def applyRVM(dt, nu=0.1, toMod=[dfn.vortexList(), dfn.traceList()], BCList=[]): """Apply RVM diffusion based on kinematic viscocity nu on "toMod" list of lists Also, reflect any vortex which is getting diffused into the boundary""" #Calculate mu and sigma for random number generation gaussian distribution mu = 0.0 sigma = (2 * nu * dt)**0.5 #Modify position for each point for eachList in toMod: #Diffusion should not be applied on tracers. This is only for vortex lists. check that condition if eachList.__class__.__name__ == 'vortexList': for eachPoint in eachList.allV: rad = random.gauss(mu, sigma) theta = random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi) dPos = numpy.array( [rad * math.cos(theta), rad * math.sin(theta)]) newPos = eachPoint.position + dPos #Reflect the new position if it is in boundary for eachBC in BCList: if (eachBC.inBoundary(newPos)): newPos = eachBC.reflect(eachPoint.position, dPos) eachPoint.modifyPos( newPos) #This will also change fieldGen point positions return ()
def test2RK2(Npoints=30, Npanels=50): """Test RK-2 time integrator with boundary conditions. Simulate a non-viscous flow around a cylinder. NPoins being number of tracer points and NPanels being number of panels on the cylinder surface""" #Define V_Infinite, field generators and modifiable points vinf = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0]) fieldGens = [] toMod = [] #Define tracer points TList = dfn.traceList() lowLim = numpy.array([-5.0, -2.0]) upLim = numpy.array([-5.0, 2.0]) for i in range(Npoints): pos = (lowLim + (float(i) / Npoints * (upLim - lowLim))) TList.addTracer(pos, traceFlag=1) toMod.append(TList) #Create cylinder points for boundary conditions rad = 1.0 [BCpoints, BCcp, BCNormals, iF, rF] = wallBC.cylBCPoints(rad, Npanels) #Initiate boundary condnitions BCList = [] BC = wallBC.wallNPNSBC(BCpoints, BCcp, BCNormals, iF, rF) BCList.append(BC) # Initiate time mesh startTime = 0.0 timeStep = 0.08 endTime = 10.0 timeMesh = dfn.linearTimeMesh(startTime, timeStep, endTime) #Start time loop for i in range(1, len(timeMesh)): print "time=%f" % timeMesh[i] dt = timeMesh[i] - timeMesh[i - 1] advectRK2(dt, toMod, fieldGens, vinf, BCList) #Plot traces of particles plt.figure(1) plt.title('test case for RK-2 non-viscous flow around a cylinder') plt.plot(numpy.array(BCpoints).transpose()[0], numpy.array(BCpoints).transpose()[1], linewidth=3.0) for i in range(TList.nPoints): plt.plot( numpy.array(TList.allV[i].traceHist).transpose()[0], numpy.array(TList.allV[i].traceHist).transpose()[1]) return ()
def test2RK2(Npoints=30,Npanels=50): """Test RK-2 time integrator with boundary conditions. Simulate a non-viscous flow around a cylinder. NPoins being number of tracer points and NPanels being number of panels on the cylinder surface""" #Define V_Infinite, field generators and modifiable points vinf=numpy.array([1.0,0.0]) fieldGens=[] toMod=[] #Define tracer points TList=dfn.traceList() lowLim=numpy.array([-5.0,-2.0]) upLim=numpy.array([-5.0,2.0]) for i in range(Npoints): pos=(lowLim+(float(i)/Npoints*(upLim-lowLim))) TList.addTracer(pos,traceFlag=1) toMod.append(TList) #Create cylinder points for boundary conditions rad=1.0 [BCpoints,BCcp,BCNormals,iF,rF]=wallBC.cylBCPoints(rad,Npanels) #Initiate boundary condnitions BCList=[] BC=wallBC.wallNPNSBC(BCpoints,BCcp,BCNormals,iF,rF) BCList.append(BC) # Initiate time mesh startTime=0.0 timeStep=0.08 endTime=10.0 timeMesh=dfn.linearTimeMesh(startTime,timeStep,endTime) #Start time loop for i in range(1,len(timeMesh)): print "time=%f"%timeMesh[i] dt=timeMesh[i]-timeMesh[i-1] advectRK2(dt,toMod,fieldGens,vinf,BCList) #Plot traces of particles plt.figure(1) plt.title('test case for RK-2 non-viscous flow around a cylinder') plt.plot(numpy.array(BCpoints).transpose()[0],numpy.array(BCpoints).transpose()[1],linewidth=3.0) for i in range(TList.nPoints): plt.plot(numpy.array(TList.allV[i].traceHist).transpose()[0],numpy.array(TList.allV[i].traceHist).transpose()[1]) return()
