class QueryInspectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        class Root(Node):
            attr = 'value'
            query = Q.attr + Q.attr
            def my_action(self): pass
        self.env = Env(Root())
        self.env_insp = Inspector(self.env)
        self.node_insp = Inspector(Root())

    def test_has_query(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.env_insp.has_query('query'), True)
        self.assertEqual(self.env_insp.has_query('not_a_query'), False)

        self.assertEqual(self.node_insp.has_query('query'), True)
        self.assertEqual(self.node_insp.has_query('not_a_query'), False)

    def test_get_query(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.node_insp.get_query('query'), Action)
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.node_insp.get_query, 'not_a_query')

    def test_trace_query(self):
        # trace_query is private because it's for internal use. (In the
        # shell.)
        result = self.env_insp.trace_query('query')
        self.assertIsInstance(result, QueryResult)
        self.assertEqual(result.result, 'valuevalue')
Пример #2
        def run():
            yield termcolor.colored('  Node:       ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(Inspector(self.node).get_full_name(), 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Filename:   ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(query._filename, 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Line:       ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(query._line, 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Expression: ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(repr(query.query), 'yellow')
            yield ''

            # Execute query in sandboxed environment.
            yield 'Trace query:'
                insp = Inspector(self._get_env())
                result = insp.trace_query(self.attr_name)
            except Exception, e:
                yield 'Failed to execute query: %r' % e
Пример #3
        def run():
            yield termcolor.colored('  Node:       ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(Inspector(self.node).get_full_name(), 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Filename:   ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(query._filename, 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Line:       ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(query._line, 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Expression: ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(repr(query.query), 'yellow')
            yield ''

            # Execute query in sandboxed environment.
            yield 'Trace query:'
                insp = Inspector(self._get_env())
                result = insp.trace_query(self.attr_name)
            except Exception as e:
                yield 'Failed to execute query: %r' % e

            # Print query and all subqueries with their results.
            for subquery in result.walk_through_subqueries():
                yield termcolor.colored(repr(subquery[0]), 'cyan')
                yield '    %s' % subquery[1]
Пример #4
        def run():
            yield termcolor.colored('  Node:       ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(Inspector(self.node).get_full_name(), 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Filename:   ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(query._filename, 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Line:       ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(query._line, 'yellow')
            yield termcolor.colored('  Expression: ', 'cyan') + \
                  termcolor.colored(repr(query.query), 'yellow')
            yield ''

            # Execute query in sandboxed environment.
            yield 'Trace query:'
                insp = Inspector(self._get_env())
                result = insp.trace_query(self.attr_name)
            except Exception as e:
                yield 'Failed to execute query: %r' % e

            # Print query and all subqueries with their results.
            for subquery in result.walk_through_subqueries():
                yield termcolor.colored(repr(subquery[0]), 'cyan')
                yield '    %s' % subquery[1]