Пример #1
    def putdefault(self, grid):
        Derive a unique key ``K`` from a Grid`; if ``K`` is in ``self``,
        return the pre-existing YaskContext ``self[K]``, otherwise create a
        new context ``C``, set ``self[K] = C`` and return ``C``.
        assert grid is not None

        key = self._getkey(grid, grid.dtype)

        # Does a YaskContext exist already corresponding to this key?
        if key in self:
            return self[key]

        # Functions declared with explicit dimensions (i.e., with no Grid) must be
        # able to retrieve the right context
        partial_keys = [self._getkey(None, grid.dtype, i) for i in powerset(key[-1])]
        if any(i in self._partial_map for i in partial_keys if i[2]):
            warning("Non-unique Dimensions found in different contexts; dumping "
                    "all known contexts. Perhaps you're attempting to use multiple "
                    "Grids, and some of them share identical Dimensions? ")

        # Create a new YaskContext
        context = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self._ncontexts, grid)
        self._ncontexts += 1

        self[key] = context
        self._partial_map.update({i: context for i in partial_keys})

        log("Context successfully created!")
Пример #2
        def wrapper(self):
            if self._data is None:
                log("Allocating memory for %s%s" %
                    (self.name, self.shape_allocated))

                # Fetch the appropriate context
                context = contexts.fetch(self.dimensions, self.dtype)

                # Create a YASK grid; this allocates memory
                grid = context.make_grid(self)

                # /self._padding/ must be updated as (from the YASK docs):
                # "The value may be slightly larger [...] due to rounding"
                padding = []
                for i in self.dimensions:
                    if i.is_Space:
                        # time and misc dimensions
                        padding.append((0, 0))
                self._padding = tuple(padding)

                self._data = Data(grid, self.shape_allocated, self.indices,
            return func(self)
Пример #3
def make(loc, args):
    Invoke ``make`` command from within ``loc`` with arguments ``args``.
    hash_key = sha1((loc + str(args)).encode()).hexdigest()
    logfile = path.join(get_jit_dir(), "%s.log" % hash_key)
    errfile = path.join(get_jit_dir(), "%s.err" % hash_key)

    tic = time()
    with change_directory(loc):
        with open(logfile, "w") as lf:
            with open(errfile, "w") as ef:

                command = ['make'] + args
                lf.write("Compilation command:\n")
                lf.write(" ".join(command))
                    check_call(command, stderr=ef, stdout=lf)
                except CalledProcessError as e:
                    raise CompilationError(
                        'Command "%s" return error status %d. '
                        'Unable to compile code.\n'
                        'Compile log in %s\n'
                        'Compile errors in %s\n' %
                        (e.cmd, e.returncode, logfile, errfile))
    toc = time()
    log("Make <%s>: run in [%.2f s]" % (" ".join(args), toc - tic))
Пример #4
def execute_devito(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500):
    """Execute diffusion stencil using the devito Operator API."""
    nx, ny = ui.shape
    dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2))
    # Allocate the grid and set initial condition
    # Note: This should be made simpler through the use of defaults
    u = TimeData(name='u', shape=(nx, ny), time_order=1, space_order=2)
    u.data[0, :] = ui[:]

    # Derive the stencil according to devito conventions
    eqn = Eq(u.dt, a * (u.dx2 + u.dy2))
    stencil = solve(eqn, u.forward)[0]
    op = Operator(stencils=Eq(u.forward, stencil),
                      h: spacing,
                      s: dt
                  shape=(nx, ny),
    # Execute the generated Devito stencil operator
    tstart = time.time()
    runtime = time.time() - tstart
    log("Devito: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds"
        % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime))
    return u.data[1, :], runtime
Пример #5
        def wrapper(self):
            if self._data is None:
                log("Allocating memory for %s%s" %
                    (self.name, self.shape_allocated))

                # Free memory carried by stale symbolic objects
                # TODO: see issue #944
                # CacheManager.clear(dump_contexts=False, force=False)

                # Fetch the appropriate context
                context = contexts.fetch(self.dimensions, self.dtype)

                # Create a YASK var; this allocates memory
                var = context.make_var(self)

                # `self._padding` must be updated as (from the YASK docs):
                # "The value may be slightly larger [...] due to rounding"
                padding = []
                for i in self.dimensions:
                    if i.is_Space:
                        # time and misc dimensions
                        padding.append((0, 0))
                self._padding = tuple(padding)
                del self.shape_allocated  # Invalidate cached_property

                self._data = Data(var, self.shape_allocated, self.indices,
            return func(self)
Пример #6
def execute_lambdify(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500):
    """Execute diffusion stencil using vectorised numpy array accesses."""
    nx, ny = ui.shape
    dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2))
    u = np.concatenate((ui, np.zeros_like(ui))).reshape((2, nx, ny))

