These are the same simulations as submit_param_sweep_grids, except that the
external theta current is replaced by a current with a constant amplitude that
delivers the same charge per theta cycle.
import numpy as np

from grid_cell_model.submitting.noise import SubmissionParser
from param_sweep import submitParamSweep, getBumpCurrentSlope
from default_params import defaultParameters as dp

parser = SubmissionParser()
parser.add_argument('--extra_qsub_params', type=str, default='')
o = parser.parse_args()

for noise_sigma in parser.noise_sigmas:
    p = dp.copy()
    p['noise_sigma'] = noise_sigma  # pA

    # Submitting
    ENV = o.env
    simRootDir = o.where
    simLabel = '{0}pA'.format(int(p['noise_sigma']))
    appName = ''
    rtLimit = o.rtLimit or '05:00:00'
    numCPU = 1
    blocking = True
    timePrefix = False
    numRepeat = 1
    dry_run = o.dry_run

    p['master_seed'] = 123456
    - The speed is controlled by IvelMax and dIvel parameters (currently
      [0, 100] pA, with a step of 10 pA
    - At the end of each run, spikes from E and I population are exported to
      the output file.
import numpy as np

from grid_cell_model.submitting.noise import SubmissionParser
from param_sweep import submitParamSweep
from default_params import defaultParameters as dp

parser = SubmissionParser()
o = parser.parse_args()

for noise_sigma in parser.noise_sigmas:
    p = dp.copy()
    p['noise_sigma'] = noise_sigma # pA

    # Submitting
    ENV         = o.env
    simRootDir  = o.where
    simLabel    = '{0}pA'.format(int(p['noise_sigma']))
    appName     = ''
    rtLimit     = o.rtLimit or '12:00:00'
    numCPU      = 1
    blocking    = True
    timePrefix  = False
    numRepeat   = 1
    dry_run     = o.dry_run