Пример #1
def simple_default_setup(cfg):
    Perform some basic common setups at the beginning of a job, including:

    1. Set up the detectron2 logger
    2. Log basic information about environment, and config
    3. Backup the config to the output directory

        cfg (CfgNode): the full config to be used
    output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:

    rank = comm.get_rank()
    setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank, name="fvcore")
    logger = setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank)

    logger.info("Rank of current process: {}. World size: {}".format(
        rank, comm.get_world_size()))
    logger.info("Environment info:\n" + collect_env_info())

    logger.info("Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg))
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
        # Note: some of our scripts may expect the existence of
        # config.yaml in output directory
        path = os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yaml")
        with PathManager.open(path, "w") as f:
        logger.info("Full config saved to {}".format(os.path.abspath(path)))

    # make sure each worker has a different, yet deterministic seed if specified
    seed_all_rng(None if cfg.SEED < 0 else cfg.SEED + rank)
Пример #2
def default_setup(cfg, args):
    Perform some basic common setups at the beginning of a job, including:

    1. Set up the detectron2 logger
    2. Log basic information about environment, cmdline arguments, and config
    3. Backup the config to the output directory

        cfg (CfgNode or omegaconf.DictConfig): the full config to be used
        args (argparse.NameSpace): the command line arguments to be logged
    output_dir = _try_get_key(cfg, "OUTPUT_DIR", "output_dir",
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:

    rank = comm.get_rank()
    setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank, name="fvcore")
    logger = setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank)

    logger.info("Rank of current process: {}. World size: {}".format(
        rank, comm.get_world_size()))
    logger.info("Environment info:\n" + collect_env_info())

    logger.info("Command line arguments: " + str(args))
    if hasattr(args, "config_file") and args.config_file != "":
        logger.info("Contents of args.config_file={}:\n{}".format(
                PathManager.open(args.config_file, "r").read(),

    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
        # Note: some of our scripts may expect the existence of
        # config.yaml in output directory
        path = os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yaml")
        if isinstance(cfg, CfgNode):
            logger.info("Running with full config:\n{}".format(
                _highlight(cfg.dump(), ".yaml")))
            with PathManager.open(path, "w") as f:
            LazyConfig.save(cfg, path)
        logger.info("Full config saved to {}".format(path))

    # make sure each worker has a different, yet deterministic seed if specified
    seed = _try_get_key(cfg, "SEED", "train.seed", default=-1)
    seed_all_rng(None if seed < 0 else seed + rank)

    # cudnn benchmark has large overhead. It shouldn't be used considering the small size of
    # typical validation set.
    if not (hasattr(args, "eval_only") and args.eval_only):
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = _try_get_key(cfg,
def default_setup(cfg, args):
    Perform some basic common setups at the beginning of a job, including:

    1. Set up the detectron2 logger
    2. Log basic information about environment, cmdline arguments, and config
    3. Backup the config to the output directory

        cfg (CfgNode): the full config to be used
        args (argparse.NameSpace): the command line arguments to be logged
    output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:

        if cfg.OWOD.COMPUTE_ENERGY:
            PathManager.mkdirs(os.path.join(output_dir, cfg.OWOD.ENERGY_SAVE_PATH))

            PathManager.mkdirs(os.path.join(output_dir, cfg.OWOD.FEATURE_STORE_SAVE_PATH))

    rank = comm.get_rank()
    setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank, name="fvcore")
    logger = setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank)

    logger.info("Rank of current process: {}. World size: {}".format(rank, comm.get_world_size()))
    logger.info("Environment info:\n" + collect_env_info())

    logger.info("Command line arguments: " + str(args))
    if hasattr(args, "config_file") and args.config_file != "":
            "Contents of args.config_file={}:\n{}".format(
                args.config_file, PathManager.open(args.config_file, "r").read()

    logger.info("Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg))
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
        # Note: some of our scripts may expect the existence of
        # config.yaml in output directory
        path = os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yaml")
        with PathManager.open(path, "w") as f:
        logger.info("Full config saved to {}".format(path))

    # make sure each worker has a different, yet deterministic seed if specified
    seed_all_rng(None if cfg.SEED < 0 else cfg.SEED + rank)

    # cudnn benchmark has large overhead. It shouldn't be used considering the small size of
    # typical validation set.
    if not (hasattr(args, "eval_only") and args.eval_only):
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cfg.CUDNN_BENCHMARK
def my_default_setup(cfg, args):
    """Perform some basic common setups at the beginning of a job, including:

    1. Set up the detectron2 logger
    2. Log basic information about environment, cmdline arguments, and config
    3. Backup the config to the output directory
        cfg (CfgNode): the full config to be used
        args (argparse.NameSpace): the command line arguments to be logged
    output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:

    rank = comm.get_rank()
    setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank)
    for _mod in ["PIL", "chardet"]:  # disable DEBUG logs

    logger.info("Rank of current process: {}. World size: {}".format(
        rank, comm.get_world_size()))
    logger.info("Environment info:\n" + collect_env_info())

    logger.info("Command line arguments: " + str(args))
    if hasattr(args, "config_file") and args.config_file != "":
        logger.info("Contents of args.config_file={}:\n{}".format(
            PathManager.open(args.config_file, "r").read()))

    logger.info("Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg))
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
        # Note: some of our scripts may expect the existence of
        # config.yaml in output directory
        # path = os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yaml")
        # with PathManager.open(path, "w") as f:
        #     f.write(cfg.dump())
        path = osp.join(output_dir, osp.basename(args.config_file))
        logger.info("Full config saved to {}".format(path))

    assert (
        args.num_gpus <= torch.cuda.device_count() and args.num_gpus >= 1
    ), f"args.num_gpus: {args.num_gpus}, available num gpus: {torch.cuda.device_count()}"

