def parseNewWorm(wormID, name): global worms name = name.replace("\t", " ").strip() # Do not allow tab in names, it will screw up our ranking tab-separated text-file database exists = False try: worm = worms[wormID] exists = True except KeyError: #Worm doesn't exist. worm = Worm() worm.Name = name worm.iID = wormID worm.Ping = [] worms[wormID] = worm if io.getGameType() == "Hide and Seek": minSeekers = 1 if len(worms.values()) >= 4: minSeekers = 2 if io.getNumberWormsInTeam(1) < minSeekers: io.setWormTeam(wormID, 1) # Seeker else: io.setWormTeam(wormID, 0) # Hider else: # Balance teams teams = [0,0,0,0] for w in worms.keys(): teams[worms[w].Team] += 1 minTeam = 0 minTeamCount = teams[0] for f in range(cfg.MAX_TEAMS): if minTeamCount > teams[f]: minTeamCount = teams[f] minTeam = f io.setWormTeam(wormID, minTeam) if cfg.RANKING_AUTHENTICATION: if not name in ranking.auth: ranking.auth[name] = getWormSkin(wormID) try: f = open(io.getFullFileName("pwn0meter_auth.txt"),"r") try: portalocker.lock(f, portalocker.LOCK_EX) except: pass f.write( name + "\t" + str(ranking.auth[name][0]) + " " + ranking.auth[name][1] + "\n" ) f.close() except IOError: msg("ERROR: Unable to open pwn0meter_auth.txt") else: if ranking.auth[name] != getWormSkin(wormID): io.kickWorm(wormID, "Player with name %s already registered" % name) wormIP = io.getWormIP(wormID).split(":")[0] # io.messageLog("Curtime " + str(time.time()) + " IP " + str(wormIP) + " Kicked worms: " + str(cmds.kickedUsers), io.LOG_INFO) if wormIP in cmds.kickedUsers and cmds.kickedUsers[ wormIP ] > time.time(): io.kickWorm( wormID, "You can join in " + str(int(cmds.kickedUsers[ wormIP ] - time.time())/60 + 1) + " minutes" ) return cmds.recheckVote()
def checkMaxPing(): global worms for f in worms.keys(): if worms[f].iID == -1 or not worms[f].Alive: continue ping = int(io.getWormPing(worms[f].iID)) if ping > 0: worms[f].Ping.insert( 0, ping ) if len(worms[f].Ping) > 25: worms[f].Ping.pop() if average(worms[f].Ping) > cfg.MAX_PING: io.kickWorm( worms[f].iID, "Your ping is " + str(average(worms[f].Ping)) + " allowed is " + str(cfg.MAX_PING) )
def checkMaxPing(): global worms for f in worms.keys(): if worms[f].iID == -1 or not worms[f].Alive: continue ping = int(io.getWormPing(worms[f].iID)) if ping > 0: worms[f].Ping.insert(0, ping) if len(worms[f].Ping) > 25: worms[f].Ping.pop() if average(worms[f].Ping) > cfg.MAX_PING: io.kickWorm( worms[f].iID, "your ping is " + str(average(worms[f].Ping)) + " allowed is " + str(cfg.MAX_PING))
def parseAdminCommand(wormid, message): global kickedUsers try: # Do not check on msg size or anything, exception handling is further down if (not message.startswith(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX)): return False # normal chat cmd = message.split(" ")[0] cmd = cmd.replace(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX, "", 1).lower() #Remove the prefix if wormid >= 0: io.messageLog( "%i:%s issued %s" % (wormid, hnd.worms[wormid].Name, cmd.replace(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX, "", 1)), io.LOG_ADMIN) else: io.messageLog("ded admin issued %s" % cmd, io.LOG_USRCMD) # Unnecesary to split multiple times, this saves CPU. params = message.split(" ")[1:] if cmd == "help": adminCommandHelp(wormid) elif cmd == "kick": kickTime = cfg.VOTING_KICK_TIME if len(params) > 1: # Time for kick kickTime = float(params[1]) wormIP = io.getWormIP(int(params[0])).split(":")[0] if wormIP != "": kickedUsers[wormIP] = time.time() + kickTime * 60 if len(params) > 2: # Given some reason io.kickWorm(int(params[0]), " ".join(params[2:])) else: io.kickWorm(int(params[0])) elif cmd == "ban": if len(params) > 1: # Given some reason io.banWorm(int(params[0]), " ".join(params[1:])) else: io.banWorm(int(params[0])) elif cmd == "mute": io.muteWorm(int(params[0])) elif cmd == "preset": preset = -1 for p in range(len(hnd.availablePresets)): if hnd.availablePresets[p].lower().find( params[0].lower()) != -1: preset = p break if preset == -1: io.privateMsg( wormid, "Invalid preset, available presets: " + ", ".join(hnd.availablePresets)) else: hnd.selectPreset(Preset=hnd.availablePresets[preset]) elif cmd == "mod": mod = "" for m in io.listMods(): if m.lower().find(" ".join(params[0:]).lower()) != -1: mod = m break if mod == "": io.privateMsg( wormid, "Invalid mod, available mods: " + ", ".join(io.listMods())) else: hnd.selectPreset(Mod=mod) elif cmd == "map": level = "" for l in io.listMaps(): if l.lower().find(" ".join(params[0:]).lower()) != -1: level = l break if level == "": io.privateMsg( wormid, "Invalid map, available maps: " + ", ".join(io.listMaps())) else: hnd.selectPreset(Level=level) elif cmd == "lt": hnd.selectPreset(LT=int(params[0])) elif cmd == "start": io.startGame() elif cmd == "stop": io.gotoLobby() elif cmd == "pause": io.privateMsg(wormid, "Ded script paused") hnd.scriptPaused = True elif cmd == "unpause": io.privateMsg(wormid, "Ded script continues") hnd.scriptPaused = False elif cmd == "setvar": io.setvar(params[0], " ".join(params[1:])) # In case value contains spaces elif cmd == "authorize": try: wormID = int(params[0]) if not hnd.worms[wormID].isAdmin: hnd.worms[wormID].isAdmin = True io.authorizeWorm(wormID) io.messageLog( "Worm %i (%s) added to admins by %i (%s)" % (wormID, hnd.worms[wormID].Name, wormid, hnd.worms[wormid].Name), io.LOG_INFO) io.privateMsg( wormID, "%s made you admin! Type %shelp for commands" % (hnd.worms[wormid].Name, cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX)) io.privateMsg( wormid, "%s added to admins." % hnd.worms[wormID].Name) except KeyError: io.messageLog( "parseAdminCommand: Our local copy of wormses doesn't match the real list.", io.LOG_ERROR) elif parseAdminCommand_Preset and parseAdminCommand_Preset( wormid, cmd, params): pass else: raise Exception, "Invalid admin command" except: # All python classes derive from main "Exception", but confused me, this has the same effect. if wormid >= 0: io.privateMsg(wormid, "Invalid admin command") io.messageLog(formatExceptionInfo(), io.LOG_ERROR) #Helps to fix errors return False return True
def kickWithTime(wid, reason=""): global worms, kickedUsers wip = worms[wid].Ip kickedUsers[wip] = time.time() + 60 * cfg.VOTING_KICK_TIME io.kickWorm(wid, reason)
def parseChatMessage(sig): global worms wormID = int(sig[1]) message = sig[2] #Length-based anti-spam - see dedicated_config for details if cfg.ANTISPAM != 0: if len(message) > cfg.ANTISPAM_KICKLIMIT: if cfg.ANTISPAM > 1 and len(message) > cfg.ANTISPAM_BANLIMIT: if cfg.ANTISPAM == 2: kickWithTime(wormID, "excessive spamming") return elif cfg.ANTISPAM == 3: io.banWorm(wormID, "excessive spamming") io.messageLog( "Player " + worms[wormID].Name + " from IP " + worms[wormID].Ip + " was banned for spamming", io.LOG_INFO) return else: io.kickWorm(wormID, "spamming") return #NEW: Impersonation protection - check if the player tries to impersonate another player using the newline tags. #NOTE: The "GOGO" spamfest