    def diffusion_stencil():
        """Create stencil and substitutions for the diffusion equation"""
        p = sympy.Function('p')
        x, y, t, h, s = sympy.symbols('x y t h s')
        dx2 = p(x, y, t).diff(x, x).as_finite_difference([x - h, x, x + h])
        dy2 = p(x, y, t).diff(y, y).as_finite_difference([y - h, y, y + h])
        dt = p(x, y, t).diff(t).as_finite_difference([t, t + s])
        eqn = Eq(dt, a * (dx2 + dy2))
        stencil = solve(eqn, p(x, y, t + s))
        return stencil, (p(x, y, t), p(x + h, y, t), p(x - h, y, t),
                         p(x, y + h, t), p(x, y - h, t), s, h)
    stencil, subs = diffusion_stencil()
    kernel = sympy.lambdify(subs, stencil, 'numpy')

    # Execute timestepping loop with alternating buffers
    tstart = time.time()
    for ti in range(timesteps):
        t0 = ti % 2
        t1 = (ti + 1) % 2
        u[t1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = kernel(u[t0, 1:-1, 1:-1], u[t0, 2:, 1:-1],
                                   u[t0, :-2, 1:-1], u[t0, 1:-1, 2:],
                                   u[t0, 1:-1, :-2], dt, spacing)
    runtime = time.time() - tstart
    log("Lambdify: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds"
        % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime))
    return u[ti % 2, :, :], runtime
Пример #7
    def fetch(self, dimensions, shape, dtype):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``dimensions``, ``shape``, and ``dtype``. Create a new (empty)
        :class:`YaskContext` on miss.
        # Sanity checks
        assert len(dimensions) == len(shape)
        dimensions = [str(i) for i in dimensions]
        if set(dimensions) < {'x', 'y', 'z'}:
            exit("Need a Function[x,y,z] for initialization")

        # The time dimension is dropped as implicit to the context
        domain = OrderedDict([(i, j) for i, j in zip(dimensions, shape)
                              if i != namespace['time-dim']])

        # A unique key for this context.
        key = tuple([configuration['isa'], dtype] + list(domain.items()))

        # Fetch or create a YaskContext
        if key in self:
            log("Fetched existing context from cache")
            self[key] = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self.ncontexts, domain, dtype)
            self.ncontexts += 1
            log("Context successfully created!")
        return self[key]
Пример #8
        def wrapper(self):
            if self._data is None:
                log("Allocating memory for %s%s" % (self.name, self.shape_allocated))

                # Fetch the appropriate context
                context = contexts.fetch(self.dimensions, self.dtype)

                # Create a YASK grid; this allocates memory
                grid = context.make_grid(self)

                # `self._padding` must be updated as (from the YASK docs):
                # "The value may be slightly larger [...] due to rounding"
                padding = []
                for i in self.dimensions:
                    if i.is_Space:
                        # time and misc dimensions
                        padding.append((0, 0))
                self._padding = tuple(padding)
                del self.shape_allocated  # Invalidate cached_property

                self._data = Data(grid, self.shape_allocated, self.indices, self.dtype)
            return func(self)
Пример #9
def jit_compile(soname, code, compiler):
    JIT compile the given C/C++ ``code``.

    This function relies upon codepy's ``compile_from_string``, which performs
    caching of compilation units and avoids potential race conditions due to
    multiple processing trying to compile the same object.

    :param soname: A unique name for the jit-compiled shared object.
    :param code: String of C source code.
    :param compiler: The toolchain used for compilation.
    target = str(get_jit_dir().joinpath(soname))
    src_file = "%s.%s" % (target, compiler.src_ext)

    # `catch_warnings` suppresses codepy complaining that it's taking
    # too long to acquire the cache lock. This warning can only appear
    # in a multiprocess session, typically (but not necessarily) when
    # many processes are frequently attempting jit-compilation (e.g.,
    # when running the test suite in parallel)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        tic = time()
        _, _, _, recompiled = compile_from_string(
        toc = time()

    if recompiled:
        log("%s: compiled `%s` [%.2f s]" % (compiler, src_file, toc - tic))
        log("%s: cache hit `%s` [%.2f s]" % (compiler, src_file, toc - tic))
Пример #10
def jit_compile(ccode, compiler=GNUCompiler):
    """JIT compile the given ccode.

    :param ccode: String of C source code.
    :param compiler: The toolchain used for compilation. GNUCompiler by default.

