def get_guidetelemetry(night, verbose=False): ''' Retrieve guider telemetry data for a given night. Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? Returns ------- guide : record array guide telemetry stream for night ''' # connect to telemetry database conn = psycopg2.connect(database="desi_dev", user="******") # set query limits as 3 hours before/after twilight at beginning/end of night twi1, twi2 = utils.get_twilights(night) twibeg = Time( Time(twi1, format='mjd'), format='datetime') twiend = Time( Time(twi2, format='mjd'), format='datetime') query_start = twibeg - (3./24.) query_stop = twiend + (3./24.) # query for guider data guidedf = pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT time_recorded,seeing,meanx,meany FROM guider_summary WHERE time_recorded >= '{query_start}' AND time_recorded < '{query_stop}'", conn) guide = guidedf.to_records() return guide
def get_teltelemetry(night, verbose=False): ''' Retrieve telescope telemetry data for a given night. Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? Returns ------- ccd : record array ccd telemetry stream for night ''' # connect to telemetry database conn = psycopg2.connect(database="desi_dev", user="******") # set query limits as 3 hours before/after twilight at beginning/end of night twi1, twi2 = utils.get_twilights(night) twibeg = Time( Time(twi1, format='mjd'), format='datetime') twiend = Time( Time(twi2, format='mjd'), format='datetime') query_start = twibeg - (3./24.) query_stop = twiend + (3./24.) # Telescope data: teldf = pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT * FROM tcs_info WHERE time_recorded >= '{query_start}' AND time_recorded < '{query_stop}'", conn) tel = teldf.to_records() # Convert dome_timestamp to a Time object in MJD tel['time_recorded'] = np.array([Time(t).mjd for t in tel['time_recorded']]) return tel
def get_dometelemetry(night, verbose=False): ''' Retrieve dome telemetry data for a given night. Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? Returns ------- dome : record array dome telemetry stream for night ''' # connect to telemetry database conn = psycopg2.connect(database="desi_dev", user="******") # set query limits as 3 hours before/after twilight at beginning/end of night twi1, twi2 = utils.get_twilights(night) twibeg = Time( Time(twi1, format='mjd'), format='datetime') twiend = Time( Time(twi2, format='mjd'), format='datetime') query_start = twibeg - (3./24.) query_stop = twiend + (3./24.) # query for dome data domedf = pd.read_sql_query(f"SELECT dome_timestamp,shutter_upper,mirror_cover FROM environmentmonitor_dome WHERE time_recorded >= '{query_start}' AND time_recorded < '{query_stop}'", conn) dome = domedf.to_records() # convert dome_timestamp to a Time object in MJD dome['dome_timestamp'] = np.array([Time(t).mjd for t in dome['dome_timestamp']]) return dome
def get_scidata(expidlist, night): ''' Determine start and lengths of all science frames associated with expidlist Parameters ---------- expidlist : list list of expids night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 Returns ------- spec_start : list start times of each spec exposure in UT hours spec_width : list lengths of each spec exposure in UT hours spec_expid : list expid of each spec exposure ''' try: datadir = utils.get_rawdatadir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) nightdir = os.path.join(datadir, str(night)) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) spec_start = [] spec_width = [] spec_expid = [] # Identify expids that corresponds to science exposures: for expid in expidlist: tmpdir = os.path.join(nightdir, expid.zfill(8)) scifiles = (glob(tmpdir + "/desi*")) if len(scifiles) > 0: hhh =[0]) tt = Time(''.join(hhh['SPECTCONS'].data['DATE-OBS'][0])).mjd try: flavor = hhh[1].header['FLAVOR'] program = hhh[1].header['PROGRAM'] obstype = hhh[1].header['OBSTYPE'] exptime = hhh[1].header['EXPTIME'] except: continue if obstype == 'SCIENCE' and flavor == 'science' and 'Dither' not in program and exptime > 10.: #spec_expids.append(expid) spec_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) spec_width.append(hhh['SPEC'].header['EXPTIME']/3600.) spec_expid.append(expid) return spec_start, spec_width, spec_expid
