Пример #1
def test_convert_constant_tensor(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    f = field.Field(dist=d, dtype=dtype, tensorsig=(c, c))
    f['g'][0, 0] = f['g'][1, 1] = f['g'][2, 2] = 1
    g = operators.Convert(f, b).evaluate()
    assert np.allclose(f['g'], g['g'])
Пример #2
def test_implicit_transpose_tensor(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, basis):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    ct, st, cp, sp = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)
    u = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, ), dtype=dtype)
    u['g'][2] = r**2 * st * (2 * ct**2 * cp - r * ct**3 * sp +
                             r**3 * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 + r * ct * st**2 *
                             (cp**3 + sp**3))
    u['g'][1] = r**2 * (2 * ct**3 * cp - r * cp**3 * st**4 +
                        r**3 * ct * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 -
                        1 / 16 * r * np.sin(2 * theta)**2 *
                        (-7 * sp + np.sin(3 * phi)))
    u['g'][0] = r**2 * sp * (-2 * ct**2 + r * ct * cp * st**2 * sp -
                             r**3 * cp**2 * st**5 * sp**3)
    T = operators.Gradient(u, c).evaluate()
    Ttg = np.transpose(np.copy(T['g']), (1, 0, 2, 3, 4))
    Tt = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(
    ), dtype=dtype)
    trans = lambda A: operators.TransposeComponents(A)
    problem = problems.LBVP([Tt])
    problem.add_equation((trans(Tt), T))
    # Solver
    solver = solvers.LinearBoundaryValueSolver(problem)
    assert np.allclose(Tt['g'], Ttg)
Пример #3
def test_convert_constant_scalar(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    f = field.Field(dist=d, dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = 1
    g = operators.Convert(f, b).evaluate()
    assert np.allclose(f['g'], g['g'])
Пример #4
def test_angular_component_tensor(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, basis,
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    T = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, c), dtype=dtype)
    T['g'][2, 2] = (6 * x**2 + 4 * y * z) / r**2
    T['g'][2, 1] = T['g'][1, 2] = -2 * (y**3 + x**2 * (y - 3 * z) -
                                        y * z**2) / (r**3 * np.sin(theta))
    T['g'][2, 0] = T['g'][0, 2] = 2 * x * (z - 3 * y) / (r**2 * np.sin(theta))
    T['g'][1, 1] = 6 * x**2 / (r**2 * np.sin(theta)**2) - (6 * x**2 +
                                                           4 * y * z) / r**2
    T['g'][1, 0] = T['g'][0,
                          1] = -2 * x * (x**2 + y**2 +
                                         3 * y * z) / (r**3 * np.sin(theta)**2)
    T['g'][0, 0] = 6 * y**2 / (x**2 + y**2)
    A = operators.AngularComponent(operators.interpolate(T, r=radius),
    Ag = 0 * A['g']
    Ag[2, 1] = 6 * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi)**2 * np.sin(theta) + 2 * np.cos(
        2 * theta) * np.sin(phi)
       0] = 2 * np.cos(phi) * (np.cos(theta) - 3 * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi))
    Ag[1, 1] = 2 * np.cos(theta) * (3 * np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi)**2 -
                                    2 * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi))
    Ag[1, 0] = Ag[0, 1] = -2 * np.cos(phi) * (np.sin(theta) +
                                              3 * np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi))
    Ag[0, 0] = 6 * np.sin(phi)**2
    assert np.allclose(A['g'], Ag)
Пример #5
def test_tensor_prod_scalar(Nphi, Nr, basis, ncc_first, dealias, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias=dealias, dtype=dtype)

    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b.radial_basis, ), dtype=dtype)
    g = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)

    f['g'] = r**4
    g['g'] = 3 * x**2 + 2 * y
    T = operators.Gradient(operators.Gradient(f, c), c).evaluate()

    vars = [g]
    if ncc_first:
        U0 = T * g
        U0 = g * T
    U1 = U0.reinitialize(ncc=True, ncc_vars=vars)

    problem = problems.LBVP(vars)
    problem.add_equation((f * g, 0))
    solver = solvers.LinearBoundaryValueSolver(
        matrix_coupling=[False, True])
    U1.store_ncc_matrices(vars, solver.subproblems)