taunt is whitelisted here! if cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION: if message not in cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_WHITELIST and detectFormattingTags( message): #Warn the player and count the attempt io.privateMsg(wormID, cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_CLIENT_WARNING) worms[wormID].tags_detected += 1 #TODO HACK EXPERIMENTAL TEST: Check whether the message contains other players' nicknames - if yes, warn the other players for w in worms.keys(): if w != wormID and (worms[w].real_name.strip() in message or worms[w].getCleanName().strip() in message): if cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_SERVER_WARNING: #Do not broadcast warning if it doesn't exist io.chatMsg( cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_SERVER_WARNING.replace( "<player>", worms[wormID].getCleanName()).replace( "<another>", worms[w].getCleanName())) #Apply sanctions if worms[wormID].tags_detected > cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_LIMIT: if cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_ACTION == 1: io.kickWorm(wormID, "used non-allowed formatting tags in chat") return elif cfg.ANTI_IMPERSONATION_ACTION == 2: kickWithTime(wormID, "used non-allowed formatting tags in chat") return #Taunt antispam - see dedicated_config for details if cfg.TAUNT_ANTISPAM: for kw in cfg.TAUNT_KEYWORDS: if kw in message.lower(): worms[wormID].spammed += 1 io.privateMsg(wormID, cfg.TAUNT_ANTISPAM_WARNING) if worms[wormID].spammed > cfg.TAUNT_ANTISPAM_LIMIT: if cfg.TAUNT_ANTISPAM == 1: io.kickWorm(wormID, "spamming") elif cfg.TAUNT_ANTISPAM == 2: kickWithTime(wormID, "spamming") return #Commands ret = None aret = None if worms[wormID].isAdmin and message.startswith(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX): aret = cmds.parseAdminCommand(wormID, message) if message.startswith(cfg.USER_PREFIX): ret = cmds.parseUserCommand(wormID, message) if ret == "map": updateVotes(send_msg=("map", )) elif ret == "mod": updateVotes(send_msg=("mod", )) elif ret == "teams": updateVotes(send_msg=("teams", )) elif ret == "kick": #Don't broadcast voting status if voted for kick updateVotes(send_msg=())
def parseNewWorm(wormID, name): global worms exists = False try: worm = worms[wormID] exists = True except KeyError: #Worm doesn't exist. worm = Worm() worm.real_name = name #NOTE: This is the name used by the server #Now prepare the name used by the script - used for ranking, for example name = name.replace("\t", " ").strip( ) # Do not allow tab in names, it will screw up our ranking tab-separated text-file database #Check if the player has quotation marks in his/her name quotemarks_in_nick = 0 if "\"" in name: name = name.replace( "\"", "\'\'" ) #Double quotes (") cause problems with chat/private messages - convert to single quotes (') quotemarks_in_nick = 1 worm.Name = name worm.iID = wormID worm.Ping = [] wormIP = io.getWormIP(wormID).split(":")[ 0] #Get worm IP address now - it will be needed later worm.Ip = wormIP worms[wormID] = worm #Set team for handler ##NOTE: OLX sets a team when the player joins - and it may not always be 0 (blue)!!! So get the team number now! #TEST: Log these initial teams if cfg.TEAMCHANGE_LOGGING: io.messageLog( "TEAMJOIN: Game reports team " + str(io.getWormTeam(wormID)) + " for joining worm " + str(name), io.LOG_INFO) worm.Team = io.getWormTeam(wormID) # io.messageLog("Curtime " + str(time.time()) + " IP " + str(wormIP) + " Kicked