def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):
        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
        light_mv, temperature_mv, current_mv = \
            map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))
        light = round(light_mv,0)
        if light < 0:
            # clamp to be zero or higher
            light = 0

        power_state = self.property_get("power_on").value

        # TODO: CRA Max could you remove this offset code?  Change to clip at 0.
        if not power_state:
            self.offset = current_mv * (157.0 /47.0)
            if self.offset >= 600.0: ## Probably a current spike from flipping the power relay
                self.offset = 520.0

        current = round(
                    (current_mv * (157.0 / 47.0) - self.offset) / 180.0 * 0.7071,

        pf_adj = self.get_power_factor()
        # compute powerfactor adjusted current
        if 1.0 >= pf_adj and 0.0 <= pf_adj:
            current *= pf_adj

        if current <= 0.05:
            # Clip the noise at the bottom of this sensor:
            current = 0.0
        temperature = (temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0
        # self-heating correction
        temperature = (temperature - 4.0) - (0.017*current**2 + 0.631*current)
        temperature = round(temperature, 2)

        # Update channels:
        self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))
        self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, temperature, "C"))
        self.property_set("current", Sample(0, current, "A"))

        # check the realtime clock and compare to the last power_on_time
        # turn off if the idle_off_setting has been met or exceeded
        idle_off_setting = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "idle_off_seconds")
        if (power_state and idle_off_setting > 0):
            if ((time.time() - self.__power_on_time)  >= idle_off_setting):
                power_on_state_bool = self.property_get("power_on")
                power_on_state_bool.value = False
    def _sample_indication(self, buf, addr):
            Receive and parse an I/O sample

        self.__tracer.debug('Sample indication')
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
        light_mv, temperature_mv = \
            map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2"))
        light = round(light_mv)
        temperature = round((temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0 - 4.0, 2)

        # Update channels:
        self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))
        self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, temperature, "C"))
Пример #3
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):
        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
       # upbutton_mv, onbutton_mv, downbutton_mv = \
           # map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD0", "AD1", "AD2"))

 # Calculate sensor channel values:
        if io_sample.has_key("AD1") and io_sample.has_key("AD2") and io_sample.has_key("AD3"):
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))
            up = round(light_mv, 2)
            on = round(temperature_mv, 2)
            down = round(humidity_mv, 2)
        power_state = self.property_get("power_on").value

        # Update channels:
        self.property_set("up", Sample(0, up, "mv"))
        self.property_set("on", Sample(0, on, "mv"))
        self.property_set("down", Sample(0, down, "mv")) 
                        # wire up any inputs
        input_source = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'input_source')
        cm = self.__core.get_service("channel_manager")
        cp = cm.channel_publisher_get()
        cdb = cm.channel_database_get()
 #       cp.subscribe(input_source, self.prop_set_input)

 #       try:
#        source_name = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'input_source')
        source_name = self.property_get("user_input_1").value
        if( source_name != None):
                source_chan = cdb.channel_get( source_name)
                # pre-load the starting value, which won't be published to us
                self.my_input = source_chan.get().value
   #             self.property_set("adder_reg2", Sample(0, my_input))
                self.property_set("utemp", Sample(0, self.my_input, "F"))               
Пример #4
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):
        msg = []

        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)
        # Calculate sensor channel values:
        if io_sample.has_key("AD1") and io_sample.has_key("AD2") and io_sample.has_key("AD3"):
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))

            # handle temperature - first as celsius
            scale = "C"
            temperature = (temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0
            if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "sleep"):
                # self-heating correction if running full-time - reduce 2 DegC
                temperature -= 2.0
            temperature = round(temperature, 2)
            self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, temperature, scale))
            msg.append( "%d %s" % (temperature, scale))
            # handle the light value
            light = round(light_mv,0)
            if light < 0:
                # clamp to be zero or higher
                light = 0
            self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))            
            msg.append( ", %d brightness" % light)
            # handle humidity - might be missing
            if self.property_exists("humidity"):
                humidity = ((humidity_mv * 108.2 / 33.2) / 5000.0 - 0.16) / 0.0062
                if humidity < 0.0:
                    # clamp to min of 0%
                    humidity = 0.0
                elif humidity > 100.0:
                    # clamp to be max of 100%
                    humidity = 100.0
                self.property_set("humidity", Sample(0, humidity, "%"))               
                msg.append( ", %d RH%%" % humidity)
            else: # it remains the original default
                humidity = 0

