Пример #1
def maybeDeferred(f, *args, **kw):
    """Invoke a function that may or may not return a deferred.

    Call the given function with the given arguments.  If the returned
    object is a C{Deferred}, return it.  If the returned object is a C{Failure},
    wrap it with C{fail} and return it.  Otherwise, wrap it in C{succeed} and
    return it.  If an exception is raised, convert it to a C{Failure}, wrap it
    in C{fail}, and then return it.

    @type f: Any callable
    @param f: The callable to invoke

    @param args: The arguments to pass to C{f}
    @param kw: The keyword arguments to pass to C{f}

    @rtype: C{Deferred}
    @return: The result of the function call, wrapped in a C{Deferred} if
        result = f(*args, **kw)
        return fail(Failure())

    if isinstance(result, Deferred):
        return result
    elif isinstance(result, Failure):
        return fail(result)
        return succeed(result)
Пример #2
    def _runCallbacks(self):
        if self._runningCallbacks:
            # Don't recursively run callbacks
        if not self.paused:
            while self.callbacks:
                item = self.callbacks.pop(0)
                callback, args, kw = item[
                    isinstance(self.result, Failure)]
                args = args or ()
                kw = kw or {}
                    self._runningCallbacks = True
                        self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
                        self._runningCallbacks = False
                    if isinstance(self.result, Deferred):
                        # note: this will cause _runCallbacks to be called
                        # recursively if self.result already has a result.
                        # This shouldn't cause any problems, since there is no
                        # relevant state in this stack frame at this point.
                        # The recursive call will continue to process
                        # self.callbacks until it is empty, then return here,
                        # where there is no more work to be done, so this call
                        # will return as well.
                    self.result = Failure()

        if isinstance(self.result, Failure):
            if self._debugInfo is None:
                self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.failResult = self.result
            if self._debugInfo is not None:
                self._debugInfo.failResult = None
Пример #3
    def _cbDeferred(self, result, index, succeeded):
        """(internal) Callback for when one of my deferreds fires.
        self.resultList[index] = (succeeded, result)

        self.finishedCount += 1
        if not self.called:
            if succeeded == SUCCESS and self.fireOnOneCallback:
                self.callback((result, index))
            elif succeeded == FAILURE and self.fireOnOneErrback:
                self.errback(Failure(FirstError(result, index)))
            elif self.finishedCount == len(self.resultList):

        if succeeded == FAILURE and self.consumeErrors:
            result = None

        return result
Пример #4
    def errback(self, fail=None):
        Run all error callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.

        Each callback will have its result passed as the first
        argument to the next; this way, the callbacks act as a
        'processing chain'. Also, if the error-callback returns a non-Failure
        or doesn't raise an Exception, processing will continue on the
        *success*-callback chain.

        If the argument that's passed to me is not a Failure instance,
        it will be embedded in one. If no argument is passed, a Failure
        instance will be created based on the current traceback stack.

        Passing a string as `fail' is deprecated, and will be punished with
        a warning message.

        @raise NoCurrentExceptionError: If C{fail} is C{None} but there is
            no current exception state.
        if not isinstance(fail, Failure):
            fail = Failure(fail)

Пример #5
class Deferred:
    """This is a callback which will be put off until later.

    Why do we want this? Well, in cases where a function in a threaded
    program would block until it gets a result, for Twisted it should
    not block. Instead, it should return a Deferred.

    This can be implemented for protocols that run over the network by
    writing an asynchronous protocol for twisted.internet. For methods
    that come from outside packages that are not under our control, we use
    threads (see for example L{twisted.enterprise.adbapi}).

    For more information about Deferreds, see doc/howto/defer.html or

    called = 0
    paused = 0
    timeoutCall = None
    _debugInfo = None

    # Are we currently running a user-installed callback?  Meant to prevent
    # recursive running of callbacks when a reentrant call to add a callback is
    # used.
    _runningCallbacks = False

    # Keep this class attribute for now, for compatibility with code that
    # sets it directly.
    debug = False

    def __init__(self):
        self.callbacks = []
        if self.debug:
            self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.creator = traceback.format_stack()[:-1]

    def addCallbacks(
        self, callback, errback=None, callbackArgs=None, callbackKeywords=None, errbackArgs=None, errbackKeywords=None
        """Add a pair of callbacks (success and error) to this Deferred.

        These will be executed when the 'master' callback is run.
        assert callable(callback)
        assert errback == None or callable(errback)
        cbs = ((callback, callbackArgs, callbackKeywords), (errback or (passthru), errbackArgs, errbackKeywords))

        if self.called:
        return self

    def addCallback(self, callback, *args, **kw):
        """Convenience method for adding just a callback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(callback, callbackArgs=args, callbackKeywords=kw)

    def addErrback(self, errback, *args, **kw):
        """Convenience method for adding just an errback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(passthru, errback, errbackArgs=args, errbackKeywords=kw)

    def addBoth(self, callback, *args, **kw):
        """Convenience method for adding a single callable as both a callback
        and an errback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(
            callback, callback, callbackArgs=args, errbackArgs=args, callbackKeywords=kw, errbackKeywords=kw

    def chainDeferred(self, d):
        """Chain another Deferred to this Deferred.

