Пример #1
if input_type == 'UVV':
    cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = 'out_training/KAIST_flow_scale_UVV_0414/out_model_iter_11000.pth'
    cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = 'out_training/KAIST_flow_UVM_scale_0412/out_model_iter_22000.pth'

folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/test/KAIST_flow_test_sanitized/'
file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '*.flo'))
img_folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/test/'
# Create predictor
predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg)

scale = 0
for i in range(len(file_list)):
    fpath = file_list[i]
    flow = readFlow(fpath)

    image = np.zeros((flow.shape[0], flow.shape[1], 3))
    image[:, :, 0] = flow[:, :, 0]
    image[:, :, 1] = flow[:, :, 1]
    # UVV
    if input_type == 'UVV':
        image[:, :, 2] = flow[:, :, 1]
        if scale == 1:
            image *= 3.0
            image += 128.0
            image[image > 255] = 255.0
            image = np.abs(image) / 40.0 * 255.0
            image[image > 255] = 255.0
        # rescale score 0~100
        box[4] *= 100
        f.write(','.join(str(c) for c in box))

    scale = 1
    for i in range(len(contents)):
        fpath = contents[i].split('\n')[0]
        set_num = fpath.split('/')[0]
        V_num = fpath.split('/')[1]
        img_num = fpath.split('/')[2]
        flow_path = folder + set_num + '_' + V_num + '_' + img_num + '.flo'
        flow = readFlow(flow_path)
        image = np.zeros((flow.shape[0], flow.shape[1], 3))
        image[:,:,0] = flow[:,:,0]
        image[:,:,1] = flow[:,:,1]
        # UVV
        if input_type == 'UVV':     
            image[:,:,2] = flow[:,:,1]
            if scale == 1:
                image *= 3.0
                image += 128.0
                image[image>255] = 255.0
                image = np.abs(image) / 40.0 * 255.0
                image[image>255] = 255.0
Пример #3
def read_image(file_name, format=None):
    Read an image into the given format.
    Will apply rotation and flipping if the image has such exif information.

        file_name (str): image file path
        format (str): one of the supported image modes in PIL, or "BGR"

        image (np.ndarray): an HWC image
    with PathManager.open(file_name, "rb") as f:
        if format == "BGRT":
            # KAIST
            folder = file_name.split('visible')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('visible/')[1]
            path_rgb = file_name
            path_thermal = folder + 'lwir/' + img_name
            img_rgb = cv2.imread(path_rgb)
            img_thermal = cv2.imread(path_thermal)
            image = np.zeros((img_thermal.shape[0], img_thermal.shape[1], 4))
            image [:,:,0:3] = img_rgb
            image [:,:,3] = img_thermal[:,:,0]
            # FLIR
            folder = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[1]
            img_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.jpg'
            rgb_path = folder + 'RGB/' + img_name
            rgb_img = cv2.imread(rgb_path)
            thermal_img = cv2.imread(file_name)
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            rgb_img = cv2.resize(rgb_img,
                                 (thermal_img.shape[1], thermal_img.shape[0]))
            image = np.zeros((thermal_img.shape[0], thermal_img.shape[1], 4))
            image[:, :, 0:3] = rgb_img
            image[:, :, 3] = thermal_img[:, :, 0]
        elif format == 'BGR_only':
            folder = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[1]
            img_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.jpg'
            rgb_path = folder + 'resized_RGB/' + img_name
            image = cv2.imread(rgb_path)
        elif format == 'BGRTTT':  # middle fusion
            # KAIST
            folder = file_name.split('visible')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('visible/')[1]
            path_rgb = file_name
            path_thermal = folder + 'lwir/' + img_name
            img_rgb = cv2.imread(path_rgb)
            img_thermal = cv2.imread(path_thermal)                        
            image = np.zeros((img_thermal.shape[0], img_thermal.shape[1], 6))
            image [:,:,0:3] = img_rgb
            image [:,:,3:] = img_thermal
            # FLIR
            folder = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[-1]

            img_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.jpg'
            rgb_path = folder + 'RGB/' + img_name
            rgb_img = cv2.imread(rgb_path)
            thermal_img = cv2.imread(file_name)

            rgb_img = cv2.resize(rgb_img,
                                 (thermal_img.shape[1], thermal_img.shape[0]))
            image = np.zeros((thermal_img.shape[0], thermal_img.shape[1], 6))
            image[:, :, 0:3] = rgb_img
            image[:, :, 3:6] = thermal_img
        elif format == 'BGRTTT_perturb':

            folder = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[1]
            img_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.jpg'
            rgb_path = folder + 'RGB/' + img_name
            rgb_img = cv2.imread(rgb_path)

