def run(cls, config): """Execute the sky compress step, opening the input FITS file first. Need to override the PixCorrectImStep version since this step has no output version of the image. """ in_fname = config.get(cls.step_name, 'in') try: ccdnum = config.getint(cls.step_name, 'ccdnum') image = DESImage.load(in_fname, ccdnum=ccdnum) except NoOptionError: image = DESImage.load(in_fname) ret_code = cls.step_run(image, config) return ret_code
def test_nullop_im(self): with temp_pixcorrect_test_dir() as temp_dir: config = self.new_config(temp_dir) self.add_nullop_im_config(config) pix_corrector = PixCorrectIm(config) logger.debug('Doing nullop_im') pix_corrector() test_im = DESImage.load( config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'out') ) ref_im = DESImage.load( path.join(ref_dir, 'scix.fits') ) im_cmp = test_im )"Nullop_Im results") logger.debug(str(im_cmp.header)) im_cmp.log(logger, ref_im) self.assertTrue(im_cmp.match())
def test_bias(self): with temp_pixcorrect_test_dir() as temp_dir: config = self.new_config(temp_dir) self.add_bpm_config(config) self.add_bias_config(config) pix_corrector = PixCorrectIm(config)'Doing bias correction') pix_corrector() test_im = DESImage.load( config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'out') ) ref_im = DESImage.load( path.join(ref_dir, 'post_bias.fits') ) in_im = DESImage.load( path.join(ref_dir, 'scix.fits') ) im_cmp = test_im ) logger.debug(str(im_cmp.header)) im_cmp.log(logger, ref_im) self.assertTrue(im_cmp.match())
def __call__(self): """ Run row_interp and null_weights in one step, we run the tasks by calling step_run in each class """ t0 = time.time() # Get the science image input_image = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'in') self.sci = DESImage.load(input_image) # Run null_weights t1 = time.time()"Running null_weights on: %s", input_image) null_weights.step_run(self.sci, self.config)"Time NullWeights : %s", elapsed_time(t1)) # Run row_interp t2 = time.time()"Running row_interp on: %s", input_image) row_interp.step_run(self.sci, self.config)"Time RowInterp : %s", elapsed_time(t2)) # Write out the image output_image = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'out')"Wrote new file: %s", output_image)"Time Total: %s", elapsed_time(t0)) return 0
def change_head(self, FileN, catalog, image, outname, CCD, **args): ccdLen = len(CCD) #Getting the data and saving into an array o = open(FileN, 'r').read().splitlines() info_array = ['CRVAL1','CRVAL2','CRPIX1','CRPIX2','CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2',\ 'PV1_0','PV1_1 ','PV1_2','PV1_4','PV1_5','PV1_6','PV1_7','PV1_8','PV1_9','PV1_10',\ 'PV2_0','PV2_1 ','PV2_2','PV2_4','PV2_5','PV2_6','PV2_7','PV2_8','PV2_9','PV2_10'] n = len(info_array) matrix = [] for ii in o: for oo in info_array: if oo in ii.split('=')[0]: #print ii.split('=')[0], ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0] matrix.append(ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0]) matrix = np.array(matrix) #changing the header cont = 0 for i in range(ccdLen): ccdstring = "%02d" % int(CCD[i]) args['ccd'] = ccdstring catalog1 = self.template_file.format( **args) + '_' + catalog + '.fits' image1 = self.template_file.format(**args) + '_' + image + '.fits' (fwhm_, ellip, count) = self.fwhm(catalog1, 0) h = DESImage.load(image1) h.header['FWHM'] = fwhm_ h.header['ELLIPTIC'] = ellip h.header['SCAMPFLG'] = 0 im = iterate1 = stats.sigmaclip(im, 5, 5)[0] iterate2 = stats.sigmaclip(iterate1, 5, 5)[0] iterate3 = stats.sigmaclip(iterate2, 3, 3)[0] skybrite = np.median(iterate3) skysigma = np.std(iterate3) h.header['SKYBRITE'] = skybrite h.header['SKYSIGMA'] = skysigma h.header['CAMSYM'] = 'D' h.header['SCAMPCHI'] = 0.0 h.header['SCAMPNUM'] = 0 for j in range(n): h.header[info_array[j]] = float(matrix[cont]) cont = cont + 1 self.template_file.format(**args) + '_' + outname + '.fits')
def change_head(File, catalog, image, CCD, **args): ccdLen = len(CCD) #Getting the data and saving into an array o = open(File,'r').read().splitlines() info_array = ['CRVAL1','CRVAL2','CRPIX1','CRPIX2','CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2',\ 'PV1_0','PV1_1 ','PV1_2','PV1_4','PV1_5','PV1_6','PV1_7','PV1_8','PV1_9','PV1_10',\ 'PV2_0','PV2_1 ','PV2_2','PV2_4','PV2_5','PV2_6','PV2_7','PV2_8','PV2_9','PV2_10'] n = len(info_array) matrix = [] for ii in o: for oo in info_array: if oo in ii.split('=')[0] : #print ii.split('=')[0], ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0] matrix.append(ii.split('=')[1].split('/')[0]) matrix = np.array(matrix) #changing the header cont = 0 for i in range(ccdLen): ccdstring="%02d"%int(CCD[i]) args['ccd']=ccdstring catalog1 = template_file.format(**args)+'_'+catalog+'.fits' image1 = template_file.format(**args)+'_'+image+'.fits' fwhm_, ellip, count = fwhm(catalog1) h=DESImage.load(image1) h.header['FWHM'] = fwhm_ h.header['ELLIPTIC'] = ellip h.header['SCAMPFLG'] = 0 im=h1[0].data iterate1=stats.sigmaclip(im,5,5)[0] iterate2=stats.sigmaclip(iterate1,5,5)[0] iterate3=stats.sigmaclip(iterate2,3,3)[0] skybrite=np.median(iterate3) skysigma=np.std(iterate3) h.header['SKYBRITE'] = skybrite h.header['SKYSIGMA'] = skysigma h.header['CAMSYM'] = 'D' h.header['SCAMPCHI'] = 0.0 h.header['SCAMPNUM'] = 0 for j in range(n): h.header[info_array[j]] = float(matrix[cont]) cont = cont + 1**args)+'_wcs.fits')