        This method adds callbacks to this Deferred to call d's callback or
        errback, as appropriate. It is merely a shorthand way of performing
        the following::

            self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)

        When you chain a deferred d2 to another deferred d1 with
        d1.chainDeferred(d2), you are making d2 participate in the callback
        chain of d1. Thus any event that fires d1 will also fire d2.
        However, the converse is B{not} true; if d2 is fired d1 will not be
        return self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)

    def callback(self, result):
        """Run all success callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.

        Each callback will have its result passed as the first
        argument to the next; this way, the callbacks act as a
        'processing chain'. Also, if the success-callback returns a Failure
        or raises an Exception, processing will continue on the *error*-
        callback chain.
        assert not isinstance(result, Deferred)

    def errback(self, fail=None):
        Run all error callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.

        Each callback will have its result passed as the first
        argument to the next; this way, the callbacks act as a
        'processing chain'. Also, if the error-callback returns a non-Failure
        or doesn't raise an Exception, processing will continue on the
        *success*-callback chain.

        If the argument that's passed to me is not a Failure instance,
        it will be embedded in one. If no argument is passed, a Failure
        instance will be created based on the current traceback stack.

        Passing a string as `fail' is deprecated, and will be punished with
        a warning message.

        @raise NoCurrentExceptionError: If C{fail} is C{None} but there is
            no current exception state.
        if not isinstance(fail, Failure):
            fail = Failure(fail)


    def pause(self):
        """Stop processing on a Deferred until L{unpause}() is called.
        self.paused = self.paused + 1

    def unpause(self):
        """Process all callbacks made since L{pause}() was called.
        self.paused = self.paused - 1
        if self.paused:
        if self.called:

    def _continue(self, result):
        self.result = result

    def _startRunCallbacks(self, result):
        if self.called:
            if self.debug:
                if self._debugInfo is None:
                    self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
                extra = "\n" + self._debugInfo._getDebugTracebacks()
                raise AlreadyCalledError(extra)
            raise AlreadyCalledError
        if self.debug:
            if self._debugInfo is None:
                self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.invoker = traceback.format_stack()[:-2]
        self.called = True
        self.result = result
        if self.timeoutCall:

            del self.timeoutCall

    def _runCallbacks(self):
        if self._runningCallbacks:
            # Don't recursively run callbacks
        if not self.paused:
            while self.callbacks:
                item = self.callbacks.pop(0)
                callback, args, kw = item[isinstance(self.result, Failure)]
                args = args or ()
                kw = kw or {}
                    self._runningCallbacks = True
                        self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
                        self._runningCallbacks = False
                    if isinstance(self.result, Deferred):
                        # note: this will cause _runCallbacks to be called
                        # recursively if self.result already has a result.
                        # This shouldn't cause any problems, since there is no
                        # relevant state in this stack frame at this point.
                        # The recursive call will continue to process
                        # self.callbacks until it is empty, then return here,
                        # where there is no more work to be done, so this call
                        # will return as well.
                    self.result = Failure()

        if isinstance(self.result, Failure):
            if self._debugInfo is None:
                self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.failResult = self.result
            if self._debugInfo is not None:
                self._debugInfo.failResult = None

    def __str__(self):
        cname = self.__class__.__name__
        if hasattr(self, "result"):
            return "<%s at %s  current result: %r>" % (cname, hex(unsignedID(self)), self.result)
        return "<%s at %s>" % (cname, hex(unsignedID(self)))

    __repr__ = __str__
Пример #6
class Deferred:
    """This is a callback which will be put off until later.

    Why do we want this? Well, in cases where a function in a threaded
    program would block until it gets a result, for Twisted it should
    not block. Instead, it should return a Deferred.

    This can be implemented for protocols that run over the network by
    writing an asynchronous protocol for twisted.internet. For methods
    that come from outside packages that are not under our control, we use
    threads (see for example L{twisted.enterprise.adbapi}).

    For more information about Deferreds, see doc/howto/defer.html or
    called = 0
    paused = 0
    timeoutCall = None
    _debugInfo = None

    # Are we currently running a user-installed callback?  Meant to prevent
    # recursive running of callbacks when a reentrant call to add a callback is
    # used.
    _runningCallbacks = False

    # Keep this class attribute for now, for compatibility with code that
    # sets it directly.
    debug = False

    def __init__(self):
        self.callbacks = []
        if self.debug:
            self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.creator = traceback.format_stack()[:-1]

    def addCallbacks(self, callback, errback=None,
                     callbackArgs=None, callbackKeywords=None,
                     errbackArgs=None, errbackKeywords=None):
        """Add a pair of callbacks (success and error) to this Deferred.

