Пример #1
def test_merge_linked():
    "Check that that merge works correctly for models with linked parameters"
    submodel1 = dl.dd_gauss
    submodel2 = dl.dd_gauss2
    submodel2 = dl.link(submodel2,
                        mean=['mean1', 'mean2'],
                        width=['width1', 'width2'])

    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    ref1 = submodel1(x, 3, 0.2)
    ref2 = submodel1(x, 4, 0.3)

    # Create a global model
    model = dl.merge(submodel1, submodel2, addweights=True)

    response = model(x,
    assert all(
        [np.allclose(response[n], ref) for n, ref in enumerate([ref1, ref2])])
Пример #2
def test_globalmodel():
    "Check the profiling works with multiple datasets"

    r = np.linspace(2, 6, 300)
    sigma = 0.1
    modelA = deepcopy(dd_gauss)
    modelB = deepcopy(dd_gauss)
    model = merge(modelA, modelB)
    model = link(model,
                 mean=['mean_1', 'mean_2'],
                 width=['width_1', 'width_2'])
    y = model(r, r, mean=3, width=0.2, scale_1=1, scale_2=1)
    y[0] += whitegaussnoise(r, sigma, seed=1)
    y[1] += whitegaussnoise(r, sigma, seed=1)

    profuq = profile_analysis(model, y, r, r, samples=3, noiselvl=sigma)

    x, pdf = profuq['mean'].pardist()
    mean_mean = x[np.argmax(pdf)]
    x, pdf = profuq['width'].pardist()
    width_mean = x[np.argmax(pdf)]

    assert np.allclose([mean_mean, width_mean], [3, 0.2], rtol=1e-2)
Пример #3
# Put the datasets into lists
ts = [t1,t2]
Vs = [Vexp1,Vexp2]
# Normalize the datasets
Vs = [V/np.max(V) for V in Vs]

# Distance vector
r = np.linspace(2,5,150) # nm

# Construct the dipolar models for the individual signals
V1model = dl.dipolarmodel(ts[0],r)
V2model = dl.dipolarmodel(ts[1],r)

# Make the global model by joining the individual models
globalmodel = dl.merge(V1model,V2model)

# Link the distance distribution into a global parameter 
globalmodel = dl.link(globalmodel,P=['P_1','P_2'])

# Fit the model to the data
fit = dl.fit(globalmodel,Vs)

# %%

violet = '#4550e6'
for n in range(len(fit.model)):

    # Extract fitted dipolar signal
    Vfit = fit.model[n]
Пример #4
L = [0.3, 3, 10, 30, 300]  # µM

# Distance vector
r = np.linspace(1.5, 6, 90)

# Construct a non-parametric distance distribution that is a
# linear combination of two non-parametric distributions
PAmodel = dl.freedist(r)
PBmodel = dl.freedist(r)
Pmodel = dl.lincombine(PAmodel, PBmodel, addweights=True)

# Construct the dipolar models of the individual signals
Vmodels = [dl.dipolarmodel(t, r, Pmodel) for t in ts]

# Create the global model
titrmodel = dl.merge(*Vmodels)
# Make the two components of the distance distriution global
titrmodel = dl.link(titrmodel,
                    PA=['P_1_1', 'P_1_2', 'P_1_3', 'P_1_4', 'P_1_5'],
                    PB=['P_2_1', 'P_2_2', 'P_2_3', 'P_2_4', 'P_2_5'])

# Functionalize the chemical equilibrium model
                       description='Dissociation constant')

titrmodel = dl.relate(titrmodel,
                      weight_2_1=lambda weight_1_1: 1 - weight_1_1,
                      weight_1_1=lambda Kdis: chemicalequilibrium(Kdis, L[0]),
Пример #5
t5p, V5p = np.load('../data/example_5pdeer_#2.npy')