def step_run(cls, image, config): """Customized execution for application of the Bias :Parameters: - `image`: the DESImage on which to operate - `flat`: the bias image to apply """ flat_fname = config.get(cls.step_name, 'flat')'Reading flat correction from %s' % flat_fname) flat_im = DESImage.load(flat_fname) ret_code = cls.__call__(image, flat_im) return ret_code
def step_run(cls, image, config): """Customized execution for application of the Bias :Parameters: - `image`: the DESImage on which to operate - `bias`: the bias image to apply """ bias_fname = config.get(cls.step_name, 'bias')'reading Bias from %s' % bias_fname) bias_im = DESImage.load(bias_fname) ret_code = cls.__call__(image, bias_im) return ret_code
def step_run(cls, image, config): """Customized execution for taking difference between an image and a comparison :Parameters: - `image`: the DESImage on which to operate - `comp`: the comparison image (to be subtracted) """ comp_fname = config.get(cls.step_name, 'comp')'reading Comparison image from %s', comp_fname) comp_im = DESImage.load(comp_fname) ret_code = cls.__call__(image, comp_im) return ret_code
def step_run(cls, image, config): """Customized execution for addition of a weight plane. :Parameters: - `image`: the DESImage on which to operate - `config`: the configuration from which to get other parameters """'Weight will be added to %s' % image) flat_fname = config.get(cls.step_name, 'flat')'Reading flat correction from %s' % flat_fname) flat = DESImage.load(flat_fname) ret_code = cls.__call__(image, flat) return ret_code
def run_updateWCS(args): # Attempt to populate FWHM, ELLIPTIC, NFWHMCNT keywords if args.fwhm: new_record = get_fwhm_from_catalog(args.fwhm, verbose=args.verbose, debug=args.debug) else: new_record = {} # Populate the new record with the XML and transalte into fitsio records format if args.xml: new_record = slurp_XML(args.xml, new_record, verbose=args.verbose, debug=args.debug, translate=True) else: new_record = [] # Read in the input fits file using despyfits.DESImage input_image = DESImage.load(args.input) # run the main header updater input_image = run_update(input_image, headfile=args.headfile, hdupcfg=args.hdupcfg, verbose=args.verbose, new_record=new_record) # if desepoch option, we add a DESPOCH record only the SCI plane if args.desepoch: desepoch_rec = { 'name': 'DESEPOCH', 'value': args.desepoch, 'comment': 'DES Observing epoch' } print(f"(updateWCS): Updating DESEPOCH={args.desepoch} to SCI header") input_image.header.add_record(desepoch_rec) # Saving the image as args.output, we compute the corners at write time print(f"(updateWCS): Closing/Saving image --> {args.output}")
def step_run(cls, image, config): """Customized execution for application of the Flat :Parameters: - `image`: the DESImage on which to operate - `flat`: the bias image to apply """ flat_fname = config.get(cls.step_name, 'flat')'Reading flat correction from %s' % flat_fname) flat_im = DESImage.load(flat_fname) # At present the only way to acquire gains is when function is run through # tandem operation with gain_correct. In the absence of having relative gains # an empty dictionary is passed here. rel_gain_for_flat = {} ret_code = cls.__call__(image, flat_im, rel_gain_for_flat) return ret_code
def sextractorPSF(name, name1, outname, filepsf, CCD, **args): args['ccd'] = CCD h = DESImage.load(template_file.format(**args) + '_' + str(name) + '.fits') fwhm = 0.263 * float(h.header['FWHM']) cmd = 'sex ' + template_file.format(**args)+'_'+name+'.fits[0]'+\ ' -PSF_NAME ' + template_file.format(**args)+'_'+filepsf+\ ' -c ' + configFile2 + ' -FILTER_NAME ' + sexconvFile2 + ' -STARNNW_NAME ' +sexnnwFile + ' -CATALOG_NAME ' + template_file.format(**args)+'_'+outname+'.fits'+\ ' -FLAG_IMAGE ' + template_file.format(**args)+'_'+name+'.fits[1] -PARAMETERS_NAME ' + sexparamFile_2 +\ ' -INTERP_TYPE VAR_ONLY -INTERP_MAXXLAG 4 -INTERP_MAXYLAG 4 -SEEING_FWHM ' + str(fwhm) +\ ' -DETECT_THRESH 1.5 -SATUR_KEY SATURATE -CATALOG_TYPE FITS_LDAC -WEIGHT_IMAGE '+\ template_file.format(**args)+'_'+name1+'.fits[2],'+template_file.format(**args)+'_'+name1+'.fits[2]'+\ ' -WEIGHT_TYPE MAP_WEIGHT -CHECKIMAGE_NAME ' + template_file.format(**args)+'_segmap.fits -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE SEGMENTATION' print '\n', cmd, '\n' retval =, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if retval != 0: sys.exit(1) return
def step_run(cls, image, config): """Customized execution for sky subtraction :Parameters: - `config`: the configuration from which to get other parameters """ # Passing config to the class cls.config = config if config.has_option(cls.step_name, 'fitfilename'): fit_filename = config.get(cls.step_name, 'fitfilename') else: fit_filename = None if config.has_option(cls.step_name, 'pcfilename'): pc_filename = config.get(cls.step_name, 'pcfilename') else: pc_filename = None weight = config.get(cls.step_name, 'weight') if config.has_option(cls.step_name, 'domefilename'): dome_filename = config.get(cls.step_name, 'domefilename') dome = DESImage.load(dome_filename) else: dome = None if config.has_option(cls.step_name, 'skymodel'): skymodel_filename = config.get(cls.step_name, 'skymodel') else: skymodel_filename = None'Sky fitting output to %s', image) ret_code = cls.__call__(image, fit_filename, pc_filename, weight, dome, skymodel_filename) return ret_code
