def crop_image_mask_and_save(image, outputs, result_images_dir, vis): masks = np.asarray(outputs["instances"].pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, vis.output.height, vis.output.width) for x in masks ] areas = np.asarray([x.area() for x in masks]) sorted_idxs = np.argsort(-areas).tolist() masks = [masks[idx] for idx in sorted_idxs] boxes = [outputs["instances"].pred_boxes[idx] for idx in sorted_idxs] for i, box in zip(range(len(masks)), boxes): background = np.ones(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) background.fill(255) for j, segment in enumerate(masks[i].polygons): item_mask = np.array([segment.reshape(-1, 2)], dtype=np.int32) cv2.fillPoly(background, item_mask, 0) masked_image = cv2.bitwise_or(image, background) x1, y1, x2, y2 = [round(cord) for cord in box.tensor.tolist()[0]] crop_img = masked_image[y1:y2, x1:x2] cropped_image_path = Path(result_images_dir, f"{uuid.uuid4()}.jpg").as_posix() cv2.imwrite(cropped_image_path, crop_img)
def format_results(self, class_names): """ Format results so they can be used by overlay_instances function """ predictions = self.outputs['instances'] boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has("pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has("pred_classes") else None labels = None if classes is not None and class_names is not None and len(class_names) > 1: labels = [class_names[i] for i in classes] if scores is not None: if labels is None: labels = ["{:.0f}%".format(s * 100) for s in scores] else: labels = ["{} {:.0f}%".format(l, s * 100) for l, s in zip(labels, scores)] masks = predictions.pred_masks.cpu().numpy() masks = [GenericMask(x, v.output.height, v.output.width) for x in masks] boxes_list = boxes.tensor.tolist() scores_list = scores.tolist() class_list = classes.tolist() for i in range(len(scores_list)): boxes_list[i].append(scores_list[i]) boxes_list[i].append(class_list[i]) boxes_list = np.array(boxes_list) return (masks, boxes, boxes_list, labels, scores_list, class_list, classes)
def return_attributes(self, path): im = cv2.imread(path) output = self.predictor(im) print('STATUS: Detectron2 job done.') self.SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.7 AREA_FRACTION_THRESHOLD = 0.1 # storing attributes predictions = output["instances"].to("cpu") scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has("pred_classes") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = [GenericMask(x, im.shape[0], im.shape[1]) for x in np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks)] else: masks = None humans = (classes==0).nonzero().reshape(-1).numpy() if(humans.shape[0]==0): return None temp = [] for i in range(len(humans)): if(scores[humans[i]]>self.SCORE_THRESHOLD and masks[i].area()/(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1])>self.AREA_FRACTION_THRESHOLD): # if(True): temp.append(humans[i]) humans = temp human_masks = [] for i in range(len(masks)): if(i in humans): human_masks.append(masks[i]) return im, human_masks
def draw_instance_predictions(self, predictions): """ Draw instance-level prediction results on an image. Args: predictions (Instances): the output of an instance detection/segmentation model. Following fields will be used to draw: "pred_boxes", "pred_classes", "scores", "pred_masks" (or "pred_masks_rle"). Returns: output (VisImage): image object with visualizations. """ boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None contacts = predictions.pred_cats if predictions.has( "pred_cats") else None scores = contacts * scores.reshape(-1, 1) labels, dis_colors = _create_custom_text_labels( classes, scores, "hand", self.scores_thresh) keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks ] else: masks = None if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.SEGMENTATION and self.metadata.get( "thing_colors"): colors = [ self._jitter([x / 255 for x in self.metadata.thing_colors[c]]) for c in classes ] alpha = 0.8 else: colors = None alpha = 0.5 if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: self.output.img = self._create_grayscale_image(( predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0 ).numpy() if predictions.has("pred_masks") else None) alpha = 0.3 self.overlay_instances( masks=masks, boxes=None, labels=labels, keypoints=keypoints, assigned_colors=dis_colors, alpha=alpha, ) return self.output