            import os
            number = int(file_name.split('video_')[-1].split('.')[0])
            #number = int(file_name.split('FLIR')[-1].split('_')[1].split('.')[0])
            number -= 1
            number_str = '{:05d}'.format(number)
            new_file_name = file_name.split('thermal')[
                0] + 'thermal_8_bit/FLIR_video_' + number_str + '.jpeg'
            if os.path.exists(new_file_name):
                thermal_img = cv2.imread(new_file_name)
                print(new_file_name, '  RGB: ', rgb_path)
                thermal_img = cv2.imread(file_name)
                print(file_name, '  RGB: ', rgb_path)
            rgb_img = cv2.resize(rgb_img,
                                 (thermal_img.shape[1], thermal_img.shape[0]))
            # Random resize
            import random
            ratio = random.randrange(100,121) / 100
            width_new = int(640*ratio+0.5)
            height_new = int(512*ratio+0.5)            
            rgb_img = cv2.resize(rgb_img, (width_new, height_new))
            # Random crop
            [height, width, _] = thermal_img.shape
            diff_w = width_new - width
            diff_h = height_new - height
            if diff_w > 0: shift_x = random.randrange(0, diff_w)
            else: shift_x = 0
            if diff_h > 0: shift_y = random.randrange(0, diff_h)
            else: shift_y = 0            
            rgb_img = rgb_img[shift_y:shift_y+height, shift_x:shift_x+width, :]
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            image = np.zeros((thermal_img.shape[0], thermal_img.shape[1], 6))
            image[:, :, 0:3] = rgb_img
            image[:, :, 3:6] = thermal_img
        elif format == "mid_RGB_out":
            thermal_img = cv2.imread(file_name)
            image = np.zeros((thermal_img.shape[0], thermal_img.shape[1], 6))
            image[:, :, 3:6] = thermal_img
        elif format == 'T_TCONV':
            #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
            folder = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('thermal_8_bit/')[1]
            img_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.jpeg'
            t_conv_path = folder + 'thermal_convert/' + img_name
            t_conv_img = cv2.imread(t_conv_path)
            thermal_img = cv2.imread(file_name)
            image = np.zeros((thermal_img.shape[0], thermal_img.shape[1], 2))
            image[:, :, 0] = t_conv_img[:, :, 0]
            image[:, :, 1] = thermal_img[:, :, 0]
        elif format == 'T_TCONV_MASK':
            folder = file_name.split('thermal_convert/')[0]
            img_name = file_name.split('thermal_convert/')[1]
            #img_name = img_name.split('.')[0] + '.jpeg'
            t_conv_path = folder + 'thermal_convert/' + img_name
            t_conv_img = cv2.imread(t_conv_path)
            t_mask_path = folder + 'thermal_analysis/' + file_name.split(
                'thermal_convert/')[1].split(".")[0] + '_mask.jpg'
            mask_img = cv2.imread(t_mask_path)
            thermal_img = cv2.imread(file_name)
            image = np.zeros((thermal_img.shape[0], thermal_img.shape[1], 3))
            image[:, :, 0] = t_conv_img[:, :, 0]
            image[:, :, 1] = thermal_img[:, :, 0]
            image[:, :, 2] = mask_img[:, :, 0]
        elif format == 'UVV':  # UV in first two channel, 0 in third channel
            if 'train' in file_name:
                folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/train/KAIST_flow_train_sanitized/'
                folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/test/KAIST_flow_test_sanitized/'

            fname = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.flo'
            fpath = folder + fname
            flow = readFlow(fpath)
            image = np.zeros((flow.shape[0], flow.shape[1], 3))
            image[:, :, 0] = flow[:, :, 0]
            image[:, :, 1] = flow[:, :, 1]
            image[:, :, 2] = flow[:, :, 1]
            image *= 4.0
            #image += 128.0
            image[image > 255] = 255.0
            image = np.abs(image) / 40.0 * 255.0
            image[image>255] = 255.0
        elif format == 'UVM':  # UV + magnitude(uv)
            if 'train' in file_name:
                folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/train/KAIST_flow_train_sanitized/'
                folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/test/KAIST_flow_test_sanitized/'

            fname = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.flo'
            fpath = folder + fname
            flow = readFlow(fpath)
            flow_s = flow * flow
            magnitude = np.sqrt(flow_s[:, :, 0] + flow_s[:, :, 1])

            image = np.zeros((flow.shape[0], flow.shape[1], 3))
            image[:, :, 0] = flow[:, :, 0]
            image[:, :, 1] = flow[:, :, 1]
            image[:, :, 2] = magnitude
            image *= 4.0
            #image += 128.0
            image[image > 255] = 255.0
            image = np.abs(image) / 40.0 * 255.0
            image[image>255] = 255.0
        elif format == 'BGRTUV':
            if 'train' in file_name:
                flow_folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/train/KAIST_flow_train_sanitized/'
                img_folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/train/'
                flow_folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/test/KAIST_flow_test_sanitized/'
                img_folder = '../../../Datasets/KAIST/test/'

            fname = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.flo'
            fpath = flow_folder + fname
            flow = readFlow(fpath)

            image = np.zeros((flow.shape[0], flow.shape[1], 6))
            image[:, :, 4] = flow[:, :, 0]
            image[:, :, 5] = flow[:, :, 1]
            image *= 3
            image += 128.0
            image[image > 255] = 255.0

            set_name = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
            V_name = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1]
            img_name = file_name.split('/')[-1].split('_')[2]

            fname_bgr = img_folder + set_name + '/' + V_name + '/visible/' + img_name
            fname_thr = img_folder + set_name + '/' + V_name + '/lwir/' + img_name
            bgr = cv2.imread(fname_bgr)
            thr = cv2.imread(fname_thr)

            image[:, :, 0:3] = bgr
            image[:, :, 3] = thr[:, :, 0]

            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            image = Image.open(f)

            # capture and ignore this bug: https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/3973
                image = ImageOps.exif_transpose(image)
            except Exception:

            if format is not None:
                # PIL only supports RGB, so convert to RGB and flip channels over below
                conversion_format = format
                if format == "BGR":
                    conversion_format = "RGB"
                image = image.convert(conversion_format)
            image = np.asarray(image)
            if format == "BGR":
                # flip channels if needed
                image = image[:, :, ::-1]
            # PIL squeezes out the channel dimension for "L", so make it HWC
            if format == "L":
                image = np.expand_dims(image, -1)
        return image