        These will be executed when the 'master' callback is run.
        assert hasattr(callback, '__call__')
        assert errback == None or hasattr(errback,'__call__')
        cbs = ((callback, callbackArgs, callbackKeywords),
               (errback or (passthru), errbackArgs, errbackKeywords))

        if self.called:
        return self

    def addCallback(self, callback, *args, **kw):
        """Convenience method for adding just a callback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(callback, callbackArgs=args,

    def addErrback(self, errback, *args, **kw):
        """Convenience method for adding just an errback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(passthru, errback,

    def addBoth(self, callback, *args, **kw):
        """Convenience method for adding a single callable as both a callback
        and an errback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(callback, callback,
                                 callbackArgs=args, errbackArgs=args,
                                 callbackKeywords=kw, errbackKeywords=kw)

    def chainDeferred(self, d):
        """Chain another Deferred to this Deferred.

        This method adds callbacks to this Deferred to call d's callback or
        errback, as appropriate. It is merely a shorthand way of performing
        the following::

            self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)

        When you chain a deferred d2 to another deferred d1 with
        d1.chainDeferred(d2), you are making d2 participate in the callback
        chain of d1. Thus any event that fires d1 will also fire d2.
        However, the converse is B{not} true; if d2 is fired d1 will not be
        return self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)

    def callback(self, result):
        """Run all success callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.

        Each callback will have its result passed as the first
        argument to the next; this way, the callbacks act as a
        'processing chain'. Also, if the success-callback returns a Failure
        or raises an Exception, processing will continue on the *error*-
        callback chain.
        assert not isinstance(result, Deferred)

    def errback(self, fail=None):
        Run all error callbacks that have been added to this Deferred.

        Each callback will have its result passed as the first
        argument to the next; this way, the callbacks act as a
        'processing chain'. Also, if the error-callback returns a non-Failure
        or doesn't raise an Exception, processing will continue on the
        *success*-callback chain.

        If the argument that's passed to me is not a Failure instance,
        it will be embedded in one. If no argument is passed, a Failure
        instance will be created based on the current traceback stack.

        Passing a string as `fail' is deprecated, and will be punished with
        a warning message.

        @raise NoCurrentExceptionError: If C{fail} is C{None} but there is
            no current exception state.
        if not isinstance(fail, Failure):
            fail = Failure(fail)


    def pause(self):
        """Stop processing on a Deferred until L{unpause}() is called.
        self.paused = self.paused + 1

    def unpause(self):
        """Process all callbacks made since L{pause}() was called.
        self.paused = self.paused - 1
        if self.paused:
        if self.called:

    def _continue(self, result):
        self.result = result

    def _startRunCallbacks(self, result):
        if self.called:
            if self.debug:
                if self._debugInfo is None:
                    self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
                extra = "\n" + self._debugInfo._getDebugTracebacks()
                raise AlreadyCalledError(extra)
            raise AlreadyCalledError
        if self.debug:
            if self._debugInfo is None:
                self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.invoker = traceback.format_stack()[:-2]
        self.called = True
        self.result = result
        if self.timeoutCall:

            del self.timeoutCall

    def _runCallbacks(self):
        if self._runningCallbacks:
            # Don't recursively run callbacks
        if not self.paused:
            while self.callbacks:
                item = self.callbacks.pop(0)
                callback, args, kw = item[
                    isinstance(self.result, Failure)]
                args = args or ()
                kw = kw or {}
                    self._runningCallbacks = True
                        self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
                        self._runningCallbacks = False
                    if isinstance(self.result, Deferred):
                        # note: this will cause _runCallbacks to be called
                        # recursively if self.result already has a result.
                        # This shouldn't cause any problems, since there is no
                        # relevant state in this stack frame at this point.
                        # The recursive call will continue to process
                        # self.callbacks until it is empty, then return here,
                        # where there is no more work to be done, so this call
                        # will return as well.
                    self.result = Failure()

        if isinstance(self.result, Failure):
            if self._debugInfo is None:
                self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.failResult = self.result
            if self._debugInfo is not None:
                self._debugInfo.failResult = None

    def __str__(self):
        cname = self.__class__.__name__
        if hasattr(self, 'result'):
            return "<%s at %s  current result: %r>" % (cname, hex(unsignedID(self)),
        return "<%s at %s>" % (cname, hex(unsignedID(self)))
    __repr__ = __str__
Пример #7
def timeout(deferred):
    deferred.errback(Failure(TimeoutError("Callback timed out")))