Пример #1
    def test_apply_patch_foo_short_none_compression(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/short-none.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Early end of patch data.")
Пример #2
    def test_apply_patch_foo_short(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/short.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "End of patch not found.")
Пример #3
    def test_apply_patch_foo_bad_patch_type(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/bad-patch-type.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Bad patch type 7.")
Пример #4
    def test_apply_patch_short_to_size(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/short-to-size.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                                 "Failed to read consecutive size byte.")
Пример #5
    def test_apply_patch_one_byte(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/one-byte.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                                 "Failed to read first size byte.")
Пример #6
    def test_apply_patch_foo_long(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/bad-lzma-end.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                                 "Patch decompression failed.")
Пример #7
    def test_apply_patch_foo_empty(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/empty.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                                 "Failed to read the patch header.")
Пример #8
    def test_apply_patch_foo_extra_data_too_long(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/extra-data-too-long.patch',
                      'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                                 "Patch extra data too long.")
Пример #9
    def test_apply_patch_foo_bad_compression(self):
        fnew = BytesIO()

        with open('tests/files/foo/old', 'rb') as fold:
            with open('tests/files/foo/bad-compression.patch', 'rb') as fpatch:
                with self.assertRaises(detools.Error) as cm:
                    detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

                    "Expected compression none(0), lzma(1), crle(2), bz2(3), "
                    "heatshrink(4), zstd(5) or lz4(6), but got 15.")
Пример #10
    def assert_apply_patch(self, from_filename, to_filename, patch_filename,
        patch_type = kwargs.get('patch_type', 'sequential')

        if patch_type in ['sequential', 'hdiffpatch']:
            fto = BytesIO()

            with open(from_filename, 'rb') as ffrom:
                with open(patch_filename, 'rb') as fpatch:
                    to_size = detools.apply_patch(ffrom, fpatch, fto)

            actual = fto.getvalue()
        elif patch_type == 'in-place':
            memory_size = kwargs['memory_size']

            with open(from_filename, 'rb') as ffrom:
                data = ffrom.read()

            data += (memory_size - len(data)) * b'\xff'
            fmem = BytesIO(data)

            with open(patch_filename, 'rb') as fpatch:
                to_size = detools.apply_patch_in_place(fmem, fpatch)

            actual = fmem.getvalue()[:to_size]
        elif patch_type == 'bsdiff':
            fto = BytesIO()

            with open(from_filename, 'rb') as ffrom:
                with open(patch_filename, 'rb') as fpatch:
                    to_size = detools.apply_patch_bsdiff(ffrom, fpatch, fto)

            actual = fto.getvalue()
            raise Exception(patch_type)

        with open(to_filename, 'rb') as fto:
            expected = fto.read()

        # open('actual-to.bin', 'wb').write(actual)

        self.assertEqual(to_size, len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Пример #11
    def assert_apply_patch(self, from_filename, to_filename, patch_filename,
        patch_type = kwargs.get('patch_type', 'normal')

        if patch_type == 'normal':
            fnew = BytesIO()

            with open(from_filename, 'rb') as fold:
                with open(patch_filename, 'rb') as fpatch:
                    to_size = detools.apply_patch(fold, fpatch, fnew)

            actual = fnew.getvalue()
        elif patch_type == 'in-place':
            memory_size = kwargs['memory_size']

            with open(from_filename, 'rb') as fold:
                data = fold.read()

            data += (memory_size - len(data)) * b'\xff'
            fmem = BytesIO(data)

            with open(patch_filename, 'rb') as fpatch:
                to_size = detools.apply_patch_in_place(fmem, fpatch)

            actual = fmem.getvalue()[:to_size]
        elif patch_type == 'bsdiff':
            fnew = BytesIO()

            with open(from_filename, 'rb') as fold:
                with open(patch_filename, 'rb') as fpatch:
                    to_size = detools.apply_patch_bsdiff(fold, fpatch, fnew)

            actual = fnew.getvalue()
            raise Exception(patch_type)

        with open(to_filename, 'rb') as fnew:
            expected = fnew.read()

        # open('actual-to.bin', 'wb').write(actual)

        self.assertEqual(to_size, len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)