    U0 = U0.evaluate()
    U1 = U1.evaluate_as_ncc()
    assert np.allclose(U0['g'], U1['g'])
Пример #6
def test_tensor_dot_tensor(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, basis, alpha, k_ncc, k_arg,
                           dealias, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi,
    b_ncc = b.radial_basis.clone_with(k=k_ncc)
    b_arg = b.clone_with(k=k_arg)
    T = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b_ncc, ), tensorsig=(c, c), dtype=dtype)
    U = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b_arg, ), tensorsig=(c, c), dtype=dtype)
    T['g'] = np.random.randn(*T['g'].shape)
    U['g'] = np.random.randn(*U['g'].shape)
    if isinstance(b, BallBasis):
        k_out = k_out_ball(k_ncc, k_arg, T, U)
        k_out = k_out_shell(k_ncc, k_arg)
    if k_out > 0 and dealias < 2:
        T['c'][:, :, :, :, -k_out:] = 0
        U['c'][:, :, :, :, -k_out:] = 0
    vars = [U]
    w0 = dot(T, U)
    w1 = w0.reinitialize(ncc=True, ncc_vars=vars)
    problem = problems.LBVP(vars)
    problem.add_equation((operators.Laplacian(U, c), 0))
    solver = solvers.LinearBoundaryValueSolver(problem, )
    w1.store_ncc_matrices(vars, solver.subproblems)
    w0 = w0.evaluate()
    w1 = w1.evaluate_as_ncc()
    assert np.allclose(w0['c'], w1['c'])
Пример #7
def test_scalar_prod_scalar(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, basis, alpha, k_ncc, k_arg,
                            dealias, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi,
    b_ncc = b.radial_basis.clone_with(k=k_ncc)
    b_arg = b.clone_with(k=k_arg)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b_ncc, ), dtype=dtype)
    g = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b_arg, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = np.random.randn(*f['g'].shape)
    g['g'] = np.random.randn(*g['g'].shape)
    if isinstance(b, BallBasis):
        k_out = k_out_ball(k_ncc, k_arg, f, g)
        k_out = k_out_shell(k_ncc, k_arg)
    if k_out > 0 and dealias < 2:
        f['c'][:, :, -k_out:] = 0
        g['c'][:, :, -k_out:] = 0
    vars = [g]
    w0 = f * g
    w1 = w0.reinitialize(ncc=True, ncc_vars=vars)
    problem = problems.LBVP(vars)
    problem.add_equation((w1, 0))
    solver = solvers.LinearBoundaryValueSolver(problem)
    w1.store_ncc_matrices(vars, solver.subproblems)
    w0 = w0.evaluate()
    w1 = w1.evaluate_as_ncc()
    assert np.allclose(w0['c'], w1['c'])
Пример #8
def test_scalar_prod_vector(Nphi, Nr, basis, ncc_first, dealias, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias=dealias, dtype=dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b.radial_basis, ), dtype=dtype)
    g = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)

    f['g'] = r**2
    g['g'] = 3 * x**2 + 2 * y
    u = operators.Gradient(g, c).evaluate()

    vars = [u]
    if ncc_first:
        w0 = f * u
        w0 = u * f
    w1 = w0.reinitialize(ncc=True, ncc_vars=vars)

    problem = problems.LBVP(vars)
    problem.add_equation((w1, 0))
    solver = solvers.LinearBoundaryValueSolver(
        matrix_coupling=[False, True])
    w1.store_ncc_matrices(vars, solver.subproblems)

