Пример #1
 def test_flow_detection(self):
     """Test detection of information flow."""
     grid = Grid((10, 10))
     u2 = TimeFunction(name="u2", grid=grid, time_order=2)
     u1 = TimeFunction(name="u1", grid=grid, save=10, time_order=2)
     exprs = [LoweredEq(indexify(Eq(u1.forward, u1 + 2.0 - u1.backward))),
              LoweredEq(indexify(Eq(u2.forward, u2 + 2*u2.backward - u1.dt2)))]
     mapper = detect_flow_directions(exprs)
     assert mapper.get(grid.stepping_dim) == {Forward}
     assert mapper.get(grid.time_dim) == {Any, Forward}
     assert all(mapper.get(i) == {Any} for i in grid.dimensions)
Пример #2
    def test_multiple_eqs(self, exprs, expected, ti0, ti1, ti3, fa):
        Tests data dependences across ordered sequences of equations representing
        a scope.

        ``expected`` is a list of comma-separated words, each word representing a
        dependence in the scope and consisting of three pieces of information:

            * the name of the function inducing a dependence
            * if it's a flow, anti, or output dependence
            * the dimension causing the dependence
        exprs = [
            LoweredEq(i) for i in EVAL(exprs, ti0.base, ti1.base, ti3.base, fa)
        expected = [tuple(i.split(',')) for i in expected]

        # Force innatural flow, only to stress the compiler to see if it was
        # capable of detecting anti-dependences
        for i in exprs:
            i.ispace._directions = {i: Forward for i in i.ispace.directions}

        scope = Scope(exprs)
        assert len(scope.d_all) == len(expected)

        for i in ['flow', 'anti', 'output']:
            for dep in getattr(scope, 'd_%s' % i):
                item = (dep.function.name, i, str(dep.cause))
                assert item in expected

        # Sanity check: we did find all of the expected dependences
        assert len(expected) == 0
Пример #3
    def _lower_exprs(cls, expressions, **kwargs):
        Expression lowering:

            * Form and gather any required implicit expressions;
            * Apply rewrite rules;
            * Evaluate derivatives;
            * Flatten vectorial equations;
            * Indexify Functions;
            * Apply substitution rules;
            * Shift indices for domain alignment.
        # Add in implicit expressions
        expressions = generate_implicit_exprs(expressions)

        # Specialization is performed on unevaluated expressions
        expressions = cls._specialize_dsl(expressions, **kwargs)

        # Lower functional DSL
        expressions = flatten([i.evaluate for i in expressions])
        expressions = [j for i in expressions for j in i._flatten]

        # A second round of specialization is performed on nevaluated expressions
        expressions = cls._specialize_exprs(expressions, **kwargs)

        # "True" lowering (indexification, shifting, ...)
        expressions = lower_exprs(expressions, **kwargs)

        processed = [LoweredEq(i) for i in expressions]

        return processed
Пример #4
    def test_single_eq(self, expr, expected, ti0, ti1, fa):
        Tests data dependences within a single equation consisting of only two Indexeds.

        ``expected`` is a comma-separated word consisting of four pieces of information:

            * if it's a flow, anti, or output dependence
            * if it's loop-carried or loop-independent
            * the dimension causing the dependence
            * whether it's direct or indirect (i.e., through A[B[i]])
        expr = LoweredEq(EVAL(expr, ti0.base, ti1.base, fa))

        # Force innatural flow, only to stress the compiler to see if it was
        # capable of detecting anti-dependences
        expr.ispace._directions = {i: Forward for i in expr.ispace.directions}

        scope = Scope(expr)
        deps = scope.d_all
        if expected is None:
            assert len(deps) == 0
            type, mode, exp_cause, regular = expected.split(',')
            if type == 'all':
                assert len(deps) == 2
                assert len(deps) == 1
        dep = deps[0]

        # Check type
        types = ['flow', 'anti']
        if type != 'all':
            assert len(getattr(scope, 'd_%s' % type)) == 1
            assert all(len(getattr(scope, 'd_%s' % i)) == 0 for i in types)
            assert all(len(getattr(scope, 'd_%s' % i)) == 1 for i in types)

        # Check mode
        assert getattr(dep, 'is_%s' % mode)()

        # Check cause
        if exp_cause == 'None':
            assert not dep.cause
            assert len(dep.cause) == 1
            cause = dep.cause.pop()
            assert cause.name == exp_cause