    :return: The name of the compilation unit.

    hash_key = sha1(str(ccode).encode()).hexdigest()
    basename = path.join(get_tmp_dir(), hash_key)

    src_file = "%s.%s" % (basename, compiler.src_ext)
    if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
        lib_file = "%s.so" % basename
    elif platform == "darwin":
        lib_file = "%s.dylib" % basename
    elif platform == "win32" or platform == "win64":
        lib_file = "%s.dll" % basename

    tic = time()
    extension_file_from_string(toolchain=compiler, ext_file=lib_file,
                               source_string=ccode, source_name=src_file)
    toc = time()
    log("%s: compiled %s [%.2f s]" % (compiler, src_file, toc-tic))

    return basename
Пример #11
def execute_lambdify(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500):
    """Execute diffusion stencil using vectorised numpy array accesses."""
    nx, ny = ui.shape
    dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2))
    u = np.concatenate((ui, np.zeros_like(ui))).reshape((2, nx, ny))

    def diffusion_stencil():
        """Create stencil and substitutions for the diffusion equation"""
        p = Function('p')
        dx2 = as_finite_diff(p(x, y, t).diff(x, x), [x - h, x, x + h])
        dy2 = as_finite_diff(p(x, y, t).diff(y, y), [y - h, y, y + h])
        dt = as_finite_diff(p(x, y, t).diff(t), [t, t + s])
        eqn = Eq(dt, a * (dx2 + dy2))
        stencil = solve(eqn, p(x, y, t + s))[0]
        return stencil, (p(x, y, t), p(x + h, y, t), p(x - h, y, t),
                         p(x, y + h, t), p(x, y - h, t), s, h)

    stencil, subs = diffusion_stencil()
    kernel = lambdify(subs, stencil, 'numpy')

    # Execute timestepping loop with alternating buffers
    tstart = time.time()
    for ti in range(timesteps):
        t0 = ti % 2
        t1 = (ti + 1) % 2
        u[t1, 1:-1,
          1:-1] = kernel(u[t0, 1:-1, 1:-1], u[t0, 2:, 1:-1], u[t0, :-2, 1:-1],
                         u[t0, 1:-1, 2:], u[t0, 1:-1, :-2], dt, spacing)
    runtime = time.time() - tstart
    log("Lambdify: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds"
        % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime))
    return u[ti % 2, :, :], runtime
Пример #12
    def putdefault(self, grid):
        Derive a key ``K`` from the :class:`Grid` ``grid``; if ``K`` in ``self``,
        return the existing :class:`YaskContext` ``self[K]``, otherwise create a
        new context ``C``, set ``self[K] = C`` and return ``C``.
        assert grid is not None

        key = self._getkey(grid, grid.dtype)

        # Does a YaskContext exist already corresponding to this key?
        if key in self:
            return self[key]

        # Functions declared with explicit dimensions (i.e., with no Grid) must be
        # able to retrieve the right context
        partial_keys = [
            self._getkey(None, grid.dtype, i) for i in powerset(key[-1])
        if any(i in self._partial_map for i in partial_keys if i[2]):
                "Non-unique Dimensions found in different contexts; dumping "
                "all known contexts. Perhaps you're attempting to use multiple "
                "Grids, and some of them share identical Dimensions? ")

        # Create a new YaskContext
        context = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self._ncontexts, grid)
        self._ncontexts += 1

        self[key] = context
        self._partial_map.update({i: context for i in partial_keys})

        log("Context successfully created!")
    def _specialize_iet(self, nodes):
        """Transform the Iteration/Expression tree to offload the computation of
        one or more loop nests onto YASK. This involves calling the YASK compiler
        to generate YASK code. Such YASK code is then called from within the
        transformed Iteration/Expression tree."""
        log("Specializing a Devito Operator for YASK...")

        self.context = YaskNullContext()
        self.yk_soln = YaskNullKernel()

        offloadable = find_offloadable_trees(nodes)
        if len(offloadable) == 0:
            log("No offloadable trees found")
        elif len(offloadable) == 1:
            tree, grid, dtype = offloadable[0]
            self.context = contexts.fetch(grid, dtype)

            # Create a YASK compiler solution for this Operator
            yc_soln = self.context.make_yc_solution(namespace['jit-yc-soln'])

            transform = sympy2yask(self.context, yc_soln)
                for i in tree[-1].nodes:

                funcall = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-soln-run'],
                funcall = Element(c.Statement(ccode(funcall)))
                nodes = Transformer({tree[1]: funcall}).visit(nodes)

                # Track /funcall/ as an external function call
                self.func_table[namespace['code-soln-run']] = MetaCall(
                    None, False)

                # JIT-compile the newly-created YASK kernel
                local_grids = [i for i in transform.mapper if i.is_Array]
                self.yk_soln = self.context.make_yk_solution(
                    namespace['jit-yk-soln'], yc_soln, local_grids)

                # Print some useful information about the newly constructed solution
                log("Solution '%s' contains %d grid(s) and %d equation(s)." %
                    (yc_soln.get_name(), yc_soln.get_num_grids(),

                log("Unable to offload a candidate tree.")
            exit("Found more than one offloadable trees in a single Operator")

        # Some Iteration/Expression trees are not offloaded to YASK and may
        # require further processing to be executed in YASK, due to the differences
        # in storage layout employed by Devito and YASK
        nodes = make_grid_accesses(nodes)

        log("Specialization successfully performed!")