        # Low battery check (attached to DIO11/P1):
        # Invert the signal it is actually not_low_battery:
        if io_sample.has_key("DIO11"):
            low_battery = not bool(io_sample["DIO11"])
            if low_battery != bool(self.property_get("low_battery").value):
                self.property_set("low_battery", Sample(0, low_battery))
            if low_battery:
                msg.append( ", low_battery")
                # try to keep memory use from dragging out
        del msg
Пример #5
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):
        # if we haven't gotten initial state yet, ask for it
        if self.property_get('power_on').value == UNKNOWN_POWER_STATE:
            if not self._set_initial_power_state():
                self.__tracer.warning('Power state unknown, ignoring '
                                      'sample indication.')
        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
        light_mv, temperature_mv, current_mv = \
            map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]),
                ('AD1', 'AD2', 'AD3'))
        light = round(light_mv, 0)
        if light < 0:
            # clamp to be zero or higher
            light = 0

        power_state = Boolean(self.property_get("power_on").value)

        # TODO: CRA Max could you remove this offset code?  Change to
        # clip at 0.
        if not power_state:
            self.offset = current_mv * (157.0 / 47.0)
            if self.offset >= 600.0:
                # Probably a current spike from flipping the power relay
                self.offset = 520.0

        current = round((current_mv * (157.0 / 47.0) - self.offset) \
                        / 180.0 * 0.7071, 3)

        pf_adj = self.get_power_factor()
        # compute powerfactor adjusted current
        if 1.0 >= pf_adj and 0.0 <= pf_adj:
            current *= pf_adj

        if current <= 0.05:
            # Clip the noise at the bottom of this sensor:
            current = 0.0
        temperature = (temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0
        # self-heating correction
        temperature = (temperature - 4.0) - \
                      (0.017 * current ** 2 + 0.631 * current)
        temperature = round(temperature, 2)

        # Update channels:
        self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))
        self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, temperature, "C"))
        self.property_set("current", Sample(0, current, "A"))

        self.__tracer.debug('Power:%r light:%d %0.1fC %0.2fA',
                power_state, light, temperature, current)

        # check the realtime clock and compare to the last power_on_time
        # turn off if the idle_off_setting has been met or exceeded
        idle_off_setting = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "idle_off_seconds")
        if (power_state and idle_off_setting > 0):
            if ((digitime.time() - self.__power_on_time) \
                >= idle_off_setting):
                power_on_state_bool = self.property_get("power_on")
                power_on_state_bool.value = False
                self.__tracer.debug('Idle Off True')
Пример #6
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):

        # check if we want to scroll a trace line or not
        do_trace = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "trace")
        if do_trace:
            msg = ['XBeeSensor(%s): ' % self.__name]

        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)
        # Calculate sensor channel values:
        if io_sample.has_key("AD1") and io_sample.has_key("AD2") and io_sample.has_key("AD3"):
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))

            # handle temperature - first as celsius
            scale = "F"
            temperature = temperature_mv
            if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "sleep"):
                # self-heating correction if running full-time - reduce 2 DegC
                temperature -= .001
            temperature = round(temperature, 2)
            #self.property_set("motion", Sample(0, temperature, scale))
            #if do_trace:
            #    msg.append( "%d %s" % (temperature, scale))
            # handle the light value
            light = round((light_mv / 10), 2)
            if light < 0:
                # clamp to be zero or higher
                light = 0
            self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, light, "F"))
           # if do_trace:
            #    msg.append( ", %d brightness" % light)
            # handle humidity - might be missing
            if self.property_exists("humidity"):
                humidity = ((humidity_mv * 108.2 / 33.2) / 5000.0 - 0.16) / 0.0062
                if humidity < 0.0:
                    # clamp to min of 0%
                    humidity = 0.0
                elif humidity > 100.0:
                    # clamp to be max of 100%
                    humidity = 100.0
                self.property_set("humidity", Sample(0, humidity, "%"))
                if do_trace:
                    msg.append( ", %d RH%%" % humidity)
            else: # it remains the original default
                humidity = 0
        activate = self.property_get("power_on").value