    # make sure each worker has a different, yet deterministic seed if specified
    seed_all_rng(None if cfg.SEED < 0 else cfg.SEED + rank)

    # cudnn benchmark has large overhead. It shouldn't be used considering the small size of
    # typical validation set.
    if not (hasattr(args, "eval_only") and args.eval_only):
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cfg.CUDNN_BENCHMARK
Пример #5
    def test_training_sampler_seed(self):
        sampler = TrainingSampler(30)
        data = list(itertools.islice(sampler, 65))

        sampler = TrainingSampler(30)
        seed_all_rng(999)  # should be ineffective
        data2 = list(itertools.islice(sampler, 65))
        self.assertEqual(data, data2)
Пример #6
def worker_init_reset_seed(worker_id):
    seed_all_rng(np.random.randint(2**31) + worker_id)
Пример #7
def worker_init_reset_seed(worker_id):
    initial_seed = torch.initial_seed() % 2**31
    seed_all_rng(initial_seed + worker_id)
import os
from collections import defaultdict

import captioning.utils.opts as opts
import captioning.models as models
from captioning.data.pth_loader import CaptionDataset
import captioning.utils.eval_utils as eval_utils
import captioning.utils.misc as utils
from captioning.utils.rewards import init_scorer, get_self_critical_reward
from captioning.modules.loss_wrapper import LossWrapper

import pytorch_lightning as pl

import detectron2.utils.comm as d2comm
from detectron2.utils.env import seed_all_rng

class LitModel(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self, opt):
        self.opt = opt
        # Intilaize dataset
        self.dataset = CaptionDataset(opt)
        opt.vocab_size = self.dataset.vocab_size
        opt.seq_length = self.dataset.seq_length
        self.batch_size = opt.batch_size

        # Build model
        opt.vocab = self.dataset.get_vocab()
        model = models.setup(opt)
Пример #9
def default_setup(cfg, args):
    Perform some basic common setups at the beginning of a job, including:

    1. Set up the detectron2 logger
    2. Log basic information about environment, cmdline arguments, and config
    3. Backup the config to the output directory

        cfg (CfgNode): the full config to be used
        args (argparse.NameSpace): the command line arguments to be logged
    if args.aml:
        if args.itp:
            data_store = '/' + os.environ['AZUREML_DATAREFERENCE_{}'.format(
            data_store = os.environ['AZUREML_DATAREFERENCE_{}'.format(
        cfg.OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(
            data_store, args.aml_work_dir_prefix,
        print('output directory: ', cfg.OUTPUT_DIR)
        cfg.OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(

    output_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:

    rank = comm.get_rank()
    setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank, name="fvcore")
    logger = setup_logger(output_dir, distributed_rank=rank)

    logger.info("Rank of current process: {}. World size: {}".format(
        rank, comm.get_world_size()))
    logger.info("Environment info:\n" + collect_env_info())

    logger.info("Command line arguments: " + str(args))
    if hasattr(args, "config_file") and args.config_file != "":
        logger.info("Contents of args.config_file={}:\n{}".format(
            PathManager.open(args.config_file, "r").read()))

    logger.info("Running with full config:\n{}".format(cfg))
    if comm.is_main_process() and output_dir:
        # Note: some of our scripts may expect the existence of
        # config.yaml in output directory
        path = os.path.join(output_dir, "config.yaml")
        with PathManager.open(path, "w") as f:
        logger.info("Full config saved to {}".format(path))

    # make sure each worker has a different, yet deterministic seed if specified
    seed_all_rng(None if cfg.SEED < 0 else cfg.SEED + rank)

    # cudnn benchmark has large overhead. It shouldn't be used considering the small size of
    # typical validation set.
    if not (hasattr(args, "eval_only") and args.eval_only):
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cfg.CUDNN_BENCHMARK
Пример #10

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Generate point-based supervision for COCO dataset.

        python tools/prepare_coco_point_annotations_without_masks.py \

    Example to generate point-based COCO dataset with 10 points per instance:
        python tools/prepare_coco_point_annotations_without_masks.py 10

    # Fix random seed

    assert len(sys.argv) >= 2, "Please provide number of points to sample per instance"
    dataset_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv("DETECTRON2_DATASETS", "datasets"), "coco/annotations")
    num_points_per_instance = int(sys.argv[1])
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        repeat = int(sys.argv[2])
        repeat = 1
    s = "instances_train2017"
    for version in range(repeat):
            "Start sampling {} points per instance for annotations {}.".format(
                num_points_per_instance, s