        return nodes
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ClangCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.cc = 'clang'
        self.ld = 'clang'
        self.cflags = ['-O3', '-g', '-fPIC', '-Wall']
        self.ldflags = ['-shared']

        if self.openmp:
            log("WARNING: Disabling OpenMP because clang does not support it.")
            self.openmp = False
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(IntelKNLCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.cc = 'icc'
     self.ld = 'icc'
     self.cflags = ['-O3', '-g', '-fPIC', '-Wall', '-std=c99', "-xMIC-AVX512"]
     self.ldflags = ['-shared']
     if self.openmp:
         self.ldflags += ['-qopenmp']
         log("WARNING: Running on Intel KNL without OpenMP is highly discouraged")
Пример #16
    def apply(self, **kwargs):
        # Build the arguments list to invoke the kernel function
        arguments, toshare = self.arguments(**kwargs)

        log("Running YASK Operator through Devito...")
        self.yk_soln.run(self.cfunction, arguments, toshare)
        log("YASK Operator successfully run!")

        # Output summary of performance achieved
        return self._profile_output(arguments)
Пример #17
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     start, stop, shape = self._convert_index(index)
     if not shape:
         log("Data: Getting single entry %s" % str(start))
         assert start == stop
         out = self.grid.get_element(start)
         log("Data: Getting full-array/block via index [%s]" % str(index))
         out = np.empty(shape, self.dtype, 'C')
         self.grid.get_elements_in_slice(out.data, start, stop)
     return out
Пример #18
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     start, stop, shape = self._convert_index(index)
     if not shape:
         log("Data: Getting single entry %s" % str(start))
         assert start == stop
         out = self.grid.get_element(start)
         log("Data: Getting full-array/block via index [%s]" % str(index))
         out = np.empty(shape, self.dtype, 'C')
         self.grid.get_elements_in_slice(out.data, start, stop)
     return out
Пример #19
def test_tti_staggered(shape):
    spacing = [10. for _ in shape]

    # Model
    model = demo_model('constant-tti', shape=shape, spacing=spacing)

    # Define seismic data and parameters
    f0 = .010
    dt = model.critical_dt
    t0 = 0.0
    tn = 250.0
    time_range = TimeAxis(start=t0, stop=tn, step=dt)
    nt = time_range.num

    last = (nt - 1) % 2
    # Generate a wavefield as initial condition
    source = RickerSource(name='src',
    source.coordinates.data[0, :] = np.array(model.domain_size) * .5

    receiver = Receiver(name='rec',

    # Solvers
    solver_tti = AnisotropicWaveSolver(model,
    solver_tti2 = AnisotropicWaveSolver(model,

    # Solve
    configuration['dse'] = 'aggressive'
    configuration['dle'] = 'advanced'
    rec1, u1, v1, _ = solver_tti.forward(kernel='staggered')
    configuration['dle'] = 'basic'
    rec2, u2, v2, _ = solver_tti2.forward(kernel='staggered')

    u_staggered1 = u1.data[last, :] + v1.data[last, :]
    u_staggered2 = u2.data[last, :] + v2.data[last, :]

    res = np.linalg.norm(u_staggered1.reshape(-1) - u_staggered2.reshape(-1))
    log("DSE/DLE introduces error %2.4e in %d dimensions" % (res, len(shape)))
    assert np.isclose(res, 0.0, atol=1e-8)
Пример #20
    def fetch(self, grid, dtype, dimensions=None):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``grid`` and ``dtype``.
        key = self._getkey(grid, dtype, dimensions)

        context = self.get(key, self._partial_map.get(key))
        if context is not None:
            log("Fetched existing context from cache")
            return context
            exit("Couldn't find context for grid %s" % grid)
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(IntelMICCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.cc = 'icc'
        self.ld = 'icc'
        self.cflags = ['-O3', '-g', '-fPIC', '-Wall', '-std=c99', "-mmic"]
        self.ldflags = ['-shared']

        if configuration['openmp']:
            self.ldflags += ['-qopenmp']
            log("WARNING: Running on Intel MIC without OpenMP is highly discouraged"
        self._mic = __import__('pymic')
Пример #22
    def fetch(self, dimensions, dtype):
        Fetch the YaskContext in ``self`` uniquely identified by ``dimensions`` and
        key = self._getkey(None, dtype, dimensions)

        context = self.get(key, self._partial_map.get(key))
        if context is not None:
            log("Fetched existing YaskContext from cache")
            return context
            exit("Couldn't find YaskContext for key=`%s`" % str(key))
Пример #23
    def fetch(self, dimensions, dtype):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``dimensions`` and ``dtype``.
        key = self._getkey(None, dtype, dimensions)

