def model_v3(exp_name, convtype='chebyshev5', pooltype='max', nmaps=16, activation_func='relu', stat_layer=None, input_channels=1, gc_depth=8, nfilters=64, const_k=5, var_k=None, filters=None, batch_norm_output=False, var_batch_norm=None, fc_layers=[], num_outputs=1, reg_factor=0, dropout_rate=0.8, verbose=True, num_epochs=1, learning_rate=1e-4, decay_factor=0.999, decay_freq=1, decay_staircase=False, loss_func="l1", nside=NSIDE, nsides=None, order=ORDER, batch_size=16): """ Returns DeepSphere model object for v3 architectures. :param convtype: Type of graph convolution performed ("chebyshev5" or "monomials"). TODO: Figure out difference :param num_outputs: 1 for just sigma_8, 2 for sigma_8 and predicted log-variance q :param nsides: List of NSIDES for graph convolutional layers. Length = gc_depth :param nside: NSIDE of input maps. Should be 1024. :param loss_func: Choice of loss function ("l1", "custom1", "custom2", "l2"). Must be implemented in DeepSphere codebase. :param decay_staircase: If true, performs integer division in lr decay, decaying every decay_freq steps. :param decay_freq: If decay_staircase=true, acts to stagger decays. Otherwise, brings down decay factor. :param dropout_rate: Percentage of neurons kept. TODO: Figure out what layers this applies to. :param reg_factor: Multiplier for L2 Norm of weights. TODO: Figure out good value, implement more complex reg, and allow for adaptive scheduling. :param fc_layers: List of sizes of hidden fully connected layers (excluding the output layer). :param var_batch_norm: List of True/False values turning batch normalization on/off for each GC layer. TODO: Figure out how this works for FC layers. :param batch_norm_output: Batch normalization value for the output layer (True/False). Ununsed if var_batch_norm is not None. :param var_k: List of GC orders K for each layer. Length = gc_depth. :param const_k: Constant K value for each GC layer. Unused if var_k is not None. :param stat_layer: Type of statistical layer applied for invariance. Can be None, mean, meanvar, var, or hist. :param pooltype: Type of pooling used for GC layers (max or avg). TODO: Figure out which one is better. :param activation_func: Type of activation function applied for all GC and FC layers (relu, leaky_relu, elu, etc.). TODO: Figure out which one is best. :param gc_depth: Number of GC layers in the network. Fixed at eight if NSIDE=1024 and pooling by two every layer. :param filters: List of # of filters for each GC layer. Length = gc_depth. :param batch_size: Batch size for training the network. Ideally a power of two. :param nfilters: Constant # of filters for each GC layer. Unused if filters is not None. :param exp_name: Experiment ID to define and track directories. :param order: HEALPIX order for partial-sky maps. Fixed at 2. TODO: Is 4 better? :param decay_factor: Decay factor by which learning rate gets multiplied every decay_freq steps depending on decay_staircase. TODO: What to use? :param nmaps: Number of full-sky maps from which the training data is being generated. :param input_channels: Number of input partial-sky maps. 1 for convergence, 2 for shear, +1 for counts-in-cells. :param learning_rate: Initial learning rate to use during training :param num_epochs: Number of epochs for training the model :param verbose: Outputs information on model config :return: DeepSphere model for training on FLASK v2 data without galaxy-matter bias. Doesn't allow for sophisticated regularization or loss functions. """ return models.deepsphere(**params_v3( exp_name, convtype, pooltype, nmaps, activation_func, stat_layer, input_channels, gc_depth, nfilters, const_k, var_k, filters, batch_norm_output, var_batch_norm, fc_layers, num_outputs, reg_factor, dropout_rate, verbose, num_epochs, learning_rate, decay_factor, decay_freq, decay_staircase, loss_func, nside, nsides, order, batch_size))
lr, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8) # params['optimizer'] = lambda lr: tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, decay=0.9, momentum=0.) n_evaluations = 90 params['eval_frequency'] = int(params['num_epochs'] * (training.N) / params['batch_size'] / n_evaluations) params['M'] = [] params['Fseg'] = 3 params['dense'] = True params['weighted'] = False # params['profile'] = True params['dtype'] = tf.float32 params['restore'] = True params['tf_dataset'] = training.get_tf_dataset(params['batch_size'], dtype=np.float32) model = models.deepsphere(**params) acc_val, loss_val, loss_train, t_step, t_batch = training, validation, use_tf_dataset=True, cache='TF', restore=restore) probabilities, _, _ = model.probs(test, 3, cache='TF') predictions, labels_test, loss = model.predict(test, cache='TF') AP = average_precision(probabilities, labels_test) mAP = np.mean(AP[1:]) acc, macc = accuracy(predictions, labels_test) if os.path.isfile(filepath + '.npz'): file = np.load(filepath + '.npz') tb = file['tbatch'].tolist() avprec = file['AP'].tolist()