Пример #1
def main():
    dobj = Objects.parse(args.in_dfxml)
    assert not dobj is None
    _logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
    _logger.debug("dobj.diff_file_ignores = %r." % dobj.diff_file_ignores)
    assert "atime"  in dobj.diff_file_ignores
    assert "crtime" in dobj.diff_file_ignores
Пример #2
def main():
    predicates = {
      "all": (lambda x: True),
      "allocated": is_allocated,
      "new": is_new_file,
      "mod": is_mod_file,
      "newormod": is_new_or_mod_file
    if args.predicate is None:
        args.predicate = "new"
    if args.predicate not in predicates:
        raise ValueError("--predicate must be from this list: %r.  Received: %r." % (predicates.keys(), args.predicate))

    if args.xml:
        d = Objects.parse(args.xml)
        d = Objects.parse(args.disk_image)
    write_sector_hashes_to_db(args.disk_image, d, is_allocated, args.db_output, args.pad)
Пример #3
def main():
    predicates = {
        "all": (lambda x: True),
        "allocated": is_allocated,
        "new": is_new_file,
        "mod": is_mod_file,
        "newormod": is_new_or_mod_file
    if args.predicate is None:
        args.predicate = "new"
    if args.predicate not in predicates:
        raise ValueError(
            "--predicate must be from this list: %r.  Received: %r." %
            (predicates.keys(), args.predicate))

    if args.xml:
        d = Objects.parse(args.xml)
        d = Objects.parse(args.disk_image)
    write_sector_hashes_to_db(args.disk_image, d, is_allocated, args.db_output,
Пример #4
def file_round_trip_dfxmlobject(dobj):
    Serializes the DFXMLObject (dobj) to a temporary file.  Parses that temporary file into a new DFXMLObject.
    For debugging review, the temporary file is left in place, and it is the caller's responsibility to delete this file (if OS cleanup is not expected to automatically handle it).

    Returns pair:
    * Path of temporary file.  
    * DFXMLObject, reconstituted from parsing that temporary file.
    tmp_filename = None
    dobj_reconst = None
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w",
                                         delete=False) as out_fh:
            tmp_filename = out_fh.name
        dobj_reconst = Objects.parse(tmp_filename)
        _logger.debug("tmp_filename = %r." % tmp_filename)
    return (tmp_filename, dobj_reconst)
Пример #5
def main():
    global args
    dfxmlobject = Objects.parse(args.infile)
    report(dfxmlobject, sort_by=args.sort_by, summary=args.summary)
Пример #6
def main():
    dobj = Objects.parse(args.in_dfxml)
    assert dobj.program == args.expected_program
    assert dobj.program_version == args.expected_program_version
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)

    tempxml1_path = __file__ + "-test1.xml"
    tempxml2_path = __file__ + "-test2.xml"

    _logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
    _logger.info("Building iteration: 0.")
    d_in_memory = make_differential_dfxml.make_differential_dfxml(
        os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR, "difference_test_0.xml"),
        os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR, "difference_test_1.xml"))

    #Write and read the DFXML stream a couple times to ensure consistent serialization and deserialization
    with open(tempxml1_path, "w") as fh:
    _logger.info("Building iteration: 1.")
    d_from_disk = Objects.parse(tempxml1_path)
    with open(tempxml2_path, "w") as fh:
    _logger.info("Building iteration: 2.")
    d_from_disk_again = Objects.parse(tempxml2_path)

    for (iteration, d) in enumerate(
        (d_in_memory, d_from_disk, d_from_disk_again)):
        _logger.info("Checking iteration: %d." % iteration)
        for o in d:
            if isinstance(o, Objects.FileObject):
                if "deleted" in o.annos:
                    _name = o.original_fileobject.filename
                    _name = o.filename
Пример #8

import sys
import logging
import os

sys.path.append( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../.."))

import dfxml
import dfxml.objects as Objects

if __name__=="__main__":

    _logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))

    dobj = Objects.parse(sys.argv[1])

    _logger.debug("dobj.creator_libraries = %r." % dobj.creator_libraries)

    assert Objects.LibraryObject("libfoo", "1.2.3") in dobj.creator_libraries
    assert Objects.LibraryObject("libbaz", "4.5") in dobj.build_libraries

    found = None
    for library in dobj.creator_libraries:
        if library.relaxed_eq(Objects.LibraryObject("libfoo")):
            found = True
    assert found
__version__ = "0.1.0"

import sys
import logging
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../.."))

import dfxml
import dfxml.objects as Objects

if __name__ == "__main__":

    _logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))

    dobj = Objects.parse(sys.argv[1])

    _logger.debug("dobj.creator_libraries = %r." % dobj.creator_libraries)

    assert Objects.LibraryObject("libfoo", "1.2.3") in dobj.creator_libraries
    assert Objects.LibraryObject("libbaz", "4.5") in dobj.build_libraries

    found = None
    for library in dobj.creator_libraries:
        if library.relaxed_eq(Objects.LibraryObject("libfoo")):
            found = True
    assert found
    tempxml1_path = __file__ + "-test1.xml"
    tempxml2_path = __file__ + "-test2.xml"

    _logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
    _logger.info("Building iteration: 0.")
    d_in_memory = make_differential_dfxml.make_differential_dfxml(
      os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR, "difference_test_0.xml"),
      os.path.join(SAMPLES_DIR, "difference_test_1.xml")

