Пример #1
def xyzthick2thetazthick(path,
    r"""Transforms an imperfection file from the format: "`x` `y` `z` `thick`"
    to the format "`\theta` `z` `thick`".

    The input file::

        x1 y1 z1 thick1
        x2 y2 z2 thick2
        xn yn zn thickn

    Is transformed in a file::

        theta1 z1 thick1
        theta2 z2 thick2
        thetan zn thickn

    path : str
        The path to the imperfection file.
    alphadeg_measured : float
        The semi-vertex angle of the measured sample (it is ``0.`` for a
    H_measured : float
        The total height of the measured test specimen, including eventual
        resin rings at the edges.
    R_expected : float, optional
        If ``use_best_fit is True`` this will be used as a first estimative that
        can reduce the number of iterations up to convergence of the best fit
        algorithms. If ``use_best_fit is False`` this will be considered the
    use_best_fit : bool, optional
        If ``True`` it overwrites the values for: ``R_expected`` (for
        cylinders and cones) and ``z_offset_bot`` (for cones), which are
        automatically determined with functions :func:`.best_fit_cylinder` and
    sample_size : int, optional
        If the input file containing the measured data is too large it may
        become convenient to use only a sample of it in order to calculate
        the best fit.
    z_offset_bot : float, optional
        The offset that should be used from the bottom of the measured points
        to the bottom of the test specimen.
    r_TOL : float, optional
        The tolerance used to ignore points farer than ``r_TOL*R_best_fit``,
        given in percent.
    save : bool, optional
        If the returned array ``mps`` should also be saved to a ``.txt`` file.
    fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional
        See ``np.savetxt()`` documentation for more details.
    rotatedeg : float or None, optional
        Rotation angle in degrees telling how much the imperfection pattern
        should be rotated about the `X_3` (or `Z`) axis.

    mps : np.ndarray
        A 2-D array with `\theta`, `z`, `imp` in the first, second
        and third columns, respectively.

    inputa = np.loadtxt(path)
    if inputa.shape[1] != 4:
        raise ValueError('Input file does not have the format: "x y z thick"')

    xyz = inputa[:, :3]
    thick = inputa[:, 3]

    if use_best_fit:
        log('Finding the best-fit ...')
        if alphadeg_measured == 0.:
            out = best_fit_cylinder(xyz, R_expected=R_expected, H=H_measured,
                    save=False, sample_size=sample_size)
            R_best_fit = out['R_best_fit']
            input_pts = np.loadtxt(path, unpack=True)[:, :3]
            pts = np.vstack((input_pts, np.ones_like(input_pts[0, :])))
            x, y, z = out['T'].dot(pts)
            z -= z.min()
            H_points = z.max() - z.min()
            if z_offset_bot:
                z += z_offset_bot
                z += (H_measured - H_points)/2. # centralizes the points
        R_best_fit = R_expected
        log('Reading the data ...')
        d, data, d = read_xyz(xyz, alphadeg_measured, R_best_fit,
                              H_measured, False, z_offset_bot, r_TOL)
        x, y, z = data.T

    theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
    log('Minimum thickness: {0}'.format(thick.min()))
    log('Maximum thickness: {0}'.format(thick.max()))

    if rotatedeg is not None:
        theta += np.deg2rad(rotatedeg)

    mps = np.vstack((theta, z, thick)).T
    if save:
        outpath = ('.'.join(os.path.basename(path).split('.')[:-1]) +
        np.savetxt(outpath, mps, fmt=fmt)

    return mps
Пример #2
def xyz2thetazimp(path,
    r"""Transforms an imperfection file from the format "`x` `y` `z`"
    to the format "`\theta` `z` `imp`".

