Пример #1
class BasicUser(HttpUser):
    """ Locust user who will randomly get a case, spending 5-10 seconds on the page """
    locust_auth = LocustAuthHandler(is_ff=False)
    host = locust_auth.host
    weight = 1
    wait_time = between(3, 5)
    _auth = HTTPBasicAuth(
        *locust_auth.get_username_and_password())  # get CGAP auth
    cases = list(c['@id']
                 for c in requests.get(build_url(host, "/Case?limit=20"),
    vsl = list(
        for c in requests.get(build_url(host, '/VariantSampleList?limit=10'),
    # These types are most data model intensive
    item_types = [
        'Case', 'Variant', 'VariantSample', 'FileProcessed', 'File',
        'QualityMetric', 'MetaWorkflow', 'MetaWorkflowRun'

    def get_case(self):
        """ Does a get for a random case """
        c = random.choice(self.cases)
        self.client.get(build_url(self.host, '%s' % c), auth=self._auth)

    # enable this to get info about VSL, but not an expensive API
    def get_vsl(self):
        """ Does a get for a random variant sample list (intepretation space) """
        c = random.choice(self.vsl)
        self.client.get(build_url(self.host, '%s' % c), auth=self._auth)
Пример #2
class SearchUser(HttpUser):
    """ Locust user who will do lots of searches, some involving nested. """
    pagination_depth = 30  # limit depth - adjust this value accordingly
    locust_auth = LocustAuthHandler(is_ff=False)
    host = locust_auth.host
    weight = 3
    wait_time = between(
        4, 8
    )  # Normal user actually is more representative (case navigation) so make these even
    _auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*locust_auth.get_username_and_password())
    counts = requests.get(build_url(
        host, "/counts?format=json")).json()['db_es_compare']
    searches = []
    for t, counts in counts.items():
        # example value of split totals: ['DB:', '74048', 'ES:', '74048']
        # or ['DB:', '887', 'ES:', '888', '<', 'ES', 'has', '1', 'more', 'items', '>']
        parsed_counts = int(counts.split()[3])  # es_total
        if parsed_counts > pagination_depth:
            parsed_counts = pagination_depth
        # skip types
        if t not in [
                'Case', 'Variant', 'VariantSample', 'FileFastq', 'File',
                'QualityMetric', 'MetaWorkflow', 'MetaWorkflowRun'
        for page in range(0, parsed_counts, 10):  # paginate with size=10

    def get_search(self):
        """ Does a random search """
        route = build_url(self.host, random.choice(self.searches))
        self.client.get(route, auth=self._auth)
Пример #3
 def search(self):
     """ Selects an item type on this portal at random and navigates to its browse page, which
         redirects to search. More lightweight than the index page WRT our application but could
         stress back-end resources.
     t = random.choice(self.item_types)
     pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=build_url(self.host, '/%s' % t), auth=self._auth)
Пример #4
class BasicUser(HttpUser):
    """ Locust user who does basic things on the site at regular intervals. This involves a combination of generic page
        requests and search requests split 75-25. """
    locust_auth = LocustAuthHandler()
    host = locust_auth.host
    weight = 1  # adjust as needed
    wait_time = between(3, 5)
    _auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*locust_auth.get_username_and_password())
    item_types = list(t for t in requests.get(build_url(host, "/counts?format=json")).json()['db_es_compare'].keys()
                      if t not in BAD_ITEM_TYPES)

    def index(self):
        """ Gets the main page - normal request + search AJAX requests """
        pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=build_url(self.host, '/'), auth=self._auth)

    def search(self):
        """ Selects an item type on this portal at random and navigates to its browse page, which
            redirects to search. More lightweight than the index page WRT our application but could
            stress back-end resources.
        t = random.choice(self.item_types)
        pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=build_url(self.host, '/%s' % t), auth=self._auth)
Пример #5
 def get_search(self):
     """ Does a random search """
     route = build_url(self.host, random.choice(self.searches))
     self.client.get(route, auth=self._auth)
Пример #6
 def get_vsl(self):
     """ Does a get for a random variant sample list (intepretation space) """
     c = random.choice(self.vsl)
     self.client.get(build_url(self.host, '%s' % c), auth=self._auth)
Пример #7
 def get_case(self):
     """ Does a get for a random case """
     c = random.choice(self.cases)
     self.client.get(build_url(self.host, '%s' % c), auth=self._auth)
Пример #8
 def data_page(self):
     """ Accesses a random data page """
     route = build_url(self.host, random.choice(self.data_pages))
     pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=route, auth=self._auth)
Пример #9
 def index(self):
     """ Gets the main page - normal request + search AJAX requests """
     pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=build_url(self.host, '/'), auth=self._auth)
Пример #10
 def search(self):
     """ Does a random search """
     route = build_url(self.host, random.choice(self.searches))
     pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=route, auth=self._auth)
Пример #11
 def resource_page(self):
     """ Accesses a random resource page """
     route = build_url(self.host, random.choice(self.tools_pages))
     pdpt_get(client=self.client, url=route, auth=self._auth)