Пример #1
def remote_upload_file(local_fn_path, user, remote_host, retry_on_refusal = 3, connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout):
    This uses scp to upload a file to a remote computer.
      Which file do we chuck to the remote computer?
      user to log in as
      the ip/name of the machine we're connecting to.
      Optional. Integer. Has number of times to retry the connection IF it was
      refused (built in to take care of not 'spamming' the remote server)
      Optional. Integer. Time in seconds for ssh to timeout if no response was

  <Side Effects>

    Tuple. (out, err, returncode)
      out: stdout from scp
      err: err from ssh
      returncode: scp's exit code

  # check that local file exists.
  if not os.path.isfile(local_fn_path):
    deploy_logging.logerror('Problem with local file: it does not exist!')
    raise Exception('Please check calling method.')
  scp_proc_handle = subprocess.Popen('scp -o BatchMode=yes -o '+\
      'ConnectTimeout='+str(connect_timeout)+' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '+\
      ' '+local_fn_path+' '+user+"@"+remote_host+":", shell = True, 
      stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)

  scp_proc_pid = scp_proc_handle.pid

  # start thread to monitor timeouts (on another thread)
  deploy_threading.monitor_timeout(scp_proc_pid, int(connect_timeout), remote_host, user)

  # execute and block until done...
  out, err = scp_proc_handle.communicate('')

  returncode = scp_proc_handle.returncode

  # retry if conn. was refused?
  if retry_on_refusal:
    # check if we got a connection refused. if we did, could be cuz we're 
    # spamming the server, so sleep and then try again
    didwesleep = sleep_on_conn_refused(out, err, retry_on_refusal, remote_host)
    # we slept, so call function again and try to execute
    if didwesleep:
      # run again, but this time decrement retry counter
      out, err, returncode = remote_upload_file(local_fn_path, user, 
          remote_host, retry_on_refusal - 1, connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout)

  # format the string
  out, err = deploy_logging.format_stdout_and_err(out, err)

  return out, err, returncode
Пример #2
def remote_download_dir(remote_source_dir, local_dest_dir, user, remote_host, retry_on_refusal = 3, connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout):
    This uses scp to download a directory from a remote computer.
      The path to the directory to download (remote directory)
      Where do we put it on this computer?
      user to log in as
      the ip/name of the machine we're connecting to.
      Optional. Integer. Has number of times to retry the connection IF it was
      refused (built in to take care of not 'spamming' the remote server)
      Optional. Integer. Time in seconds for ssh to timeout if no response was

  <Side Effects>

    Tuple. (out, err, returncode)
      out: stdout from scp
      err: err from ssh
      returncode: scp's exit code
  # the dir one level 'up' from the our destination dir must exist, so lets 
  # grab it by doing some string math.. remove trailing . and then partition
  local_dest_dir_parent, junk, morejunk = local_dest_dir.strip('/').rpartition('/')  

  # if our local destination directory does not exist then complain.
  if not os.path.isdir(local_dest_dir_parent):
    deploy_logging.logerror('Problem with local directory: it does not exist!')
    raise Exception('Please check calling method.')

  # get the scp handle
  scp_proc_handle = subprocess.Popen('scp -r -o BatchMode=yes -o '+
      'ConnectTimeout='+str(connect_timeout)+' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '+\
      ' '+local_dest_dir, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, 
      stderr = subprocess.PIPE)  
  # the pid of the scp process just started
  scp_proc_pid = scp_proc_handle.pid

  # start thread to monitor timeouts (on another thread)
  deploy_threading.monitor_timeout(scp_proc_pid, int(connect_timeout), remote_host, user)

  # execute string and block this thread until done...
  out, err = scp_proc_handle.communicate('')

  returncode = scp_proc_handle.returncode

  # retry if conn. was refused?
  if retry_on_refusal:
    # check if we got a connection refused. if we did, could be cuz we're 
    # spamming the server, so sleep and then try again
    didwesleep = sleep_on_conn_refused(out, err, retry_on_refusal, remote_host)
    # we slept, so call function again and try to execute
    if didwesleep:
      # run again, but this time decrement retry counter
      out, err, returncode = remote_download_dir(remote_source_dir, 
          local_dest_dir, user, remote_host, retry_on_refusal - 1, 
          connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout)