# Since they have different scales, normalize both datasets
V4p = V4p / np.max(V4p)
V5p = V5p / np.max(V5p)

# Run fit
r = np.linspace(2, 4.5, 100)

# Construct the individual dipolar signal models
V4pmodel = dl.dipolarmodel(t4p, r, npathways=1)
V5pmodel = dl.dipolarmodel(t5p, r, npathways=2)
V5pmodel.reftime2.set(lb=3, ub=3.5, par0=3.2)

# Make the joint model with the distribution as a global parameters
globalmodel = dl.merge(V4pmodel, V5pmodel)
globalmodel = dl.link(globalmodel, P=['P_1', 'P_2'])

# Fit the model to the data (with fixed regularization parameter)
fit = dl.fit(globalmodel, [V4p, V5p], regparam=0.5)

# %%

plt.figure(figsize=[10, 7])
violet = '#4550e6'

# Extract fitted distance distribution
Pfit = fit.P
scale = np.trapz(Pfit, r)
Pci95 = fit.PUncert.ci(95) / scale
Pci50 = fit.PUncert.ci(50) / scale
Пример #6
                     reftime2=['reftime2_1', 'reftime2_2'],
                     lam1=['lam1_1', 'lam1_2'],
                     lam2=['lam2_1', 'lam2_2'])
    # Make the second weight dependent on the first one
    Vmodel = dl.relate(Vmodel, weight_2=lambda weight_1: 1 - weight_1)
    return Vmodel, Vdis_model, Vld_model


# Generate the models
Vmodel1, Vdismodel1, Vldmodel1 = dropletmodel(ts[0])
Vmodel2, Vdismodel2, Vldmodel2 = dropletmodel(ts[1])

# Create the global model
globalModel = dl.merge(Vmodel1, Vmodel2)
# Link global parameters toghether with new names
globalModel = dl.link(globalModel,
                      eta=['weight_1_1', 'weight_1_2'],
                      kdis=['decay_1_1', 'decay_1_2'],
                      kld=['decay_2_1', 'decay_2_2'],
                      Dld=['stretch_2_1', 'stretch_2_2'],
                      rmean_dis=['mean_1_1', 'mean_1_2'],
                      rmean_ld=['mean_2_1', 'mean_2_2'],
                      width_dis=['width_1_1', 'width_1_2'],
                      width_ld=['width_2_1', 'width_2_2'],
                      lam1=['lam1_1', 'lam1_2'],
                      lam2=['lam2_1', 'lam2_2'],
                      reftime1=['reftime1_1', 'reftime1_2'])

# Specify parameter boundaries and initial conditions
# Set the parameter boundaries and start values
Pmodel.meanA.set(lb=2, ub=7, par0=5)
Pmodel.meanB.set(lb=2, ub=7, par0=3)
Pmodel.widthA.set(lb=0.05, ub=0.8, par0=0.1)
Pmodel.widthB.set(lb=0.05, ub=0.8, par0=0.1)
Pmodel.fracA.set(lb=0, ub=1, par0=0.5)

# Generate the individual dipolar signal models
Nsignals = len(Vexps)
Vmodels = [[]] * Nsignals
for n in range(Nsignals):
    Vmodels[n] = dl.dipolarmodel(ts[n], r, Pmodel)
    Vmodels[n].reftime.set(lb=0, ub=0.5, par0=0.2)

# Combine the individual signal models into a single global models
globalmodel = dl.merge(*Vmodels)
# Link the global parameters toghether
globalmodel = dl.link(globalmodel,
                      meanA=['meanA_1', 'meanA_2', 'meanA_3'],
                      meanB=['meanB_1', 'meanB_2', 'meanB_3'],
                      widthA=['widthA_1', 'widthA_2', 'widthA_3'],
                      widthB=['widthB_1', 'widthB_2', 'widthB_3'])

# Fit the datasets to the model globally
fit = dl.fit(globalmodel, Vexps)

# Extract the fitted fractions
fracAfit = [fit.fracA_1, fit.fracA_2, fit.fracA_3]
fracBfit = [1 - fit.fracA_1, 1 - fit.fracA_2, 1 - fit.fracA_3]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))