def __call__(self): """ Run row_zipper and null_weights in one step, we run the tasks by calling step_run in each class """ t0 = time.time() # Check if we want special multi-epoch weighting, and which bits we want to 'save' me_wgt_keepmask = get_safe_boolean('me_wgt_keepmask', self.config, self.config_section) # Get verbose try: verbose = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'verbose') except: verbose = False # Get the science image input_image = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'in') self.sci = DESImage.load(input_image) # In case a streak table is provided -- we proceed with the extra STREAK maskinh streak_file = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'streak_file') if os.path.exists(streak_file): add_width = self.config.getfloat(self.config_section, 'add_width') add_length = self.config.getfloat(self.config_section, 'add_length') max_extrapolate = self.config.getfloat(self.config_section, 'max_extrapolate') self.streakMask(streak_file, addWidth=add_width, addLength=add_length, maxExtrapolate=max_extrapolate) # Add TILENAME and TILEID to sci header (optional) if required self.update_sci_header(input_image) # Update the header wcs if both headfile and hdupcfg are present (optional) self.update_wcs_header(input_image, verbose=verbose) # Check if want to create the custon weight for SWArp/SExtractor combination if me_wgt_keepmask: self.custom_weight(input_image) # Run null_weights t1 = time.time()"Running null_weights on: %s", input_image) null_weights.step_run(self.sci, self.config)"Time NullWeights : %s", elapsed_time(t1)) # Run row_zipper t2 = time.time()"Running row_zipper on: %s", input_image) row_zipper.step_run(self.sci, self.config)"Time ZipperInterp : %s", elapsed_time(t2)) # Null the sci image only if null_mask_sci !=0 self.null_sci(input_image) output_image = self.config.get(self.config_section, 'out') # Special write out if me_wgt_keepmask: self.custom_write(output_image) else:"Wrote new file: %s", output_image)"Time Total: %s", elapsed_time(t0)) return 0
def __call__(self): """Do image-by-image pixel level corrections """ # All the code here, asside from one call for each step, should # be assiciated with shoveling data between steps. Everything else should # take inside the code for its respective step. # Get the science image self.sci = DESImage.load(self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'in')) # Bias subtraction if self.do_step('bias'): self._check_return(bias_correct(self.sci, self.bias)) self.clean_im('bias') # Linearization if self.do_step('lincor'): lincor_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'lincor') self._check_return(linearity_correct(self.sci, lincor_fname)) # Make the mask plane and mark saturated pixels. Note that flags # are set to mark saturated pixels and keep any previously existing mask bits. if self.do_step('bpm'): self._check_return( make_mask(self.sci, self.bpm, saturate=True, clear=False)) flat_gaincorrect = self.config.getboolean('pixcorrect_cp', 'flat_gaincorrect') # get gains ahead of time so that jump can be removed from a flat with no gain correction gain_preserve = {} if flat_gaincorrect: tmp_gains = {} avg_gain = 0.0 for amp in decaminfo.amps: tmp_gains[amp] = self.sci['GAIN' + amp] avg_gain = avg_gain + tmp_gains[amp] for amp in decaminfo.amps: gain_preserve[amp] = 2.0 * tmp_gains[amp] / avg_gain # print avg_gain # print gain_preserve if self.do_step('gain'): self._check_return(gain_correct(self.sci)) # B/F correction if self.do_step('bf'): bf_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'bf') self._check_return( bf_correct(self.sci, bf_fname, bfinfo.DEFAULT_BFMASK)) # If done with the BPM; let python reclaim the memory if not self.do_step('fixcol'): self.clean_im('bpm') # Flat field if self.do_step('flat'): # allow_mismatch = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp','flat_gaincorrect') print("flat_gaincorrect: ", flat_gaincorrect) # for amp in decaminfo.amps: # self.flat[gain_preserve[amp]['sec']]*=gain_preserve[amp]['cor'] self._check_return( flat_correct_cp(self.sci, self.flat, gain_preserve)) if not self.do_step('sky'): self.clean_im('flat') # Fix columns if self.do_step('fixcols'): self._check_return(fix_columns(self.sci, self.bpm)) self.clean_im('bpm') # Make mini-sky image if self.do_step('mini'): mini = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'mini') blocksize = self.config.getint('pixcorrect_cp', 'blocksize') self._check_return( sky_compress(self.sci, mini, blocksize, skyinfo.DEFAULT_SKYMASK)) # Subtract sky and make weight plane - forcing option to do "sky-only" weight if self.do_step('sky'): sky_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'sky') fit_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'skyfit') self._check_return( sky_subtract(self.sci, fit_fname, sky_fname, 'sky', self.flat)) if not self.do_step('addweight'): self.clean_im('flat') # Star flatten if self.do_step('starflat'): self._check_return(starflat_correct(self.sci, self.starflat)) self.clean_im('starflat') ### Do add_weight before null_weight step, else it will overwrite the nulls if self.do_step('addweight'): self._check_return(add_weight(self.sci, self.flat)) self.clean_im('flat') # This new call should take care of both --resaturate and --null_mask if self.do_step('null_mask') or self.do_step('resaturate'): # We need to fix the step_name if we want to call 'step_run' null_weights.__class__.step_name = self.config_section"Running null_weights") self._check_return(null_weights.step_run(self.sci, self.config)) out_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_cp', 'out') return 0
