def test_mkdir(tmp_path): fpath = tmp_path / "test_file" f = open(fpath, "w") f.close() assert not helpers.mkdir(fpath) dpath = tmp_path / "test_dir" assert helpers.mkdir(dpath) assert os.path.isdir(dpath) assert helpers.mkdir(dpath)
def assetDirectory(self, coinID): """ Get a directory for asset-specific storage. The directory is a subdirectory of the network directory. Args: coinID (int or str): The BIP-0044 asset ID or a ticker symbol. """ symbol = chains.IDSymbols[chains.parseCoinType(coinID)] dirPath = Path(self.netDirectory) / symbol helpers.mkdir(dirPath) return dirPath
def initLogging(self): """ Initialize logging for the entire app. """ logDir = os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, "logs") helpers.mkdir(logDir) logFilePath = os.path.join(logDir, "tinydecred.log") helpers.prepareLogging( logFilePath, logLvl=self.cfg.logLevel, lvlMap=self.cfg.moduleLevels ) log = helpers.getLogger("APP")"configuration file at %s" % config.CONFIG_PATH)"data directory at %s" % config.DATA_DIR) return log
def __init__(self, walletDir, pw, network, signals=None, allowCreate=False): """ Args: dir (str): A directory for wallet database files. pw (str): The user password. network (str): The network name. signals (Signals): A signal processor. """ signals = signals if signals else DefaultSignals netParams = nets.parse(network) netDir, dbPath, dcrPath = paths(walletDir, netParams.Name) if not Path(netDir).exists(): mkdir(netDir) dcrdataDB = database.KeyValueDatabase(dcrPath) # The initialized DcrdataBlockchain will not be connected, as that is a # blocking operation. It will be called when the wallet is open. dcrdataURL = DCRDATA_PATHS[netParams.Name] self.dcrdata = DcrdataBlockchain(dcrdataDB, netParams, dcrdataURL) chains.registerChain("dcr", self.dcrdata) walletExists = Path(dbPath).is_file() if not walletExists and not allowCreate: raise DecredError("Wallet does not exist at %s", dbPath) super().__init__(dbPath) # words is only set the first time a wallet is created. if not walletExists: seed = rando.newKeyRaw() self.initialize(seed, pw.encode(), netParams) self.words = mnemonic.encode(seed) cryptoKey = self.cryptoKey(pw) acctMgr = self.accountManager(chains.BipIDs.decred, signals) self.account = acctMgr.openAccount(0, cryptoKey) self.account.sync()
import argparse import logging import os import sys from appdirs import AppDirs from decred.dcr import nets from decred.util import helpers # Set the data directory in a OS-appropriate location. _ad = AppDirs("TinyWallet", False) DATA_DIR = _ad.user_data_dir helpers.mkdir(DATA_DIR) # The master configuration file name. CONFIG_NAME = "tinywallet.conf" CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, CONFIG_NAME) # Some decred constants. MAINNET = nets.mainnet.Name TESTNET = nets.testnet.Name SIMNET = nets.simnet.Name logLevelMap = { "critical": logging.CRITICAL, "error": logging.ERROR, "warning": logging.WARNING, "debug": logging.DEBUG,
def __init__(self, qApp): """ Args: qApp (QApplication): An initialized QApplication. """ super().__init__() self.qApp = qApp self.cfg = config.load() self.log = self.initLogging() self.wallet = None # trackedCssItems are CSS-styled elements to be updated if dark mode is # enabled/disabled. self.trackedCssItems = [] st = self.sysTray = QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon(QtGui.QIcon(DCR.FAVICON)) self.contextMenu = ctxMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu() ctxMenu.addAction("minimize").triggered.connect(self.minimizeApp) ctxMenu.addAction("quit").triggered.connect(self.shutdown) st.setContextMenu(ctxMenu) st.activated.connect(self.sysTrayActivated) # The signalRegistry maps a signal to any number of receivers. Signals # are routed through a Qt Signal. self.signalRegistry = {} self.qRawSignal.connect(self.signal_) self.blockchainSignals = TinySignals( balance=self.balanceSync, working=lambda: self.emitSignal(ui.WORKING_SIGNAL), done=lambda: self.emitSignal(ui.DONE_SIGNAL), spentTickets=lambda: self.emitSignal(ui.SPENT_TICKETS_SIGNAL), ) self.netDirectory = os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, self.cfg.netParams.Name) helpers.mkdir(self.netDirectory) self.appDB = database.KeyValueDatabase( os.path.join(self.netDirectory, "app.db") ) self.settings = self.appDB.child("settings") self.loadSettings() dcrdataDB = database.KeyValueDatabase(self.assetDirectory("dcr") / "dcrdata.db") # The initialized DcrdataBlockchain will not be connected, as that is a # blocking operation. It will be called when the wallet is open. self.dcrdata = DcrdataBlockchain( dcrdataDB, self.cfg.netParams, self.settings[DB.dcrdata].decode(), skipConnect=True, ) chains.registerChain("dcr", self.dcrdata) # appWindow is the main application window. The TinyDialog class has # methods for organizing a stack of Screen widgets. self.appWindow = screens.TinyDialog(self) self.homeSig.connect(self.home_) def gohome(screen=None): self.homeSig.emit(screen) self.home = gohome self.homeScreen = None self.pwDialog = screens.PasswordDialog() self.waitingScreen = screens.WaitingScreen() # Set waiting screen as initial home screen. self.appWindow.stack(self.waitingScreen) self.confirmScreen = screens.ConfirmScreen() self.walletSig.connect(self.setWallet_) def setwallet(wallet): self.walletSig.emit(wallet) self.setWallet = setwallet self.initialize()