def testRVM(cpos=numpy.array([1., 1.]), Np=100): """ Test RVM diffusion function""" #Initiate vortex list and tracer list and toMod V1 = dfn.vortexList() T1 = dfn.traceList() toMod = [V1, T1] #Add points at the same location for i in range(Np): V1.addVortex(cpos, 0.1) #Add arbitary tracers, just for check T1.addTracer(numpy.array([.5, .5]) + cpos) T1.addTracer(numpy.array([.5, -.5]) + cpos) T1.addTracer(numpy.array([-.5, .5]) + cpos) T1.addTracer(numpy.array([-.5, -.5]) + cpos) #Apply RVM dt = 0.1 nu = 0.1 applyRVM(dt, nu, toMod) #Positions of all points in toMod pos = [] for eachList in toMod: pos = pos + eachList.posit() pos = numpy.array(pos) #Plot all points. Red is the original vortex, Blue is new distribution plt.figure() plt.title("Random vortex method diffusion test") for i in range(len(pos)): plt.plot(pos[i][0], pos[i][1], 'bo', markersize=2.0) plt.plot(cpos[0], cpos[1], 'ro', markersize=4.0) return ()
def testRVM(cpos=numpy.array([1.,1.]),Np=100): """ Test RVM diffusion function""" #Initiate vortex list and tracer list and toMod V1=dfn.vortexList() T1=dfn.traceList() toMod=[V1,T1] #Add points at the same location for i in range(Np): V1.addVortex(cpos,0.1) #Add arbitary tracers, just for check T1.addTracer(numpy.array([.5,.5])+cpos) T1.addTracer(numpy.array([.5,-.5])+cpos) T1.addTracer(numpy.array([-.5,.5])+cpos) T1.addTracer(numpy.array([-.5,-.5])+cpos) #Apply RVM dt=0.1 nu=0.1 applyRVM(dt,nu,toMod) #Positions of all points in toMod pos=[] for eachList in toMod: pos=pos+eachList.posit() pos=numpy.array(pos) #Plot all points. Red is the original vortex, Blue is new distribution plt.figure() plt.title("Random vortex method diffusion test") for i in range(len(pos)): plt.plot(pos[i][0],pos[i][1],'bo',markersize=2.0) plt.plot(cpos[0],cpos[1],'ro',markersize=4.0) return()
def applyRVM(dt,nu=0.1,toMod=[dfn.vortexList(),dfn.traceList()],BCList=[]): """Apply RVM diffusion based on kinematic viscocity nu on "toMod" list of lists Also, reflect any vortex which is getting diffused into the boundary""" #Calculate mu and sigma for random number generation gaussian distribution mu=0.0 sigma=(2*nu*dt)**0.5 #Modify position for each point for eachList in toMod: #Diffusion should not be applied on tracers. This is only for vortex lists. check that condition if eachList.__class__.__name__=='vortexList': for eachPoint in eachList.allV: rad=random.gauss(mu,sigma) theta=random.uniform(-math.pi,math.pi) dPos=numpy.array([rad*math.cos(theta),rad*math.sin(theta)]) newPos=eachPoint.position+dPos #Reflect the new position if it is in boundary for eachBC in BCList: if (eachBC.inBoundary(newPos)): newPos=eachBC.reflect(eachPoint.position,dPos) eachPoint.modifyPos(newPos) #This will also change fieldGen point positions return()