        context = self.get(key, self._partial_map.get(key))
        if context is not None:
            log("Fetched existing YaskContext from cache")
            return context
            exit("Couldn't find YaskContext for key=`%s`" % str(key))
Пример #24
 def __setitem__(self, index, val):
     start, stop, shape = self._convert_index(index, 'set')
     if all(i == 1 for i in shape):
         log("Data: Setting single entry %s" % str(start))
         assert start == stop
         self.grid.set_element(val, start)
     elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
         log("Data: Setting full-array/block via index [%s]" % str(index))
         if val.shape == shape:
             self.grid.set_elements_in_slice(val, start, stop)
         elif len(val.shape) > len(shape):
             raise ValueError(
                 "Data: could not broadcast input array from shape "
                 "%s into shape %s" % (val.shape, shape))
             # Emulate NumPy broadcasting
             broadcasted = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=val.dtype)
             broadcasted[:] = val
             self.grid.set_elements_in_slice(broadcasted, start, stop)
     elif all(i == j - 1 for i, j in zip(shape, self.shape)):
         log("Data: Setting full-array to given scalar via single grid sweep"
         log("Data: Setting block to given scalar via index [%s]" %
         self.grid.set_elements_in_slice_same(val, start, stop, True)
Пример #25
    def make_grid(self, obj):
        Create and return a new :class:`YaskGrid`, a YASK grid wrapper. Memory
        is allocated.

        :param obj: The symbolic data object for which a YASK grid is allocated.
        if set(obj.indices) < set(self.space_dimensions):
            exit("Need a Function[x,y,z] to create a YASK grid.")
        name = 'devito_%s_%d' % (obj.name, contexts.ngrids)
        log("Allocating YaskGrid for %s (%s)" % (obj.name, str(obj.shape)))
        grid = self.yk_hook.new_grid(name, obj)
        wrapper = YaskGrid(grid, obj.shape, obj.space_order, obj.dtype)
        self.grids[name] = wrapper
        return wrapper
Пример #26
    def fetch(self, grid, dtype):
        Fetch the :class:`YaskContext` in ``self`` uniquely identified by
        ``grid`` and ``dtype``. Create a new (empty) :class:`YaskContext` on miss.
        # A unique key for this context.
        key = (configuration['isa'], dtype, grid.dimensions, grid.time_dim,

        # Fetch or create a YaskContext
        if key in self:
            log("Fetched existing context from cache")
            self[key] = YaskContext('ctx%d' % self.ncontexts, grid, dtype)
            self.ncontexts += 1
            log("Context successfully created!")
        return self[key]
Пример #27
def save(soname, binary, compiler):
    Store a binary into a file within a temporary directory.

    :param soname: Name of the .so file (w/o the suffix).
    :param binary: The binary data.
    :param compiler: The toolchain used for compilation.
    sofile = get_jit_dir().joinpath(soname).with_suffix(compiler.so_ext)
    if sofile.is_file():
        log("%s: `%s` was not saved in `%s` as it already exists" %
            (compiler, sofile.name, get_jit_dir()))
        with open(str(path), 'wb') as f:
        log("%s: `%s` successfully saved in `%s`" %
            (compiler, sofile.name, get_jit_dir()))
Пример #28
def test_tti_staggered(shape):
    spacing = [10. for _ in shape]
    nrec = 1
    # Model
    model = demo_model('layers-tti', shape=shape, spacing=spacing)

    # Source and receiver geometries
    src_coordinates = np.empty((1, len(spacing)))
    src_coordinates[0, :] = np.array(model.domain_size) * .5
    src_coordinates[0, -1] = model.origin[-1] + 2 * spacing[-1]

    rec_coordinates = np.empty((nrec, len(spacing)))
    rec_coordinates[:, 0] = np.linspace(0., model.domain_size[0], num=nrec)
    rec_coordinates[:, -1] = model.origin[-1] + 2 * spacing[-1]

    geometry = AcquisitionGeometry(model,

    # Solvers
    solver_tti = AnisotropicWaveSolver(model,
    solver_tti2 = AnisotropicWaveSolver(model,

    # Solve
    configuration['dse'] = 'aggressive'
    configuration['dle'] = 'advanced'
    rec1, u1, v1, _ = solver_tti.forward(kernel='staggered')
    configuration['dle'] = 'basic'
    rec2, u2, v2, _ = solver_tti2.forward(kernel='staggered')

    res1 = np.linalg.norm(u1.data.reshape(-1) - u2.data.reshape(-1))
    res2 = np.linalg.norm(v1.data.reshape(-1) - v2.data.reshape(-1))
    log("DSE/DLE introduces error %2.4e, %2.4e in %d dimensions" %
        (res1, res2, len(shape)))
    assert np.isclose(res1, 0.0, atol=1e-8)
    assert np.isclose(res2, 0.0, atol=1e-8)
Пример #29
def jit_compile(ccode, basename, compiler=GNUCompiler):
    """JIT compiles the given ccode and returns the lib filepath.

