def set_gamepad(control, throttle, breakk): if control == -1: # stop the car client.sendMessage(Commands(0.0, 1, control)) return client.sendMessage(Commands(float(throttle), float(breakk), float(control)))
def work(self): """ Pretend this worker method does work that takes a long time. During this time, the thread's event loop is blocked, except if the application's processEvents() is called: this gives every thread (incl. main) a chance to process events, which in this sample means processing signals received from GUI (such as abort). """ thread_name = QThread.currentThread().objectName() thread_id = int( QThread.currentThreadId()) # cast to int() is necessary self.sig_msg.emit('Running worker #{} from thread "{}" (#{})'.format( self.__id, thread_name, thread_id)) # Creates a new connection to DeepGTAV using the specified ip and port. # If desired, a dataset path and compression level can be set to store in memory all the data received in a gziped pickle file. # We don't want to save a dataset in this case self.client = Client(, port=self.args.port) # self.client = Client(ip="", port=8000) # We set the scenario to be in manual driving, and everything else random (time, weather and location). # See deepgtav/ to see what options are supported scenario = Scenario(drivingMode=-1) #manual driving # Send the Start request to DeepGTAV. Dataset is set as default, we only receive frames at 10Hz (320, 160) self.client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario)) # Dummy agent model = Model() # Start listening for messages coming from DeepGTAV. We do it for 80 hours stoptime = time.time() + 80 * 3600 while (time.time() < stoptime and (not self.__abort)): # We receive a message as a Python dictionary app.processEvents() message = self.client.recvMessage() # The frame is a numpy array that can we pass through a CNN for example image = frame2numpy(message['frame'], (320, 160)) commands = self.sig_step.emit(self.__id, 'step ' + str(time.time())) self.sig_image.emit(image.tolist()) # We send the commands predicted by the agent back to DeepGTAV to control the vehicle self.client.sendMessage( Commands(commands[0], commands[1], commands[2])) # We tell DeepGTAV to stop self.client.sendMessage(Stop()) self.client.close() self.sig_done.emit(self.__id)
# We set the scenario to be in manual driving, and everything else random (time, weather and location). # See deepgtav/ to see what options are supported scenario = Scenario(drivingMode=-1) #manual driving # Send the Start request to DeepGTAV. Dataset is set as default, we only receive frames at 10Hz (320, 160) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario)) # Dummy agent model = Model() # Start listening for messages coming from DeepGTAV. We do it for 80 hours stoptime = time.time() + 80 * 3600 while time.time() < stoptime: try: # We receive a message as a Python dictionary message = client.recvMessage() print(message) # The frame is a numpy array that can we pass through a CNN for example image = frame2numpy(message['frame'], (320, 160)) commands = # We send the commands predicted by the agent back to DeepGTAV to control the vehicle client.sendMessage(Commands(commands[0], commands[1], commands[2])) except KeyboardInterrupt: break # We tell DeepGTAV to stop client.sendMessage(Stop()) client.close()
count = 0 print("Starting Loop...") while True: try: # Collect and preprocess image message = client.recvMessage() image = frame2numpy(message['frame'], (320, 160)) image = ((image / 255) - .5) * 2 # Corrects for model input shape model_input = [] model_input.append(image) # Converts classification to float for steering input category_prediction = np.argmax(model.predict(np.array(model_input))) decimal_prediction = (category_prediction - 500) / 500 print('Category: ' + str(category_prediction) + ' Decimal: ' + str(decimal_prediction)) client.sendMessage(Commands( 0.0, 0.0, decimal_prediction * 3)) # Mutiplication scales decimal prediction for harder turning count += 1 except Exception as e: print("Excepted as: " + str(e)) continue client.sendMessage(Stop()) # Stops DeepGTAV client.close()
print('lane controler takes: ', time.time() - t0) t0 = time.time() vehicle_controler.input(tracked_coord, speed_tracked, s_tracked_coord, pitch_lidar, roll_lidar, yaw_rate, steering_angle, gas_brake, speed_now, acc, target_lane) command = print('sttering: ', steering_angle) ##print('Command: ', command) # in camera coord, turn left is + ##print('Comannd now: ', steering_angle) print('vehicle controler takes: ', time.time() - t0) client.sendMessage( Commands(avoid_dead_zone(command[0]), avoid_dead_zone(command[1]), -avoid_dead_zone( command[2]))) # steering is opposite for GTAV #client.sendMessage(Commands(0.8, 0, 0.3)) all_calculation_time = time.time() - time_now # monitor if reference_x is not None: if 1: # for movement detectoin marker_ground_ref = GE.ground_marker_2_image( ground_marker, reference_x, reference_y) image_monitor = IMG.lidar_result_fusion( image_2, marker, marker_ground_ref) #if lanes_3d is not None: # image_monitor = IMG.test_show_lidar_line(image_monitor, lanes_3d, focus)
