Пример #1
def _filter_res(filename):
    Reads files containing results of either algorithm1 or algorithm2,
    and finds the results that are significant according to the
    following criteria:
      * waiting:
        - Interval is contained in the non-negative part of the real axis.
        - Interval is wider than 90 seconds.
        - More than 50 points are in the solution region defined as
          {(x,y): s<=x<=e, x-s <= y <= x-s+120}.

      * blocking:
        - Interval is contained in the non-negative part of the real axis.
        - Interval is wider than 120 seconds.
        - More than 50 points are in the solution region defined as A U B, where
          A = {(x,y): s<=x<=e, x-s <= y <= x-s+120}.
          B = {(x,y): e<=x<=e+120, max(0, x-e-120) <= y <= min(x-e, e-s)}

    algtype = filename[18:-4]
    results = csv.reader(open(filename), delimiter=',')
    firstrow = True
    outfile = open(filename[:-4] + '_sig.csv', 'w')
    reswriter = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',')
    for row in results:
        if firstrow:
            firstrow = False
            if int(float(row[5])) > 0:
                if int(float(row[6])) > int(float(row[5])):
                    if algtype == 'waiting':
                        data = get_matching_delay(row[1], row[0],
                                                  row[3], row[2])
                        #Check if solution region has more than 50 points
                        if delaycounter(data[0], data[1], row[5:], 120) > 50:
                            if int(float(row[6])) - int(float(row[5])) > 90:
                        data = get_matching_delay(row[1], row[0],
                                                  row[3], row[2])
                        #Check if solution region has more than 50 points
                        if delaycounter(data[0], data[1], row[5:], 120) > 50:
                            if int(float(row[6])) - int(float(row[5])) > 120:
Пример #2
from plot_trains import scatter_trains
from get_matching_delay import get_matching_delay
from train_algos import algorithm1_mod, algorithm1
from delaycounter import delaycounter
from new_alg1mod import algorithm1_mod2
delayer, victim = get_matching_delay('1619','45961', False, True)
import csv

algres = (90, -842, -72)

print delaycounter(delayer, victim, (algres[1], algres[2]), 
                   algtype = 'blocking')
scatter_trains(delayer, victim, algres, waiting = False, show = True)