Пример #1
def remove(option, refresh=True):
    Remove option line from remote settings.ini
    option = option.lower()

    before = '^%s\s+?=\s+?.*' % option
    after = ''

    if contains(env.PROJECT.settings, before, use_re=True):
        sed(env.PROJECT.settings, before, after, backup='', flags='I')
        run(r"tr -s '\n' < %(settings)s > %(settings)s.new && mv %(settings)s{.new,}" % env.PROJECT)

    # sanity check
    assert not contains(env.PROJECT.settings, '%s.*' % option), 'Config found: "%s"' % option

    if refresh:
Пример #2
def remove(option, refresh=True):
    Remove option line from remote settings.ini
    option = option.lower()

    before = '^%s\s+?=\s+?.*' % option
    after = ''

    if contains(env.PROJECT.settings, before, use_re=True):
        sed(env.PROJECT.settings, before, after, backup='', flags='I')
        run(r"tr -s '\n' < %(settings)s > %(settings)s.new && mv %(settings)s{.new,}"
            % env.PROJECT)

    # sanity check
    assert not contains(env.PROJECT.settings,
                        '%s.*' % option), 'Config found: "%s"' % option

    if refresh:
Пример #3
def set(option, value=None):
    Update or create option line from remote settings.ini

    fab production config.set:DEBUG,False

    If value is omitted, a prompt will ask for it. This helps avoid
    problems settings values with $ and alike.
    if value is None:
        value = prompt('Value: ')

    option = option.upper()

    after = '%s = %s' % (option, value)

    remove(option, refresh=False) # remove option if exists.
    append(env.PROJECT.settings, after)

    # sanity check
    assert contains(env.PROJECT.settings, after), 'Config not found: "%s"' % after
Пример #4
def set(option, value=None):
    Update or create option line from remote settings.ini

    fab production config.set:DEBUG,False

    If value is omitted, a prompt will ask for it. This helps avoid
    problems settings values with $ and alike.
    if value is None:
        value = prompt('Value: ')

    option = option.upper()

    after = '%s = %s' % (option, value)

    remove(option, refresh=False)  # remove option if exists.
    append(env.PROJECT.settings, after)

    # sanity check
    assert contains(env.PROJECT.settings,
                    after), 'Config not found: "%s"' % after