Пример #1
def test_trig_func_class_stuff():
    for name, func in [('sin', sin), ('cos', cos), ('tan', tan)]:
        assert func(2 * x).arg == 2 * x
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            func(x, y)
        assert repr(func(x)) == name + '(x)'
        assert func(f(x)).replace(f(x), y) == func(y)  # test apply_to_content
        assert func(x).pow_parenthesize() == '(%s(x))' % name
Пример #2
def test_trig_derivatives():
    assert sin(x).derivative(x) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x).derivative(x) == -sin(x)
    assert tan(x).derivative(x) == 1 + tan(x)**2

    assert sin(f(x)).derivative(x) == cos(f(x)) * f_(x)
    assert cos(f(x)).derivative(x) == -sin(f(x)) * f_(x)
    assert tan(f(x)).derivative(x) == f_(x) + f_(x) * tan(f(x))**2
Пример #3
def test_eqs_and_hashes(hasheq):
    assert hasheq(x, x)
    assert not hasheq(x, y)

    assert hasheq(f(x), f(x))
    assert hasheq(f_(x), f_(x))
    assert not hasheq(f(x), f(y))
    assert not hasheq(f(x), f_(x))
    assert not hasheq(f(x), g(x))
Пример #4
def test_derivatives():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="negative derivative_count is not supported$"):
        f(x, derivative_count=-1)

    assert x.derivative(x) == mathify(1)
    assert x.derivative(y) == mathify(0)
    assert f(x).derivative(x) == f_(x)
    assert f(x).derivative(x).derivative(x) == f__(x)
    assert f(x).derivative(y) == mathify(0)
    assert f(
        g(x)).derivative(x) == f_(g(x)) * g_(x), "u forgot chain rule n00b"
Пример #5
def test_derivatives():
    assert (f(x) + g(x) + h(x)).derivative(x) == f_(x) + g_(x) + h_(x)
    assert (f(x) * g(x) *
            h(x)).derivative(x) == (f_(x) * g(x) * h(x) + f(x) * g_(x) * h(x) +
                                    f(x) * g(x) * h_(x))
    assert (f(x)**g(x)).derivative(x) == (
        f(x)**g(x) * (g_(x) * ln(f(x)) + g(x) * f_(x) / f(x)))
    assert (f(x)**a).derivative(x) == a * f(x)**(a - 1) * f_(x)
    assert (a**f(x)).derivative(x) == a**f(x) * ln(a) * f_(x)
Пример #6
def test_reprs():
    assert repr(x) == 'x'
    assert repr(f(x)) == 'f(x)'
    assert repr(f(x, derivative_count=2)) == "f''(x)"
Пример #7
def test_automagic_mathify():
    assert f(2).arg == mathify(2)
Пример #8
def test_may_depend_on():
    assert x.may_depend_on(x)
    assert not x.may_depend_on(y)
    assert f(x).may_depend_on(x)
    assert not f(x).may_depend_on(y)