    w0 = w0.evaluate()
    w1 = w1.evaluate_as_ncc()
    assert np.allclose(w0['g'], w1['g'])
Пример #9
def test_angular_component_vector(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, basis,
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    ct, st, cp, sp = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)
    u = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, ), dtype=dtype)
    u['g'][2] = r**2 * st * (2 * ct**2 * cp - r * ct**3 * sp +
                             r**3 * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 + r * ct * st**2 *
                             (cp**3 + sp**3))
    u['g'][1] = r**2 * (2 * ct**3 * cp - r * cp**3 * st**4 +
                        r**3 * ct * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 -
                        1 / 16 * r * np.sin(2 * theta)**2 *
                        (-7 * sp + np.sin(3 * phi)))
    u['g'][0] = r**2 * sp * (-2 * ct**2 + r * ct * cp * st**2 * sp -
                             r**3 * cp**2 * st**5 * sp**3)
    v = operators.AngularComponent(operators.interpolate(u,
    vg = 0 * v['g']
    vg[0] = radius**2 * sp * (-2 * ct**2 + radius * ct * cp * st**2 * sp -
                              radius**3 * cp**2 * st**5 * sp**3)
    vg[1] = radius**2 * (2 * ct**3 * cp - radius * cp**3 * st**4 +
                         radius**3 * ct * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 -
                         1 / 16 * radius * np.sin(2 * theta)**2 *
                         (-7 * sp + np.sin(3 * phi)))
    assert np.allclose(v['g'], vg)
Пример #10
def test_interpolate_radius_tensor(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, basis,
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    T = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, c), dtype=dtype)
    T['g'][2, 2] = (6 * x**2 + 4 * y * z) / r**2
    T['g'][2, 1] = T['g'][1, 2] = -2 * (y**3 + x**2 * (y - 3 * z) -
                                        y * z**2) / (r**3 * np.sin(theta))
    T['g'][2, 0] = T['g'][0, 2] = 2 * x * (z - 3 * y) / (r**2 * np.sin(theta))
    T['g'][1, 1] = 6 * x**2 / (r**2 * np.sin(theta)**2) - (6 * x**2 +
                                                           4 * y * z) / r**2
    T['g'][1, 0] = T['g'][0,
                          1] = -2 * x * (x**2 + y**2 +
                                         3 * y * z) / (r**3 * np.sin(theta)**2)
    T['g'][0, 0] = 6 * y**2 / (x**2 + y**2)
    A = operators.interpolate(T, r=r_interp).evaluate()
    Ag = 0 * A['g']
    r = np.array([[[r_interp]]])
    x, y, z = c.cartesian(phi, theta, r)
    Ag[2, 2] = (6 * x**2 + 4 * y * z) / r**2
    Ag[2, 1] = Ag[1,
                  2] = -2 * (y**3 + x**2 *
                             (y - 3 * z) - y * z**2) / (r**3 * np.sin(theta))
    Ag[2, 0] = Ag[0, 2] = 2 * x * (z - 3 * y) / (r**2 * np.sin(theta))
    Ag[1, 1] = 6 * x**2 / (r**2 * np.sin(theta)**2) - (6 * x**2 +
                                                       4 * y * z) / r**2
    Ag[1, 0] = Ag[0, 1] = -2 * x * (x**2 + y**2 +
                                    3 * y * z) / (r**3 * np.sin(theta)**2)
    Ag[0, 0] = 6 * y**2 / (x**2 + y**2)
    assert np.allclose(A['g'], Ag)
Пример #11
def test_interpolate_colatitude_vector(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, dtype,
                                       basis, theta_interp):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    ct, st, cp, sp = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)
    u = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, ), dtype=dtype)
    u['g'][0] = r**2 * sp * (-2 * ct**2 + r * ct * cp * st**2 * sp -
                             r**3 * cp**2 * st**5 * sp**3)
    u['g'][1] = r**2 * (2 * ct**3 * cp - r * cp**3 * st**4 +
                        r**3 * ct * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 -
                        1 / 16 * r * np.sin(2 * theta)**2 *
                        (-7 * sp + np.sin(3 * phi)))
    u['g'][2] = r**2 * st * (2 * ct**2 * cp - r * ct**3 * sp +
                             r**3 * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 + r * ct * st**2 *