    #Write and read the DFXML stream a couple times to ensure consistent serialization and deserialization
    with open(tempxml1_path, "w") as fh:
    _logger.info("Building iteration: 1.")
    d_from_disk = Objects.parse(tempxml1_path)
    with open(tempxml2_path, "w") as fh:
    _logger.info("Building iteration: 2.")
    d_from_disk_again = Objects.parse(tempxml2_path)

    for (iteration, d) in enumerate((d_in_memory, d_from_disk, d_from_disk_again)):
        _logger.info("Checking iteration: %d." % iteration)
        for o in d:
            if isinstance(o, Objects.FileObject):
                if "deleted" in o.annos:
                    _name = o.original_fileobject.filename
                    _name = o.filename
                expected_fileobject_diffs = {
Пример #11
def main():
    dobj = Objects.parse(args.in_dfxml)
    assert dobj.program == args.expected_program
    assert dobj.program_version == args.expected_program_version
Пример #12
def main():
    d = Objects.DFXMLObject(version="1.2.0")

    d.program = sys.argv[0]
    d.program_version = __version__
    d.command_line = " ".join(sys.argv)
    d.dc["type"] = "File system walk concatentation"
    d.add_creator_library("Python", ".".join(
        map(str, sys.version_info[0:3]
            )))  #A bit of a bend, but gets the major version information out.
    d.add_creator_library("Objects.py", Objects.__version__)
    d.add_creator_library("dfxml.py", Objects.dfxml.__version__)

    _offsets_and_pxml_paths = []
    for (lxfno, lxf) in enumerate(args.labeled_xml_file):
        lxf_parts = lxf.split(":")
        if len(lxf_parts) != 2 or not lxf_parts[0].isdigit():
            raise ValueError(
                "Malformed argument in labeled_xml_file.  Expecting space-delimited list of '<number>:<path>'.  This entry doesn't work: %r."
                % lxf)
        offset = int(lxf_parts[0])
        path = lxf_parts[1]
        _offsets_and_pxml_paths.append((offset, path))
    offsets_and_pxml_paths = sorted(_offsets_and_pxml_paths)

    for (pxml_path_index, (offset,
                           pxml_path)) in enumerate(offsets_and_pxml_paths):
        _logger.debug("Running on path %r." % pxml_path)
        pdo = Objects.parse(pxml_path)

        building_volume = None
        #Fetch or build volume we'll append
        if len(pdo.volumes) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "An input DFXML document has multiple volumes; this script assumes each input document only has one.  The document here has %d: %r."
                % (len(pdo.volumes), pxml_path))
        elif len(pdo.volumes) == 0:
            v = Objects.VolumeObject()
            building_volume = True
            v = pdo.volumes[0]
            building_volume = False

        v.partition_offset = offset

        #Accumulate namespaces
        for (prefix, url) in pdo.iter_namespaces():
            d.add_namespace(prefix, url)

        for obj in pdo:
            #Force-update image offsets in byte runs
            for brs_prop in ["data_brs", "name_brs", "inode_brs"]:
                if hasattr(obj, brs_prop):
                    brs = getattr(obj, brs_prop)
                    if brs is None:
                    for br in brs:
                        if not br.fs_offset is None:
                            br.img_offset = br.fs_offset + offset
            #For files, set partition identifier and attach to partition
            if isinstance(obj, Objects.FileObject):
                obj.partition = pxml_path_index + 1
                if building_volume:

        #Collect the constructed and/or updated volume

Пример #13
def main():
    d = Objects.DFXMLObject(version="1.2.0")

    d.program = sys.argv[0]
    d.program_version = __version__
    d.command_line = " ".join(sys.argv)
    d.dc["type"] = "File system walk concatentation"
    d.add_creator_library("Python", ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[0:3]))) #A bit of a bend, but gets the major version information out.
    d.add_creator_library("Objects.py", Objects.__version__)
    d.add_creator_library("dfxml.py", Objects.dfxml.__version__)

    _offsets_and_pxml_paths = []
    for (lxfno, lxf) in enumerate(args.labeled_xml_file):
        lxf_parts = lxf.split(":")
        if len(lxf_parts) != 2 or not lxf_parts[0].isdigit():
            raise ValueError("Malformed argument in labeled_xml_file.  Expecting space-delimited list of '<number>:<path>'.  This entry doesn't work: %r." % lxf)
        offset = int(lxf_parts[0])
        path = lxf_parts[1]
    offsets_and_pxml_paths = sorted(_offsets_and_pxml_paths)

    for (pxml_path_index, (offset, pxml_path)) in enumerate(offsets_and_pxml_paths):
        _logger.debug("Running on path %r." % pxml_path)
        pdo = Objects.parse(pxml_path)

        building_volume = None
        #Fetch or build volume we'll append
        if len(pdo.volumes) > 1:
            raise ValueError("An input DFXML document has multiple volumes; this script assumes each input document only has one.  The document here has %d: %r." % (len(pdo.volumes), pxml_path))
        elif len(pdo.volumes) == 0:
            v = Objects.VolumeObject()
            building_volume = True
            v = pdo.volumes[0]
            building_volume = False

        v.partition_offset = offset

        #Accumulate namespaces
        for (prefix, url) in pdo.iter_namespaces():
            d.add_namespace(prefix, url)

        for obj in pdo:
            #Force-update image offsets in byte runs
            for brs_prop in ["data_brs", "name_brs", "inode_brs"]:
                if hasattr(obj, brs_prop):
                    brs = getattr(obj, brs_prop)
                    if brs is None:
                    for br in brs:
                        if not br.fs_offset is None:
                            br.img_offset = br.fs_offset + offset
            #For files, set partition identifier and attach to partition
            if isinstance(obj, Objects.FileObject):
                obj.partition = pxml_path_index + 1
                if building_volume:

        #Collect the constructed and/or updated volume