        # Low battery check (attached to DIO11/P1):
        # Invert the signal it is actually not_low_battery:
        if io_sample.has_key("DIO2") and activate:
            low_battery = not bool(io_sample["DIO2"])
            if low_battery != bool(self.property_get("low_battery").value):
                self.property_set("low_battery", Sample(0, low_battery))
            if do_trace:
                if low_battery:
                    msg.append( ", low_battery")
                # try to keep memory use from dragging out
                msg = "".join( msg)
                print msg
                del msg

        temp = self.property_get("temperature").value
        SettingsBase.set_pending_setting(self, 'temp', temp)
        motion = self.property_get("low_battery").value
        if activate and motion:
            Sample(0, Boolean(True, style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
            Sample(0, Boolean(False, style=STYLE_ONOFF)))

Пример #7
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):

                                # wire up any inputs
 #      input_source = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'input_source')
        cm = self.__core.get_service("channel_manager")
        cp = cm.channel_publisher_get()
        cdb = cm.channel_database_get()
 #       cp.subscribe(input_source, self.prop_set_input)

 #       try:
#        source_name = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, 'input_source')
        source_name = self.property_get("user_input_1").value
        if( source_name != None):
            source_chan = cdb.channel_get( source_name)
                # pre-load the starting value, which won't be published to us
            self.my_input = source_chan.get().value
   #             self.property_set("adder_reg2", Sample(0, my_input))
            self.property_set("driving_temp", Sample(0, self.my_input, "F"))              
#                self.property_set("input", Sample(0, self.my_input))      
         #       cp.subscribe(source_name, self.update_power_state1)
 #               cp.subscribe( source_name, self.prop_set_input )      

                #    self.property_set("2_high", Sample(0, 1.0))
        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
       # upbutton_mv, onbutton_mv, downbutton_mv = \
           # map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD0", "AD1", "AD2"))


        if io_sample.has_key("AD0") and io_sample.has_key("AD1") and io_sample.has_key("AD2"):
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD0", "AD1", "AD2"))
        up = (round(temperature_mv, 2)) / 10
        red_light = round(light_mv) 
           # on = round(temperature_mv, 2)
           # down = round(humidity_mv, 2)
 #       power_state = self.property_get("power_on").value

        # Update channels:
        self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, up, "F"))
        self.property_set("red_light", Sample(0, red_light, "mv"))
 #       self.property_set("on", Sample(0, on, "mv"))
 #       self.property_set("down", Sample(0, down, "mv"))
        red = self.property_get("red_light").value
        heat = self.property_get("heat").value
        old = self.property_get("switch_to_old").value
        on = self.property_get("heat_ac_on").value
        old_on = self.property_get("old_thermostat_on").value
        if red_light < 100.0 and old_on:
            Sample(0, Boolean(False, style=STYLE_ONOFF))) 
        if red_light > 100.0 and not old_on:
            self.old_thermostat(Sample(0, Boolean("on", STYLE_ONOFF)))        
#        if red_light > 100.0 and not old_on:
 #           self.old_thermostat(Sample(0, Boolean("on", STYLE_ONOFF)))
       #     self.property_set("2_low", Sample(0, 1.0)) 
 #       if red_light < 100 and old:
 #           self.property_set("switch_to_old", Sample(0, Boolean(False, style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
 #           self.property_set("old_thermostat_on", Sample(0, Boolean(False, style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
 #       if red_light < 100 and old_on:
 #           self.property_set("switch_to_old", Sample(0, Boolean(False, style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
 #           self.property_set("old_thermostat_on", Sample(0, Boolean(False, style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
        driving = self.property_get("driving_temp").value
        des_temp = self.property_get("desired_temp").value    
        ac = self.property_get("AC").value