def __call__(cls, streak_list, image_list, streak_name_in, streak_name_out, image_name_in, image_name_out, add_width, max_extrapolate, plotfile=None): """ Read input list of streak detections and predict where a streak crossed a CCD but was missed. Then create new copies of images, altering masks to set STREAK bit in new streaks. :Parameters: - `streak_list`: list of input streak file names - `image_list`: list of names of image files to be updated - `streak_name_in`: string to replace in input streak filenames - `streak_name_out`: replacement string for output streak filenames - `image_name_in`: string to replace in input image filenames - `image_name_out`: replacement string for output image filenames - `add_width`: number of pixels to grow (or shrink) streak width - `max_extrapolate`: farthest to start a new streak from endpoint of an existing one (degrees) - `plotfile`: if given, a diagram of streaks is drawn into this file """'Reading {:d} streak files'.format(len(streak_list))) # Read in all the streak RA/Dec, into a dictionary keyed by CCDNUM, # which should be in the primary header. Also save a dictionary of # the file names for these streak_corners = {} streak_names = {} for streakfile in streak_list:"Reading streak file {streakfile}") with fitsio.FITS(streakfile, 'r') as fits: ccdnum = fits[0].read_header()['CCDNUM'] streak_names[ccdnum] = streakfile tab = fits[1].read() if len(tab) > 0: streak_corners[ccdnum] = fits[1].read()['CORNERS_WCS']'Reading WCS from {:d} CCDs'.format(len(image_list))) # Read in the WCS for each CCD for which we have an image, # also put into dicts keyed by CCDNUM # Will get these directly from FITS instead of using DESImage in order # to save reading all of the data. wcs = {} crval1 = [] crval2 = [] for imgfile in image_list: try: hdr = fitsio.read_header(imgfile, 0) ccd = hdr['CCDNUM'] crval1.append(hdr['CRVAL1']) crval2.append(hdr['CRVAL2']) # Due to a bug in fitsio 1.0.0rc1+0, we need to clean up the # header before feeding it to wcsutil and remove the 'None' and other problematic items for k in hdr: # Try to access the item, if failed we have to remove it if not k: hdr.delete(k) continue try: _ = hdr[k] except: "Removing keyword: {:s} from header".format(k)) hdr.delete(k) wcs[ccd] = wcsutil.WCS(hdr) except Exception as e: print(e) ### logger.error('Failure reading WCS from {:s}'.format(imgfile)) return 1 # Determine a center for local gnomonic projection ra0 = np.median(crval1) dec0 = np.median(crval2) # Calculate upper and lower bounds of each CCD in the local # gnomonic system. ccd_x1 = np.zeros(63, dtype=float) ccd_x2 = np.zeros(63, dtype=float) ccd_y1 = np.zeros(63, dtype=float) ccd_y2 = np.zeros(63, dtype=float) ccd_xmin = 1. ccd_xmax = 2048. ccd_ymin = 1. ccd_ymax = 4096. ccd_corners_xpix = np.array([ccd_xmin, ccd_xmin, ccd_xmax, ccd_xmax]) ccd_corners_ypix = np.array([ccd_ymin, ccd_ymax, ccd_ymax, ccd_ymin]) for ccd, w in wcs.items(): ra, dec = w.image2sky(ccd_corners_xpix, ccd_corners_ypix) x_corners, y_corners = gnomonic(ra, dec, ra0, dec0) ccd_x1[ccd] = np.min(x_corners) ccd_y1[ccd] = np.min(y_corners) ccd_x2[ccd] = np.max(x_corners) ccd_y2[ccd] = np.max(y_corners) # Now collect information on all of the streak segments that we have ccdnum = [] ra_corner = [] dec_corner = [] for ccd, streaks in streak_corners.items(): if ccd not in wcs: # Skip segments on CCDs that have no WCS logger.warning( 'No WCS found for streaks on CCD {:d}'.format(ccd)) continue n1, _, _ = streaks.shape for i in range(n1): ccdnum.append(ccd) ra_corner.append(streaks[i, :, 0]) dec_corner.append(streaks[i, :, 1]) # Put streak corners into gnomonic system for this exposure x1, y1 = gnomonic(np.array([r[0] for r in ra_corner], dtype=float), np.array([d[0] for d in dec_corner], dtype=float), ra0, dec0) x2, y2 = gnomonic(np.array([r[1] for r in ra_corner], dtype=float), np.array([d[1] for d in dec_corner], dtype=float), ra0, dec0) x3, y3 = gnomonic(np.array([r[2] for r in ra_corner], dtype=float), np.array([d[2] for d in dec_corner], dtype=float), ra0, dec0) x4, y4 = gnomonic(np.array([r[3] for r in ra_corner], dtype=float), np.array([d[3] for d in dec_corner], dtype=float), ra0, dec0) ccdnum = np.array(ccdnum, dtype=int) # Describe each segmet by two endpoints at the midpoints of short sides # Will need to decide which is the short side d12 = np.