                             (cp**3 + sp**3))
    v = operators.interpolate(u, theta=theta_interp).evaluate()
    vg = 0 * v['g']
    theta = np.array([[[theta_interp]]])
    ct, st = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
    vg[0] = r**2 * sp * (-2 * ct**2 + r * ct * cp * st**2 * sp -
                         r**3 * cp**2 * st**5 * sp**3)
    vg[1] = r**2 * (2 * ct**3 * cp - r * cp**3 * st**4 + r**3 * ct * cp**3 *
                    st**5 * sp**3 - 1 / 16 * r * np.sin(2 * theta)**2 *
                    (-7 * sp + np.sin(3 * phi)))
    vg[2] = r**2 * st * (2 * ct**2 * cp - r * ct**3 * sp +
                         r**3 * cp**3 * st**5 * sp**3 + r * ct * st**2 *
                         (cp**3 + sp**3))
    assert np.allclose(v['g'], vg)
Пример #12
def test_azimuthal_average_scalar(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, basis):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = r**2 + x
    h = operators.Average(f, c.coords[0]).evaluate()
    hg = r**2
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #13
def test_sphere_complex_scalar_backward(Nphi, Ntheta, radius, basis, dealias):
    c, d, b, phi, theta = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, radius, dealias, np.complex128)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=np.complex128)
    m, ell, *_ = d.coeff_layout.local_group_arrays(b.domain, scales=1)
    f['c'][(m == -2) * (ell == 2)] = 1
    fg = np.sqrt(15) / 4 * np.sin(theta)**2 * np.exp(-2j * phi)
    assert np.allclose(fg, f['g'])
Пример #14
def test_laplacian_scalar(Nphi, Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = x**4 + 2 * y**4
    h = operators.Laplacian(f, c).evaluate()
    hg = 12 * x**2 + 24 * y**2
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #15
def test_gradient_radial_scalar(Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    Nphi = 1
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = r**4
    u = operators.Gradient(f, c).evaluate()
    ug = [0 * r * phi, 4 * r**3 + 0 * phi]
    assert np.allclose(u['g'], ug)
Пример #16
def test_divergence_radial_vector(Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(1, 1, Nr, 1, dtype=dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b,), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = r**4/3
    u = operators.Gradient(f, c)
    h = operators.Divergence(u).evaluate()
    hg = 20/3*r**2
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #17
def test_laplacian_radial_scalar(Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    Nphi = 1
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype=dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = r**2
    h = operators.Laplacian(f, c).evaluate()
    hg = 4
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #18
def test_spherical_average_scalar(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, basis):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, k, dealias,
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = r**2 + x + z
    h = operators.Average(f, c.S2coordsys).evaluate()
    hg = r**2
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #19
def test_divergence_vector(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b,), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = x**3 + 2*y**3 + 3*z**3
    u = operators.Gradient(f, c)
    h = operators.Divergence(u).evaluate()
    hg = 6*x + 12*y + 18*z
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #20
def test_multiply_vector_vector(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias, basis):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias,
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=np.complex128)
    f['g'] = x**3 + 2 * y**3 + 3 * z**3
    u = operators.Gradient(f, c).evaluate()
    T = (u * u).evaluate()
    Tg = u['g'][None, ...] * u['g'][:, None, ...]
    assert np.allclose(T['g'], Tg)
Пример #21
def test_gradient_scalar(Nphi, Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = 3 * x**2 + 2 * y
    u = operators.Gradient(f, c).evaluate()
    ex = np.array([-np.sin(phi) + 0. * r, np.cos(phi) + 0. * r])
