decimal('1.0000000000000000')
dec_eps = dec_con.create_decimal('1E-16')
dec_qua = dec_con.create_decimal('1E-8')

# Reward decimal context
rew_con = Context(prec=64, Emax=33, Emin=-33)
rew_quant = rew_con.create_decimal('0E-32')

# Debug flag
debug = True

# logger
class Logger(object):
    logger = logging.getLogger('Cryptotrader')

    def __init__(name, output_dir=None):
        Initialise the logger
        # Logger.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
Пример #15
def float_to_str(inp):
    context = Context()
    context.prec = 20
    dec = context.create_decimal(repr(inp))
    return format(dec, 'f')
def round_places(input_value, prec=4):
    from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN, Context
    ctx = Context(prec=prec, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
    return float(ctx.create_decimal(input_value))
Пример #17

CONTEXT = Context(prec=28, rounding='ROUND_HALF_EVEN').copy()

currency_euro_zero = Currency(amount=0, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_one = Currency(amount=1, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_two = Currency(amount=2, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_three = Currency(amount=3, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_fifteen = Currency(amount=15, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_another_euro_one = Currency(amount=1, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_another_euro_negative_one = Currency(amount=-1, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_negative_one = Currency(amount=-1, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_negative_two = Currency(amount=-2, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_euro_negative_three = Currency(amount=-3, alpha_code='EUR')
currency_usd_one = Currency(amount=1, alpha_code='USD')
currency = Currency(amount=CONTEXT.create_decimal(1) /

def test_currency_default():