def load_people(where: str = 'TRUE', order_by_name: bool = False, season_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Sequence[Person]: # First we retrieve the people because we want to return a Person for each person that exists even if they have no decks. # This is two separate queries for performance reasons. See #5564. sql = """ SELECT, {person_query} AS name, p.mtgo_username, p.tappedout_username, p.mtggoldfish_username, p.discord_id, p.elo, p.locale FROM person AS p WHERE {where} """.format(person_query=query.person_query(), where=where) people = [Person(r) for r in db().select(sql)] stats = load_people_stats(where, season_id) for p in people: p.update(stats.get(, {})) p.season_id = season_id if order_by_name: people.sort(key=lambda p: p.get('name') or 'ZZZZZZZZZZ') else: people.sort(key=lambda p: (-p.get('num_decks', 0), 1)) # (, p.get('name'))) return people
def display(self, p: Person) -> str: n = p.get('achievements', {}).get(self.key, 0) if n > 0: if decksite.get_season_id() == 0: return self.alltime_text(n) return self.season_text return ''
def load_people( where: str = 'TRUE', order_by: str = 'num_decks DESC,', limit: str = '', season_id: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None) -> Sequence[Person]: person_query = query.person_query() season_join = query.season_join() if season_id else '' season_query = query.season_query(season_id, '') sql = f""" SELECT, {person_query} AS name, p.mtgo_username, p.tappedout_username, p.mtggoldfish_username, p.discord_id, p.elo, p.locale, SUM(1) AS num_decks, SUM(dc.wins) AS wins, SUM(dc.losses) AS losses, SUM(dc.draws) AS draws, SUM(wins - losses) AS record, SUM(CASE WHEN dc.wins >= 5 AND dc.losses = 0 AND d.source_id IN (SELECT id FROM source WHERE name = 'League') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS perfect_runs, SUM(CASE WHEN d.finish = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS tournament_wins, SUM(CASE WHEN d.finish <= 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS tournament_top8s, IFNULL(ROUND((SUM(dc.wins) / NULLIF(SUM(dc.wins + dc.losses), 0)) * 100, 1), '') AS win_percent, SUM(DISTINCT CASE WHEN d.competition_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_competitions FROM person AS p LEFT JOIN deck AS d ON d.person_id = LEFT JOIN deck_cache AS dc ON = dc.deck_id {season_join} WHERE ({where}) AND ({season_query}) GROUP BY ORDER BY {order_by} {limit} """ people = [Person(r) for r in db().select(sql)] for p in people: p.season_id = season_id return people
def load_person_statless(where: str = 'TRUE', season_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Person: person_query = query.person_query() sql = f""" SELECT, {person_query} AS name, p.mtgo_username, p.tappedout_username, p.mtggoldfish_username, p.discord_id, p.elo, p.locale FROM person AS p WHERE {where} """ people = [Person(r) for r in db().select(sql)] for p in people: p.season_id = season_id return guarantee.exactly_one(people)
def display(self, p: Person) -> str: n = p.get('achievements', {}).get(self.key, 0) if n > 0: return self.localised_display(n) return ''