#ax + b = y xx = -(yy - (359 + 1 / steering * 320)) * steering else: xx = 320 cv2.line(img, (320, 319), (int(xx), int(yy)), [255, 0, 0], 2) cv2.imshow('binary_image', img) cv2.waitKey(1) pass except Exception as e: raise e if image_source == USE_GTAV: client.sendMessage( Commands(throttle, breaker, steering) ) # Mutiplication scales decimal prediction for harder turning print('loop time: {:.5f}s'.format(time.time() - t_loop_start)) except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception as e: print("Excepted as: " + str(e)) #if image_source == USE_GTAV: # client.sendMessage(Stop()) # Stops DeepGTAV # client.close() raise e continue if image_source == USE_GTAV: client.sendMessage(Stop()) # Stops DeepGTAV
count = 0 print("Starting Loop...") while True: try: # Collect and preprocess image # message = client.recvMessage() # window title 을 이용해 받아온 window 에서 frame 을 따온다. # 기존의 기능에서 이를 제대로 지원하지 않는듯 하기 때문에 추가로 작성함. frame_image = screenshot(hwnd=hwnd_list[0]) # frame_image = normalize(frame_image) frame_image = ((frame_image / 255) - .5) * 2 # Simple preprocessing # Corrects for model input shape # frame_image = image.img_to_array(frame_image) frame_image = np.reshape(frame_image, (1,) + frame_image.shape) prediction = model.predict(frame_image) steering = prediction[0][0] steering = float(steering) print("predicted steering : " + str(steering)) client.sendMessage(Commands(0.0, 0.0, steering=steering)) # Mutiplication scales decimal prediction for harder turning count += 1 except Exception as e: print("Excepted as: " + str(e)) continue client.sendMessage(Stop()) # Stops DeepGTAV client.close()
def send_message(self, throttle, brake, steering): self.client.sendMessage(Commands(throttle, brake, steering)) pass
# brake_prediction = np.argmax(nn_output[36:85]) # brake_prediction = brake_prediction / 50 duration = time.time() - lasttime print('Predicted Steering Value :', str(steering_prediction)) print('Prediction Probability :', str(steering_probability)) if steering_prediction > 0.08: print('Right') elif steering_prediction < -0.05: print('Left') else: print('Straight') # print('FPS :', str(1/(duration))) # Mutiplication scales decimal prediction for harder turning client.sendMessage( Commands(0.3, 0.0, 2 / (1 + 2.718**(-5.5 * steering_prediction)) - 1)) # client.sendMessage(Commands(0.3, 0.0, steering_prediction)) count += 1 degrees = (2 / (1 + 2.718**(-5.5 * steering_prediction)) - 1) * 180 smoothed_angle += 0.2 * pow(abs( (degrees - smoothed_angle)), 2.0 / 3.0) * ( degrees - smoothed_angle) / abs(degrees - smoothed_angle) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), -smoothed_angle, 1) dst = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (cols, rows)) cv2.imshow("steering wheel", dst) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break except Exception as e: print("Excepted as: " + str(e))
interval = 0 while (sqrt((location[0]-args.des[0])**2+(location[1]-args.des[1])**2)>100) and time.time()<stoptime: try: message = client.recvMessage() start = time.time() # message is python dict; keys: timestamp, trafficSigns, speed, # frame if (message['speed']>1) and (manual == False) and time.time()-labelchange[-1]>5: manual = True labelchange.append(time.time()) if message['speed']<3: interval = 0.5 else: interval = 0.25 random_steering = np.random.uniform(0.5, 0.7) * ((-1.0) ** (np.random.randint(2))) client.sendMessage(Commands(throttle=max(message['throttle'],0.3), brake=0.0, steering=random_steering, manual=1)) if manual: print(message['throttle'], message['brake'], message['steering']) client.sendMessage(Commands(throttle=max(message['throttle'],0.3), brake=0.0, steering=random_steering, manual=-1)) if time.time()-labelchange[-1]>interval: manual=False labelchange.append(time.time()) client.sendMessage(Commands(throttle=1.0, brake=0.0, steering=1, manual=0)) if manual: print("*"*50) location = message['location'] if message is None: stoptime = time.time() # The frame is a numpy array and can be displayed using OpenCV # or similar # image = frame2numpy(message['frame'],
yawRate=args.yawRate, location=args.if_location, time=args.dataset_time, roadinfo=args.roadinfo, direction=args.des) scenario = Scenario(vehicle=args.vehicle, weather=weather, time=args.time, location=args.location) client.sendMessage(Start(dataset=dataset, scenario=scenario)) time.sleep(5) # wait for the scene to be ready # Setup multi-threading for receiving messages queue = Queue(maxsize=1) manager = Manager() c = BufferClient(('localhost', 8766)) capture_gta_to_queue_only_final(c, queue) while True: imgtime, img = queue.get() imgtime = int(time) speed, angle = model(Variable(torch.Tensor(img))) throttle, brake, steering = pid(speed, angle) client.sendMessage( Commands(throttle=throttle, brake=brake, steering=steering, manual=1)) del queue client.close()
def send_message(self, throttle, brake, steering, gear): self.client.sendMessage(Commands(throttle, brake, steering, gear)) #yyz pass