worms: " + str(kickedUsers), io.LOG_INFO) if wormIP in kickedUsers and kickedUsers[wormIP] > time.time(): io.kickWorm( wormID, "You can join in " + str(int(kickedUsers[wormIP] - time.time()) / 60 + 1) + " minutes") return #Original ranking authentication based on skin color... #NOTE: This is a weak way of authentication if cfg.RANKING_AUTHENTICATION: if not name in ranking.auth: ranking.auth[name] = getWormSkin(wormID) try: rank_auth_file_path = io.getWriteFullFileName( cfg.RANKING_AUTH_FILE) f = open(rank_auth_file_path, "a") try: portalocker.lock(f, portalocker.LOCK_EX) except: pass f.write(name + "\t" + str(ranking.auth[name][0]) + " " + ranking.auth[name][1] + "\n") f.close() except IOError: io.messageLog( "parseNewWorm: Unable to open ranking authentication file: " + cfg.RANKING_AUTH_FILE + " from path: " + rank_auth_file_path, io.LOG_ERROR) else: if ranking.auth[name] != getWormSkin(wormID): io.kickWorm(wormID, "Player with name %s already registered" % name) return #Notify or kick players that have forbidden nicks if name in cfg.FORBIDDEN_NAMES: if cfg.NAME_CHECK_ACTION == 1: worm.Name = "random" + str(random.randint( 0, cfg.NAME_CHECK_RANDOM)) #Assign random name io.privateMsg(wormID, cfg.NAME_CHECK_WARNMSG) elif cfg.NAME_CHECK_ACTION == 2: io.kickWorm(wormID, cfg.NAME_CHECK_KICKMSG) return #NEW: Kick players who have newline tags in their nicks - those can cause annoyance #NOTE: This may give false positives if there are nested tags, but it's an unlikely case if detectFormattingTags(name): io.kickWorm( wormID, "Please remove formatting tags ( <...> ) from your nickname - they cause problems" ) return #Kick players with excessively long nicks. #NOTE: In 0.59, oversized name are truncated automatically so this becomes obsolete if len(name) > cfg.MAX_NAME_LENGTH: io.kickWorm(wormID, "name too long") return #Kick players with quotation marks in their name (only if configured!) #NOTE: This should not be needed anymore if quotemarks_in_nick == 1 and cfg.KICK_QUOTEMARKS == 1: io.kickWorm( wormID, "please remove quotation marks from your nickname - they screw up ranking." ) return #If only one player per IP allowed, check if there is already a player from the IP #NOTE: This is a weak check and may cause more harm than good as it prevents people behind a shared IP from joining while not really preventing rank manipulation if cfg.ONE_PLAYER_PER_IP: for w in worms.keys(): if worms[w].Ip == wormIP and w != wormID: io.kickWorm(wormID, "only one player per IP address allowed") return #Nag players to download the latest version. 0.58 rc3 may still be in use, and this is less harsh than kicking. #TODO: Do this in a better way? if cfg.VERSION_CHECK: ver = io.getWormVersion(wormID) newest_ver = io.getVar("GameOptions.State.NewestVersion") #Newest version, everything OK if distutils.version.LooseVersion( ver.lower()) == distutils.version.LooseVersion( newest_ver.lower()): pass #Outdated 0.58 versions and older elif distutils.version.LooseVersion( ver.lower()) < distutils.version.LooseVersion( newest_ver.lower()): io.privateMsg( wormID, "You're using an outdated version! Please download " + newest_ver.replace("/", " ").replace("_", " ") + " from") #0.59 b10 and later are buggy elif distutils.version.LooseVersion( ver.lower()) >= distutils.version.LooseVersion( "OpenLieroX/0.59_beta10".lower()): io.privateMsg( wormID, "You're using a buggy version of the game! You may want to download " + newest_ver.replace("/", " ").replace("_", " ") + " from") #Other 