        temp_plus = des_temp + 0.5
        temp_minus = des_temp - 0.5
        if heat and on and driving > temp_plus:
                    self.prop_set_power_control2_low(Sample(0, Boolean("on", STYLE_ONOFF)))
                    self.prop_set_power_control2_low(Sample(0, Boolean("off", STYLE_ONOFF)))
       #     self.property_set("2_low", Sample(0, 1.0)) 
        if heat and not on and driving < temp_minus:
                    self.prop_set_power_control2_high(Sample(0, Boolean("on", STYLE_ONOFF)))
                    self.prop_set_power_control2_high(Sample(0, Boolean("off", STYLE_ONOFF)))
        if ac and not on and driving > temp_plus:
                     self.prop_set_power_control2_high(Sample(0, Boolean("on", STYLE_ONOFF)))
                     self.prop_set_power_control2_high(Sample(0, Boolean("off", STYLE_ONOFF)))
        #    self.property_set("2_low", Sample(0, 1.0)) 
        if ac and on and driving < temp_minus:
                    self.prop_set_power_control2_low(Sample(0, Boolean("on", STYLE_ONOFF)))
                    self.prop_set_power_control2_low(Sample(0, Boolean("off", STYLE_ONOFF)))
         #   self.property_set("2_high", Sample(0, 1.0))

Пример #8
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):

        # check if we want to scroll a trace line or not
        if self.count == 720:
        if self.count == 720:
            self.count = 0
        if self.count < 722:
            self.count += 1
        do_trace = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "trace")
        if do_trace:
            msg = ['XBeeSensor(%s): ' % self.__name]

        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)
        # Calculate sensor channel values:
        if io_sample.has_key("AD1") and io_sample.has_key("AD2") and io_sample.has_key("AD3"):
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))

            # handle temperature - first as celsius
            scale = self.include_unit
            temperature = (((((temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0) * (1.8) ) + 32) + 2.6)
            if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "sleep"):
                # self-heating correction if running full-time - reduce 2 DegC
                temperature -= 2.0
            temperature = round(temperature, 2)
            self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, temperature, scale))
            if do_trace:
                msg.append( "%d %s" % (temperature, scale))
            # handle the light value
            light = round(light_mv,0)
            if light < 0:
                # clamp to be zero or higher
                light = 0
            self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))
            if do_trace:
                msg.append( ", %d brightness" % light)
            # handle humidity - might be missing
            if self.property_exists("humidity"):
                humidity = ((humidity_mv * 108.2 / 33.2) / 5000.0 - 0.16) / 0.0062
                if humidity < 0.0:
                    # clamp to min of 0%
                    humidity = 0.0
                elif humidity > 100.0:
                    # clamp to be max of 100%
                    humidity = 100.0
                self.property_set("humidity", Sample(0, humidity, "%"))
                if do_trace:
                    msg.append( ", %d RH%%" % humidity)
            else: # it remains the original default
                humidity = 0

        # Low battery check (attached to DIO11/P1):
        # Invert the signal it is actually not_low_battery:
        if io_sample.has_key("DIO11"):
            low_battery = not bool(io_sample["DIO11"])
            if low_battery != bool(self.property_get("low_battery").value):
                self.property_set("low_battery", Sample(0, low_battery))
            if do_trace:
                if low_battery:
                    msg.append( ", low_battery")
                # try to keep memory use from dragging out
                msg = "".join( msg)
                print msg
                del msg

        excl = self.property_get("excl").value
        if excl:
            self.property_set("excl", Sample(0, value=Boolean(bool(0), style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
Пример #9
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):

        # save time of last data, plus we want ALL of the samples to have
        # exact same timestamp (leaving 0 means some may be 1 second newer)
        self._last_timestamp = digitime.time()

            msg = []
            msg = None

        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate sensor channel values:
        if "AD1" in io_sample and "AD2" in io_sample and \
               "AD3" in io_sample:
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]),
                    ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))

            # handle temperature - first as celsius
            scale = "C"
            temperature = (temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0
            if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "sleep"):
                # self-heating correction if running full-time - reduce 2 DegC
                temperature -= 2.0
            temperature = round(temperature, 2)

                Sample(self._last_timestamp, temperature, scale))
            if msg is not None:
                msg.append("%d %s" % (temperature, scale))

            # handle the light value
            light = round(light_mv, 0)
            if light < 0:
                # clamp to be zero or higher
                light = 0
                Sample(self._last_timestamp, light, "brightness"))
            if msg is not None:
                msg.append(", %d brightness" % light)