    ey = np.array([np.cos(phi) + 0. * r, np.sin(phi) + 0. * r])
    ug = 6 * x * ex + 2 * ey
    assert np.allclose(u['g'], ug)
Пример #22
def test_curl_vector(Nphi, Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype)
    v = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, ), dtype=dtype)
    ex = np.array([-np.sin(phi) + 0. * r, np.cos(phi) + 0. * r])
    ey = np.array([np.cos(phi) + 0. * r, np.sin(phi) + 0. * r])
    v['g'] = 4 * x**3 * ey + 3 * y**2 * ey
    u = operators.Curl(v).evaluate()
    ug = 12 * x**2
    assert np.allclose(u['g'], ug)
Пример #23
def test_sphere_real_scalar_forward(Nphi, Ntheta, radius, basis, dealias):
    c, d, b, phi, theta = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, radius, dealias, np.float64)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=np.float64)
    m, ell, *_ = d.coeff_layout.local_group_arrays(b.domain, scales=1)
    f['g'] = np.sqrt(15) / 4 * np.sin(theta)**2 * (np.cos(2 * phi) -
                                                   np.sin(2 * phi))
    fc = np.zeros_like(f['c'])
    fc[(m == 2) * (ell == 2)] = 1
    assert np.allclose(fc, f['c'])
Пример #24
def test_laplacian_vector(Nphi, Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype)
    v = field.Field(dist=d, tensorsig=(c, ), bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    ex = np.array([-np.sin(phi) + 0. * r, np.cos(phi) + 0. * r])
    ey = np.array([np.cos(phi) + 0. * r, np.sin(phi) + 0. * r])
    v['g'] = 4 * x**3 * ey + 3 * y**2 * ey
    U = operators.Laplacian(v, c).evaluate()
    Ug = (24 * x + 6) * ey
    assert np.allclose(U['g'], Ug)
Пример #25
def test_interpolate_radius_scalar(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, basis, dtype,
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = x**4 + 2 * y**4
    h = operators.interpolate(f, r=r_interp).evaluate()
    x, y = c.cartesian(phi, np.array([[r_interp]]))
    hg = x**4 + 2 * y**4
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)
Пример #26
def test_laplacian_radial_vector(Nr, dealias, basis, dtype):
    Nphi = 1
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, dealias, dtype=dtype)
    u = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), tensorsig=(c, ), dtype=dtype)
    u['g'][1] = 4 * r**3
    v = operators.Laplacian(u, c).evaluate()
    vg = 0 * v['g']
    vg[1] = 32 * r
    assert np.allclose(v['g'], vg)
Пример #27
def test_transpose_explicit(basis, Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, dtype, layout):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, dtype)
    # Random tensor field
    f = d.TensorField((c, c), bases=b)
    # Evaluate transpose
    g = operators.transpose(f).evaluate()
    assert np.allclose(g['g'], np.transpose(f['g'], (1, 0, 2, 3)))
Пример #28
def test_convert_scalar(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, basis, dtype, layout):
    c, d, b, phi, r, x, y = basis(Nphi, Nr, k, dealias, dtype)
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    f['g'] = 3 * x**2 + 2 * y
    g = operators.Laplacian(f, c).evaluate()
    h = (f + g).evaluate()
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], f['g'] + g['g'])
Пример #29
def test_multiply_tensor_tensor(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias, basis):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias,
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=np.complex128)
    f['g'] = x**3 + 2 * y**3 + 3 * z**3
    u = operators.Gradient(f, c).evaluate()
    T = operators.Gradient(u, c).evaluate()
    Q = (T * T).evaluate()
    Qg = T['g'][:, :, None, None, ...] * T['g'][None, None, ...]
    assert np.allclose(Q['g'], Qg)
Пример #30
def test_multiply_scalar_scalar(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias, basis):
    c, d, b, phi, theta, r, x, y, z = basis(Nphi, Ntheta, Nr, dealias,
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=np.complex128)
    f['g'] = x**3 + 2 * y**3 + 3 * z**3
    h = (f * f).evaluate()
    phi, theta, r = b.local_grids(b.domain.dealias)
    x, y, z = c.cartesian(phi, theta, r)
    hg = (x**3 + 2 * y**3 + 3 * z**3)**2
    assert np.allclose(h['g'], hg)