    :param ccode: String of C source code.
    :param basename: The string used to name various files for this compilation.
    :param compiler: The toolchain used for compilation. GNUCompiler by default.
    :return: Path to compiled lib
    src_file = "%s.cpp" % basename
    lib_file = "%s.so" % basename
    log("%s: Compiling %s" % (compiler, src_file))

    return lib_file
Пример #30
def print_profiling(state):
    Print a summary of the applied transformations.
    timings = state.timings

    if configuration['profiling'] in ['basic', 'advanced']:
        row = "%s (elapsed: %.2f s)"
        out = "\n     ".join(
            row % ("".join(filter(lambda c: not c.isdigit(), k[1:])), v)
            for k, v in timings.items())
        elapsed = sum(timings.values())
        log("%s\n     [Total elapsed: %.2f s]" % (out, elapsed))
        # Shorter summary
        log("passes: %s (elapsed %.2f s)" %
            (",".join(i[1:] for i in timings), sum(timings.values())))
Пример #31
    def apply(self, **kwargs):
        # Build the arguments list to invoke the kernel function
        arguments = self.arguments(**kwargs)

        # Map default Functions to runtime Functions; will be used for "grid sharing"
        toshare = {}
        for i in self.input:
            v = kwargs.get(i.name, i)
            if np.isscalar(v):
                toshare[i] = DataScalar(v)
            elif i.from_YASK and (i.is_Constant or i.is_Function):
                toshare[v] = v.data

        log("Running YASK Operator through Devito...")
        arg_values = [arguments[p.name] for p in self.parameters]
        self.yk_soln.run(self.cfunction, arg_values, toshare)
        log("YASK Operator successfully run!")

        # Output summary of performance achieved
        return self._profile_output(arguments)
Пример #32
def execute_numpy(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500):
    """Execute diffusion stencil using vectorised numpy array accesses."""
    nx, ny = ui.shape
    dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2))
    u = np.concatenate((ui, np.zeros_like(ui))).reshape((2, nx, ny))

    # Execute timestepping loop with alternating buffers
    tstart = time.time()
    for ti in range(timesteps):
        t0 = ti % 2
        t1 = (ti + 1) % 2

        uxx = (u[t0, 2:, 1:-1] - 2*u[t0, 1:-1, 1:-1] + u[t0, :-2, 1:-1]) / dx2
        uyy = (u[t0, 1:-1, 2:] - 2*u[t0, 1:-1, 1:-1] + u[t0, 1:-1, :-2]) / dy2
        u[t1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = u[t0, 1:-1, 1:-1] + a * dt * (uxx + uyy)
    runtime = time.time() - tstart
    log("Numpy: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds"
        % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime))
    return u[ti % 2, :, :], runtime
Пример #33
def execute_python(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500):
    """Execute diffusion stencil using pure Python list indexing."""
    nx, ny = ui.shape
    dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2))
    u = np.concatenate((ui, np.zeros_like(ui))).reshape((2, nx, ny))

    # Execute timestepping loop with alternating buffers
    tstart = time.time()
    for ti in range(timesteps):
        t0 = ti % 2
        t1 = (ti + 1) % 2
        for i in range(1, nx-1):
            for j in range(1, ny-1):
                uxx = (u[t0, i+1, j] - 2*u[t0, i, j] + u[t0, i-1, j]) / dx2
                uyy = (u[t0, i, j+1] - 2*u[t0, i, j] + u[t0, i, j-1]) / dy2
                u[t1, i, j] = u[t0, i, j] + dt * a * (uxx + uyy)
    runtime = time.time() - tstart
    log("Python: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds"
        % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime))
    return u[ti % 2, :, :], runtime
Пример #34
        def wrapper(self):
            if self._data is None:
                log("Allocating memory for %s%s" % (self.name, self.shape_allocated))

                # Fetch the appropriate context
                context = contexts.fetch(self.grid, self.dtype)

                # TODO : the following will fail if not using a SteppingDimension,
                # eg with save=True one gets /time/ instead /t/
                grid = context.make_grid(self)

                # /self._padding/ must be updated as (from the YASK docs):
                # "The value may be slightly larger [...] due to rounding"
                pad = [(0, 0) if i.is_Time else (grid.get_left_extra_pad_size(i.name),
                       for i in self.indices]
                self._padding = pad

                self._data = Data(grid, self.shape_allocated, self.indices, self.dtype)
            return func(self)
Пример #35
def print_profiling(states):
    Print a summary of the applied transformations.
    # Drop unprofiled clusters/states
    states = [i for i in states if i.ops]