0.59 versions are not as buggy but they lack the nice updates of 0.58 rc5 else: io.privateMsg( wormID, "You seem to be using an experimental version of the game! You may want to download " + newest_ver.replace("/", " ").replace("_", " ") + " from") #Assign team if io.getGameType() == 1: worms[ wormID].votedTeams = 1 #Set vote status to 1 so that it will be TDM if it was TDM before this player joined io.privateMsg( wormID, "Game type is team deathmatch - say !noteams if you do not want teams for the next game" ) #NOTE: The player is already assigned to a team by the game! - so assigning him to the smallest team here would lead to unbalancement # if the team status were, for example, [4, 4]. So check whether 1) teams are balanced (difference <=1) or not, and 2) the player is not in the smallest team #NOTE: Calling balanceTeams might look more elegant, but it might move other players as well, and it should not be called when we are not in lobby #NOTE: Be careful with RandomTeamForNewWorm option! It may cause an exception! team_status = getNumberWormsInAllTeams() #Get team member counts team_status = team_status[ 0:cfg.MAX_TEAMS] #Remove teams that are not used wormteam = io.getWormTeam( wormID) #Could use worm.Team too, but this might be safer... if (max(team_status) - min(team_status) ) > 1 and wormteam != team_status.index(min(team_status)): setTeam(wormID, team_status.index(min(team_status))) #Update votes - this is needed if there are, let's say, 3 players who all vote for TDM but TDM requires 4 - now there are 4 and 3 of them vote so TDM should be selected! #No need to broadcast anything - TDM is broadcasted if the status changes. updateVotes()
def parseNewWorm(wormID, name): global worms name = name.replace("\t", " ").strip( ) # Do not allow tab in names, it will screw up our ranking tab-separated text-file database exists = False try: worm = worms[wormID] exists = True except KeyError: #Worm doesn't exist. worm = Worm() worm.Name = name worm.iID = wormID worm.Ping = [] worms[wormID] = worm if io.getGameType() == "Hide and Seek": minSeekers = 1 if len(worms.values()) >= 4: minSeekers = 2 if io.getNumberWormsInTeam(1) < minSeekers: io.setWormTeam(wormID, 1) # Seeker else: io.setWormTeam(wormID, 0) # Hider else: # Balance teams teams = [0, 0, 0, 0] for w in worms.keys(): teams[worms[w].Team] += 1 minTeam = 0 minTeamCount = teams[0] for f in range(cfg.MAX_TEAMS): if minTeamCount > teams[f]: minTeamCount = teams[f] minTeam = f io.setWormTeam(wormID, minTeam) if cfg.RANKING_AUTHENTICATION: if not name in ranking.auth: ranking.auth[name] = getWormSkin(wormID) try: f = open(io.getFullFileName("pwn0meter_auth.txt"), "r") try: portalocker.lock(f, portalocker.LOCK_EX) except: pass f.write(name + "\t" + str(ranking.auth[name][0]) + " " + ranking.auth[name][1] + "\n") f.close() except IOError: msg("ERROR: Unable to open pwn0meter_auth.txt") else: if ranking.auth[name] != getWormSkin(wormID): io.kickWorm(wormID, "Player with name %s already registered" % name) wormIP = io.getWormIP(wormID).split(":")[0] # io.messageLog("Curtime " + str(time.time()) + " IP " + str(wormIP) + " Kicked worms: " + str(cmds.kickedUsers), io.LOG_INFO) if wormIP in cmds.kickedUsers and cmds.kickedUsers[wormIP] > time.time(): io.kickWorm( wormID, "You can join in " + str(int(cmds.kickedUsers[wormIP] - time.time()) / 60 + 1) + " minutes") return cmds.recheckVote()