def draw_instance_predictions(self, predictions): """ Draw instance-level prediction results on an image. Args: predictions (Instances): the output of an instance detection/segmentation model. Following fields will be used to draw: "pred_boxes", "pred_classes", "scores", "pred_masks" (or "pred_masks_rle"). Returns: output (VisImage): image object with visualizations. """ #boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has("pred_boxes") else None boxes = None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None #labels = _create_text_labels(classes, scores, self.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) labels = None keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks ] else: masks = None colors = [] alpha = 0.8 for c in classes: color = (0, 1, 1, 1) #Green if c == 0: color = (1, 1, 0, 1) #Yellow Line if c == 1: color = (0.8, 0.8, 1, 1) #White Line if c == 4: color = (1, 0, 0, 1) #Red line if c == 2: color = (0, 1, 0, 1) #Obstacle colors.append(color) if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: self.output.img = self._create_grayscale_image(( predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0 ).numpy() if predictions.has("pred_masks") else None) alpha = 0.3 self.overlay_instances( masks=masks, boxes=boxes, labels=labels, keypoints=keypoints, assigned_colors=colors, alpha=alpha, ) return self.output
def predict_image(im): cfg = get_cfg() # add project-specific config (e.g., TensorMask) here if you're not # running a model in detectron2's core library cfg.merge_from_file( model_zoo.get_config_file( "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml")) cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.5 # set threshold for this model # Find a model from detectron2's model zoo. You can # use the https://dl.fbaipublicfiles... url as well cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url( "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml") predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg) outputs = predictor(im) ''' look at the outputs. See for specification ''' print(outputs["instances"].pred_classes) print(outputs["instances"].pred_boxes) # We can use `Visualizer` to draw the predictions on the image. ''' v = Visualizer(im[:, :, ::-1], MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]), scale=1.2) ''' v = Visualizer(np.zeros_like(im), MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]), scale=1.0) im_mask = np.zeros_like(im, np.uint8) if outputs["instances"].has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(outputs["instances"].to("cpu").pred_masks) value_statis(masks, 'massk1') print('masks1: {}'.format(type(masks))) for idx_i in range(masks.shape[0]): im_mask[masks[idx_i, :, :]] = idx_i * 2 + 10 masks = [ GenericMask(x, v.output.height, v.output.width) for x in masks ] print('masks2: {}'.format(type(masks))) num_instance = len(v._convert_masks(masks)) print(' -> num_instances: {}'.format(num_instance)) out = v.overlay_instances(masks=masks) else: out = v.draw_instance_predictions(outputs["instances"].to("cpu")) value_statis(out.get_image(), 'out.get_image()') value_statis(im_mask, 'im_mask') # return out.get_image() return im_mask
def draw_instance_predictions(self, predictions, track_ids): """ Draw instance-level prediction results on an image. Args: predictions (Instances): the output of an instance detection/segmentation model. Following fields will be used to draw: "pred_boxes", "pred_classes", "scores", "pred_masks" (or "pred_masks_rle"). Returns: output (VisImage): image object with visualizations. """ boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None labels = _create_text_labels(classes, scores, self.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks ] else: masks = None # set the color according to the track ids colors = [cm.tab20(id_) for id_ in track_ids] alpha = 0.6 labels = [ f'Track {id_} {label}' for label, id_ in zip(labels, track_ids) ] # increase font size if self._default_font_size < 20: self._default_font_size *= 1.3 if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: assert predictions.has( "pred_masks"), "ColorMode.IMAGE_BW requires segmentations" self.output.img = self._create_grayscale_image( (predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0).numpy()) self.overlay_instances( masks=masks, boxes=boxes, labels=labels, keypoints=keypoints, assigned_colors=colors, alpha=alpha, ) return self.output
