Пример #1
def sumall(f):
    Compute the sum of all Function data.

    f : Function
        Input Function.
    kwargs = {}
    if f.is_TimeFunction and f._time_buffering:
        kwargs[f.time_dim.max_name] = f._time_size - 1

    # Protect SparseFunctions from accessing duplicated (out-of-domain) data,
    # otherwise we would eventually be summing more than expected
    p, eqns = f.guard() if f.is_SparseFunction else (f, [])

    s = dv.types.Symbol(name='sum', dtype=f.dtype)

    with MPIReduction(f) as mr:
        op = dv.Operator([dv.Eq(s, 0.0)] + eqns +
                         [dv.Inc(s, p), dv.Eq(mr.n[0], s)],

    return f.dtype(mr.v)
Пример #2
def norm(f, order=2):
    Compute the norm of a Function.

    f : Function
        Input Function.
    order : int, optional
        The order of the norm. Defaults to 2.
    kwargs = {}
    if f.is_TimeFunction and f._time_buffering:
        kwargs[f.time_dim.max_name] = f._time_size - 1

    # Protect SparseFunctions from accessing duplicated (out-of-domain) data,
    # otherwise we would eventually be summing more than expected
    p, eqns = f.guard() if f.is_SparseFunction else (f, [])

    s = dv.types.Symbol(name='sum', dtype=f.dtype)

    with MPIReduction(f) as mr:
        op = dv.Operator([dv.Eq(s, 0.0)] + eqns +
                         [dv.Inc(s, Abs(Pow(p, order))),
                          dv.Eq(mr.n[0], s)],
                         name='norm%d' % order)

    v = Pow(mr.v, 1 / order)

    return f.dtype(v)
Пример #3
def inner(f, g):
    Inner product of two Functions.

    f : Function
        First input operand
    g : Function
        Second input operand

        If the two input Functions are defined over different grids, or have
        different dimensionality, or their dimension-wise sizes don't match.
        If in input are two SparseFunctions and their coordinates don't match,
        the exception is raised.

    The inner product is the sum of all dimension-wise products. For 1D Functions,
    the inner product corresponds to the dot product.
    # Input check
    if f.is_TimeFunction and f._time_buffering != g._time_buffering:
        raise ValueError(
            "Cannot compute `inner` between save/nosave TimeFunctions")
    if f.shape != g.shape:
        raise ValueError("`f` and `g` must have same shape")
    if f._data is None or g._data is None:
        raise ValueError("Uninitialized input")
    if f.is_SparseFunction and not np.all(
            f.coordinates_data == g.coordinates_data):
        raise ValueError("Non-matching coordinates")

    kwargs = {}
    if f.is_TimeFunction and f._time_buffering:
        kwargs[f.time_dim.max_name] = f._time_size - 1

    # Protect SparseFunctions from accessing duplicated (out-of-domain) data,
    # otherwise we would eventually be summing more than expected
    rhs, eqns = f.guard(f * g) if f.is_SparseFunction else (f * g, [])

    s = dv.types.Symbol(name='sum', dtype=f.dtype)

    with MPIReduction(f, g) as mr:
        op = dv.Operator([dv.Eq(s, 0.0)] + eqns +
                         [dv.Inc(s, rhs), dv.Eq(mr.n[0], s)],

    return f.dtype(mr.v)
Пример #4
def mmax(f):
    Retrieve the maximum.

    f : array_like or Function
        Input operand.
    if isinstance(f, dv.Constant):
        return f.data
    elif isinstance(f, dv.types.dense.DiscreteFunction):
        with MPIReduction(f, op=dv.mpi.MPI.MAX) as mr:
            mr.n.data[0] = np.max(f.data_ro_domain).item()
        return mr.v.item()
        raise ValueError("Expected Function, not `%s`" % type(f))