            # handle humidity - might be missing
            if self.property_exists("humidity"):
                humidity = ((humidity_mv * 108.2 / 33.2) / 5000.0 - 0.16) / \
                if humidity < 0.0:
                    # clamp to min of 0%
                    humidity = 0.0
                elif humidity > 100.0:
                    # clamp to be max of 100%
                    humidity = 100.0
                    Sample(self._last_timestamp, humidity, "%"))
                if msg is not None:
                    # cannot use %% in string, __tracer will misunderstand
                    msg.append(", %d RH" % humidity)

            else:  # it remains the original default
                humidity = 0

        # Low battery check (attached to DIO11/P1):
        # Invert the signal it is actually not_low_battery:
        if "DIO11" in io_sample:
            low_battery = not bool(io_sample["DIO11"])
            if low_battery != bool(self.property_get("low_battery").value):
                    Sample(self._last_timestamp, low_battery))

            if low_battery and msg is not None:
                msg.append(", low_battery")
                # try to keep memory use from dragging out

        if msg is not None:
            del msg

Пример #10
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):


        # save time of last data, plus we want ALL of the samples to have
        # exact same timestamp (leaving 0 means some may be 1 second newer)
        self._last_timestamp = digitime.time()

        # new method for mesh health monitoring

        # if we haven't gotten initial state yet, ask for it
        if self.property_get('power_on').value == UNKNOWN_POWER_STATE:
            if not self._set_initial_power_state():
                self._tracer.warning('Power state unknown, ignoring '
                                     'sample indication.')

        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
        light_mv, temperature_mv, current_mv = \
            map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]),
                ('AD1', 'AD2', 'AD3'))
        light = round(light_mv, 0)
        if light < 0:
            # clamp to be zero or higher
            light = 0

        power_state = Boolean(self.property_get("power_on").value,

        # TODO: CRA Max could you remove this offset code?  Change to
        # clip at 0.
        if not power_state:
            self.offset = current_mv * (157.0 / 47.0)
            if self.offset >= 600.0:
                # Probably a current spike from flipping the power relay
                self.offset = 520.0

        current = round((current_mv * (157.0 / 47.0) - self.offset) \
                        / 180.0 * 0.7071, 3)

        pf_adj = self.get_power_factor()
        # compute powerfactor adjusted current
        if 1.0 >= pf_adj and 0.0 <= pf_adj:
            current *= pf_adj

        if current <= 0.05:
            # Clip the noise at the bottom of this sensor:
            current = 0.0
        temperature = (temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0
        # self-heating correction
        temperature = (temperature - 4.0) - \
                      (0.017 * current ** 2 + 0.631 * current)

        if SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "degf"):
            temperature = (temperature * 1.8) + 32.0
            units = 'F'
            units = 'C'

        temperature = round(temperature, 2)

        # Update channels:
                          Sample(self._last_timestamp, light, "brightness"))
                          Sample(self._last_timestamp, temperature, units))
        self.property_set("current", Sample(self._last_timestamp, current,

        ## Check if sample has information about the power state
        if io_sample.has_key('AD4'):
            ## Define it as a boolean
            compare_state = Boolean(io_sample['AD4'], style=STYLE_ONOFF)

            ## compare to current power_state
            if not compare_state == power_state:
                ## It's different, set the power state to the new value
                self._tracer.warning("Power state was: %s, but now it is: %s" %
                                     (power_state, compare_state))
                self._tracer.warning("Returning power state to: %s" %

                self.prop_set_power_control(Sample(0, str(power_state)))

  'Power:%r light:%d %0.1f%s %0.2fA', power_state,
                              light, temperature, units, current)

        # check the realtime clock and compare to the last power_on_time
        # turn off if the idle_off_setting has been met or exceeded
        idle_off_setting = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "idle_off_seconds")
        if (power_state and idle_off_setting > 0):
            if ((digitime.time() - self.__power_on_time) \
                >= idle_off_setting):
                power_on_state_bool = self.property_get("power_on")
                power_on_state_bool.value = False
                self._tracer.debug('Idle Off True')
Пример #11
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):


        # save time of last data, plus we want ALL of the samples to have
        # exact same timestamp (leaving 0 means some may be 1 second newer)
        self._last_timestamp = digitime.time()

        # new method for mesh health monitoring

            msg = []
            msg = None

        # Parse the I/O sample:
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate sensor channel values:
        if "AD1" in io_sample and "AD2" in io_sample and \
               "AD3" in io_sample:
            light_mv, temperature_mv, humidity_mv = \
                map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]),
                    ("AD1", "AD2", "AD3"))

