Пример #1
def download_fashion_mnist_and_get_file_paths() -> Dict[str, str]:
    Downloads pytorch_networks from the Zalando Research AWS
    :return: paths to the different files
    base_url = "http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/"

    filenames = [["train_images", "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"],
                 ["test_images", "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"],
                 ["train_labels", "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"],
                 ["test_labels", "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"]]

    sub_folder = '/fashion_mnist'

    local_files = real_download(base_url, filenames, sub_folder)
    return local_files
Пример #2
def download_mnist_and_get_file_paths() -> Dict[str, str]:
    Downloads pytorch_networks from Yann Lecun's website
    :return: paths to the different files
    base_url = "http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/"

    filenames = [["train_images", "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"],
                 ["test_images", "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"],
                 ["train_labels", "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"],
                 ["test_labels", "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"]]

    sub_folder = '/mnist'

    local_files = real_download(base_url, filenames, sub_folder)
    return local_files
Пример #3
def download_ucf101_and_get_file_paths(folder='', split='01'):
    Download ucf101 from University of Central Florida
    The archive contains the videos of different action classes
    :return: paths to different files
    base_url = "https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/data/UCF101/"
    filenames = [('ucf101', 'UCF101.rar'),
                 ('ucf101_split', 'UCF101TrainTestSplits-RecognitionTask.zip')]
    sub_folder = '/ucf101'

    local_files = real_download(base_url,
    files = unrar(local_files['ucf101'])

    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(local_files['ucf101_split'])
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
        local_files['ucf101'])) + '/UCF-101/'

    train_files = []
    with zip.open(
            'ucfTrainTestlist/trainlist{}.txt'.format(split)) as file_split:
        for line in file_split:
            file = path + bytes.decode(line.split()[0])
            if file in files:

    test_files = []
    with zip.open(
            'ucfTrainTestlist/testlist{}.txt'.format(split)) as file_split:
        for line in file_split:
            file = path + bytes.decode(line.strip())
            if file in files:

    label_list = {}
    with zip.open('ucfTrainTestlist/classInd.txt') as labels:
        for line in labels:
            line = bytes.decode(line.strip())
            label = line.split()[1]
            idx = int(line.split()[0]) - 1
            label_list[label] = idx

    return train_files, test_files, label_list
Пример #4
def download_cifar10_and_get_file_paths(folder=''):
    Download cifar10 from University of Toronto
    The archive contains the files data_batch_1, data_batch_2, ..., data_batch_5, as well as test_batch
    :return: paths to different files
    base_url = "https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/"
    filenames = [('cifar10', 'cifar-10-binary.tar.gz')]
    sub_folder = '/cifar10'

    local_files = real_download(base_url, filenames, sub_folder, output_dir=folder)
    files = unzip(local_files['cifar10'])

    data_files = [file for file in files if '_batch_' in file]
    test_data = [file for file in files if 'test_batch' in file]

    return data_files, test_data