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) d23 = np.hypot(x3 - x2, y3 - y2) xleft = np.where(d12 < d23, 0.5 * (x1 + x2), 0.5 * (x2 + x3)) yleft = np.where(d12 < d23, 0.5 * (y1 + y2), 0.5 * (y2 + y3)) xright = np.where(d12 < d23, 0.5 * (x3 + x4), 0.5 * (x4 + x1)) yright = np.where(d12 < d23, 0.5 * (y3 + y4), 0.5 * (y4 + y1)) dx = xright - xleft dy = yright - yleft # Calculate a width as 2x the # largest perp distance from a vertex to this line w1 = np.abs(dx * (y1 - yleft) - dy * (x1 - xleft)) / np.hypot(dx, dy) w2 = np.abs(dx * (y2 - yleft) - dy * (x2 - xleft)) / np.hypot(dx, dy) w3 = np.abs(dx * (y3 - yleft) - dy * (x3 - xleft)) / np.hypot(dx, dy) w4 = np.abs(dx * (y4 - yleft) - dy * (x4 - xleft)) / np.hypot(dx, dy) wmax = np.maximum(w1, w2) wmax = np.maximum(wmax, w3) wmax = np.maximum(wmax, w4) wmax = 2 * wmax # Rearrange so that xleft <= xright swapit = xright < xleft tmp = np.where(swapit, xleft, xright) xleft = np.where(swapit, xright, xleft) xright = np.array(tmp) tmp = np.where(swapit, yleft, yright) yleft = np.where(swapit, yright, yleft) yright = np.array(tmp) # Get the crossing points of the lines into CCDs xc1, xc2, yc1, yc2 = boxCross(xleft, yleft, dx, dy, ccd_x1[ccdnum], ccd_x2[ccdnum], ccd_y1[ccdnum], ccd_y2[ccdnum]) # Get rid of segments that appear to miss their host CCDs miss = xc2 < xc1 # Take 1st crossing point instead of left point if it has higher x, or vertical # with higher y, i.e. truncate the track segment at the edge of the CCD. replace = np.where(dx == 0, yc1 > yleft, xc1 > xleft) xc1 = np.where(replace, xc1, xleft) yc1 = np.where(replace, yc1, yleft) # Likewise truncate segment at right-hand crossing replace = np.where(dx == 0, yc2 < yright, xc2 < xright) xc2 = np.where(replace, xc2, xright) yc2 = np.where(replace, yc2, yright) # Backfill the non-intersections again - note that above # maneuvers will leave xc2<xc1 for streaks that miss their CCDs, # unless vertical ??? xc1[miss] = 0. xc2[miss] = -1. # Get a final verdict on hit or miss miss = np.where(dx == 0, yc2 < yc1, xc2 < xc1) # Save information on all valid streaks xc1 = xc1[~miss] xc2 = xc2[~miss] yc1 = yc1[~miss] yc2 = yc2[~miss] wmax = wmax[~miss] ccdnum = ccdnum[~miss] # Express segments as slopes and midpoints dx = xc2 - xc1 dy = yc2 - yc1 mx = dx / np.hypot(dx, dy) my = dy / np.hypot(dx, dy) # Mark segments that are probably spurious edge detections EDGE_SLOPE = 2. # Degrees from horizontal for edge streaks EDGE_DISTANCE = 0.005 # Max degrees from streak center to CCD edge for spurious streaks horizontal = np.abs(my) < np.sin(EDGE_SLOPE * np.pi / 180.) ymid = 0.5 * (yc1 + yc2) nearedge = np.logical_or(ccd_y2[ccdnum] - ymid < EDGE_DISTANCE, ymid - ccd_y1[ccdnum] < EDGE_DISTANCE) nearedge = np.logical_and(nearedge, horizontal) # Check short edges too vertical = np.abs(mx) < np.sin(EDGE_SLOPE * np.pi / 180.) xmid = 0.5 * (xc1 + xc2) tmp = np.logical_or(ccd_x2[ccdnum] - xmid < EDGE_DISTANCE, xmid - ccd_x1[ccdnum] < EDGE_DISTANCE) nearedge = np.logical_or(nearedge, np.logical_and(tmp, vertical)) # Decide which segments are "friends" of each other. # To be a friend, the center of each must be close # to the extension of the line of the other. # Accumulate a list of tracks, each track is a list of # individual streaks that are friends of friends tracks = [] for i in range(len(xc1)): if nearedge[i]: continue # Do not use edge tracks itstrack = [i] # start new track with just this for t in tracks: # Search other tracks for friends for j in t: if friends(xc1, xc2, yc1, yc2, mx, my, ccdnum, i, j): itstrack += t # Merge track tracks.remove(t) # Get rid of old one break # No need to check others tracks.append(itstrack) # Now iterate through tracks, seeing if they have missing segments # Create arrays to hold information on new tracks new_ccdnum = [] new_xc1 = [] new_xc2 = [] new_yc1 = [] new_yc2 = [] new_ra1 = [] new_ra2 = [] new_dec1 = [] new_dec2 = [] new_width = [] new_extrapolated = [] new_nearest = [] for t in tracks: if len(t) < 2: continue # Do not extrapolate singlet tracks ids = np.array( t) # Make an array of indices of segments in this track # Fit a quadratic path to the streak endpoints xx = np.concatenate((xc1[ids], xc2[ids])) yy = np.concatenate((yc1[ids], yc2[ids])) # If the track slope is mostly along x, then we'll have the independent # variable xx be x and dependent yy will be y. But if track # is more vertical, then we'll look at functions x(y) instead. xOrder = np.median(np.abs(mx[ids])) > np.median(np.abs(my[ids])) if not xOrder: xx, yy = yy, xx # Record limits of detected tracks' independent variable xxmin = np.min(xx) xxmax = np.max(xx) # Fit a quadratic to the points, or # linear if only one streak # Allow up to nclip points to clip RESID_TOLERANCE = 6. / 3600. # Clip >6" deviants nclip = 2 for i in range(nclip + 1): if len(xx) > 2: A = np.vstack((np.ones_like(xx), xx, xx * xx)) else: A = np.vstack((np.ones_like(xx), xx)) coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T, yy, rcond=None)[0] resid = yy -, coeffs) j = np.argmax(np.abs(resid)) if i == nclip or np.abs(resid[j]) < RESID_TOLERANCE: break xx = np.delete(xx, j) yy = np.delete(yy, j) # Calculate the y(x1),y(x2) where tracks # cross the left/right of every CCD, then # find the ones that will cross CCD's y. # These are CCD bounds, with xx being the quadratic's argument if xOrder: xx1 = ccd_x1 xx2 = ccd_x2 yy1 = ccd_y1 yy2 = ccd_y2 else: xx1 = ccd_y1 xx2 = ccd_y2 yy1 = ccd_x1 yy2 = ccd_x2 if len(coeffs) == 2: A2 = np.vstack((np.ones_like(xx2), xx2)).T