    The input file::

        x1 y1 z1
        x2 y2 z2
        xn yn zn

    Is transformed to a file::

        theta1 z1 imp1
        theta2 z2 imp2
        thetan zn impn

    path : str
        The path to the imperfection file.
    alphadeg_measured : float
        The semi-vertex angle of the measured sample (it is ``0.`` for a
    H_measured : float
        The total height of the measured test specimen, including eventual
        resin rings at the edges.
    R_expected : float, optional
        If ``use_best_fit==True`` this will be used as a first estimative that
        can reduce the number of iterations up to convergence of the best fit
        algorithms. If ``use_best_fit==False`` this will be considered the
    use_best_fit : bool, optional
        If ``True`` it overwrites the values for: ``R_expected`` (for
        cylinders and cones) and ``z_offset_bot`` (for cones), which are
        automatically determined with functions :func:`.best_fit_cylinder` and
    best_fit_output : bool, optional
        If the output from the best fit routines should be also returned. In
        case ``True`` the output of this function will be a tuple with
        ``(mps, out)``. For a description of ``out`` see
    errorRtol : float, optional
        The error tolerance for the best-fit radius to stop the iterations.
    sample_size : int, optional
        If the input file containing the measured data is too large it may
        become convenient to use only a sample of it in order to calculate
        the best fit.
    z_offset_bot : float, optional
        The offset that should be used from the bottom of the measured points
        to the bottom of the test specimen.
    r_TOL : float, optional
        The tolerance used to ignore points farer than ``r_TOL*R_best_fit``,
        given in percent.
    clip_bottom : float, optional
        How much of the measured points close to the bottom edge should be
        cut off, convenient to remove spurious measured data. Example: if
        the minimum ``z`` coordinate of the measured points is ``25.4``
        and ``clip_bottom=10.``, all points with ``z<=35.4`` will be
    clip_top : float, optional
        Same as ``clip_bottom``, but applicable to the points close to the
        top edge.
    save : bool, optional
        If the returned array ``mps`` should also be saved to a ``.txt`` file.
    fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional
        See ``np.savetxt()`` documentation for more details.
    rotatedeg : float or None, optional
        Rotation angle in degrees telling how much the imperfection pattern
        should be rotated about the `X_3` (or `Z`) axis.

    mps : np.ndarray
        A 2-D array with `\theta`, `z`, `imp` in the first, second
        and third columns, respectively.

    mps, out : np.ndarray, dict
        If ``best_fit_output==True`` it returns ``(mps, out)`` as described

    if use_best_fit:
        log('Finding the best-fit ...')
        if alphadeg_measured==0.:
            out = best_fit_cylinder(path, R_expected=R_expected, H=H_measured,
                    save=False, sample_size=sample_size,
            R_best_fit = out['R_best_fit']
            input_pts = np.loadtxt(path, unpack=True)
            pts = np.vstack((input_pts, np.ones_like(input_pts[0, :])))
            x, y, z = out['T'].dot(pts)
            zmin = z.min()
            zmax = z.max()
            z -= zmin
            H_points = zmax - zmin
            if z_offset_bot:
                z += z_offset_bot
                z += (H_measured - H_points)/2. # centralizes the points
        R_best_fit = R_expected
        log('Reading the data ...')
        d, data, d = read_xyz(path, alphadeg_measured, R_best_fit,
                              H_measured, None, z_offset_bot, r_TOL)
        x, y, z = data.T

    if clip_bottom or clip_top:
        mask = np.ones(z.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        if clip_bottom:
            zmin = z.min()
            log('Removing points with z <= {0:1.6f}'.format(zmin+clip_bottom))
            mask &= (z > (zmin + clip_bottom))
        if clip_top:
            zmax = z.max()
            log('Removing points with z >= {0:1.6f}'.format(zmax-clip_top))
            mask &= (z < (zmax - clip_top))
        shape1 = x.shape[0]
        x = x[mask]
        y = y[mask]
        z = z[mask]
        shape2 = x.shape[0]
        log('Total of {0} points excluded.'.format(shape1 - shape2),

    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
    imp = r - R_best_fit
    log('Minimum imperfection: {0}'.format(imp.min()))
    log('Maximum imperfection: {0}'.format(imp.max()))

    if rotatedeg is not None:
        theta += np.deg2rad(rotatedeg)

    mps = np.vstack((theta, z, imp)).T
    if save:
        outpath = ('.'.join(os.path.basename(path).split('.')[:-1]) +
        np.savetxt(outpath, mps, fmt=fmt)
    if best_fit_output:
        return mps, out
        return mps