def parseAdminCommand(wormid,message): global kickedUsers try: # Do not check on msg size or anything, exception handling is further down if (not message.startswith(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX)): return False # normal chat cmd = message.split(" ")[0] cmd = cmd.replace(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX,"",1).lower() #Remove the prefix if wormid >= 0: io.messageLog("%i:%s issued %s" % (wormid,hnd.worms[wormid].Name,cmd.replace(cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX,"",1)),io.LOG_ADMIN) else: io.messageLog("ded admin issued %s" % cmd, io.LOG_USRCMD) # Unnecesary to split multiple times, this saves CPU. params = message.split(" ")[1:] if cmd == "help": adminCommandHelp(wormid) elif cmd == "kick": kickTime = cfg.VOTING_KICK_TIME if len(params) > 1: # Time for kick kickTime = float(params[1]) wormIP = io.getWormIP(int( params[0] )).split(":")[0] if wormIP != "": kickedUsers[ wormIP ] = time.time() + kickTime*60 if len(params) > 2: # Given some reason io.kickWorm( int( params[0] ), " ".join(params[2:]) ) else: io.kickWorm( int( params[0] ) ) elif cmd == "ban": if len(params) > 1: # Given some reason io.banWorm( int( params[0] ), " ".join(params[1:]) ) else: io.banWorm( int( params[0] ) ) elif cmd == "mute": io.muteWorm( int( params[0] ) ) elif cmd == "preset": preset = -1 for p in range(len(hnd.availablePresets)): if hnd.availablePresets[p].lower().find(params[0].lower()) != -1: preset = p break if preset == -1: io.privateMsg(wormid,"Invalid preset, available presets: " + ", ".join(hnd.availablePresets)) else: hnd.selectPreset( Preset = hnd.availablePresets[preset] ) elif cmd == "mod": mod = "" for m in io.listMods(): if m.lower().find(" ".join(params[0:]).lower()) != -1: mod = m break if mod == "": io.privateMsg(wormid,"Invalid mod, available mods: " + ", ".join(io.listMods())) else: hnd.selectPreset( Mod = mod ) elif cmd == "map": level = "" for l in io.listMaps(): if l.lower().find(" ".join(params[0:]).lower()) != -1: level = l break if level == "": io.privateMsg(wormid,"Invalid map, available maps: " + ", ".join(io.listMaps())) else: hnd.selectPreset( Level = level ) elif cmd == "lt": hnd.selectPreset( LT = int(params[0]) ) elif cmd == "start": io.startGame() elif cmd == "stop": io.gotoLobby() elif cmd == "pause": io.privateMsg(wormid,"Ded script paused") hnd.scriptPaused = True elif cmd == "unpause": io.privateMsg(wormid,"Ded script continues") hnd.scriptPaused = False elif cmd == "setvar": io.setvar(params[0], " ".join(params[1:])) # In case value contains spaces elif cmd == "authorize": try: wormID = int(params[0]) if not hnd.worms[wormID].isAdmin: hnd.worms[wormID].isAdmin = True io.authorizeWorm(wormID) io.messageLog( "Worm %i (%s) added to admins by %i (%s)" % (wormID,hnd.worms[wormID].Name,wormid,hnd.worms[wormid].Name),io.LOG_INFO) io.privateMsg(wormID, "%s made you admin! Type %shelp for commands" % (hnd.worms[wormid].Name,cfg.ADMIN_PREFIX)) io.privateMsg(wormid, "%s added to admins." % hnd.worms[wormID].Name) except KeyError: io.messageLog("parseAdminCommand: Our local copy of wormses doesn't match the real list.",io.LOG_ERROR) elif parseAdminCommand_Preset and parseAdminCommand_Preset(wormid, cmd, params): pass else: raise Exception, "Invalid admin command" except: # All python classes derive from main "Exception", but confused me, this has the same effect. if wormid >= 0: io.privateMsg(wormid, "Invalid admin command") io.messageLog(formatExceptionInfo(),io.LOG_ERROR) #Helps to fix errors return False return True