  # format the string
  out, err = deploy_logging.format_stdout_and_err(out, err)

  return out, err, returncode
Пример #3
def remote_download_file(remote_fn_path, local_fn_path, user, remote_host, retry_on_refusal = 3, connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout):
    This uses scp to download a file from a remote computer.
      The path to the file to download (remote file)
      Where do we put it on this computer?
      user to log in as
      the ip/name of the machine we're connecting to.
      Optional. Integer. Has number of times to retry the connection IF it was
      refused (built in to take care of not 'spamming' the remote server)
      Optional. Integer. Time in seconds for ssh to timeout if no response was

  <Side Effects>

    Tuple. (out, err, returncode)
      out: stdout from scp
      err: err from ssh
      returncode: scp's exit code
  # local_fn_path will have the path + name of file

  # get the fn by doing some string math..
  dir_to_local_file, junk, localfn = local_fn_path.rpartition('/')  

  # is the dir real?
  if not os.path.isdir(dir_to_local_file):
    deploy_logging.logerror('Local destination directory does not exist.')
    raise Exception('Please check calling method.')

  # the SCP handle used
  scp_proc_handle = subprocess.Popen('scp -o BatchMode=yes -o '+\
      'ConnectTimeout='+str(connect_timeout)+' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '+\
      ' '+user+'@'+remote_host+':'+remote_fn_path+\
      ' '+local_fn_path, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, 
      stderr = subprocess.PIPE)    
  # set the PID of the process so we can set a timeout later
  scp_proc_pid = scp_proc_handle.pid

  # start thread to monitor timeouts (on another thread)
  deploy_threading.monitor_timeout(scp_proc_pid, int(connect_timeout), remote_host, user)

  # execute
  out, err = scp_proc_handle.communicate('')

  returncode = scp_proc_handle.returncode

  # retry if conn. was refused?
  if retry_on_refusal:
    # check if we got a connection refused. if we did, could be cuz we're spamming
    # the server, so sleep and then try again
    didwesleep = sleep_on_conn_refused(out, err, retry_on_refusal, remote_host)
    # we slept, so call function again and try to execute
    if didwesleep:
      # run again, but this time decrement retry counter
      out, err, returncode = remote_download_file(remote_fn_path, 
          local_fn_path, user, remote_host, retry_on_refusal - 1, 
          connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout)

  # format the string
  out, err = deploy_logging.format_stdout_and_err(out, err)

  return out, err, returncode
Пример #4
def remote_shellexec(command_string, user, remote_host, retry_on_refusal = 3, connect_timeout = default_connection_timeout):
    This uses ssh to execute the command_string on user@remote_host.
      the command string we'll execute on the remote machine. Commands are 
      executed sequentially.
      user to log in as
      the ip/name of the machine we're connecting to.
      Optional. Integer. Has number of times to retry the connection IF it was
      refused (built in to take care of not 'spamming' the remote server)
      Optional. String. Time in seconds for ssh to timeout if no response was

  <Side Effects>

    Tuple. (out, err, returncode)
      out: stdout from ssh
      err: err from ssh
      returncode: ssh's exit code

  # execute the string on the remote computer by sshing

  # ssh_proc is the handle to our ssh session process
  # -T is needed because otherwise you get a weird error from ssh (even though
  # everything executes flawlessly. -T specifies not allocate a tty (which
  # is fine for our purposes. -i specifies rsa priv key file path
  # StrictHostKeyChecking=no tells ssh to connect to the remote host even if 
  # the remote host's ip is not trusted (cached) in known_hosts file.
  ssh_proc_handle = subprocess.Popen('ssh -T -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout='+\
      str(connect_timeout)+' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no '\
      ' '+user+'@'+remote_host, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

  # get the process ID
  ssh_proc_pid = ssh_proc_handle.pid

  # start thread to monitor timeouts (on another thread)
  deploy_threading.monitor_timeout(ssh_proc_pid, int(connect_timeout), remote_host, user)

  # execute string and block this thread until done...
  out, err = ssh_proc_handle.communicate(command_string)

  returncode = ssh_proc_handle.returncode

  # retry if conn. was refused? (if we have retries left)
  if retry_on_refusal:
    # check if we got a connection refused. if we did, could be cuz we're 
    # spamming the server, so sleep and then try again
    didwesleep = sleep_on_conn_refused(out, err, retry_on_refusal, remote_host)
    # we slept, so call function again and try to execute
    if didwesleep:
      # run again, but this time decrement retry counter
      out, err, returncode = remote_shellexec(command_string, user, 
          remote_host, retry_on_refusal - 1, connect_timeout)

  # format the string
  out, err = deploy_logging.format_stdout_and_err(out, err)

  return out, err, returncode