def get_guidedata(expidlist, night, acqonly=False, startonly=False): ''' Determine start and lengths of all sky frames associated with expidlist Parameters ---------- expidlist : list list of expids night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 acqonly : bool report only the times for the acquisition images startonly : bool report only the start of guiding Returns ------- guide_start : list start times of each guide exposure in UT hours guide_width : list lengths of each guide exposure in UT hours ''' try: datadir = utils.get_rawdatadir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) nightdir = os.path.join(datadir, str(night)) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) guide_start = [] guide_width = [] for expid in expidlist: tmpdir = os.path.join(nightdir, expid.zfill(8)) guidefiles = (glob(tmpdir + "/guide-" + expid.zfill(8) + ".fits.fz")) if len(guidefiles) > 0: ghh =[0]) if acqonly: tt = Time(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data[0]['DATE-OBS']).mjd guide_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) guide_width.append(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data[0]['EXPTIME']/3600.) elif startonly: tt = Time(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data[1]['DATE-OBS']).mjd guide_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) guide_width.append(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data[1]['EXPTIME']/3600.) else: for i in range(len(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data)): tt = Time(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data[i]['DATE-OBS']).mjd guide_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) guide_width.append(ghh['GUIDE0T'].data[i]['EXPTIME']/3600.) return guide_start, guide_width
def calc_science(night, verbose=False): ''' Calculate quantities about science exposures for a given night Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? Returns ------- science_first : float start time of first spectroscopic exposure in MJD science_last : float end time of last spectroscopic exposure in MJD scitwi_hours : float number of hours of spectroscopic exposures between twilights in UT hours scitot_hours : float total number of hours of spectroscopic exposures in UT hours (not limited by twilight) ''' twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) twibeg_hours = 24.*(twibeg_mjd - startdate) twiend_hours = 24.*(twiend_mjd - startdate) twitot_hours = twiend_hours - twibeg_hours science_start, science_width, dither_start, dither_width, guide_start, guide_width = calc_obstimes(night) # Science hours between twilights scitwi_hours = get_totobs(science_start, science_width, twibeg_hours, twiend_hours) # Calculate MJD of start of first science exposure: if len(science_start) == 0: return 0., 0., 0., 0. science_first = min(science_start)/24. + startdate indx = np.where( np.asarray(science_start) == max(science_start))[0][0] science_last = (science_start[indx] + science_width[indx])/24. + startdate # Science hours total scitot_hours = np.sum(science_width) # Open shutter time between twilights fracscitwi = scitwi_hours/(twiend_hours - twibeg_hours) return science_first, science_last, scitwi_hours, scitot_hours
def get_fvcdata(expidlist, night, verbose=False): ''' Determine start and lengths of all FVC frames associated with expidlist Parameters ---------- expidlist : list list of expids night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 Returns ------- fvc_start : list start times of each FVC exposure in UT hours fvc_width : list lengths of each FVC exposure in UT hours ''' try: datadir = utils.get_rawdatadir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) nightdir = os.path.join(datadir, str(night)) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) fvc_start = [] fvc_width = [] for expid in expidlist: tmpdir = os.path.join(nightdir, expid.zfill(8)) fvcfiles = (glob(tmpdir + "/fvc-" + expid.zfill(8) + ".fits.fz")) if len(fvcfiles) > 0: if verbose: print(fvcfiles[0]) fhh =[0]) tt = Time(fhh['F0000'].header['DATE']).mjd fvc_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) fvc_width.append(fhh['F0000'].header['EXPTIME']/3600.) try: # Splits do not have a second FVC image tt = Time(fhh['F0001'].header['DATE']).mjd fvc_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) fvc_width.append(fhh['F0001'].header['EXPTIME']/3600.) except KeyError: continue return fvc_start, fvc_width