    if configuration['profiling'] == 'advanced':
        tot_elapsed = 0.
        row = "%s [flops: %d, elapsed: %.2f s]"
        for n, i in enumerate(states):
            log(" >>\n     ".join(row % ("".join(filter(lambda c: not c.isdigit(),
                                                        k[1:])), i.ops[k], v)
                                  for k, v in i.timings.items()))
            tot_elapsed += sum(i.timings.values())
        log("[Total elapsed: %.2f s]" % tot_elapsed)
        # Shorter summary
        tot_elapsed = 0.
        row = "flops: %d >> %d (elapsed %.2f s)"
        rows = []
        for i in states:
            elapsed = sum(i.timings.values())
            tot_elapsed += elapsed
            keys = list(i.timings)
            rows.append(row % (i.ops[keys[0]], i.ops[keys[-1]], elapsed))
        rows = "\n     ".join(rows)
        log("%s\n     [Total elapsed: %.2f s]" % (rows, tot_elapsed))
Пример #36
def execute_devito(ui, spacing=0.01, a=0.5, timesteps=500):
    """Execute diffusion stencil using the devito Operator API."""
    nx, ny = ui.shape
    dx2, dy2 = spacing**2, spacing**2
    dt = dx2 * dy2 / (2 * a * (dx2 + dy2))
    # Allocate the grid and set initial condition
    # Note: This should be made simpler through the use of defaults
    grid = Grid(shape=(nx, ny))
    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=1, space_order=2)
    u.data[0, :] = ui[:]

    # Derive the stencil according to devito conventions
    eqn = Eq(u.dt, a * (u.dx2 + u.dy2))
    stencil = solve(eqn, u.forward)
    op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, stencil))

    # Execute the generated Devito stencil operator
    tstart = time.time()
    op.apply(u=u, t=timesteps, dt=dt)
    runtime = time.time() - tstart
    log("Devito: Diffusion with dx=%0.4f, dy=%0.4f, executed %d timesteps in %f seconds"
        % (spacing, spacing, timesteps, runtime))
    return u.data[1, :], runtime
Пример #37
 def __setitem__(self, index, val):
     start, stop, shape = self._convert_index(index, 'set')
     if all(i == 1 for i in shape):
         log("Data: Setting single entry %s" % str(start))
         assert start == stop
         self.grid.set_element(val, start)
     elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
         log("Data: Setting full-array/block via index [%s]" % str(index))
         if val.shape == shape:
             self.grid.set_elements_in_slice(val, start, stop)
         elif len(val.shape) > len(shape):
             raise ValueError("Data: could not broadcast input array from shape "
                              "%s into shape %s" % (val.shape, shape))
             # Emulate NumPy broadcasting
             broadcasted = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=val.dtype)
             broadcasted[:] = val
             self.grid.set_elements_in_slice(broadcasted, start, stop)
     elif all(i == j-1 for i, j in zip(shape, self.shape)):
         log("Data: Setting full-array to given scalar via single grid sweep")
         log("Data: Setting block to given scalar via index [%s]" % str(index))
         self.grid.set_elements_in_slice_same(val, start, stop, True)
Пример #38
 def clear(cls):
     log("Dumping contexts and symbol caches")
     super(CacheManager, cls).clear()
Пример #39
def test_tti(shape, space_order, kernel):
    This first test compare the solution of the acoustic wave-equation and the
    TTI wave-eqatuon with all anisotropy parametrs to 0. The two solutions should
    be the same.
    if kernel == 'shifted':
        space_order *= 2
    to = 2
    so = space_order
    nbpml = 10
    origin = [0. for _ in shape]
    spacing = [10. for _ in shape]
    vp = 1.5 * np.ones(shape)
    nrec = shape[0]

    # Constant model for true velocity
    model = Model(origin=origin, shape=shape, vp=vp,
                  spacing=spacing, nbpml=nbpml, space_order=space_order,
                  epsilon=np.zeros(shape), delta=np.zeros(shape),
                  theta=np.zeros(shape), phi=np.zeros(shape))

    # Source and receiver geometries
    src_coordinates = np.empty((1, len(spacing)))
    src_coordinates[0, :] = np.array(model.domain_size) * .5
    src_coordinates[0, -1] = model.origin[-1] + 2 * spacing[-1]

    rec_coordinates = np.empty((nrec, len(spacing)))
    rec_coordinates[:, 0] = np.linspace(0., model.domain_size[0], num=nrec)
    rec_coordinates[:, 1] = np.array(model.domain_size)[1] * .5
    rec_coordinates[:, -1] = model.origin[-1] + 2 * spacing[-1]

    geometry = AcquisitionGeometry(model, rec_coordinates, src_coordinates,
                                   t0=0.0, tn=350., src_type='Ricker', f0=0.010)

    acoustic = AcousticWaveSolver(model, geometry, time_order=2, space_order=so)
    rec, u1, _ = acoustic.forward(save=False)