A1 = np.vstack((np.ones_like(xx1), xx1)).T else: A2 = np.vstack((np.ones_like(xx2), xx2, xx2 * xx2)).T A1 = np.vstack((np.ones_like(xx1), xx1, xx1 * xx1)).T # yyc[12] are the dependent coordinate at crossings of xx[12] bounds yyc1 =, coeffs) yyc2 =, coeffs) # Now we ask whether the y value of streak at either edge crossing # is in the y range of a CCD missed = np.logical_or( np.maximum(yyc1, yyc2) < yy1, np.minimum(yyc1, yyc2) > yy2) # Also skip any CCD where we already have a streak for iccd in ccdnum[ids]: missed[iccd] = True missed[0] = True # There is no CCD0 missed[61] = True # Never use this one either, it's always dead # Now find intersection of new streaks with edges of their CCDs # Define a function for the streak path that we'll use for solving def poly(x, coeffs, ysolve): y = coeffs[0] + x * coeffs[1] if len(coeffs) > 2: y += coeffs[2] * x * x return y - ysolve EDGE_TOLERANCE = 0.2 / 3600. # Find x/y of edge to this accuracy (0.2 arcsec) for iccd in np.where(~missed)[0]: # This is a loop over every CCD that the track crosses but has no detected segment # Determine an (xx,yy) pair for its entry and exit from the CCD new_yy1 = yyc1[iccd] new_yy2 = yyc2[iccd] new_xx1 = xx1[iccd] new_xx2 = xx2[iccd] # left side: if new_yy1 < yy1[iccd]: new_xx1 = newton(poly, new_xx1, args=(coeffs, yy1[iccd]), tol=EDGE_TOLERANCE) elif new_yy1 > yy2[iccd]: new_xx1 = newton(poly, new_xx1, args=(coeffs, yy2[iccd]), tol=EDGE_TOLERANCE) new_yy1 = poly(new_xx1, coeffs, 0.) # right side if new_yy2 < yy1[iccd]: new_xx2 = newton(poly, new_xx2, args=(coeffs, yy1[iccd]), tol=EDGE_TOLERANCE) elif new_yy2 > yy2[iccd]: new_xx2 = newton(poly, new_xx2, args=(coeffs, yy2[iccd]), tol=EDGE_TOLERANCE) new_yy2 = poly(new_xx2, coeffs, 0.) # Does the solution lie outside the input streaks? extrapolated = new_xx1 < xxmin or new_xx2 > xxmax width = np.median(wmax[ids]) # Calculate distance to nearest unclipped streak member nearest = min(np.min(np.hypot(xx - new_xx1, yy - new_yy1)), np.min(np.hypot(xx - new_xx2, yy - new_yy2))) if not xOrder: # swap xx,yy back if we had y as the independent variable new_xx1, new_yy1 = new_yy1, new_xx1 new_xx2, new_yy2 = new_yy2, new_xx2 # Project the coordinates back to RA, Dec ra1, dec1 = gnomonicInverse(new_xx1, new_yy1, ra0, dec0) ra2, dec2 = gnomonicInverse(new_xx2, new_yy2, ra0, dec0) # Append this streak to list of new ones new_ccdnum.append(iccd) new_xc1.append(new_xx1) new_xc2.append(new_xx2) new_yc1.append(new_yy1) new_yc2.append(new_yy2) new_ra1.append(ra1) new_ra2.append(ra2) new_dec1.append(dec1) new_dec2.append(dec2) new_width.append(width) new_extrapolated.append(extrapolated) new_nearest.append(nearest) # Make all lists into arrays new_ccdnum = np.array(new_ccdnum, dtype=int) new_xc1 = np.array(new_xc1, dtype=float) new_xc2 = np.array(new_xc2, dtype=float) new_yc1 = np.array(new_yc1, dtype=float) new_yc2 = np.array(new_yc2, dtype=float) new_ra1 = np.array(new_ra1, dtype=float) new_ra2 = np.array(new_ra2, dtype=float) new_dec1 = np.array(new_dec1, dtype=float) new_dec2 = np.array(new_dec2, dtype=float) new_width = np.array(new_width, dtype=float) new_extrapolated = np.array(new_extrapolated, dtype=bool) new_nearest = np.array(new_nearest, dtype=float) # Decide which new segments will be masked maskit = np.logical_or(~new_extrapolated, new_nearest <= max_extrapolate)'Identified {:d} missing streak segments for masking'.format(\ np.count_nonzero(maskit))) # Make the diagnostic plot if desired if plotfile is not None: pl.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) pl.xlim(-1.1, 1.1) pl.ylim(-1.1, 1.1) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') # Draw CCD outlines and numbers for ccd, w in wcs.items(): ra, dec = w.image2sky(ccd_corners_xpix, ccd_corners_ypix) x_corners, y_corners = gnomonic(ra, dec, ra0, dec0) x = x_corners.tolist() y = y_corners.tolist() x.append(x[0]) y.append(y[0]) pl.plot(x, y, 'k-', label=None) x = np.mean(x_corners) y = np.mean(y_corners) pl.text(x, y, str(ccd), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=14) # Draw input streaks marked as edge labelled = False for i in np.where(nearedge)[0]: x = (xc1[i], xc2[i]) y = (yc1[i], yc2[i]) if not labelled: pl.plot(x, y, 'm-', lw=2, label='edge') labelled = True else: pl.plot(x, y, 'm-', lw=2, label=None) # Draw linked tracks s = set() for t in tracks: if len(t) > 1: s = s.union(set(t)) labelled = False for i in s: x = (xc1[i], xc2[i]) y = (yc1[i], yc2[i]) if not labelled: pl.plot(x, y, 'b-', lw=2, label='connected') labelled = True else: pl.plot(x, y, 'b-', lw=2, label=None) # Draw singleton tracks as those that are neither edge nor connected s = s.union(set(np.where(nearedge)[0])) single = set(range(len(xc1))) single = single.difference(s) labelled = False for i in single: x = (xc1[i], xc2[i]) y = (yc1[i], yc2[i]) if not labelled: pl.plot(x, y, 'c-', lw=2, label='unconnected') labelled = True else: pl.plot(x, y, 'c-', lw=2, label=None) # Draw missed tracks that will be masked labelled = False for i in np.where(maskit)[0]: x = (new_xc1[i], new_xc2[i]) y = (new_yc1[i], new_yc2[i]) if not labelled: pl.plot(x, y, 'r-', lw=2, label='new masked') labelled = True else: pl.plot(x, y, 'r-', lw=2, label=None) # Draw missed tracks that will not