        # Check mode restricted to the cause
        assert getattr(dep, 'is_%s' % mode)(cause)
        non_causes = [i for i in [x, y, z] if i is not cause]
        assert all(not getattr(dep, 'is_%s' % mode)(i) for i in non_causes)

        # Check if it's regular or irregular
        assert getattr(dep.source, 'is_%s' % regular) or\
            getattr(dep.sink, 'is_%s' % regular)
Пример #5
 def _specialize_exprs(self, expressions):
     expressions = super(Operator, self)._specialize_exprs(expressions)
     # No matter whether offloading will occur or not, all YASK grids accept
     # negative indices when using the get/set_element_* methods (up to the
     # padding extent), so the OOB-relative data space should be adjusted
     return [LoweredEq(e, e.ispace,
                       e.dspace.zero([d for d in e.dimensions if d.is_Space]),
                       e.reads, e.writes)
             for e in expressions]
Пример #6
    def _specialize_exprs(self, expressions):
        # Align data accesses to the computational domain if not a yask.Function
        key = lambda i: i.is_DiscreteFunction and not i.from_YASK
        expressions = [align_accesses(e, key=key) for e in expressions]

        expressions = super(OperatorYASK, self)._specialize_exprs(expressions)

        # No matter whether offloading will occur or not, all YASK vars accept
        # negative indices when using the get/set_element_* methods (up to the
        # padding extent), so the OOB-relative data space should be adjusted
        return [LoweredEq(e,
                          dspace=e.dspace.zero([d for d in e.dimensions if d.is_Space]))
                for e in expressions]
Пример #7
    def test_lower_func_as_ind(self):
        grid = Grid((11, 11))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        h = DefaultDimension("h", default_value=10)

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=2, space_order=2)
        oh = Function(name="ou", dimensions=(h, ), shape=(10, ), dtype=int)

        eq = [Eq(u.forward, u._subs(x, x + oh))]
        lowered = LoweredEq(
            Eq(u[t + 1, x + 2, y + 2], u[t, x + oh[h] + 2, y + 2]))

        with timed_region('x'):
            leq = Operator._lower_exprs(eq)

        assert leq[0] == lowered
Пример #8
def test_loops_ompized(fa, fb, fc, fd, t0, t1, t2, t3, exprs, expected, iters):
    scope = [fa, fb, fc, fd, t0, t1, t2, t3]
    node_exprs = [Expression(LoweredEq(EVAL(i, *scope))) for i in exprs]
    ast = iters[6](iters[7](node_exprs))

    ast = iet_analyze(ast)

    nodes = transform(ast, mode='openmp').nodes
    iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(nodes)
    assert len(iterations) == len(expected)

    # Check for presence of pragma omp
    for i, j in zip(iterations, expected):
        pragmas = i.pragmas
        if j is True:
            assert len(pragmas) == 1
            pragma = pragmas[0]
            assert 'omp for' in pragma.value
            for k in pragmas:
                assert 'omp for' not in k.value
Пример #9
 def _specialize_exprs(self, expressions):
     """Transform ``expressions`` into a backend-specific representation."""
     return [LoweredEq(i) for i in expressions]
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, expressions, **kwargs):
        expressions = as_tuple(expressions)

        # Input check
        if any(not isinstance(i, sympy.Eq) for i in expressions):
            raise InvalidOperator("Only SymPy expressions are allowed.")

        self.name = kwargs.get("name", "Kernel")
        subs = kwargs.get("subs", {})
        time_axis = kwargs.get("time_axis", Forward)
        dse = kwargs.get("dse", configuration['dse'])
        dle = kwargs.get("dle", configuration['dle'])

        # Header files, etc.
        self._headers = list(self._default_headers)
        self._includes = list(self._default_includes)
        self._globals = list(self._default_globals)

        # Required for compilation
        self._compiler = configuration['compiler']
        self._lib = None
        self._cfunction = None

        # References to local or external routines
        self.func_table = OrderedDict()

        # Expression lowering and analysis
        expressions = [LoweredEq(e, subs=subs) for e in expressions]
        self.dtype = retrieve_dtype(expressions)
        self.input, self.output, self.dimensions = retrieve_symbols(

        # Set the direction of time acoording to the given TimeAxis
        for time in [d for d in self.dimensions if d.is_Time]:
            if not time.is_Stepping:
                time.reverse = time_axis == Backward