def create_annotated_scan(original, mask, output_dir, suffix): original = original.copy() mask = GenericMask(mask, *mask.shape) polygons = [poly.reshape(-1, 2) for poly in mask.polygons] cv2.polylines(original, polygons, isClosed=True, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=3) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{suffix}.jpg'), original) return cv2.imread(os.path.join(output_dir, f'{suffix}.jpg'))
def format_predictions(predictions, height, width): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [GenericMask(mask, height, width) for mask in masks] # boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has("pred_boxes") else [mask.bbox() for mask in masks] classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else [None for _ in masks] areas = [mask.area() for mask in masks] return [(reshape_and_close_poly(mask.polygons[0]), area, cls) for mask, area, cls in zip(masks, classes, areas) if len(mask.polygons) > 0]
def predOneImg(predictor, imgNameFull, annoResName, visRoot, thing_classes, divNum=2, isVis = 0): img = cv2.imread(imgNameFull) hImg, wImg = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] stepH, stepW = int(hImg/divNum), int(wImg/divNum) imgName = str.split(imgNameFull, '/')[-1] resDict = {'filename':imgName, 'labels':[]} for ii in range(len(thing_classes)): resDict['labels'].append({'name':thing_classes[ii], 'annotations':[]}) if isVis == 1: vPoly = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE_BW ) segmentCount = 0 for ii in range(divNum): startH = ii * stepH endH = hImg if ii == divNum - 1 else stepH*(ii + 1) -1 for jj in range(divNum): print(ii, jj) startW = jj * stepW endW = wImg if jj == divNum - 1 else stepW * (jj + 1) -1 tmpImg = img[startH:endH+1, startW:endW+1, :] outputs = predictor(tmpImg) res = outputs["instances"].to("cpu") height = res.image_size[0] width = res.image_size[1] masks = [GenericMask(x.numpy(), height, width).mask_to_polygons(x.numpy()) for x in res.pred_masks] # masks1 = [x[0][0].reshape(-1, 2)+[startW, startH] for x in masks] labels = [int(x.numpy()) for x in res.pred_classes] colorMaps = [[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [1.0, 0.3, .5]] for ll in range(len(labels)): tmpLabel = thing_classes[labels[ll]] if len(masks[ll][0]) == 0: continue tmpsegmentNP = masks[ll][0][0].reshape(-1, 2)+[startW, startH] tmpsegmentRDP = rdp(tmpsegmentNP, epsilon=6) tmpsegment = tmpsegmentRDP.reshape(-1, 1).squeeze().tolist() tmpInst = {'id':segmentCount, 'segmentation':tmpsegment} for cc in range(len(resDict['labels'])): if resDict['labels'][cc]['name'] == tmpLabel: resDict['labels'][cc]['annotations'].append(tmpInst) if isVis == 1: vPoly.output = vPoly.draw_polygon(tmpsegmentRDP, colorMaps[cc], alpha=0.3) # plt.imshow(vPoly.output.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]) # segmentCount += 1 with open(annoResName, 'w') as fp: json.dump(resDict, fp) if isVis == 1: picName = os.path.join(visRoot, imgName) plt.imsave(picName, vPoly.output.get_image()[:, :, ::-1])
def unwrap(predictions, imageShape): boxes = predictions.pred_boxes.tensor.numpy() if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores.numpy() if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes.numpy() if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, imageShape[0], imageShape[1]).mask for x in masks ] else: masks = None return boxes, masks, scores, classes
def to_polygons(predictions): if type(predictions) == np.ndarray: masks = [ GenericMask(predictions, predictions.shape[0], predictions.shape[1]) ] else: boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None if not predictions.has('pred_masks'): return None masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [GenericMask(x, x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) for x in masks] polygons = [ poly.reshape(-1, 2) for mask in masks for poly in mask.polygons ] return polygons
