import decodes
from decodes.core import *
outie = decodes.make_out(decodes.Outies.Rhino)

from math import *

line_in = Segment(Point(10,0), Point(-1,-5))

Line Replacement Rule
Replaces a line with a collection of lines - this one is the basis for the Koch Fractal

divs = ( 0 , 1/3 , 0.5 , 2/3 , 1 )
height_ratio = 1/3

height = line_in.length*height_ratio
pts = [line_in.eval(t) for t in divs]
vec = line_in.vec.cross(Vec(0,0,1)).normalized(height)
pts[2] += vec
new_lines = [Segment(pts[n],pts[n+1]) for n in range(len(pts)-1)] 

Пример #2
import decodes as dc
from decodes.core import *

outie = dc.make_out(dc.Outies.SVG,
                    canvas_dimensions=Interval(1000, 500),
scale = 50

for x in range(10):
    for y in range(10):
        pt = Point(x * scale, y * scale)
        pt.set_color(Color(1, 0, 0))
        pt.set_weight(2 * y + 1.5)

def func(t):
    return Point(t * scale, math.sin(t) * scale)

crv = Curve(func, Interval(0, math.pi * 2))

pl = crv.surrogate
pl.set_color(1, 0, 0)

Пример #3
import decodes as dc
from decodes.core import *

outie = dc.make_out(dc.Outies.SVG, "svg_out", path="", canvas_dimensions=Interval(1000,500), flip_y = True)
scale = 50

for x in range(10):
    for y in range(10):
        pt = Point(x*scale,y*scale)
def func(t):
    return Point(t*scale,math.sin(t)*scale)
crv = Curve(func,Interval(0,math.pi*2))

pl = crv.surrogate


Пример #4
import decodes
from decodes.core import *

outie = decodes.make_out(decodes.Outies.JSON, "json_out", save_file=True)

from decodes.extensions.graph import SpatialGraph
Proximity Edges
Adds edges to a given SpatialGraph such that each Point forms connections with a given number of Points nearest to it.

def add_proximity_connections(gph, val=5):
    for p1 in gph.nodes:
        # make a list of all points in the graph without pt
        others = [p for p in gph.nodes if p != p1]
        # sort them by distance to pt
        others.sort(key=lambda p: p.distance2(p1))
        # return the closest ones
        others = others[:val]
        for p2 in others:
            gph.add_edge(p1, p2, bidirectional=False, check_validity=False)

Divide Edges Method
Subdivides a given graph's edges a given number of times, and returns the resulting points.

def divide_edges(gph, divs=4):
Пример #5
import decodes as dc
from decodes.core import *
from import *

outie = dc.make_out(dc.Outies.Rhino, "wayout")

u = 10
v = 10
x = .8
y = 1.2
Define a two parametric surfaces

def func_a(u, v):
    u1 = u * x
    v1 = v * y
    return Point(u, v, (u1**3 - 3 * u1 * (v1**2)) / 4)

# eval function for a handkerchief surface
def func_b(u, v):
    u1 = u * x
    v1 = v * y
    return Point(u, v,
                 ((1 / 3) * u1**3 + u1 * v1**2 + 2 * (u1**2 - v1**2)) / 4)

func = func_a
import decodes
from decodes.core import *

# point construction
pt_a = Point(2,3)
pt_b = Point(10,20,30)
print pt_a
print pt_b

#dot operator accesses properties and methods
print pt_a.x, pt_a.y, pt_a.z
print pt_a.distance(pt_b)

# point manipulation
pt_a.x = 3
print pt_a

Drawing Geometry
outie = decodes.make_out(decodes.Outies.Rhino)  #this contains the geometry to be drawn
Пример #7
import decodes as dc
from decodes.core import *
from import *

outie = dc.make_out(dc.Outies.Rhino, "wayout")

u= 10
v = 10
x = .8
y = 1.2
Define a two parametric surfaces
def func_a(u,v): 
    u1 = u*x
    v1 = v*y
    return Point(u,v,(u1**3-3*u1*(v1**2))/4)
# eval function for a handkerchief surface
def func_b(u,v): 
    u1 = u*x
    v1 = v*y
    return Point(u,v,((1/3)*u1**3+u1*v1**2+2*(u1**2-v1**2))/4 )

func = func_a

# create surface over domain -1 to 1
surf = Surface(func,Interval(-1,1),Interval(-1,1))

meshes = surf.to_mesh(divs_u=u,divs_v=v)
Пример #8
import decodes
from decodes.core import *

out = decodes.make_out(decodes.Outies.ThreeJS, "myscene", "C:\\")
out.put(Point(2, 2, 4))

# {
# "metadata":{"version":4.3, "type":"Object","generator":"ObjectExporter"},
# "geometries": [{ "uuid": "Some number", "x":  , "y":  , "z":  }],
# "materials":[{}],
# "object":{ , , ,"children":[{},{}]}
# }
Пример #9
import decodes
from decodes.core import *

outie = decodes.make_out(decodes.Outies.JSON, "json_out", save_file=True)

from decodes.extensions.graph import SpatialGraph

Proximity Edges
Adds edges to a given SpatialGraph such that each Point forms connections with a given number of Points nearest to it.

def add_proximity_connections(gph, val=5):
    for p1 in gph.nodes:
        # make a list of all points in the graph without pt
        others = [p for p in gph.nodes if p != p1]
        # sort them by distance to pt
        others.sort(key=lambda p: p.distance2(p1))
        # return the closest ones
        others = others[:val]
        for p2 in others:
            gph.add_edge(p1, p2, bidirectional=False, check_validity=False)

Divide Edges Method
Subdivides a given graph's edges a given number of times, and returns the resulting points.
import decodes as dc
from decodes.core import *
from import *
from import *

acad = Autocad(False,  True)

outie = dc.make_out(dc.Outies.ACAD, "wayout")

# Surface Parameters
rad_0 = 0.4
rad_1 = 0.2
ipt = Point(1.0,1.0,0.0)

# u_val Parameters
count_u = 15
skew_u = 0.5
ival_u = Interval(0, math.pi)

# v_val Parameters
count_v = 15
skew_v = 1
ival_v = Interval(0, math.pi)

# Surface Function
tvec = Vec(0,-3,0) # to move the thing away from origin
def func(u,v):
    x = (rad_0+rad_1*math.cos(v))*math.cos(u)
    y = (rad_0+rad_1*math.cos(v))*math.sin(u)
    z = rad_1 * math.sin(v)
import decodes as dc
from decodes.core import *
from import *
from import *

acad = Autocad(False, True)

outie = dc.make_out(dc.Outies.ACAD, "wayout")

# Surface Parameters
rad_0 = 0.4
rad_1 = 0.2
ipt = Point(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)

# u_val Parameters
count_u = 15
skew_u = 0.5
ival_u = Interval(0, math.pi)

# v_val Parameters
count_v = 15
skew_v = 1
ival_v = Interval(0, math.pi)

# Surface Function
tvec = Vec(0, -3, 0)  # to move the thing away from origin

def func(u, v):
    x = (rad_0 + rad_1 * math.cos(v)) * math.cos(u)
    y = (rad_0 + rad_1 * math.cos(v)) * math.sin(u)