        # Parameters of the Operator (Dimensions necessary for data casts)
        parameters = self.input + self.dimensions

        # Group expressions based on their iteration space and data dependences,
        # and apply the Devito Symbolic Engine (DSE) for flop optimization
        clusters = clusterize(expressions)
        clusters = rewrite(clusters, mode=set_dse_mode(dse))

        # Lower Clusters to an Iteration/Expression tree (IET)
        nodes = iet_build(clusters, self.dtype)

        # Introduce C-level profiling infrastructure
        nodes, self.profiler = self._profile_sections(nodes, parameters)

        # Translate into backend-specific representation (e.g., GPU, Yask)
        nodes = self._specialize(nodes, parameters)

        # Apply the Devito Loop Engine (DLE) for loop optimization
        dle_state = transform(nodes, *set_dle_mode(dle))

        # Update the Operator state based on the DLE
        self.dle_arguments = dle_state.arguments
        self.dle_flags = dle_state.flags
            OrderedDict([(i.name, MetaCall(i, True))
                         for i in dle_state.elemental_functions]))
        parameters.extend([i.argument for i in self.dle_arguments])
            i.argument for i in self.dle_arguments
            if isinstance(i.argument, Dimension)

        # Introduce the required symbol declarations
        nodes = iet_insert_C_decls(dle_state.nodes, self.func_table)

        # Initialise ArgumentEngine
        self.argument_engine = ArgumentEngine(clusters.ispace, parameters,

        parameters = self.argument_engine.arguments

        # Finish instantiation
        super(Operator, self).__init__(self.name, nodes, 'int', parameters, ())
Пример #11
 def _specialize_exprs(cls, expressions):
     Backend hook for specialization at the Expression level.
     return [LoweredEq(i) for i in expressions]
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, expressions, **kwargs):
        expressions = as_tuple(expressions)

        # Input check
        if any(not isinstance(i, sympy.Eq) for i in expressions):
            raise InvalidOperator("Only SymPy expressions are allowed.")

        self.name = kwargs.get("name", "Kernel")
        subs = kwargs.get("subs", {})
        dse = kwargs.get("dse", configuration['dse'])
        dle = kwargs.get("dle", configuration['dle'])

        # Header files, etc.
        self._headers = list(self._default_headers)
        self._includes = list(self._default_includes)
        self._globals = list(self._default_globals)

        # Required for compilation
        self._compiler = configuration['compiler']
        self._lib = None
        self._cfunction = None

        # References to local or external routines
        self.func_table = OrderedDict()

        # Expression lowering and analysis
        expressions = [LoweredEq(e, subs=subs) for e in expressions]
        self.dtype = retrieve_dtype(expressions)
        self.input = filter_sorted(flatten(e.reads for e in expressions))
        self.output = filter_sorted(flatten(e.writes for e in expressions))
        self.dimensions = filter_sorted(
            flatten(e.dimensions for e in expressions))

        # Group expressions based on their iteration space and data dependences,
        # and apply the Devito Symbolic Engine (DSE) for flop optimization
        clusters = clusterize(expressions)
        clusters = rewrite(clusters, mode=set_dse_mode(dse))

        # Lower Clusters to an Iteration/Expression tree (IET)
        nodes = iet_build(clusters, self.dtype)

        # Introduce C-level profiling infrastructure
        nodes, self.profiler = self._profile_sections(nodes)

        # Translate into backend-specific representation (e.g., GPU, Yask)
        nodes = self._specialize(nodes)

        # Apply the Devito Loop Engine (DLE) for loop optimization
        dle_state = transform(nodes, *set_dle_mode(dle))

        # Update the Operator state based on the DLE
        self.dle_arguments = dle_state.arguments
        self.dle_flags = dle_state.flags
            OrderedDict([(i.name, MetaCall(i, True))
                         for i in dle_state.elemental_functions]))
            i.argument for i in self.dle_arguments
            if isinstance(i.argument, Dimension)

        # Introduce the required symbol declarations
        nodes = iet_insert_C_decls(dle_state.nodes, self.func_table)

        # Insert data and pointer casts for array parameters and profiling structs
        nodes = self._build_casts(nodes)

        # Derive parameters as symbols not defined in the kernel itself
        parameters = self._build_parameters(nodes)

        # Finish instantiation
        super(Operator, self).__init__(self.name, nodes, 'int', parameters, ())