def advectRK2(dt, toMod=[dfn.vortexList(), dfn.traceList()], fieldGens=[dfn.vortexList(), dfn.linVortList()], vinf=0.0, BCList=[]): """Modify "toMod(List format)" objects according to RK 2 advection based on fieldGens(List format) for advection""" #Calculate total number of toMod Points and append their positions N = 0 pos = [] for eachList in toMod: N = N + eachList.nPoints pos = pos + eachList.posit() pos = numpy.array(pos) oldPos = pos.copy() # Satisfy no penetration [eachBC.findVcp(fieldGens, vinf) for eachBC in BCList] [eachBC.applyNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] #Calculate no slip velocities [eachBC.findVcps(fieldGens, vinf) for eachBC in BCList] # Calculate field at all positions field = dfn.velField(pos, fieldGens, vinf) # Close NP BC [eachBC.closeNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] #Take first step of RK 2 and modify positions n = 0 for eachList in toMod: for eachPoint in eachList.allV: newPos = dfn.eulerInt(pos[n], field[n], dt / 2.0) eachPoint.modifyPos( newPos ) # Note that this step will also modify appropriate positions in fieldGens, because of pointers n = n + 1 #Calculate total number of toMod Points and append their positions newN = 0 pos = [] for eachList in toMod: newN = newN + eachList.nPoints pos = pos + eachList.posit() pos = numpy.array(pos) if newN != N: print "number of points cannot change in an advection step" # Satisfy no penetration [eachBC.findVcp(fieldGens, vinf) for eachBC in BCList] [eachBC.applyNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] #Calculate field with new positions field = dfn.velField(pos, fieldGens, vinf) # Close NP BC [eachBC.closeNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] # Take second step of RK 2 and modify final positions n = 0 for eachList in toMod: for eachPoint in eachList.allV: newPos = dfn.eulerInt(oldPos[n], field[n], dt) dPos = newPos - oldPos[n] #Reflect the new position if it is in boundary for eachBC in BCList: if (eachBC.inBoundary(newPos)): newPos = eachBC.reflect(oldPos[n], dPos) eachPoint.modifyPos(newPos) n = n + 1
def advectRK2(dt,toMod=[dfn.vortexList(),dfn.traceList()],fieldGens=[dfn.vortexList(),dfn.linVortList()],vinf=0.0,BCList=[]): """Modify "toMod(List format)" objects according to RK 2 advection based on fieldGens(List format) for advection""" #Calculate total number of toMod Points and append their positions N=0 pos=[] for eachList in toMod: N=N+eachList.nPoints pos=pos+eachList.posit() pos=numpy.array(pos) oldPos=pos.copy() # Satisfy no penetration [eachBC.findVcp(fieldGens,vinf) for eachBC in BCList] [eachBC.applyNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] #Calculate no slip velocities [eachBC.findVcps(fieldGens,vinf) for eachBC in BCList] # Calculate field at all positions field=dfn.velField(pos,fieldGens,vinf) # Close NP BC [eachBC.closeNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] #Take first step of RK 2 and modify positions n=0 for eachList in toMod: for eachPoint in eachList.allV: newPos=dfn.eulerInt(pos[n],field[n],dt/2.0) eachPoint.modifyPos(newPos) # Note that this step will also modify appropriate positions in fieldGens, because of pointers n=n+1 #Calculate total number of toMod Points and append their positions newN=0 pos=[] for eachList in toMod: newN=newN+eachList.nPoints pos=pos+eachList.posit() pos=numpy.array(pos) if newN!=N: print "number of points cannot change in an advection step" # Satisfy no penetration [eachBC.findVcp(fieldGens,vinf) for eachBC in BCList] [eachBC.applyNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] #Calculate field with new positions field=dfn.velField(pos,fieldGens,vinf) # Close NP BC [eachBC.closeNPBC(fieldGens) for eachBC in BCList] # Take second step of RK 2 and modify final positions n=0 for eachList in toMod: for eachPoint in eachList.allV: newPos=dfn.eulerInt(oldPos[n],field[n],dt) dPos=newPos-oldPos[n] #Reflect the new position if it is in boundary for eachBC in BCList: if (eachBC.inBoundary(newPos)): newPos=eachBC.reflect(oldPos[n],dPos) eachPoint.modifyPos(newPos) n=n+1