Пример #1
    def _test_prefix_false_positives(constructor = BloomFilter):
        for error_rate in [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]:
            a = constructor(error_rate, 10374, prefix="A")
            b = constructor(error_rate, 10374, prefix="B")
            c = constructor(error_rate, 10374, prefix="C")
            d = constructor(error_rate, 10374, prefix="D")
            print "Estimated errors:", a.error_rate, "->", a.error_rate * b.error_rate, "->", a.error_rate * b.error_rate * c.error_rate, "->", a.error_rate * b.error_rate * c.error_rate * d.error_rate

            #we fill each bloomfilter up to its capacity
            data = ["%i" % i for i in xrange(a.capacity)]
            map(a.add, data)
            map(b.add, data)
            map(c.add, data)
            map(d.add, data)

            errors = 0
            two_errors = 0
            three_errors = 0
            four_errors = 0

            #we check what happens if we check twice the capacity
            for i in xrange(a.capacity * 2):
                if "X%i" % i in a:
                    errors += 1
                    if "X%i" % i in b:
                        two_errors += 1
                        if "X%i" % i in c:
                            three_errors += 1
                            if "X%i" % i in d:
                                four_errors += 1

            print "Errors:", errors, "~", errors / (i + 1.0), "Two-Errors:", two_errors, "~", two_errors / (i + 1.0), "Three-Errors:", three_errors, "~", three_errors / (i + 1.0), four_errors, "~", four_errors / (i + 1.0)
Пример #2
        def test(bits, count, constructor = BloomFilter):
            ok = 0
            create_begin = time()
            bloom = constructor(0.0001, bits)
            fill_begin = time()
            for i in xrange(count):
                if i % 2 == 0:
            check_begin = time()
            for i in xrange(count):
                if (str(i) in bloom) == (i % 2 == 0):
                    ok += 1
            write_begin = time()
            string = str(bloom)
            write_end = time()

            print "create: {create:.1f}; fill: {fill:.1f}; check: {check:.1f}; write: {write:.1f}".format(create=fill_begin-create_begin, fill=check_begin-fill_begin, check=write_begin-check_begin, write=write_end-write_begin)
            print string.encode("HEX")[:100], "{len} bytes; ({ok}/{total} ~{part:.0%})".format(len=len(string), ok=ok, total=count, part=1.0*ok/count)
Пример #3
    def _test_false_positives(constructor = BloomFilter):
        for error_rate in [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5]:
            begin = time()
            # if constructor == BloomFilter:
            #     a = constructor(error_rate, 1024*8)
            #     capacity = a.capacity
            # else:
            a = constructor(1024*8, error_rate)
            capacity = a.get_capacity(error_rate)
            print "capacity:", capacity, " error-rate:", error_rate, "bits:", a.size, "bytes:", a.size / 8

            data = ["%i" % i for i in xrange(capacity)]
            map(a.add, data)

            errors = 0
            for i in xrange(200000):
                if "X%i" % i in a:
                    errors += 1
            end = time()

            print "%.3f"%(end-begin), "Errors:", errors, "/", i + 1, " ~ ", errors / (i + 1.0)