Пример #1
def inducedEdge(sampleList, friendList, breakDep, theta) :
   print "+++Induced Edge+++"
   noDependList = []
   noDependFriendList = []
   if breakDep == 0 :
       noDependList = depend.thinningsample(sampleList, theta,0)
       noDependFriendList = depend.thinningfriend(friendList, theta,0)
       print "***Simple Thinning***"
       print "Estimated Size of nodes :" + str(getListResult(noDependList, noDependFriendList))
       print "Induced Edges :" + str(inducedEdgeNum)
   elif breakDep == 1 :
       totalNodeSize = 0
       for i in range(0,theta-1) :
           noDependList = depend.thinningsample(sampleList,theta,i)
	   noDependFriendList = depend.thinningfriend(friendList, theta,0)
           totalNodeSize = totalNodeSize + getListResult(noDependList, noDependFriendList)
           print "Induced Edges :" + str(inducedEdgeNum)

       print "***Shift Thinning***"
       print "Estimated Size of nodes :" + str(int(totalNodeSize/theta))
   elif breakDep == 2 :
       print "***Safety Margin***"
       print "Estimated Size of nodes :" + str(int(safetymarginIE(sampleList, friendList, theta)))
   else :
       print "Error in breaking dependence type!"
Пример #2
def collisionCount(sampleList,breakDep,theta) :
	print "+++Collision Counting+++"
	noDependList = []
	if breakDep == 0 :
		noDependList = depend.thinningsample(sampleList,theta,0)
		#print noDependList[3][1]
		print "***Simple Thinning***"
		print "Estimated Size of nodes :" + str(getListResult(noDependList))
	elif breakDep == 1 :
		totalNodeSize = 0
		for i in range(0,theta-1) :
			noDependList = depend.thinningsample(sampleList,theta,i)
			totalNodeSize = totalNodeSize + getListResult(noDependList)
		print "***Shift Thinning***"
		print "Estimated Size of nodes :" + str(int(totalNodeSize/theta))
	elif breakDep == 2 :
		print "***SaftyMargin***"
		print "Estimated Size of nodes :" + str(int(safetyMargin(sampleList,theta)))
	else :
		 print "Error in breaking dependence type!"