def extract_predictions(predictions): if not predictions.has('pred_masks'): return None, None masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) if masks.shape[0] == 0: return None, None mask = np.zeros_like(masks[0, :, :]) for m in masks: mask |= m masks = [GenericMask(m, m.shape[0], m.shape[1]) for m in masks] polygons = [ poly.reshape(-1, 2) for mask in masks for poly in mask.polygons ] return polygons, mask
def get_labeled_seg(predictions, score_threshold, vis, assigned_colors=None, paper_img=False): boxes = predictions.pred_boxes scores = predictions.scores classes = predictions.pred_classes chosen = (scores > score_threshold).nonzero()[0] boxes = boxes[chosen] scores = scores[chosen] classes = classes[chosen] # labels = list(range(len(predictions))) labels = [f"{idx}: {score:.2f}" for idx, score in enumerate(scores)] masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, vis.output.height, vis.output.width) for x in masks ] alpha = 0.5 if vis._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: vis.output.img = vis._create_grayscale_image( (predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0).numpy()) alpha = 0.3 if paper_img: boxes = None labels = None vis.overlay_instances( masks=masks, assigned_colors=assigned_colors, boxes=boxes, labels=labels, alpha=alpha, ) seg_pred = vis.output.get_image() return seg_pred
def draw_instance_predictions(self, predictions): """ :param predictions: :return: Besides the functions of its mother class method, this method deals with extreme points. """ ext_points = predictions.ext_points if predictions.has( "ext_points") else None pred_polys = predictions.pred_polys if predictions.has( "pred_polys") else None if False: return super().draw_instance_predictions(predictions) else: boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None labels = _create_text_labels( classes, scores, self.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks ] else: if predictions.has("pred_polys"): output_height = predictions.image_size[0] output_width = predictions.image_size[1] pred_masks = get_polygon_rles( predictions.pred_polys.flatten(), (output_height, output_width)) masks = np.asarray(pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks ] else: masks = None path = predictions.pred_path.numpy() if predictions.has( "pred_path") else None if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.SEGMENTATION and self.metadata.get( "thing_colors"): colors = [ self._jitter( [x / 255 for x in self.metadata.thing_colors[c]]) for c in classes ] alpha = 0.8 else: colors = None alpha = 0.5 if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: assert predictions.has( "pred_masks"), "ColorMode.IMAGE_BW requires segmentations" self.output.img = self._create_grayscale_image( (predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0).numpy()) alpha = 0.3 self.overlay_instances( masks=masks, boxes=boxes, labels=labels, ext_points=ext_points, path=path, keypoints=keypoints, assigned_colors=colors, alpha=alpha, ) return self.output
def run_on_image(self, image, debug): """ Args: image (np.ndarray): an image of shape (H, W, C) (in BGR order). This is the format used by OpenCV. Returns: predictions (dict): the output of the model. vis_output (VisImage): the visualized image output. """ vis_output = None obj = None predictions = self.predictor(image.astype(np.uint8)) # Convert image from OpenCV BGR format to Matplotlib RGB format. image = image[:, :, ::-1] visualizer = Visualizer(image, self.metadata, instance_mode=self.instance_mode) if "panoptic_seg" in predictions: panoptic_seg, segments_info = predictions["panoptic_seg"] vis_output = visualizer.draw_panoptic_seg_predictions(, segments_info) if debug: print('in panoptic_seg') else: if "sem_seg" in predictions: vis_output = visualizer.draw_sem_seg( predictions["sem_seg"].argmax(dim=0).to(self.cpu_device)) if debug: print("in sem_seg") if "instances" in predictions: instances = predictions["instances"].to(self.cpu_device) if debug: vis_output = visualizer.draw_instance_predictions( predictions=instances) print('in instances') #if output is json, debug is false if not debug: boxes = instances.pred_boxes.tensor.numpy( ) if instances.has("pred_boxes") else None scores = instances.scores if instances.has( 'scores') else None classes = instances.pred_classes if instances.has( "pred_classes") else None labels = _create_text_labels( classes, scores, visualizer.