Пример #1
def stagedChangesRevertFileContent(path):
    """Check whether the staged changes revert the changes of the HEAD commit for the given file."""
        # By using the --exit-code option git will return 1 in case the diff
        # is not empty and 0 if it is.
        execute(GIT, "diff", "--staged", "--quiet", "--exit-code", "HEAD^",
        # If the git invocation succeeded the diff was empty and the
        # currently staged changes for the given file revert the ones made
        # in the HEAD commit.
        return True
    except ProcessError:
        # The diff was not empty or the command failed for some other
        # reason (e.g., because there is no HEAD^ commit). In any case, we
        # should go ahead with the commit.
        return False
Пример #2
    def git(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Run a git command."""
        # If not requested otherwise we always start git with an empty
        # environment. We do not want any of the global/user-specific
        # configuration to have effect on the commands.
        kwargs.setdefault("env", {})

        return execute(self._git, *args, **kwargs)
Пример #3
def changedFiles():
    """Retrieve a list of changed files."""
    # We only care for Added (A) and Modified (M) files.
    cmd = [
        GIT, "diff", "--staged", "--name-only", "--diff-filter=AM",
        "--no-color", "--no-prefix"
    out, _ = execute(*cmd, stdout=b"")
    return out.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
Пример #4
def retrieveConfigValue(key, *args):
    """Retrieve a git configuration value associated with a key."""
        name = "%s.%s" % (SECTION, key)
        cmd = [GIT, "config", "--null"] + list(args) + [name]
        out, _ = execute(*cmd, stdout=b"")
        # The output is guaranteed to be terminated by a NUL byte. We want
        # to discard that.
        return out[:-1].decode("utf-8")
    except ProcessError:
        # In case the configuration value is not set we just return None.
        return None
Пример #5
    def testFileHeaderCheck(self):
        """Verify that incorrect file headers are flagged properly."""
        with NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=0) as f1,\
             NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=0) as f2,\
             NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=0) as f3:
            # A binary file.
                bytes("".join(chr(randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(512)),
            # Some text file without correct header.
            f2.write(bytes("# Copyright (C) 2016", "utf-8"))
            # Some text file with correct header.
                bytes("# %s\n# Copyright (C) 2016" % (basename(f3.name)),

            regex = r"%s does not contain" % basename(f1.name)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, regex):
                execute(executable, FILE_HEADER, f1.name, f2.name, f3.name)

            regex = r"%s does not contain" % basename(f2.name)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, regex):
                execute(executable, FILE_HEADER, f2.name, f3.name)

            execute(executable, FILE_HEADER, f3.name)
Пример #6
def stageFile(path):
    """Stage a file in git."""
    execute(GIT, "add", path)
Пример #7
def stagedFileContent(path):
    """Retrieve the file content of a file in a git repository including any staged changes."""
    out, _ = execute(GIT, "cat-file", "--textconv", ":%s" % path, stdout=b"")
    return out.decode("utf-8")