    # Solvers
    solver_tti = AnisotropicWaveSolver(model, geometry, time_order=2,

    # zero src
    src = geometry.src
    # last time index
    nt = geometry.nt
    last = (nt - 2) % 3
    indlast = [(last + 1) % 3, last % 3, (last-1) % 3]

    # Create new wavefield object restart forward computation
    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=model.grid, time_order=2, space_order=so)
    u.data[0:3, :] = u1.data[indlast, :]
    acoustic.forward(save=False, u=u, time_M=10, src=src)

    utti = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=model.grid, time_order=to, space_order=so)
    vtti = TimeFunction(name='v', grid=model.grid, time_order=to, space_order=so)

    utti.data[0:to+1, :] = u1.data[indlast[:to+1], :]
    vtti.data[0:to+1, :] = u1.data[indlast[:to+1], :]

    solver_tti.forward(u=utti, v=vtti, kernel=kernel, time_M=10, src=src)

    normal_u = u.data[:]
    normal_utti = .5 * utti.data[:]
    normal_vtti = .5 * vtti.data[:]

    res = linalg.norm((normal_u - normal_utti - normal_vtti).reshape(-1))**2
    res /= np.linalg.norm(normal_u.reshape(-1))**2

    log("Difference between acoustic and TTI with all coefficients to 0 %2.4e" % res)
    assert np.isclose(res, 0.0, atol=1e-4)
Пример #40
from devito.logger import yask as log
from devito.parameters import Parameters, configuration, add_sub_configuration
from devito.tools import make_tempdir

from devito.yask.dle import YaskRewriter
from devito.yask.utils import namespace

def exit(emsg):
    Handle fatal errors.
    raise InvalidOperator("YASK Error [%s]. Exiting..." % emsg)

log("Backend initialization...")

# Not all devito `platform`s are supported by YASK
if isinstance(configuration['platform'], (Arm, Power)):
    raise ValueError("The YASK backend doesn't support platform `%s`" %
# Some of the supported devito `platform`s (e.g., AMDs) may still be run through
# YASK -- as they are x86-64 just like Intels -- but a proper `Platform` must be used
if configuration['platform'] is CPU64:
    configuration['platform'] = 'intel64'

    import yask as yc
    # YASK compiler factories
    cfac = yc.yc_factory()
    nfac = yc.yc_node_factory()
Пример #41
    def _specialize_iet(self, iet, **kwargs):
        Transform the Iteration/Expression tree to offload the computation of
        one or more loop nests onto YASK. This involves calling the YASK compiler
        to generate YASK code. Such YASK code is then called from within the
        transformed Iteration/Expression tree.
        mapper = {}
        self.yk_solns = OrderedDict()
        for n, (section, trees) in enumerate(find_affine_trees(iet).items()):
            dimensions = tuple(filter_ordered(i.dim.root for i in flatten(trees)))
            context = contexts.fetch(dimensions, self._dtype)

            # A unique name for the 'real' compiler and kernel solutions
            name = namespace['jit-soln'](Signer._digest(configuration,
                                                        *[i.root for i in trees]))

            # Create a YASK compiler solution for this Operator
            yc_soln = context.make_yc_solution(name)

                # Generate YASK grids and populate `yc_soln` with equations
                local_grids = yaskit(trees, yc_soln)

                # Build the new IET nodes
                yk_soln_obj = YaskSolnObject(namespace['code-soln-name'](n))
                funcall = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-soln-run'],
                                                 ['time'], yk_soln_obj)
                funcall = Offloaded(funcall, self._dtype)
                mapper[trees[0].root] = funcall
                mapper.update({i.root: mapper.get(i.root) for i in trees})  # Drop trees

                # Mark `funcall` as an external function call
                self._func_table[namespace['code-soln-run']] = MetaCall(None, False)

                # JIT-compile the newly-created YASK kernel
                yk_soln = context.make_yk_solution(name, yc_soln, local_grids)
                self.yk_solns[(dimensions, yk_soln_obj)] = yk_soln

                # Print some useful information about the newly constructed solution
                log("Solution '%s' contains %d grid(s) and %d equation(s)." %
                    (yc_soln.get_name(), yc_soln.get_num_grids(),
            except NotImplementedError as e:
                log("Unable to offload a candidate tree. Reason: [%s]" % str(e))
        iet = Transformer(mapper).visit(iet)

        if not self.yk_solns:
            log("No offloadable trees found")

        # Some Iteration/Expression trees are not offloaded to YASK and may
        # require further processing to be executed in YASK, due to the differences
        # in storage layout employed by Devito and YASK
        yk_grid_objs = {i.name: YaskGridObject(i.name) for i in self._input
                        if i.from_YASK}
        yk_grid_objs.update({i: YaskGridObject(i) for i in self._local_grids})
        iet = make_grid_accesses(iet, yk_grid_objs)

        # Finally optimize all non-yaskized loops
        iet = super(OperatorYASK, self)._specialize_iet(iet, **kwargs)

        return iet