            # handle temperature - first as celsius
            temperature = (temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0
            if not SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "sleep"):
                # self-heating correction if running full-time - reduce 2 DegC
                temperature -= 2.0

            if SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "degf"):
                temperature = (temperature * 1.8) + 32.0
                units = 'F'
                units = 'C'

            # offset is a simple float value - we don't care if DegC or DegF
            temperature += SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "offset")

            temperature = round(temperature, 2)

                              Sample(self._last_timestamp, temperature, units))
            if msg is not None:
                msg.append("%d %s" % (temperature, units))

            # handle the light value
            light = round(light_mv, 0)
            if light < 0:
                # clamp to be zero or higher
                light = 0
                "light", Sample(self._last_timestamp, light, "brightness"))
            if msg is not None:
                msg.append(", %d brightness" % light)

            # handle humidity - might be missing
            if self.property_exists("humidity"):
                humidity = ((humidity_mv * 108.2 / 33.2) / 5000.0 - 0.16) / \
                if humidity < 0.0:
                    # clamp to min of 0%
                    humidity = 0.0
                elif humidity > 100.0:
                    # clamp to be max of 100%
                    humidity = 100.0
                                  Sample(self._last_timestamp, humidity, "%"))
                if msg is not None:
                    # cannot use %% in string, __tracer will misunderstand
                    msg.append(", %d RH" % humidity)

            else:  # it remains the original default
                humidity = 0

        # Low battery check (attached to DIO11/P1):
        # Invert the signal it is actually not_low_battery:
        if "DIO11" in io_sample:
            low_battery = not bool(io_sample["DIO11"])
            if low_battery != bool(self.property_get("low_battery").value):
                                  Sample(self._last_timestamp, low_battery))

            if low_battery and msg is not None:
                msg.append(", low_battery")
                # try to keep memory use from dragging out

        if msg is not None:
            del msg

Пример #12
    def sample_indication(self, buf, addr):
        excl = self.property_get("excl").value
        if excl:
            self.property_set("excl", Sample(0, value=Boolean(bool(0), style=STYLE_ONOFF)))
        # Parse the I/O sample:
        extended_address = SettingsBase.get_setting(self, "extended_address")
        if self.count > 20:
    	        db = self.__xbee_manager.xbee_device_ddo_get_param(extended_address,
    	                                                                  "DB", use_cache=True)
    	    #    sv = self.__xbee_manager.xbee_device_ddo_get_param(extended_address,
    	    #                                                             "%V", use_cache=True)
    	            dd = struct.unpack(">B", db)
    	            #print dd
    	        	self.property_set("signal", Sample(0, value="0", unit=""))
    	        	print "failed 4"     
    	      #  try:
    	      #  	sv = struct.unpack(">H", sv)
    	     #   except:
    	     #   	self.property_set("volts", Sample(0, value="failed", unit=""))
    	       # print sv
    	        dd = str(dd)
    	        dd = dd[1:3]
    	        dd = "-" + dd + " dB"
    	      #  print "signal strength ="
    	      #  print dd
    	        self.property_set("signal", Sample(0, value=str(dd), unit=""))
    	      #  sv = str(sv)
    	      #  sv = sv[1:5]
    	      #  sv = int(sv)
    	      #  print sv
    	      #  volts = (sv * 1.1719) / 1000
    	     #   print "volts ="
    	     #   print volts
    	      #  self.property_set("volts", Sample(0, value=str(volts), unit=""))
            	self.property_set("signal", Sample(0, value="disconnected", unit=""))
            	print "failed to get signal and voltage"
        if self.count < 22:
            self.count += 1
        io_sample = parse_is(buf)

        # Calculate channel values:
        light_mv, temperature_mv = \
            map(lambda cn: sample_to_mv(io_sample[cn]), ("AD1", "AD2"))
        light = round(light_mv)
        temperature = round((((temperature_mv - 500.0) / 10.0 - 4.0)) * 1.8 + 32, 2) 

        # Update channels:
        self.property_set("light", Sample(0, light, "brightness"))
        self.property_set("temperature", Sample(0, temperature, self.include_unit))