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) keypoints = instances.pred_keypoints if instances.has( "pred_keypoints") else None if instances.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(instances.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, visualizer.output.height, visualizer.output.width) for x in masks ] else: masks = None obj = {} for i, _ in enumerate(labels): tmp = {} split = labels[i].split() tmp['class'] = split[0] tmp['score'] = scores[i].item() tmp['box'] = {} tmp['box']['left-up'] = [ boxes[i][0].item(), boxes[i][1].item() ] tmp['box']['right-down'] = [ boxes[i][2].item(), boxes[i][3].item() ] tmp['polygons'] = {} if masks is not None: for idx, segment in enumerate(masks[i].polygons): tmp['polygons'][idx] = segment.reshape( -1, 2).tolist() obj[i] = tmp return predictions, vis_output, obj
def main(args): # # register dataset # register_coco_instances(name="cause_brain_2019_train", metadata={}, # json_file="./datasets/coco/annotations/instances_train2019.json", # image_root="./datasets/coco/train2019") # # register_coco_instances(name="cause_brain_2019_val", metadata={}, # json_file="./datasets/coco/annotations/instances_valid2019.json", # image_root="./datasets/coco/valid2019") # # register_coco_instances(name="cause_brain_2019_test", metadata={}, # json_file="./datasets/coco/annotations/instances_test2019.json", # image_root="./datasets/coco/test2019") cfg = setup(args, eval=True) # os.makedirs(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) # evaluate trained model if not args.masks_only: os.makedirs(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "inference"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "masks"), exist_ok=True) # # COCO OUTPUT: # # # setup trainer and evaluate # trainer = DefaultTrainer(cfg) # evaluator = COCOEvaluator(dataset_name="balloon_val", cfg=cfg, distributed=False, output_dir="./output/") # val_loader = build_detection_test_loader(cfg, "balloon_val") # print(inference_on_dataset(trainer.model, val_loader, evaluator)) # # another equivalent way is to use trainer.test # MASK OUTPUT: predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg) # dataset_dicts = DatasetCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TEST[0]) metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TEST[0]) class_names = metadata.get("thing_classes", None) for filename in get_paths(args.input): basename = os.path.basename(filename) #"Loading: " + filename) im = cv2.imread(filename) outputs = predictor(im) if len(outputs['instances']) > 0: if len(outputs['instances']) > 0: instances = outputs["instances"].to("cpu") scores = instances.scores"Scores" + str(scores)) classes = instances.pred_classes.numpy() # labels = _create_text_labels(classes, scores, metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) labels = [class_names[i] for i in classes] #"MASKS {}".format(instances.pred_masks)) try: masks = np.asarray(instances.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, im.shape[0], im.shape[1]) for x in masks ] # print(filename) # print("Masks") # print(labels) for i in range(len(masks)): name, ext = tuple(os.path.splitext(basename)) output_filename = name + "_" + labels[i] + ext output_path = os.path.join( cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "" if args.masks_only else "masks", output_filename) draw_polygons(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], masks[i].polygons, output_path) # for segment in masks[i].polygons: # print(i, segment.reshape(-1, 2).shape, labels[i]) if not args.masks_only: vis = Visualizer( im[:, :, ::-1], metadata=metadata, scale=2.0, ) vis = vis.draw_instance_predictions( outputs["instances"].to("cpu")) os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "inference", basename)) except AttributeError: logger.error("No segmentation exists!") else:'No Instances found!')
