Пример #1
 def __call__(self, x, y, mth="array"):
     """ Evaluate spline at positions x,y."""
     if mth == "array":
         tx, ty, c = self.tck[:3]
         kx, ky = self.degrees
         z, ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx, ty, c, kx, ky, x, y)
         assert ier == 0, "Invalid input: ier=" + ` ier `
         return z
     raise NotImplementedError
Пример #2
 def __call__(self,x,y,mth='array'):
     """ Evaluate spline at positions x,y."""
     if mth=='array':
         tx,ty,c = self.tck[:3]
         kx,ky = self.degrees
         z,ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)
         assert ier==0,'Invalid input: ier='+`ier`
         return z
     raise NotImplementedError
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, x, y, mth='array'):
        """ Evaluate spline at positions x,y."""
        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = np.asarray(y)
        # empty input yields empty output
        if (x.size == 0) and (y.size == 0):
            return array([])

        if mth=='array':
            tx,ty,c = self.tck[:3]
            kx,ky = self.degrees
            z,ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)
            assert ier==0,'Invalid input: ier='+`ier`
            return z
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #4
    def __call__(self, x, y, mth='array'):
        """ Evaluate spline at positions x,y."""
        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = np.asarray(y)
        # empty input yields empty output
        if (x.size == 0) and (y.size == 0):
            return array([])

        if mth=='array':
            tx,ty,c = self.tck[:3]
            kx,ky = self.degrees
            z,ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)
            assert ier==0,'Invalid input: ier='+`ier`
            return z
        raise NotImplementedError('unknown method mth=%s' % mth)
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, x, y, mth='array'):
        """ Evaluate spline at positions x,y."""
        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = np.asarray(y)
        # empty input yields empty output
        if (x.size == 0) and (y.size == 0):
            return array([])

        if mth=='array':
            tx,ty,c = self.tck[:3]
            kx,ky = self.degrees
            z,ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)
            if not ier == 0:
                raise ValueError("Error code returned by bispev: %s" % ier)
            return z
        raise NotImplementedError('unknown method mth=%s' % mth)
Пример #6
    def __call__(self, x, y, mth='array'):
        """ Evaluate spline at positions x,y."""
        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = np.asarray(y)
        # empty input yields empty output
        if (x.size == 0) and (y.size == 0):
            return array([])

        if mth=='array':
            tx,ty,c = self.tck[:3]
            kx,ky = self.degrees
            z,ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)
            if not ier == 0:
                raise ValueError("Error code returned by bispev: %s" % ier)
            return z
        raise NotImplementedError('unknown method mth=%s' % mth)
Пример #7
def bisplev(x,y,tck,dx=0,dy=0):
    """Evaluate a bivariate B-spline and its derivatives.

      Return a rank-2 array of spline function values (or spline derivative
      values) at points given by the cross-product of the rank-1 arrays x and y.
      In special cases, return an array or just a float if either x or y or
      both are floats.

      x, y -- Rank-1 arrays specifying the domain over which to evaluate the
              spline or its derivative.
      tck -- A sequence of length 5 returned by bisplrep containing the knot
             locations, the coefficients, and the degree of the spline:
             [tx, ty, c, kx, ky].
      dx, dy -- The orders of the partial derivatives in x and y respectively.

    Outputs: (vals, )
      vals -- The B-pline or its derivative evaluated over the set formed by
              the cross-product of x and y.

      SEE bisprep to generate the tck representation.

    See also:
      splprep, splrep, splint, sproot, splev - evaluation, roots, integral
      UnivariateSpline, BivariateSpline - an alternative wrapping
              of the FITPACK functions
    if not (0<=dx<kx): raise ValueError,"0<=dx=%d<kx=%d must hold"%(dx,kx)
    if not (0<=dy<ky): raise ValueError,"0<=dy=%d<ky=%d must hold"%(dy,ky)
    if (len(x.shape) != 1) or (len(y.shape) != 1):
        raise ValueError, "First two entries should be rank-1 arrays."
    if (dx>0 or dy>0):
    if ier==10: raise ValueError,"Invalid input data"
    if ier: raise TypeError,"An error occurred"
    if len(z)>1: return z
    if len(z[0])>1: return z[0]
    return z[0][0]
Пример #8
 def __call__(self, theta, phi):
     """ Evaluate the spline at the grid ponts defined by the coordinate
     arrays theta, phi. """
     theta = np.asarray(theta)
     phi = np.asarray(phi)
     # empty input yields empty output
     if (theta.size == 0) and (phi.size == 0):
         return array([])
     if theta.min() < 0. or theta.max() > np.pi:
         raise ValueError("requested theta out of bounds.")
     if phi.min() < 0. or phi.max() > 2. * np.pi:
         raise ValueError("requested phi out of bounds.")
     tx, ty, c = self.tck[:3]
     kx, ky = self.degrees
     z, ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx, ty, c, kx, ky, theta, phi)
     if not ier == 0:
         raise ValueError("Error code returned by bispev: %s" % ier)
     return z
Пример #9
 def __call__(self, theta, phi):
     """ Evaluate the spline at the grid ponts defined by the coordinate
     arrays theta, phi. """
     theta = np.asarray(theta)
     phi = np.asarray(phi)
     # empty input yields empty output
     if (theta.size == 0) and (phi.size == 0):
         return array([])
     if theta.min() < 0. or theta.max() > np.pi:
         raise ValueError("requested theta out of bounds.")
     if phi.min() < 0. or phi.max() > 2. * np.pi:
         raise ValueError("requested phi out of bounds.")
     tx, ty, c = self.tck[:3]
     kx, ky = self.degrees
     z, ier = dfitpack.bispev(tx, ty, c, kx, ky, theta, phi)
     if not ier == 0:
         raise ValueError("Error code returned by bispev: %s" % ier)
     return z