def get_skydata(expidlist, night, verbose=False): ''' Determine start and lengths of all sky frames associated with expidlist Parameters ---------- expidlist : list list of expids night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? Returns ------- sky_start : list start times of each sky exposure in UT hours sky_width : list lengths of each sky exposure in UT hours ''' try: datadir = utils.get_rawdatadir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) nightdir = os.path.join(datadir, str(night)) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) if verbose: print(night, startdate, twibeg_mjd, nightdir) sky_start = [] sky_width = [] for expid in expidlist: tmpdir = os.path.join(nightdir, expid.zfill(8)) skyfiles = (glob(tmpdir + "/sky-" + expid.zfill(8) + ".fits.fz")) if len(skyfiles) > 0: shh =[0]) for i in range(len(shh['SKYCAM0T'].data)): tt = Time(shh['SKYCAM0T'].data[i]['DATE-OBS']).mjd sky_start.append((tt - startdate)*24 ) sky_width.append(shh['SKYCAM0T'].data[i]['EXPTIME']/3600.) return sky_start, sky_width
def calc_row(night): ''' Calculate information about observing efficiency for a single night Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool provide verbose output Returns ------- rowdata : list info to update row of summary table for the night ''' twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(night) firstopen, lastclose, fractwiopen, twiopen_hrs = od.calc_domevals(night) science_first, science_last, scitwi_hrs, scitot_hrs = od.calc_science(night) print(twiopen_hrs) if twiopen_hrs > 0.: fracscitwi = scitwi_hrs/twiopen_hrs else: fracscitwi = 0. # names=('NIGHT', 'TWIBEG', 'TWIEND', 'DOMEOPEN', 'DOMECLOSE', 'DOMEFRAC', 'DOMEHRS', 'SCSTART', 'SCSTOP', 'SCTWTOT', 'SCTOT', 'SCTWFRAC'), c0 = np.array([night], dtype=np.int32) c1 = np.array([twibeg_mjd], dtype=float) c2 = np.array([twiend_mjd], dtype=float) c3 = np.array([firstopen], dtype=float) c4 = np.array([lastclose], dtype=float) c5 = np.array([fractwiopen], dtype=float) c6 = np.array([twiopen_hrs], dtype=float) c7 = np.array([science_first], dtype=float) c8 = np.array([science_last], dtype=float) c9 = np.array([scitwi_hrs], dtype=float) c10 = np.array([scitot_hrs], dtype=float) c11 = np.array([fracscitwi], dtype=float) newrow = [c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11] return newrow
def calc_guidelist(night, clobber=False, verbose=False): ''' Create json files with start times, exptimes, and other information about guiding for a single night. Outputs have the form guidedata20201224.json. Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 clobber : bool overwrite existing file verbose : bool provide verbose output Returns ------- none ''' try: outdir = utils.get_outdir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) try: datadir = utils.get_rawdatadir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) nightdir = os.path.join(datadir, str(night)) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) # Names for output json file: filename = "guidedata" + str(night) + ".json" guidedatafile = os.path.join(outdir, 'NightlyData', filename) # See if json file for this night already exists: if not os.path.isfile(guidedatafile) or clobber: # List of all directories and expids: expdirs = glob(nightdir + "/*") expids = expdirs.copy() for i in range(len(expdirs)): expids[i] = expdirs[i][expdirs[i].find('000')::] # Print warning if there are no data if len(expids) == 0: print("Warning: No observations found") guidedata = {} for expid in expids: # tmpdir = os.path.join(nightdir, expid, "guide-" + expid + ".fits.fz") # guidefiles = (glob(tmpdir + "/guide-" + expid + ".fits.fz")) # guidefile = tmpdir + "/guide-" + expid + ".fits.fz" guidefile = os.path.join(nightdir, expid, "guide-" + expid + ".fits.fz") #if len(guidefiles) > 0: if os.path.isfile(guidefile): try: hhh = except OSError: if verbose: print("OSError with {}".format(guidefile)) continue guidedata[expid] = {} t1 = Time( utils.find_dateobs(hhh) ).mjd try: t2 = Time(hhh['GUIDE0T'].data[-1]['DATE-OBS']).mjd except KeyError: t2 = t1 # Need to fix this guidedata[expid]['GUIDE-START'] = t1 guidedata[expid]['GUIDE-STOP'] = t2 try: guidedata[expid]['DOMSHUTU'] = hhh[0].header['DOMSHUTU'] except KeyError: guidedata[expid]['DOMSHUTU'] = 'None' try: guidedata[expid]['PMCOVER'] = hhh[0].header['PMCOVER'] except KeyError: guidedata[expid]['PMCOVER'] = 'UNKNOWN' try: guidedata[expid]['OBSTYPE'] = hhh[0].header['OBSTYPE'] except KeyError: guidedata[expid]['OBSTYPE'] = 'None' try: guidedata[expid]['FLAVOR'] = hhh[0].header['FLAVOR'] except KeyError: guidedata[expid]['FLAVOR'] = 'None' try: guidedata[expid]['EXPTIME'] = hhh[0].header['EXPTIME'] except KeyError: guidedata[expid]['EXPTIME'] = 0. with open(guidedatafile, 'w') as fp: json.dump(guidedata, fp) if verbose: print("Wrote", guidedatafile)
def calc_interexp(night, minexptime=300., clobber=False, verbose=False): ''' Calculate the interexposure times Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 minexptime : float minimum science exposure time to consider in calculation verbose : bool print verbose output? clobber : bool overwrite existing file Returns ------- interexp : 2-d float array columns are DATE-OBS in MJD, DATE-OBS in UT hrs, EXPTIME in s, EXPID, interexposure time in s ''' # Read in the data try: outdir = utils.get_outdir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) specfilename = "specdata" + str(night) + ".json" specdatafile = os.path.join(outdir, 'NightlyData', specfilename) if os.path.isfile(specdatafile) and not clobber: specdata = utils.read_json(specdatafile) else: print("Note: {} not found ... creating it".format(specdatafile)) calc_sciencelist(night) specdata = utils.read_json(specdatafile) # Take about the dict dateobs_mjd = [] exptime = [] expid = [] for i, key in enumerate(specdata.keys()): if specdata[key]['EXPTIME'] > minexptime: dateobs_mjd.append(specdata[key]['DATE-OBS']) exptime.append(specdata[key]['EXPTIME']) expid.append(key) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) scidata = np.zeros([len(dateobs_mjd), 5]) for i in range(len(dateobs_mjd)): dateobs_hrs = (dateobs_mjd[i] - startdate)*24. scidata[i] = np.asarray([dateobs_mjd[i], dateobs_hrs, exptime[i], expid[i], 0.]) # Sort by expid: columnIndex = 3 sortdata = scidata[scidata[:,columnIndex].argsort()] # Calculate interexposure time between each successive pair secperday = 24.*3600. interexp = [] for i in range(len(sortdata) - 1): sortdata[i][4] = secperday*(sortdata[i+1][0] - sortdata[i][0] - sortdata[i][1]/secperday) # interexp.append(secperday*(sortdata[i+1][0] - sortdata[i][0] - sortdata[i][1]/secperday )) return sortdata[:-1]
def calc_obstimes(night, verbose=False, clobber=False): ''' Calculate start and lengths of science, dither, and guide exposures Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? clobber : bool overwrite existing file Returns ------- science_start : float start times of science exposures in UT hours science_width : float length of science exposures in UT hours dither_start : float start times of dither exposures in UT hours dither_width : float length of dither exposures in UT hours guide_start : float start times of guide exposures in UT hours guide_width : float length of guide exposures in UT hours ''' try: outdir = utils.get_outdir() except RuntimeError: exit(1) # Read in the data specfilename = "specdata" + str(night) + ".json" specdatafile = os.path.join(outdir, 'NightlyData', specfilename) if os.path.isfile(specdatafile) and not clobber: specdata = utils.read_json(specdatafile) else: print("Note: {} not found ... creating it".format(specdatafile)) calc_sciencelist(night) specdata = utils.read_json(specdatafile) guidefilename = "guidedata" + str(night) + ".json" guidedatafile = os.path.join(outdir, 'NightlyData', guidefilename) if os.path.isfile(guidedatafile) and not clobber: guidedata = utils.read_json(guidedatafile) else: print("Note: {} not found ... creating it".format(guidedatafile)) calc_guidelist(night) guidedata = utils.read_json(guidedatafile) twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) # Calculate the start and duration for the science observations: science_start = [] science_width = [] for item in specdata: if specdata[item]['OBSTYPE'] == 'SCIENCE' and specdata[item]['FLAVOR'] == 'science' and 'Dither' not in specdata[item]['PROGRAM'] and specdata[item]['DOMSHUTU'] == 'open' and specdata[item]['PMCOVER'] == 'open': science_start.append( (specdata[item]['DATE-OBS'] - startdate)*24. ) science_width.append( specdata[item]['EXPTIME']/3600. ) # Separately account for time spent on dither tests dither_start = [] dither_width = [] for item in specdata: if specdata[item]['OBSTYPE'] == 'SCIENCE' and specdata[item]['FLAVOR'] == 'science' and 'Dither' in specdata[item]['PROGRAM']: dither_start.append( (specdata[item]['DATE-OBS'] - startdate)*24. ) dither_width.append( specdata[item]['EXPTIME']/3600. ) # Times for guiding: guide_start = [] guide_width = [] for item in guidedata: # if guidedata[item]['OBSTYPE'] == 'SCIENCE' and guidedata[item]['FLAVOR'] == 'science' and guidedata[item]['PMCOVER'] == 'open' and guidedata[item]['DOMSHUTU'] == 'open': if guidedata[item]['OBSTYPE'] == 'SCIENCE' and guidedata[item]['FLAVOR'] == 'science' and guidedata[item]['DOMSHUTU'] == 'open': guide_start.append( (guidedata[item]['GUIDE-START'] - startdate)*24. ) guide_width.append( (guidedata[item]['GUIDE-STOP'] - guidedata[item]['GUIDE-START'])*24. ) return science_start, science_width, dither_start, dither_width, guide_start, guide_width
def calc_domevals(night, verbose=False): ''' Calculate basic dome parameters for a given night. Parameters ---------- night : int night in form 20210320 for 20 March 2021 verbose : bool print verbose output? Returns ------- dome_firstopen : float first time the dome opened (MJD) dome_lastclose : float last time dome closed (MJD) fractwiopen : float fraction of the time the dome was open between 18 deg twilights twiopen_hrs : float hours the dome was open between 18 deg twilights ''' twibeg_mjd, twiend_mjd = utils.get_twilights(int(night)) startdate = int(twibeg_mjd) twibeg_hours = 24.*(twibeg_mjd - startdate) twiend_hours = 24.*(twiend_mjd - startdate) twitot_hours = twiend_hours - twibeg_hours # Get dome status: dome = get_dometelemetry(night) dometime = np.array([ (t - startdate)*24 for t in dome['dome_timestamp']]) dome_open = np.array([t for t in dome['shutter_upper']], dtype=bool) # Compute total time with dome open between twilights: nmask = dometime >= twibeg_hours nmask = nmask*(dometime <= twiend_hours) # time between twilights dmask = nmask*dome_open # dome open open_fraction = np.sum(dmask)/np.sum(nmask) fractwiopen = open_fraction # Total time dome was open between twilights twiopen_hrs = open_fraction*twitot_hours # get times the dome first opened and last closed # shutter_upper == 1 means dome was open open_indices = np.where(dome_open)[0] if verbose: print("len(open_indices) = ", len(open_indices)) # check if dome didn't open at all if len(open_indices) == 0: return 0., 0., 0., 0. # time stamps when dome first opened and last closed firstopen = dome['dome_timestamp'][open_indices[0]] lastclose = dome['dome_timestamp'][open_indices[-1]] if verbose: print("MJD for dome first open, last close:", firstopen, lastclose) print("UT for dome first open, last close:", Time(firstopen, format='mjd').datetime, Time(lastclose, format='mjd').datetime ) print("Dome open: {0:.3f} Dome close: {1:.3f} Fraction of twilight with dome open = {2:.2f}".format(firstopen, lastclose, fractwiopen) ) return firstopen, lastclose, fractwiopen, twiopen_hrs