def main(dataRoot, testDir, annoRoot, taskName): testFunc = createDataFunc(testDir, annoRoot) DatasetCatalog.register("TestSetBatch", testFunc) MetadataCatalog.get('TestSetBatch').set( thing_classes=['Houses', 'Buildings', 'Sheds/Garages']) visRoot = os.path.join(dataRoot, 'visRes') predVisRoot = os.path.join(visRoot, 'predRes') predPlVisRoot = os.path.join(visRoot, 'predPolyRes') predMkVisRoot = os.path.join(visRoot, 'predMaskRes') if not os.path.exists(visRoot): os.mkdir(visRoot) if not os.path.exists(predVisRoot): os.mkdir(predVisRoot) if not os.path.exists(predPlVisRoot): os.mkdir(predPlVisRoot) if not os.path.exists(predMkVisRoot): os.mkdir(predMkVisRoot) cfg = get_cfg() cfg.merge_from_file( "Cfg/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml") cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN = ("TrainSetBatch", ) cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS = 24 cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.BATCH_SIZE_PER_IMAGE = 512 cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.NUM_CLASSES = 3 cfg.OUTPUT_DIR = './' + taskName + '_output' cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "model_final.pth") cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.5 #测试的阈值 predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg) import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from detectron2.utils.visualizer import Visualizer, ColorMode, GenericMask dataset_dicts = testFunc() meta_dicts = MetadataCatalog.get('TestSetBatch') from rdp import rdp for ii in range(0, len(dataset_dicts)): img = cv2.imread(dataset_dicts[ii]["file_name"]) vPred = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], metadata=meta_dicts, scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE_BW) vPoly = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], metadata=meta_dicts, scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE_BW) vMask = Visualizer(img[:, :, ::-1], metadata=meta_dicts, scale=1.0, instance_mode=ColorMode.IMAGE_BW) outputs = predictor(img) res = outputs["instances"].to("cpu") vPred.output = vPred.draw_instance_predictions(res) picName = str.split(dataset_dicts[ii]["file_name"], '/')[-1] picName = os.path.join(predVisRoot, picName) plt.imsave(picName, vPred.output.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]) height = res.image_size[0] width = res.image_size[1] masks = [ GenericMask(x.numpy(), height, width).mask_to_polygons(x.numpy()) for x in res.pred_masks ] masksBin = [ GenericMask(x.numpy(), height, width).mask for x in res.pred_masks ] labels = [int(x.numpy()) for x in res.pred_classes] count = 0 colorMaps = [[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [1.0, 0.3, .5]] for mask in masks: colorIn = colorMaps[labels[count]] maskRaw = mask[0][0].reshape(-1, 2) maskSim = rdp(maskRaw, epsilon=6) vPoly.output = vPoly.draw_polygon(maskSim, colorIn, alpha=0.3) vMask.output = vMask.draw_binary_mask(masksBin[count], colorIn, alpha=0.3) count += 1 picName = str.split(dataset_dicts[ii]["file_name"], '/')[-1] picName = os.path.join(predPlVisRoot, picName) plt.imsave(picName, vPoly.output.get_image()[:, :, ::-1]) picName = str.split(dataset_dicts[ii]["file_name"], '/')[-1] picName = os.path.join(predMkVisRoot, picName) plt.imsave(picName, vMask.output.get_image()[:, :, ::-1])
def draw_instance_predictions(self, predictions, category=None): """ Draw instance-level prediction results on an image. Args: predictions (Instances): the output of an instance detection/segmentation model. Following fields will be used to draw: "pred_boxes", "pred_classes", "scores", "pred_masks" (or "pred_masks_rle"). category: the integer category for the desired annotation to display as a list or None if all of them Returns: output (VisImage): image object with visualizations. """ # start additional code if category == None: boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has("scores") else None classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None labels = self._create_text_labels( classes, scores, self.