Пример #1
    def test_calls_sigmoid_activation_one_time(self):
        with unittest.mock.patch(
            wraps = prop.sigmoid
        ) as sigmoid_spy:
            prop.model_forward(self.X, self.params)

Пример #2
    def test_calls_relu_activation_L_minus_1_times(self):
        with unittest.mock.patch(
            wraps = prop.relu
        ) as relu_spy:
            prop.model_forward(self.X, self.params)

            self.assertTrue(relu_spy.call_count == len(self.params) // 2 - 1)
Пример #3
    def learn_generator(self, X, Y, iterations=3000, progress=1):
        """Train the model. This generator function yields the model and cost
        after each count of iterations given by `progress`.

        X : ndarray
            Input data of shape (input size, number of examples).
        Y : ndarray
            Vector of true values of shape (1, number of examples).
        iterations : int
            Maximum number of complete cycles of forward and back propagation to
            train the model.
        progress : int in [0, iterations]
            If non-zero, provide progress after each successive increment of the
            given number of iterations.

        tuple of (int, ndarray, list)

            i : int
                Number of completed iterations.

            params : dict of {str: ndarray}
                Current parameters for the trained model.

                `Wl` : ndarray
                    Current weights matrix.
                `bl` : ndarray
                    Current biases vector.

            cost : list
                The cost computed for the current iteration of training.

        # TODO: Throw error if progress < 0 or progress > iterations.

        params = prop.initialize_params(self.layer_dims)

        for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
            Y_hat, caches = prop.model_forward(X, params)

            cost = prop.compute_cost(Y_hat, Y)

            grads = prop.model_backward(Y_hat, Y, caches)
            params = prop.update_params(params, grads, self.learning_rate)
            self._params = params

            if progress and (i == 1 or i % progress == 0):
                yield (i, params, cost)
Пример #4
    def predict(self, X):
        """Calculate predictions using the trained model.

        X : ndarray
            Input data of shape (input size, number of examples).

        predictions : ndarray of {0 or 1}
            Model predictions for the given input.

        predictions, _ = prop.model_forward(X, self.params)

        return predictions.round()
Пример #5
    def test_Y_hat_has_the_correct_shape(self):
        Y_hat, _ = prop.model_forward(self.X, self.params)

        self.assertTrue(Y_hat.shape == (1, self.X.shape[1]))
Пример #6
    def test_cache_contains_L_caches(self):
        _, caches = prop.model_forward(self.X, self.params)

        self.assertTrue(len(caches) == len(self.params) // 2)