Пример #1
    def test_dedToIR_dedt(self):
        #testing set up. dedToIR has dependency
        #on createDedalusIRTables so that's
        #tested first above.
        testDB = testPath + "/IR.db"
        IRDB = sqlite3.connect(testDB)
        cursor = IRDB.cursor()


        #throws error for nonexistent file
        inputfile = "./nonexistentfile.ded"
        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
            dedt.dedToIR(inputfile, cursor)
        self.assertIn("ERROR", cm.exception.code)

        #runs through function to make sure it finishes without error
        inputfile = testPath + "/testfiles/testFullProgram.ded"
        outputResult = None
        self.assertFalse(dedt.dedToIR(inputfile, cursor) == outputResult)

        #clean up testing
Пример #2
    def test_initClockRelation_clockRelation(self):
        #testing setup. initClockRelation has dependency
        #on createDedalusIRTables and dedToIR so that's
        #tested first above.
        testDB = testPath + "/IR.db"
        IRDB = sqlite3.connect(testDB)
        cursor = IRDB.cursor()
        inputfile = testPath + "/testfiles/testFullProgram.ded"

        dedt.dedToIR(inputfile, cursor)

        #for saving the program clock output
        #to be used in comparison below
        clockRelation.CLOCKRELATION_DEBUG = True
        originalStdout = sys.stdout
        cmdResult = StringIO()
        fileResult = StringIO()

        #run through using cmdline topology option to make sure it doesn't
        #throw up an error
        sys.stdout = cmdResult
        inputArg = {
            'file': testPath + "/testfiles/testFullProgram.ded",
            'EOT': 3,
            'nodes': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
        outputResult = None
            clockRelation.initClockRelation(cursor, inputArg) == outputResult)

        #run through using node topology from inputfile option to make sure it
        #doesn't throw up an error
        sys.stdout = fileResult
        inputArg = {
            'file': testPath + "/testfiles/testFullProgram.ded",
            'EOT': 3,
            'nodes': []
            clockRelation.initClockRelation(cursor, inputArg) == outputResult)

        #check to make sure that the outputs from both options are the same
        # where "options" := grabbing node topology from file OR
        #                    grabbing node topology from the cmdline
        sys.stdout = originalStdout  #return stdout to original
        cmdOutput = cmdResult.getvalue()[cmdResult.getvalue().find('\n') + 1:]
        fileOutput = fileResult.getvalue()[fileResult.getvalue().find('\n') +
        self.assertEqual(cmdOutput, fileOutput)

        #clean up testing
Пример #3
    def test_dedalus_to_dedalus_ir_rewrite_e2e(self):

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
        # create IR instance
        saveDB = os.getcwd() + "/IR_test_dedalus_to_dedalus_ir_rewrite_e2e.db"
        os.system("rm saveDB")  # delete db if it already exists.

        IRDB = sqlite3.connect(
            saveDB)  # database for storing IR, stored in running script dir
        cursor = IRDB.cursor()

        # raw dedalus
        input_ded = os.path.abspath(__file__ +

        # path to test IR dump
        test_dump_save = os.getcwd() + "/test_dump.txt"
        os.system("rm test_dump_save")  # remove if file already exists

        # path to expected IR dump
        expected_dump_save = os.path.abspath(
            __file__ +

        # dictionary of commandline args for executing the run
        argDict = { 'prov_diagrams'            : False,           \
                    'use_symmetry'             : False,           \
                    'crashes': 0, 'solver'     : None,            \
                    'disable_dot_rendering'    : False,           \
                    'negative_support'         : False,           \
                    'strategy'                 : None,            \
                    'file'                     : input_ded,       \
                    'EOT'                      : 4,               \
                    'find_all_counterexamples' : False,           \
                    'nodes'                    : ['a', 'b', 'c'], \
                    'evaluator'                : 'c4',            \
                    'EFF'                      : 2 }
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ #

        # populate the initial IR
        meta = dedt.dedToIR(input_ded, cursor)

        # generate the first clock
        dedt.starterClock(cursor, argDict)

        # perform the dedalus rewrite

        # dump contents of IR db to a save file
        dumpers_c4.dumpIR(cursor, test_dump_save)

        # compare test IR results with expected IR results by comparing save file dumps
            e2e_tools.cmpDatalogFiles_c4(test_dump_save, expected_dump_save))

        # close database instance
        dedt.cleanUp(IRDB, saveDB)
Пример #4
    def test_rewriteInductive_dedalusRewriter(self):
        #testing set up. Dependencies listed below.
        testDB = testPath + "/IR.db"
        IRDB = sqlite3.connect(testDB)
        cursor = IRDB.cursor()
        inputfile = testPath + "/testfiles/testFullProgram.ded"

        dedt.dedToIR(inputfile, cursor)

        #runs through function to make sure it finishes without error
        self.assertTrue(dedalusRewriter.rewriteInductive(cursor) == None)

        #clean up testing
Пример #5
def dedalus_to_datalog(starterFile, cursor):

    logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG : running process...")

    argDict = {}
    argDict["settings"] = "./settings.ini"
    argDict["EOT"] = 4
    argDict["nodes"] = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # create tables
    logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG : created IR tables")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # get all input files

    fileList = tools.get_all_include_file_paths(starterFile)

    logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG : fileList = " + str(fileList))

    allProgramData = []

    # TO DO : concat all lines into a single file, then translate
    for fileName in fileList:
        logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG : running process...")
        #logging.warning( "  RUN TRANSLATOR : WARNING : need to fix file includes to run translator once. need to know all program lines to derive data types for program." )

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        #                            PARSE
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #

        meta = dedt.dedToIR(fileName, cursor)
        factMeta = meta[0]
        ruleMeta = meta[1]

        logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG: len( ruleMeta ) = " +

        # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # generate the first clock

        logging.debug("  RUN TRANSLATOR : building starter clock...")

        dedt.starterClock(cursor, argDict)

        logging.debug("  RUN TRANSLATOR : ...done building starter clock.")

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
        #                            REWRITE
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------- #

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # dedalus rewrite

        #    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling dedalus rewrites..." )
        #    allMeta  = dedalusRewriter.rewriteDedalus( factMeta, ruleMeta, cursor )
        #    factMeta = allMeta[0]
        #    ruleMeta = allMeta[1]
        #    # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
        #    setTypes( cursor )
        #    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        #    # provenance rewrites
        #    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : calling provenance rewrites..." )
        #    # add the provenance rules to the existing rule set
        #    ruleMeta.extend( provenanceRewriter.rewriteProvenance( ruleMeta, cursor ) )
        #    # be sure to fill in all the type info for the new rule definitions
        #    setTypes( cursor )
        #    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        #    logging.debug( "  REWRITE : ...done." )

        # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # translate IR into datalog

        logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG : launching c4 translation ...")

        allProgramData.extend(c4_translator.c4datalog(argDict, cursor))

        logging.debug("  DEDALUS TO DATALOG : ...done with c4 translation.")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------- #

    return allProgramData