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None else: all_boxes = predictions.pred_boxes if predictions.has( "pred_boxes") else None all_scores = predictions.scores if predictions.has( "scores") else None all_classes = predictions.pred_classes if predictions.has( "pred_classes") else None all_labels = self._create_text_labels( all_classes, all_scores, self.metadata.get("thing_classes", None)) all_keypoints = predictions.pred_keypoints if predictions.has( "pred_keypoints") else None boxes = [] if all_boxes != None else None scores = [] if all_scores != None else None classes = [] if all_classes != None else None labels = [] if all_labels != None else None keypoints = [] if all_keypoints != None else None for c in category: for i in range(0, len(all_classes)): if all_classes[i] == c: classes.append(all_classes[i]) if all_boxes != None: boxes.append(all_boxes[i]) if all_scores != None: scores.append(all_scores[i]) if all_labels != None: labels.append(all_labels[i]) if all_keypoints != None: keypoints.append(all_keypoints[i]) if boxes != None and len(boxes) > 0: boxes = Boxes([b.tensor for b in boxes], dim=0)) if scores != None and len(scores) > 0: scores = torch.stack(scores) if classes != None and len(classes) > 0: classes = torch.stack(classes) # end additional code # removed alpha from here and put it as fixed value if predictions.has("pred_masks"): masks = np.asarray(predictions.pred_masks) masks = [ GenericMask(x, self.output.height, self.output.width) for x in masks ] else: masks = None if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.SEGMENTATION and self.metadata.get( "thing_colors"): colors = [ self._jitter([x / 255 for x in self.metadata.thing_colors[c]]) for c in classes ] else: colors = None if self._instance_mode == ColorMode.IMAGE_BW: self.output.img = self._create_grayscale_image( (predictions.pred_masks.any(dim=0) > 0).numpy()) self.overlay_instances(labels=labels, boxes=boxes, masks=masks, keypoints=keypoints, assigned_colors=colors, alpha=1) return self.output
def iou_metrics(det_masks: List[np.ndarray], gt_masks: List[np.ndarray], tp_threshold=0.5, det_bboxes=None, gt_bboxes=None): """ iou metric in one frame :param dets: :param gts: :param tp_threshold: :return: """ FNs = [] FPs = [] TPs = [] # create iou mapping. only above threshold objects are recorded iou_map = {} # [i_det][i_gt]=iou iou_rev_map = {} # [i_gt][i_det]=iou # create bboxes if bboxes are not provided if gt_bboxes is None: gt_bboxes = [GenericMask(m, *m.shape).bbox() for m in gt_masks] if det_bboxes is None: det_bboxes = [GenericMask(m, *m.shape).bbox() for m in det_masks] for i_gt, i_det in product(range(len(gt_masks)), range(len(det_masks))): gt_mask = gt_masks[i_gt] det_mask = det_masks[i_det] gt_bbox = gt_bboxes[i_gt] det_bbox = det_bboxes[i_det] # use bbox to determine if iou should be calculated if bbox_iou(gt_bbox, det_bbox) < tp_threshold: continue iou_value = compute_iou(gt_mask, det_mask) if iou_value >= tp_threshold: iou_map.setdefault(i_det, {})[i_gt] = iou_value iou_rev_map.setdefault(i_gt, {})[i_det] = iou_value for i_gt, _ in enumerate(gt_masks): # False Negative: gt no det if i_gt not in iou_rev_map: FNs.append(i_gt) else: dets_of_gt: dict = iou_rev_map[i_gt] if len(dets_of_gt) == 1: # single TP TPs.append((list(dets_of_gt.keys())[0], i_gt)) else: # multiple det on same GT dets_sorted = sorted(dets_of_gt.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) TPs.append((dets_sorted[0][0], i_gt)) for det_lower_iou, _ in enumerate(dets_sorted[1:]): FPs.append(det_lower_iou) for i_det, _ in enumerate(det_masks): # False Positive: det no gt if i_det not in iou_map: FPs.append(i_det) tp_ious = [iou_map[tp[0]][tp[1]] for tp in TPs] # precision: precision_ious = [0] * len(FPs) + tp_ious precision = np.mean(precision_ious) # recall: common_recall_ious = [0] * len(FNs) + [ 1 if x > tp_threshold else 0 for x in tp_ious ] common_recall = np.mean(common_recall_ious) recall_ious = [0] * len(FNs) + tp_ious recall = np.mean(recall_ious) return { "FPs": FPs, "TPs": TPs, "FNs": FNs, "iou_map": iou_map, "iou_rev_map": iou_rev_map, "precision": precision, "recall": recall, "common_recall": common_recall, "precision_ious": precision_ious, "recall_ious": recall_ious, "common_recall_ious": common_recall_ious, }