be masked labelled = False for i in np.where(~maskit)[0]: x = (new_xc1[i], new_xc2[i]) y = (new_yc1[i], new_yc2[i]) if not labelled: pl.plot(x, y, 'r:', lw=2, label='new skipped') labelled = True else: pl.plot(x, y, 'r:', lw=2, label=None) # legend pl.legend(framealpha=0.3, fontsize='small') pl.savefig(plotfile) # Now accumulate pixel coordinates of corners of all new streaks to mask added_streak_ccds = [] added_streak_corners = [] for id, ccd in enumerate(new_ccdnum): ccd = new_ccdnum[id] if not maskit[id]: continue # Only proceed with the ones to be masked # Get a pixel scale from the WCS, in arcsec/pix xmid = np.mean(ccd_corners_xpix) ymid = np.mean(ccd_corners_ypix) ra, dec = wcs[ccd].image2sky(xmid, ymid) ra2, dec2 = wcs[ccd].image2sky(xmid + 1, ymid) pixscale = np.hypot( np.cos(dec * np.pi / 180.) * (ra - ra2), dec - dec2) # width of streak, in pixels w = new_width[id] / pixscale + add_width if w <= 0.: continue # Don't mask streaks of zero width # Make RA/Dec of track endpoints x = np.array([new_xc1[id], new_xc2[id]]) y = np.array([new_yc1[id], new_yc2[id]]) ra, dec = gnomonicInverse(x, y, ra0, dec0) # Convert to pixel coordinates x, y = wcs[ccd].sky2image(ra, dec) line = Line(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1]) # Create bounding rectangle of track corners_pix = boxTrack(line, w, ccd_xmin, ccd_xmax, ccd_ymin, ccd_ymax) added_streak_ccds.append(ccd) added_streak_corners.append(np.array(corners_pix)) added_streak_ccds = np.array(added_streak_ccds) # Make new copies of streak files, adding new ones logger.debug('Rewriting streak files') for ccd, streakfile_in in streak_names.items(): nmatch = len(re.findall(streak_name_in, streakfile_in)) if nmatch != 1: logger.error('Could not update streak file named <' + streakfile_in + '>') return 1 streakfile_out = re.sub(streak_name_in, streak_name_out, streakfile_in) # Use file system to make fresh copy of table's FITS file shutil.copy2(streakfile_in, streakfile_out) # Find new streaks for this ccd add_ids = np.where(added_streak_ccds == ccd)[0] if len(add_ids) > 0: # Open the table and add new streaks' info try: fits = fitsio.FITS(streakfile_out, 'rw') addit = np.recarray(len(add_ids), dtype=[('LABEL', '>i4'), ('CORNERS', '>f4', (4, 2)), ('CORNERS_WCS', '>f8', (4, 2))]) if fits[1]['LABEL'][:]: first_label = np.max(fits[1]['LABEL'][:]) + 1 else: first_label = 1 addit.LABEL = np.arange(first_label, first_label + len(addit)) for i, id in enumerate(add_ids): corners_pix = added_streak_corners[id] addit.CORNERS[i] = corners_pix ra, dec = wcs[ccd].image2sky(corners_pix[:, 0], corners_pix[:, 1]) addit.CORNERS_WCS[i] = np.vstack((ra, dec)).T fits[1].append(addit) fits.close() except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error('Failure updating streak file <{:s}>'.format( streakfile_out)) return 1 logger.debug('Remasking images') for imgfile_in in image_list: # Make the name needed for output nmatch = len(re.findall(image_name_in, imgfile_in)) if nmatch != 1: logger.error( 'Could not create output name for image file named <' + imgfile_in + '>') return 1 imgfile_out = re.sub(image_name_in, image_name_out, imgfile_in)"Loading image: {imgfile_in}") sci = DESImage.load(imgfile_in) ccd = sci.header['CCDNUM'] # Find added streaks for this ccd add_ids = np.where(added_streak_ccds == ccd)[0] if len(add_ids) > 0: shape = sci.mask.shape yy, xx = np.indices(shape) points = np.vstack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())).T inside = None for id in add_ids: # From Alex's immask routine: mark interior pixels # for each added streak v = added_streak_corners[id] vertices = [(v[0, 0], v[0, 1]), (v[1, 0], v[1, 1]), (v[2, 0], v[2, 1]), (v[3, 0], v[3, 1]), (v[0, 0], v[0, 1])] path = matplotlib.path.Path(vertices) if inside is None: inside = path.contains_points(points) else: inside = np.logical_or(inside, path.contains_points(points)) # Make the list of masked pixels if inside is None: ymask, xmask = np.array(0, dtype=int), np.array(0, dtype=int) else: ymask, xmask = np.nonzero(inside.reshape(shape)) sci.mask[ymask, xmask] |= parse_badpix_mask('STREAK') # Write something into the image header sci['DESCNCTS'] = time.asctime(time.localtime()) + \ ' Mask {:d} new streaks'.format(len(add_ids)) # sci['HISTORY'] = time.asctime(time.localtime()) + \ # ' Mask {:d} new streaks'.format(len(add_ids))"Saving to: {imgfile_out}")'Finished connecting streaks') ret_code = 0 return ret_code
def __call__(self): """Do image-by-image pixel level corrections """ # All the code here, asside from one call for each step, should # be assiciated with shoveling data between steps. Everything else should # take inside the code for its respective step. # Get the science image self.sci = DESImage.load(self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'in')) # Bias subtraction if self.do_step('bias'): self._check_return(bias_correct(self.sci, self.bias)) self.clean_im('bias') # Linearization if self.do_step('lincor'): lincor_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'lincor') self._check_return(linearity_correct(self.sci, lincor_fname)) # Make the mask plane and mark saturated pixels. Note that flags # are set to mark saturated pixels and keep any previously existing mask bits. if self.do_step('bpm'): self._check_return( make_mask(self.sci, self.bpm, saturate=True, clear=False)) if self.do_step('gain'): self._check_return(gain_correct(self.sci)) # If done with the BPM; let python reclaim the memory if not self.do_step('fixcols'): self.clean_im('bpm') # Fix columns if self.do_step('fixcols'): self._check_return(fix_columns(self.sci, self.bpm)) self.clean_im('bpm') # B/F correction if self.do_step('bf'): bf_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'bf') self._check_return( bf_correct(self.sci, bf_fname, bfinfo.DEFAULT_BFMASK)) # Flat field if self.do_step('flat'): self._check_return(flat_correct(self.sci, self.flat)) if not self.do_step('sky'): self.clean_im('flat') # LightBulb if self.do_step('lightbulb'): self._check_return(lightbulb(self.sci)) # CTI Check if self.do_step('cticheck'): self._check_return(cticheck(self.sci)) # Make mini-sky image if self.do_step('mini'): mini = self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'mini') blocksize = self.config.getint('pixcorrect_im', 'blocksize') self._check_return( sky_compress(self.sci, mini, blocksize, skyinfo.DEFAULT_SKYMASK)) # Subtract sky and make weight plane - forcing option to do "sky-only" weight if self.do_step('sky'): sky_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'sky') fit_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'skyfit') self._check_return( sky_subtract(self.sci, fit_fname, sky_fname, 'sky', self.flat)) if not self.do_step('addweight'): self.clean_im('flat') # Star flatten if self.do_step('starflat'): self._check_return(starflat_correct(self.sci, self.starflat)) self.clean_im('starflat') ### Do add_weight before null_weight step, else it will overwrite the nulls if self.do_step('addweight'): self._check_return(add_weight(self.sci, self.flat)) self.clean_im('flat') # This new call should take care of both --resaturate and --null_mask if self.do_step('null_mask') or self.do_step('resaturate'): # We need to fix the step_name if we want to call 'step_run' null_weights.__class__.step_name = self.config_section"Running null_weights") self._check_return(null_weights.step_run(self.sci, self.config)) out_fname = self.config.get('pixcorrect_im', 'out') return 0
def __call__(cls, inlist, ccdnorm, ampborder): """Apply a flat field correction to an image :Parameters: - `inlist`: list of input and output flat DESImage(s) to normalize - `flat_im`: the flat correction image to apply Applies the correction to each input and writes a separate output file. """'Initial Read of Flat Field Headers') # norm_list = [] scalmean_list = [] normval = None # try: f1 = open(inlist, 'r') for line in f1: line = line.strip() columns = line.split() if os.path.isfile(columns[0]): tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['fname'] = columns[0] tmp_dict['oname'] = columns[1] if tmp_dict['fname'][-2:] == "fz": sci_hdu = 1 # for .fz else: sci_hdu = 0 # for .fits (or .gz) temp_fits = fitsio.FITS(tmp_dict['fname'], 'r') temp_head = temp_fits[sci_hdu].read_header() # # Get the CCD number # try: tmp_dict['ccdnum'] = int(temp_head['CCDNUM']) except: if ccdnorm < 1: tmp_dict['ccdnum'] = -1 else: print( "Warning: image {:s} did not have a CCDNUM keyword!" .format(tmp_dict['fname'])) # # Get the SCALMEAN value # try: tmp_dict['scalmean'] = float(temp_head['SCALMEAN']) except: raise ValueError( "Image %s did not have a SCALMEAN keyword. Aborting!" % tmp_dict['fname']) # # Finished first header census # Save file info and scalmean's to a list # norm_list.append(tmp_dict) scalmean_list.append(tmp_dict['scalmean']) temp_fits.close() f1.close() except: # # Input file was not present. # # (type, value, trback)=sys.exc_info() # print("{:s} {:s} {:s} \n".format(inlist,type,value)) raise IOError("File not found. Missing input list %s " % inlist) # # All information is now present. Determine the value that will be used in normalization. # if ccdnorm > 1: for tmp_rec in norm_list: if normval is None: if tmp_rec['ccdnum'] == ccdnorm: normval = tmp_rec['ccdnum'] else: if tmp_rec['ccdnum'] == ccdnorm: print( "Warning: More than one image with CCDNUM={:d} identified" ) if normval is None: raise ValueError( "No image with CCDNUM=%d found among input list. Aborting!" % ccdnorm)'Normaliztion: %.2f set based on value from CCD %d ', normval, ccdnorm) else: a_scalmean = np.array(scalmean_list) normval = np.median(a_scalmean) 'Normaliztion: %.2f set based on median value of the ensemble ', normval) # # Go ahead and normalize the set #'Normalizing list') for tmp_record in norm_list:'Working on image: %s ', tmp_record['fname']) image = DESImage.load(tmp_record['fname']) nfactor = tmp_record['scalmean'] / normval nfactor2 = nfactor * nfactor' CCD: %2d, relative normalization factor: %.5f ', tmp_record['ccdnum'], nfactor) *= nfactor image.weight *= nfactor2 # # Create keywords that reflect the median value of the flat on each amp. # for amp in decaminfo.amps: datasecn = scan_fits_section(image, 'DATASEC' + amp) datasecn[0] += ampborder datasecn[1] -= ampborder datasecn[2] += ampborder datasecn[3] -= ampborder image['FLATMED' + amp] = np.median([datasecn[2]:datasecn[3] + 1, datasecn[0]:datasecn[1] + 1]), tmp_record['oname']) logger.debug('Finished applying Flat') ret_code = 0 return ret_code